Do conservatives care about principles anymore?

republicans are completely ignoring their responsibility to balance the budget. They are selling out on border security too.

Do the principles we fought for matter anymore?
How about the principle that a sitting president does not spy on an incoming president? How about that principle?
How about the principle that restrains one candidate to buy dirt on the other and then gives it to the FBI that then uses it for evidence in a FISA court? How about that principle?
Until your side stands up and cleans house you can take your principles and shove them up your smelly ass...
Avatar isn’t a liberal. This isn’t a tribe thing. Pull your head from the sand, or Trump’s ass, you unprincipled hack
Avatar isn’t a liberal. This isn’t a tribe thing. Pull your head from the sand, or Trump’s ass, you unprincipled hack
I don't care what he opine over the loss of Republican Principles and disregard the biggest democrat political crime in our nations history is stupid and shows a lack of principle of the OP if you ask me....okay fag breath?
And yet the so called conservative base isn’t doing jack

Conservatives are not the base of the Republican Party and haven't been in years. Centrist/Moderate Establishment hacks are the base of the Republican Party. That's why they're so insistent in stand g with them Democrat brethren again st the current POTUS. He's not a Conservative either, but he's at least acting more like one thzn the Republicans are.
republicans are completely ignoring their responsibility to balance the budget. They are selling out on border security too.

Do the principles we fought for matter anymore?
Honestly, I think there's a big disconnect between conservatives and the modern Republican Party.

These days, most Republican politicians care about winning above all else. They don't care about the budget, the poor, or the middle class. They love Christianity as a political force but not the actual Bible or Jesus. They have convinced themselves that aristocracy and oligarchy are the best ways to live, and they believe what helps the elite will eventually benefit the country as a whole.

Why do they ignore climate science? Because it energizes their base so they can win.

Why do they gerrymander so brazenly and even try to impeach judges that rule against them? Because both protect their power.

I mean, it's not like the Democrats and liberals are these saintly defenders of right and morality. Dems are power-hungry too, and Dems gerrymandered back in the 70s like crazy. But the Dems would not elect an autocratic, immature bully like Trump.
...But the Dems would not elect an autocratic, immature bully like Trump.

Republicans didn't elect Trump. Republicans offered up 15 other options, and the Populists and Conservatives who would not vote for another Democrat-lite option chose Trump instead. He was then assisted by a Democrat party that drove the Progressives so mad they stayed home or voted third party.
republicans are completely ignoring their responsibility to balance the budget. They are selling out on border security too.

Do the principles we fought for matter anymore?

I've identified your problem. You think conservative=Republican. It does not.
Do conservatives care about principles anymore?

No they don't, they proved it conclusively by electing a deplorable opportunist like Trump and then proved it daily since then by continuing to support him.

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republicans are completely ignoring their responsibility to balance the budget. They are selling out on border security too.

Do the principles we fought for matter anymore?
Honestly, I think there's a big disconnect between conservatives and the modern Republican Party.

These days, most Republican politicians care about winning above all else. They don't care about the budget, the poor, or the middle class. They love Christianity as a political force but not the actual Bible or Jesus. They have convinced themselves that aristocracy and oligarchy are the best ways to live, and they believe what helps the elite will eventually benefit the country as a whole.

Why do they ignore climate science? Because it energizes their base so they can win.

Why do they gerrymander so brazenly and even try to impeach judges that rule against them? Because both protect their power.

I mean, it's not like the Democrats and liberals are these saintly defenders of right and morality. Dems are power-hungry too, and Dems gerrymandered back in the 70s like crazy. But the Dems would not elect an autocratic, immature bully like Trump.

We just had 8 years of an autocratic immature bully
republicans are completely ignoring their responsibility to balance the budget. They are selling out on border security too.

Do the principles we fought for matter anymore?
“Principles” are the reason why they are selling out.

Instead of treating Democrats as the enemies to the country that they are, they allowed Democrats to dominate the culture and effectively erase conservative ideology across the country while Republicans tried to play the “nice guy”.
We just had 8 years of an autocratic immature bully

lol Obama? Coming from perspective of Trump, who does whatever the fuck he thinks he can get away with? Trump who asked Comey to lead FBI and then fired him because he didn't want to "let Flynn go"?



trumps core believers are evangelical. The political evangelicals have bastardized and compromised their morals and principles to a point where they are unrecognizable as something even something Christian. To their way of thinking, such things as ethics, morals and principles are non-existent when it comes to their own confused biblical beliefs.
Avatar isn’t a liberal. This isn’t a tribe thing. Pull your head from the sand, or Trump’s ass, you unprincipled hack
I don't care what he opine over the loss of Republican Principles and disregard the biggest democrat political crime in our nations history is stupid and shows a lack of principle of the OP if you ask me....okay fag breath?
Your fantasy FBI/Hillary/Obama conspiracy isn’t the subject of the thread. Pussy
Typical Alinsky reasoning. Democrats are willing to punish the U.S. Military in a government shutdown in order to keep the borders open and offer citizenship to illegal aliens but the crazy angry left accuses republicans of "selling out border security". Why is everything backwards and upside down in the liberal mind? Do they think everyone is as dumb as the democrat base? The only time the left worries about the budget is when a republican is president.
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We just had 8 years of an autocratic immature bully

lol Obama? Coming from perspective of Trump, who does whatever the fuck he thinks he can get away with? Trump who asked Comey to lead FBI and then fired him because he didn't want to "let Flynn go"?


Yes obama. The guy who used the it’s and doj to target political enemies. Obama the guy who tried to circumvent Congress to give dreamers amnesty when they said no because he felt like he could do what he wanted.

So yes

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