Do Democrats Know Anything Besides Hatred And Division

So it's just a question of who needs to die? Seems to be working just great while countries with no such garbage have much lower murder rates.
Who needs to die?
According to democratic socialists and those calling for violence, like Maxine Waters, Hillary Clinton, and Eric Holder, anyone who does not agree with liberal beliefs and ideology.

The left, for example, has already tried to succeed and publicly assassinating Republican party elected officials.

Evidently Hillary Clinton doesn't consider attempting to publicly assassinate Republicans to be 'uncivil' Behavior, as she has called for an end to this and other Behavior she deems so far to have been 'civil'.

Up until now, again according to Hillary Clinton, calling for the president's son to be stripped out his mother's arms, kidnapped, and raped by pedophiles... Calling for female members of the Trump cabinet being kidnapped, caged, nd raped home camera ... is 'civil' Behavior.

Hillary has called an end to this 'peaceful, civil' Behavior from the left in favor of going far more to the left, to become truly what she considers uncivil, and that Democrat continue to act this way until they get what they want, which is to get back their power, control, and Lawless oppression of this country.

It is amazing, truly amazing, how many of you insane, demented, brainwashed, but hurt snowflakes continue to defend such, as her own party calls, 'ridiculous' comments and behavior.

I am actually shocked the Democrats and snowflakes did not immediately call for the kidnapping, caging, beating, and rape of democrat representative Heidkamp for daring to publicly condemned Hillary for her call to violence, calling her comment 'ridiculous'.

Snowflake - proslavery 19 C whites
How many times does one have to tell zero Ed white boys?
Every election they engage in FEAR-MONGERING...
-- Threatening the old the GOP is going to take their Social Security

-- Telling illegals the GOP is going to round them all up on flatbed trucks, drive them across the border, and dump them back into Mexico

-- Warns women the GOP will overturn Roe-Vs-Wade & control their reproductive organs

...and on and on and on...

Every election or Confirmation hearing they dust off the pages of their 'Pokitics of Personal Destruction Playbook', march out a bunch of lying Socialist Liberal Activists with whom to try to 'Herman Cain' another GOP candidate, and attempt to destroy everything in their lives rather than making an argument for why Americans should vote for them instead.

Every time they lose they ratchet up the intolerance, the hate, and violent propaganda, engage in obstruction, conspiracy, sedition, and even treason...launch investigations based on false accusations, and the DNC, Soros, or the Russians pay the liberal activists to karch, manipulate the people, and divide America.

They can't just accept.

They can't just accept the fact they lost.

They can't just accept they've been rejected

They can't just accept they are not in control

They can't accept that as not being in control they don't get to make the rules

They miss, want, and need power as much as they need air...and they will absolutely do anything, say anything, break any law, manipulate anyone, betray anyone, of F* over anyone to get it back...

For the last several years they have been driven by hate and have been fueling that hate and division.

BLM, Antifa, and the Black Fist took Russian money to spread racial hatred and division.

Mueller and the Democrats have been doing this for the last 2+ years in their witch hunt against the President...

Feinstein and the Democrats did this against Kavanaugh..

Pelosi is now fanning the flames of hatred and division, bitter after being unable to prevent Kavanaugh from becoming a Justice, declaring how she promises to impeach both President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh for no other reason than hatred and political partisanship if the Democrats retake the House / Senate...

Do Democrats know anything else but hatred, intolerance, partisanship, and insatiable lust for power and to rule others?

After Kavanaugh confirmation, Pelosi vows to unearth FBI docs as Dems demand impeachment inquiry

You should know.
I guess you know fear was the basic Nazi propaganda?
Jews then. Immigrants now
Considering she is already found guilty of murder and pedophilia by the GOP propaganda machine LOL, let's hear about how civil you are LOL
Nice emotional - and false - rant to try to undermine the actual facts...


You were the only one who brought up the ridiculous Claim about pedophilia and Hillary Clinton.

I did not say Hillary Clinton said anything about pedophilia, but based on her comments about how it is time for Democrats to stop being civil and this comment about pedophilia and kidnapping the President's child happened before her comment it obviously means she doesn't consider making such calls to kidnap women and children and have them caged and raped to be 'uncivil'.

Hillary Clinton is a frustrated, troubled, Disturbed, hate-filled, hate driven bitter politician who has been driven off the deep end and has shown she will do anything and say anything to get whatever she feels she deserves and what is owed to her.

Not one American citizen old her the position of president; yet, she blamed Americans, ignorant women, for not voting for her and giving her what was rightfully hers according to her. She did not even bother to campaign in certain States because she thought her very name on the ballot insured her the victory in those states, which means she took those people for granted and in 2016 the last thing anyone was willing to vote for was another politician who took them for granted.

After the election as you saw she blamed everyone and everything for her loss, to include the very Democrat who obstructed Justice and kept her out of prison where is exactly where she deserve to be based on the evidence of the crimes against her and even the public the Declarations made by the FBI.

And yet you snow flakes continued to defend her like she was / is some type of deity, as if she was some being above the Constitution and law as she seems to think she is.

Every election they engage in FEAR-MONGERING...
-- Threatening the old the GOP is going to take their Social Security

-- Telling illegals the GOP is going to round them all up on flatbed trucks, drive them across the border, and dump them back into Mexico

-- Warns women the GOP will overturn Roe-Vs-Wade & control their reproductive organs

...and on and on and on...

Every election or Confirmation hearing they dust off the pages of their 'Pokitics of Personal Destruction Playbook', march out a bunch of lying Socialist Liberal Activists with whom to try to 'Herman Cain' another GOP candidate, and attempt to destroy everything in their lives rather than making an argument for why Americans should vote for them instead.

Every time they lose they ratchet up the intolerance, the hate, and violent propaganda, engage in obstruction, conspiracy, sedition, and even treason...launch investigations based on false accusations, and the DNC, Soros, or the Russians pay the liberal activists to karch, manipulate the people, and divide America.

They can't just accept.

They can't just accept the fact they lost.

They can't just accept they've been rejected

They can't just accept they are not in control

They can't accept that as not being in control they don't get to make the rules

They miss, want, and need power as much as they need air...and they will absolutely do anything, say anything, break any law, manipulate anyone, betray anyone, of F* over anyone to get it back...

For the last several years they have been driven by hate and have been fueling that hate and division.

BLM, Antifa, and the Black Fist took Russian money to spread racial hatred and division.

Mueller and the Democrats have been doing this for the last 2+ years in their witch hunt against the President...

Feinstein and the Democrats did this against Kavanaugh..

Pelosi is now fanning the flames of hatred and division, bitter after being unable to prevent Kavanaugh from becoming a Justice, declaring how she promises to impeach both President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh for no other reason than hatred and political partisanship if the Democrats retake the House / Senate...

Do Democrats know anything else but hatred, intolerance, partisanship, and insatiable lust for power and to rule others?

After Kavanaugh confirmation, Pelosi vows to unearth FBI docs as Dems demand impeachment inquiry

You should know.
I guess you know fear was the basic Nazi propaganda?
Jews then. Immigrants now
The creators of the KKK and now Fascist Antifa know this very well. They have incorporated / adopted / used the same tactics.

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