Do cars made for the general public really need to go so fast?

I, for one, have never had a single speeding ticket.

Or any ticket, for that matter.

In my experience, the most dangerous people on the road are the morons tweeting on their trinkets while they're driving. Or stuffng their lard ass with a McMac or whatever.

I think we need the government to disable all mobile cellular device functions with a kill switch when the devices accelerometer is remotely observed to be more than 1mph.

It's for the childrens...
Put it on the ballot. I will vote to restrict all civilian vehicles to 100/mph & police to 110/mph. You want to go faster, get an airplane.
Matter of fact, they should also not make mobile cellular devices that can function in that manner.

Dumb phones for everybody from now on...
First of all, I value CONSERVATIVE VALUES so stuff it.

Secondly, you missed the memo....42 MILLION speeding tickets issued PER YEAR.

THIRD...if everyone actually followed the LAW, would we need courts or Police?


FIFTH...You proved my point.....imagine if he would have been going 60. Speed MATTERS

It can be your business if I break a law and put you in danger. You hire the police to catch me and the courts to punish me if I do something illegal.

It is none of your fucking business what vehicle I drive. Stop being a stupid snowflake.
Nobody needs to go that fast, or accelerate that quickly (i.e., to 60mph), but only a totalitarian would suggest that the Sovereign should dictate what someone NEEDS versus what is nice to have. After all, we have HALF THE FUCKING COUNTRY now believing that "inequality" is a baaaaaaaaaaad thing, and for that to be true, then it must be possible for some people to have TOO MUCH MONEY or WEALTH - which is absurd.

But I digress.

While speed is a factor is many traffic injuries and fatalities, my personal observation is that the deadly factor is an idiot behind the wheel (almost always a male between the ages of 18-25), and not the capacity of the particular car to go fast. Typically, the reports mention a Hyundai Excel (or similar) traveling at an excessive rate of speed...rarely is it a C8 or a 911, or even a Subie STi.

What is needed is a set of laws that prescribe the maximum speed allowed on every road - we'll call them "speed limits," with significant fines associated with exceeding them, coupled with tort law that makes speeding a form of NEGLIGENCE, for which the perpetrator could be liable for damages if speeding causes injury, death, or property damage.

Problem solved.

We pretty much have all that. hasn't worked. People are still dying.

Can you show me the last time a LAW ABIDING citizen with a gun committed a mass shooting?

You see, that's the point.
Driving is a PRIVILEGE. Not a Constitutionally protected RIGHT. See the difference?

That's like placing a tree with the most delicious, beautiful fruit on Earth in front of people then condemning then to hell if they touch it.
Human nature dictates cars need to be less powerful.
Any legitimate arguments against that?
What would be the harm?
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It can be your business if I break a law and put you in danger. You hire the police to catch me and the courts to punish me if I do something illegal.

It is none of your fucking business what vehicle I drive. Stop being a stupid snowflake.

Show me where I said your CHOICE in vehicles should be limited ?

the challenge is.....
Criminals stand in front of judges every day arguing that they killed the other idiot because they disrespected them and therefore it was legitimate.
SPEEDING IS ILLEGAL. Why do you want or need a vehicle that will go 100 mph over the highest posted speed limit.
I'll tell you why...because you're an entitled ass clown who thinks he has the right to do whatever he wants.

Nothing has been fabricated.
Morons driving like Imbeciles is a REAL problem just like texting and driving is a real problem.

So, would YOU personally agree to forfeit your vehicle if you are caught going 30mph over the posted speed limit without a DAMN good reason?
Hell no you won't because you know you callously put others at risk for your personal pleasure and fun.
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It can be your business if I break a law and put you in danger. You hire the police to catch me and the courts to punish me if I do something illegal.

It is none of your fucking business what vehicle I drive. Stop being a stupid snowflake.

It is interesting that in every instance thus far, any so-called ''solutions'' offered up by the diaper sniffers has come with the prerequisite that men with guns, employed by the government, are granted just a litlte bit more power.

That speaks volumes.
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Unfortunately the "maniac market" is exactly who this needs to be done for.
Is it really acceptable to have "Manics" putting everyone else at risk?
If you research traffic accidents statistics you will see that 30,000 Americans have been killed each year since the 1950s. Sometimes it is over 40,000.

This is AMERICA!

That means Free to Kill People.

That's it!

Up the speed limit to 200 mph!

You're a god damned genius!

I mean, really...70mph?

Do cars really ''need'' to go that slow?

If everybody's going 200, there shouldn't be any problems.
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Show me where I said your CHOICE in vehicles should be limited ?
Your choice of vehicles is limited.

They manufacture what they think the morons will buy the most. Look at the fighter planes from WWII. Do you really think that they are trying to make excellent cars? If so it would not make sense to redesign them every year.

Curious how economists do not talk about the annual depreciation of automobiles.

