...do Blue Lives matter to some in the GOP?....


Platinum Member
Feb 14, 2021
There is this news story that surfaced last evening, and is now in many of the morning news reports.

Can we conceive of being a uniformed officer of the Capitol police who had undergone hours of "medieval combat" as it was described, being invited to the Pennsylvania Capitol and then being booed, hissed at, and walked out on?

In my view of the United States i grew up in, served in the Army for, and have lived and enjoyed a happy successful life with my family for all these decades......well, this kind of behavior is what I would expect from some White Power Nazi group in idaho or Georgia.

This is, in my mind, another mark against what the GOP has become.....a party that, at one time, I felt represented my values. How far they have fallen into extremism, nutjobbery, and MAGA-think.



Here is one reportage from this morniing's newsfeeds:

"Two former law enforcement officers who defended the U.S. Capitol from rioters during the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection were jeered by state GOP lawmakers as they visited Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives on Wednesday, according to several Democratic lawmakers present.

Former U.S. Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn and former sergeant Aquilino Gonell were introduced on the floor Wednesday as “heroes” by House Speaker Joanna McClinton (D) for having “bravely defended democracy in the United States Capitol against rioters and insurrection on January 6.”

As the two men — both of whom were injured by rioters on Jan. 6 — were introduced, the House floor descended into chaos. According to Democratic lawmakers, several GOP lawmakers hissed and booed, with a number of Republicans walking out of the chamber in protest."
The extreme sentences handed out by the dead end donkeys prove that our justice system, at least concerning the J6 protests, has become a political weapon which makes the system completely broken. A friend of mine, who is a great, churchgoing, humanitarian person, was just arrested for protesting on J6, 3 1/2 years after the fact. Nobody can tell me this isn't another attempt to influence the upcoming election. So if the Pa. legislators booed the J6 cops, I agree, even though the cops had their orders. I also remember the people in charge of the concentration camps said they were only following orders. J6 has turned into a totalitarian, one sided debacle and a travesty of justice. MAGA
There is this news story that surfaced last evening, and is now in many of the morning news reports.

Can we conceive of being a uniformed officer of the Capitol police who had undergone hours of "medieval combat" as it was described, being invited to the Pennsylvania Capitol and then being booed, hissed at, and walked out on?

In my view of the United States i grew up in, served in the Army for, and have lived and enjoyed a happy successful life with my family for all these decades......well, this kind of behavior is what I would expect from some White Power Nazi group in idaho or Georgia.

This is, in my mind, another mark against what the GOP has become.....a party that, at one time, I felt represented my values. How far they have fallen into extremism, nutjobbery, and MAGA-think.



Here is one reportage from this morniing's newsfeeds:

"Two former law enforcement officers who defended the U.S. Capitol from rioters during the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection were jeered by state GOP lawmakers as they visited Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives on Wednesday, according to several Democratic lawmakers present.

Former U.S. Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn and former sergeant Aquilino Gonell were introduced on the floor Wednesday as “heroes” by House Speaker Joanna McClinton (D) for having “bravely defended democracy in the United States Capitol against rioters and insurrection on January 6.”

As the two men — both of whom were injured by rioters on Jan. 6 — were introduced, the House floor descended into chaos. According to Democratic lawmakers, several GOP lawmakers hissed and booed, with a number of Republicans walking out of the chamber in protest."
There is this news story that surfaced last evening, and is now in many of the morning news reports.

Can we conceive of being a uniformed officer of the Capitol police who had undergone hours of "medieval combat" as it was described, being invited to the Pennsylvania Capitol and then being booed, hissed at, and walked out on?

In my view of the United States i grew up in, served in the Army for, and have lived and enjoyed a happy successful life with my family for all these decades......well, this kind of behavior is what I would expect from some White Power Nazi group in idaho or Georgia.

This is, in my mind, another mark against what the GOP has become.....a party that, at one time, I felt represented my values. How far they have fallen into extremism, nutjobbery, and MAGA-think.



