Do cars made for the general public really need to go so fast?

Some commercial vehicles are equipped not to go past the speed limit. I haven't heard or read how it is working out.
Most commercial trucks have limiters. Prior to the 1990s, semis could blaze the roads.
That is something I support, it was done not so much to reduce their speed as much as reduce the distance it takes to come to a stop
If you like your Trabant you can keep it. Speeding is the least of our problems. Speeding on the hwy is no where near as dangerous as speeding on residential or cty roads.
If you like your Trabant you can keep it. Speeding is the least of our problems. Speeding on the hwy is no where near as dangerous as speeding on residential or cty roads.

I might have to agree with that.
Not a day goes by that some imbecile doesn't race down my otherwise quiet street blazing as if they are running from Satan. Maybe they are?

As long as cars CAN go over the speed limit, they will. And innocent people will pay.
Most commercial trucks have limiters. Prior to the 1990s, semis could blaze the roads.
That is something I support, it was done not so much to reduce their speed as much as reduce the distance it takes to come to a stop
Mostly fleet buyers do that. Owner ops generally no. Had a roadie at place I worked tell me he was going cross the desert at 80 during the night when a Pete belching flame from the stacks went by him so fast guy was out of site in no time. Caught up to him at the truck stop.....guy had been doing 120 and didnt remember passing him
Corvettes (190mph)
Mustang 5.0 (175mph)
1000HP street cars (200mph+)
Teslas (Plaid...9.2 1/4 mile) (175mph)
And there is a plethora of BMW, Ford, GM, Lexus, Nissan etc cars that can easily top 150mph.

WHY ?????

If you really think about it, if our politicians were really concerned about public safety then why allow cars that can exceed posted speed limits by 2x or even 3x ?
Isn't that doing nothing more than putting everyone else at risk?

Can anyone justify why ANY regular passenger vehicle operated on public roads NEEDS to be capable of exceeding the posted speed limits by so much?
Limiting vehicles maximum top speed to say, 10 mph over the posted speed limit (for passing only) would likelt save millions of lives over time. Disagree? WHY?

Police chases often see violent perps in getaway vehicles weaving and bobbing recklessly in and out of traffic at speeds often exceeding 100mph.
Why not limit vehicles to 10mph over the posted speed limits?

Does anyone have a legitimate argument against limiting non-emergency vehicles in this manner?
Is it really your "Right" to be able to exceed the posted speed limit by dangerous amounts?
Driving is not a Right, it is a privilege. As such, no one has the right to put others in danger due to their recklessness.
Your desire to have "Fun" should not ever supersede the safety of everyone else for a privilege. EVER.
I see idiots barrelling down neighborhood streets at 50, 60 and sometimes 70 or more in posted 30MPH zones. WTF ??
What if children are playing?
The Number ONE cause of traffic injuries and death is excessive speed.
I'm sick of imbeciles and their ability to put everyone else at risk over something that could easily be fixed.

Imagine how much safer we ALL would be if idiots were not able to go 100, 150, 200+ on PUBLIC roads and highways or run from the Police.
What possible reasonable argument could be made against this?
This could EASILY be achieved through onboard computer chips. You could still have cars that could accelerate to posted speed limits faster than others for those whose egos need constant stroking. But there is no "need" to go faster.
Then if someone is caught exceeding the posted speed limits by more than 10mph, make it LAW that the vehicle is confiscated and sold and the funds go to families of victims of speeders or to highway and road infrastructure programs.

Only first responder and emergency vehicles should be allowed to go over the speed limit.

Doesn't this just make common sense?
I suppose politicians are too busy accepting gifts from the car manufacturers to give a flying flip about sensible public safety issues.
Want to go fast? Go to the frickin race track.
An NO...this does not extend to Constitutional RIGHTS.
It is my right to tell you stupid busybody Moon Bats to mind your own friggin business. The vehicle I buy is none of your business.
It is my right to tell you stupid busybody Moon Bats to mind your own friggin business. The vehicle I buy is none of your business.

Fuck that.
When you drive onto a public road where me or my family may be driving, and you are possibly drunk, distracted and or speeding you just made it EVERYONE's business

Driving on public roads IS NOT A RIGHT. It is a PRIVILEGE

Now then, did you happen to have ANY possible legitimate argument against the concept of saving lives by holding people accountable for the actions?
Any legitimate reason people should be able to go 150mph in a 50mph zone?
Or is your Pinto with a cam and oversized tires more important than everyone else's life?
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Let me guess......
You enjoy driving you POS chevy/ford as fast as you can while leaving the bar drunk

When somewone you care about is killed or you are seriously injured by one of the morons you adore...get back to me.

Cawll thuh law...

Screen Shot 173.jpg
Fuck that.
When you drive onto a public road where me or my family may be driving, and you are possibly drunk, distracted and or speeding you just made it EVERYONE's business


Now then, did you happen to have ANY possible legitimate argument against the concept of saving lives by holding people accountable for the actions?
Your assumption that having a car that can go over the speed limit is an endangerment to others is the typical Moon Bat snowflake mentality. The same kind of stupidity that says me having a firearm is a danger to you even if I never committed a crime with it.