Rah, Rah GDP!

NDP, Net Domestic Product is irrelevant.

Oh yeah, economists only subtract the depreciation of Capital Goods.
It is interesting that in every instance thus far, any so-called ''solutions'' offered up by the diaper sniffers has come with the pre-requisite that men with guns, employed by the government, are granted just a litlte bit more power.

That speaks volumes.

Says the spoiled entitle little diaper sniffer who needs a car to make up for his personal tiny problems.

By the way....
Did you see the girl in the TESLA laughing as she welded your pokey chevy's doors shut? :laughing0301:

There's Corvettes....then there's fast cars the saying at the track goes. :dev3:
Not impressed with modern cars. Airbags go off its totalled. Crumple zones crumple at the slightest touch and your car it totalled. Can I get a real bumper please. My first car manufactured by totdays standard would have ended up in the junk yard 3 to four times with what back then was minor damage. Hit a concrete median backwards at 60 in a damage some minor scratches and passneger side rear bumper folded slightly under, Ran over a post in a blizzard going back to college, Zero damage, Car was backed into mutliple times by college students who didnt look before backing.....minor denting,......thing was a tank
Reckless driving in California where there are millions of vehicles on the roads and many drivers tailgate at 80 mph is an everyday occurance. Just get in the driving lane and let them do their business. If you can't beat 'em, join 'em.
If you happen to get cited by the man, I will honk and wave while I pass you by.

Vehicle Code 23103 VC defines reckless driving as operating a motor vehicle with a willful or wanton disregard for the safety of other people or property. Reckless driving is a misdemeanor punishable by

  • up to 90 days in jail,
  • a fine of up to $1000.00, and
  • 2 points on the person’s driver’s license.
The full language of the code section states that:

23103. (a) A person who drives a vehicle upon a highway in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving.
(b) A person who drives a vehicle in an offstreet parking facility, as defined in subdivision (c) of Section 12500, in willful or wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property is guilty of reckless driving.
(c) Except as otherwise provided in Section 40008, persons convicted of the offense of reckless driving shall be punished by imprisonment in a county jail for not less than five days nor more than 90 days or by a fine of not less than one hundred forty-five dollars ($145) nor more than one thousand dollars ($1,000), or by both that fine and imprisonment, except as provided in Section 23104 or 23105.
That's it!

Up the speed limit to 200 mph!

You're a god damned genius!

I mean, really...70mph?

Do cars really ''need'' to go that slow?

For people like you and flash...200 already IS the upper speed limit.
Good thing you don't have a car capable of that :itsok:
Not impressed with modern cars. Airbags go off its totalled. Crumple zones crumple at the slightest touch and your car it totalled. Can I get a real bumper please. My first car manufactured by totdays standard would have ended up in the junk yard 3 to four times with what back then was minor damage. Hit a concrete median backwards at 60 in a damage some minor scratches and passneger side rear bumper folded slightly under, Ran over a post in a blizzard going back to college, Zero damage, Car was backed into mutliple times by college students who didnt look before backing.....minor denting,......thing was a tank

I do believe modern cares are safer for inside occupants.
At least according to DOT analysis
That's it!

Up the speed limit to 200 mph!

You're a god damned genius!

I mean, really...70mph?

Do cars really ''need'' to go that slow?

If everybody's going 200, there shouldn't be any problems.

Actually....truth be told I sill like Corvettes over Teslas.
Nearly bought a 1993 off the showroom floor back in 1993.

I never said I was an angel. But nowdays I generally drive with respect for others on the road and keep it at or below the posted limits
Besides, tickets are too expensive
For people like you and flash...200 already IS the upper speed limit.
Good thing you don't have a car capable of that :itsok:

Actually, I never really drive beyond the speed limit.

That's why I find this thread so humorous. of the reasons why anyway. There's a lot to be said about the way some of you folks have such a need to establish some kind of arbitrary victim status whenever you're on the hunt for more government. And, of course, that's impossible without some kind of arbitrary antagonist in the story line.

As far as having any specific car, truth be told, I could buy any car I want. I have it like that. lol...

Pesonally, I prefer the classics.

Driving down the road these days, however, all of the cars look the same to me. They're indistinguishable. Much the same as their operators, interestingly. Funny that...
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Actually, I never really drive beyond the speed limit.

That's why I find this thread so humorous. of the reasons why anyway.

As far as having any specific car, truth be told, I could buy any car I want. I have it like that. lol...

So you have a car capable of 150mph...but you never exceed the posted speed limits?
Suuuuuuuure, whatever you say.

I don't wanna play whos is bigger, but since you brought it up, ahh...never mind...tmi

Still, when I travel on the roads, I sleep in my vehicle. I can't stand paying $100 or more per night to sleep on a bed for a few hours.
Yep, I make pennies hollar. The guy who owns ikea is the same.

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