Here is one reportage from this morniing's newsfeeds:

"Two former law enforcement officers who defended the U.S. Capitol from rioters during the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection were jeered by state GOP lawmakers as they visited Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives on Wednesday, according to several Democratic lawmakers present.

Former U.S. Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn and former sergeant Aquilino Gonell were introduced on the floor Wednesday as “heroes” by House Speaker Joanna McClinton (D) for having “bravely defended democracy in the United States Capitol against rioters and insurrection on January 6.”

As the two men — both of whom were injured by rioters on Jan. 6 — were introduced, the House floor descended into chaos. According to Democratic lawmakers, several GOP lawmakers hissed and booed, with a number of Republicans walking out of the chamber in protest."
The cop that killed Ashley Babbit is going to be charged with murder once Biden no longer has a corrupt DOJ.
The extreme sentences handed out by the dead end donkeys prove that our justice system, at least concerning the J6 protests, has become a political weapon which makes the system completely broken. A friend of mine, who is a great, churchgoing, humanitarian person, was just arrested for protesting on J6, 3 1/2 years after the fact. Nobody can tell me this isn't another attempt to influence the upcoming election. So if the Pa. legislators booed the J6 cops, I agree, even though the cops had their orders. I also remember the people in charge of the concentration camps said they were only following orders. J6 has turned into a totalitarian, one sided debacle and a travesty of justice. MAGA
That’s what happens to those who would attack America.
You obviously never learned this lesson…
That’s what happens to those who would attack America.
You obviously never learned this lesson…
View attachment 958862
I see many of the people in important positions in the media/entertainment/politics going to work in NAZI/SOVIET UNION uniforms then changing to American clothes/uniforms and are shills to the Progressive Socialist globalist government cause. So, Tom Hanks takes off those uniforms to put on a World War 2 American military uniform in Saving Private Reyan. I cannot believe people who are traitors using social justice as a crutch blurring the conversion of the nation into something that will eventually e wicked. Watching the current administration destroy, arrest, intimidate citizens is pure proof of it.
I see many of the people in important positions in the media/entertainment/politics going to work in NAZI/SOVIET UNION uniforms then changing to American clothes/uniforms and are shills to the Progressive Socialist globalist government cause. So, Tom Hanks takes off those uniforms to put on a World War 2 American military uniform in Saving Private Reyan. I cannot believe people who are traitors using social justice as a crutch blurring the conversion of the nation into something that will eventually e wicked. Watching the current administration destroy, arrest, intimidate citizens is pure proof of it.
Insurrectionists must be dealt with harshly as a deterrent to other retards who also may not understand what they are doing when attacking our democracy.
J6 has turned into.........


So, we have two posters ---Wamose & Luiza --- who have opined (via emoji) that the OP and the news piece offered in it are "fake". Are untrue, or false.

So why?
What in the OP was untrue? What was false?
Are the two posters alleging that those invited officers were NOT booed an hissed at?

Each of those posters chose to contribute to the thread via emoji-speak.
Fair enough.
But it is an opinion.
Accordingly, it is right and proper to expect each to explain their opinion on why the OP was fake.

Appreciate their efforts if they choose to respond.
There is this news story that surfaced last evening, and is now in many of the morning news reports.

Can we conceive of being a uniformed officer of the Capitol police who had undergone hours of "medieval combat" as it was described, being invited to the Pennsylvania Capitol and then being booed, hissed at, and walked out on?

In my view of the United States i grew up in, served in the Army for, and have lived and enjoyed a happy successful life with my family for all these decades......well, this kind of behavior is what I would expect from some White Power Nazi group in idaho or Georgia.

This is, in my mind, another mark against what the GOP has become.....a party that, at one time, I felt represented my values. How far they have fallen into extremism, nutjobbery, and MAGA-think.



Here is one reportage from this morniing's newsfeeds:

"Two former law enforcement officers who defended the U.S. Capitol from rioters during the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection were jeered by state GOP lawmakers as they visited Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives on Wednesday, according to several Democratic lawmakers present.