There are already laws against endangering others with a vehicle. Mind your own fucking business Moon Bat.

That shithead racist Negro in Wisconsin that killed six and injured 60 others in the parade was only going about 30 MPH.
Even NASCAR has restrictor plates to limit speed at some tracks.
The reason for restrictor plates was after Bobby Allison's Daytona crash at 210mph. They use a tapered spacer at all tracks now. Use of holes strategically placed on a quarter panel slows them down. Increased drag.
There is a mph area around 192-199 (I believe) where the car becomes very unstable. It wants to fly.
Corvettes (190mph)
Mustang 5.0 (175mph)
1000HP street cars (200mph+)
Teslas (Plaid...9.2 1/4 mile) (175mph)
And there is a plethora of BMW, Ford, GM, Lexus, Nissan etc cars that can easily top 150mph.

WHY ?????

If you really think about it, if our politicians were really concerned about public safety then why allow cars that can exceed posted speed limits by 2x or even 3x ?
Isn't that doing nothing more than putting everyone else at risk?

Can anyone justify why ANY regular passenger vehicle operated on public roads NEEDS to be capable of exceeding the posted speed limits by so much?
Limiting vehicles maximum top speed to say, 10 mph over the posted speed limit (for passing only) would likelt save millions of lives over time. Disagree? WHY?

Police chases often see violent perps in getaway vehicles weaving and bobbing recklessly in and out of traffic at speeds often exceeding 100mph.
Why not limit vehicles to 10mph over the posted speed limits?

Does anyone have a legitimate argument against limiting non-emergency vehicles in this manner?
Is it really your "Right" to be able to exceed the posted speed limit by dangerous amounts?
Driving is not a Right, it is a privilege. As such, no one has the right to put others in danger due to their recklessness.
Your desire to have "Fun" should not ever supersede the safety of everyone else for a privilege. EVER.
I see idiots barrelling down neighborhood streets at 50, 60 and sometimes 70 or more in posted 30MPH zones. WTF ??
What if children are playing?
The Number ONE cause of traffic injuries and death is excessive speed.
I'm sick of imbeciles and their ability to put everyone else at risk over something that could easily be fixed.

Imagine how much safer we ALL would be if idiots were not able to go 100, 150, 200+ on PUBLIC roads and highways or run from the Police.
What possible reasonable argument could be made against this?
This could EASILY be achieved through onboard computer chips. You could still have cars that could accelerate to posted speed limits faster than others for those whose egos need constant stroking. But there is no "need" to go faster.
Then if someone is caught exceeding the posted speed limits by more than 10mph, make it LAW that the vehicle is confiscated and sold and the funds go to families of victims of speeders or to highway and road infrastructure programs.

Only first responder and emergency vehicles should be allowed to go over the speed limit.

Doesn't this just make common sense?
I suppose politicians are too busy accepting gifts from the car manufacturers to give a flying flip about sensible public safety issues.
Want to go fast? Go to the frickin race track.
An NO...this does not extend to Constitutional RIGHTS.
My Maserati does 185. I lost my license now I don't drive. ~ Joe Walsh
People speed for different reasons, driving distances at slow speeds can be boring, speeding helps some stay alert, getting where you're going faster...
I agree but it's a matter of how much you're speeding. I don't think there is any practical reason for a car sold to the public to be able to exceed 100 mph. Every time I get on the highway ,there is some idiot who thinks he's in a Fast and Furious movie endangering everyone including himself.
Your assumption that having a car that can go over the speed limit is an endangerment to others is the typical Moon Bat snowflake mentality. The same kind of stupidity that says me having a firearm is a danger to you even if I never committed a crime with it.

There are already laws against endangering others with a vehicle. Mind your own fucking business Moon Bat.

That shithead racist Negro in Wisconsin that killed six and injured 60 others in the parade was only going about 30 MPH.

First of all, I value CONSERVATIVE VALUES so stuff it.

Secondly, you missed the memo....42 MILLION speeding tickets issued PER YEAR.

THIRD...if everyone actually followed the LAW, would we need courts or Police?


FIFTH...You proved my point.....imagine if he would have been going 60. Speed MATTERS
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Nobody needs to go that fast, or accelerate that quickly (i.e., to 60mph), but only a totalitarian would suggest that the Sovereign should dictate what someone NEEDS versus what is nice to have. After all, we have HALF THE FUCKING COUNTRY now believing that "inequality" is a baaaaaaaaaaad thing, and for that to be true, then it must be possible for some people to have TOO MUCH MONEY or WEALTH - which is absurd.

But I digress.

While speed is a factor is many traffic injuries and fatalities, my personal observation is that the deadly factor is an idiot behind the wheel (almost always a male between the ages of 18-25), and not the capacity of the particular car to go fast. Typically, the reports mention a Hyundai Excel (or similar) traveling at an excessive rate of speed...rarely is it a C8 or a 911, or even a Subie STi.

What is needed is a set of laws that prescribe the maximum speed allowed on every road - we'll call them "speed limits," with significant fines associated with exceeding them, coupled with tort law that makes speeding a form of NEGLIGENCE, for which the perpetrator could be liable for damages if speeding causes injury, death, or property damage.

Problem solved.

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