Do conservatives care about principles anymore?

I've given up on the GOP, now I'll turn to Bernie for free college. Yay! It will go along with my free Obamaphone.Conservatives that give a damn should support their local Article V movement. The Federal government has been out of control for some time and needs an outward intervention. Only states rising up and amending the Constitution for some sort of balanced budget amendment will help stop this, otherwise, get used to it till the country goes belly up.
1. I support the 'concept' of cheaper college but not free.

2. Bush was the one who approved the so-called "obamaphone."

3. Article V movement? A constitutional convention? Never gonna happen.
I've given up on the GOP, now I'll turn to Bernie for free college. Yay! It will go along with my free Obamaphone.Conservatives that give a damn should support their local Article V movement. The Federal government has been out of control for some time and needs an outward intervention. Only states rising up and amending the Constitution for some sort of balanced budget amendment will help stop this, otherwise, get used to it till the country goes belly up.
1. I support the 'concept' of cheaper college but not free.

2. Bush was the one who approved the so-called "obamaphone."

3. Article V movement? A constitutional convention? Never gonna happen.

Odds are it will never happen, but it is a movement that half a dozen states have adopted. We only need some more to make it a reality.

If it fails, we will return to the two party system of everything is free with lower taxes till the country implodes

Thus far it's just been marvelous for voters, hasn't it. Just like before the credit crisis, everyone is making money and happy.
republicans are completely ignoring their responsibility to balance the budget. They are selling out on border security too.

Do the principles we fought for matter anymore?
This is why I left the Republican party. Neither party cares about sticking to principles. Time to jump ship if I were you.

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