Former U.S. Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn and former sergeant Aquilino Gonell were introduced on the floor Wednesday as “heroes” by House Speaker Joanna McClinton (D) for having “bravely defended democracy in the United States Capitol against rioters and insurrection on January 6.”

As the two men — both of whom were injured by rioters on Jan. 6 — were introduced, the House floor descended into chaos. According to Democratic lawmakers, several GOP lawmakers hissed and booed, with a number of Republicans walking out of the chamber in protest."
The booing was probably directed at the bullshit claim of “insurrection.”

The poster 'j-mac' offers the forum his opinion that the OP is 'gaslighting' (his term).

Why does the poster allege that?

Appreciate his efforts in responding.
The OP is from Jan 2023.

U.S. Capitol Police Officer Harry Dunn and D.C. Metropolitan Police Officer Danny Hodges defended the U.S. Capitol during the insurrection on Jan. 6, 2021. They want accountability “not for just the people who did it but the people who emboldened it, the people who inspired it.”
Of the rioters, Dunn said, “They were under orders from the most powerful person on the planet."

He doesn't know that and no one has been charged or indicted for insurrection. It's kinda calling somebody a murderer but nobody died. These guys are obviously ideologues in the police dept, and Dunn is launching a PAC that will attack Trump and MAGA people. He's essentially doing a fundraiser to drum up some money. BTW, Dunn lost his primary bid to run for Congress last month.
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Um, that’d be you.

Unable to answer?
Or unwilling?

You alleged it poster j-mac, ergo...you explain it.

Responsible adult discourse works that way in real-world reality. Trust me.

So, whaddya got?
Unable to answer?
Or unwilling?

You alleged it poster j-mac, ergo...you explain it.

Responsible adult discourse works that way in real-world reality. Trust me.

So, whaddya got?
Nothing about your posts are “responsible”, they’re as I said gaslighting! Do you need a definition?
There is this news story that surfaced last evening, and is now in many of the morning news reports.

Can we conceive of being a uniformed officer of the Capitol police who had undergone hours of "medieval combat" as it was described, being invited to the Pennsylvania Capitol and then being booed, hissed at, and walked out on?

In my view of the United States i grew up in, served in the Army for, and have lived and enjoyed a happy successful life with my family for all these decades......well, this kind of behavior is what I would expect from some White Power Nazi group in idaho or Georgia.

This is, in my mind, another mark against what the GOP has become.....a party that, at one time, I felt represented my values. How far they have fallen into extremism, nutjobbery, and MAGA-think.



Here is one reportage from this morniing's newsfeeds:

"Two former law enforcement officers who defended the U.S. Capitol from rioters during the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection were jeered by state GOP lawmakers as they visited Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives on Wednesday, according to several Democratic lawmakers present.

Former U.S. Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn and former sergeant Aquilino Gonell were introduced on the floor Wednesday as “heroes” by House Speaker Joanna McClinton (D) for having “bravely defended democracy in the United States Capitol against rioters and insurrection on January 6.”

As the two men — both of whom were injured by rioters on Jan. 6 — were introduced, the House floor descended into chaos. According to Democratic lawmakers, several GOP lawmakers hissed and booed, with a number of Republicans walking out of the chamber in protest."

This is what happens when all the faith and trust in the institutions is gone. We've been trying to tell you. We warned you not use the institutions for your political gain.

You have sown the wind and you will reap the whirlwind. Buck up and stop crying about it.
There is this news story that surfaced last evening, and is now in many of the morning news reports.

Can we conceive of being a uniformed officer of the Capitol police who had undergone hours of "medieval combat" as it was described, being invited to the Pennsylvania Capitol and then being booed, hissed at, and walked out on?

In my view of the United States i grew up in, served in the Army for, and have lived and enjoyed a happy successful life with my family for all these decades......well, this kind of behavior is what I would expect from some White Power Nazi group in idaho or Georgia.

This is, in my mind, another mark against what the GOP has become.....a party that, at one time, I felt represented my values. How far they have fallen into extremism, nutjobbery, and MAGA-think.



Here is one reportage from this morniing's newsfeeds:

"Two former law enforcement officers who defended the U.S. Capitol from rioters during the Jan. 6, 2021, insurrection were jeered by state GOP lawmakers as they visited Pennsylvania’s House of Representatives on Wednesday, according to several Democratic lawmakers present.

Former U.S. Capitol Police officer Harry Dunn and former sergeant Aquilino Gonell were introduced on the floor Wednesday as “heroes” by House Speaker Joanna McClinton (D) for having “bravely defended democracy in the United States Capitol against rioters and insurrection on January 6.”

As the two men — both of whom were injured by rioters on Jan. 6 — were introduced, the House floor descended into chaos. According to Democratic lawmakers, several GOP lawmakers hissed and booed, with a number of Republicans walking out of the chamber in protest."

Dunn perjured himself, he's a criminal

So, we have two posters ---Wamose & Luiza --- who have opined (via emoji) that the OP and the news piece offered in it are "fake". Are untrue, or false.

So why?
What in the OP was untrue? What was false?
Are the two posters alleging that those invited officers were NOT booed an hissed at?

Each of those posters chose to contribute to the thread via emoji-speak.
Fair enough.
But it is an opinion.
Accordingly, it is right and proper to expect each to explain their opinion on why the OP was fake.

Appreciate their efforts if they choose to respond.
If you can't see that your slanted version of what happened on J6 is nothing more than political propaganda, nothing I can say will make you see the light. The invitation from Pennsylvania Democrats turned out exactly how they wanted it to, in a dispute that can be politically exploited by a biased media, who still stupidly refer to J6 as an insurrection. Your statement that "I would expect this from Nazi groups in Georgia and Idaho". (Stereotype much?) Or your weak attempts at equating MAGA to "extremism and nutjobbery". Your bigoted, totalitarian, my way or the highway style of thinking are what freedom loving Americans abhor and protest against. In short, when you deprive people of their rights, then try to claim the high ground using a crooked media or justice system that has been politically weaponized, you are spreading fake news. MAGA
"This is what happens when all the faith and trust in the institutions is gone. We've been trying to tell you. We warned you not use the institutions for your political gain. You have sown the wind and you will reap the whirlwind."

Ummm? What?
"You"? ....meaning me?
Ah, poster Sue92, you are leaping without looking.
Don't do that. it confirms so many bad cliche's about MAGA-groupies.

Here's the deal: I'm a long retired business guy who now farms a bit (corn, beans, & wheat). I didn' do nuthin' in using the institutions of our society and governance for anybody's political gain. Let alone mine.
i am apolitical.
i farm because i enjoy it and i grew up in my family home doing it with my Pop, and uncles. (and now with Putin invading the breadbasket of Europe, our prices have jumped rather nicely. Thank you very much.)
Still, there was no real involvement in "institutions" in that farm gig. Trust me.
So, your shrilliing over 'sowing the wind' is, frankly.....just silliness.
Grow up, you make MAGA look bad.
Be better.

"In short, when you deprive people of their rights"

"Depriving people of their rights"?
Like when thousands of Trump-groupies violently attacked uniformed police who were simply and valiantly struggling to fulfill the oath they took to protect the Capitol and the elected representatives of the people, and the staffs who help those reps help the people? Those rights?

Didn't those uniform officers have the 'right' to strive to fulfill their solemn oaths? The right to go home at night without injury due to violent Trump supporters who were attempting to stop the Constitutionally mandated peaceful-transfer-of-power?

For me, and my family, our sympathies and support lie with the uniform police officers who put their lives and safety on the line to fulfill an oath to the American people......rather than with the Trump supporters who sought to use violence to please Don Trump's ambition to not give up the office he fairly lost in the November election.

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