Do Democrats Know Anything Besides Hatred And Division

Every election they engage in FEAR-MONGERING...
-- Threatening the old the GOP is going to take their Social Security

-- Telling illegals the GOP is going to round them all up on flatbed trucks, drive them across the border, and dump them back into Mexico

-- Warns women the GOP will overturn Roe-Vs-Wade & control their reproductive organs

...and on and on and on...

Every election or Confirmation hearing they dust off the pages of their 'Pokitics of Personal Destruction Playbook', march out a bunch of lying Socialist Liberal Activists with whom to try to 'Herman Cain' another GOP candidate, and attempt to destroy everything in their lives rather than making an argument for why Americans should vote for them instead.

Every time they lose they ratchet up the intolerance, the hate, and violent propaganda, engage in obstruction, conspiracy, sedition, and even treason...launch investigations based on false accusations, and the DNC, Soros, or the Russians pay the liberal activists to karch, manipulate the people, and divide America.

They can't just accept.

They can't just accept the fact they lost.

They can't just accept they've been rejected

They can't just accept they are not in control

They can't accept that as not being in control they don't get to make the rules

They miss, want, and need power as much as they need air...and they will absolutely do anything, say anything, break any law, manipulate anyone, betray anyone, of F* over anyone to get it back...

For the last several years they have been driven by hate and have been fueling that hate and division.

BLM, Antifa, and the Black Fist took Russian money to spread racial hatred and division.

Mueller and the Democrats have been doing this for the last 2+ years in their witch hunt against the President...

Feinstein and the Democrats did this against Kavanaugh..

Pelosi is now fanning the flames of hatred and division, bitter after being unable to prevent Kavanaugh from becoming a Justice, declaring how she promises to impeach both President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh for no other reason than hatred and political partisanship if the Democrats retake the House / Senate...

Do Democrats know anything else but hatred, intolerance, partisanship, and insatiable lust for power and to rule others?

After Kavanaugh confirmation, Pelosi vows to unearth FBI docs as Dems demand impeachment inquiry

P that's hilarious considering the garbage propaganda you have about Hillary crime murder and pedophilia with with absolutely no evidence or arrests or anything but pure garbage. Lock her up my ass is ridiculous lying sacks of s***... That you dupes believe.
And of course there is plenty of Truth in what you say... Social security cuts, illegals on trucks etc etc could definitely happen with the GOP swine. Cavanaugh would vote for those things. And have. But thanks for the conspiracy b******* again. Never any evidence or follow through with any of your phony scandals, super dupe.
Thank you for repeatedly proving my point...
All you have is conspiracy theories and total garbage propaganda. The GOP does cut Social Security the base wants abortion stopped. How is this fear-mongering? Meanwhile Dems want open borders and communism. Pure garbage no evidence of any such thing. Or all your phony scandals. Lock her up. You are totally full of s***. And you have plenty of company. Deplorables in action.
Pelosi said they will impeach this guy if they win the House

Think about that statement for a second. Pelosi wants to impeach a Justice based on no evidence, no corroborators and 8 FBI investigations that have turned up nothing because one woman made an unsubstantiated accusation. She wants to impeach a man that voted the same as Merrick Garland (her party's nominee) 93% of the time simply because her party isn't in power. It's pretty f'ing scary that an elected official would think this way.
Every election they engage in FEAR-MONGERING...-- Threatening the old the GOP is going to take their Social Security-- Telling illegals the GOP is going to round them all up on flatbed trucks, drive them across the border, and dump them back into Mexico-- Warns women the GOP will overturn Roe-Vs-Wade & control their reproductive organs...and on and on and on.... <snipped for brevity>
You must be hearing things. In all my life I have never heard anything like you mentioned, ever....not from a democrat or even a loony. Do you make this shit up? Do you have even an iota of proof or evidence in the form of a link that shows a democratic politician or candidate saying that crap?
Those, on both ends, who have a vested professional interest in promoting "hatred and division" are clearly winning.

And those who obediently follow along with it, on both ends, are complicit in the results.
Nope, walkaway is winning.

And walkaway is the furthest thing from hate.
Those, on both ends, who have a vested professional interest in promoting "hatred and division" are clearly winning. And those who obediently follow along with it, on both ends, are complicit in the results.
Nope, walkaway is winning. And walkaway is the furthest thing from hate.
Do you have any empirical evidence for that?
Every election they engage in FEAR-MONGERING...
-- Threatening the old the GOP is going to take their Social Security

-- Telling illegals the GOP is going to round them all up on flatbed trucks, drive them across the border, and dump them back into Mexico

-- Warns women the GOP will overturn Roe-Vs-Wade & control their reproductive organs

...and on and on and on...

Every election or Confirmation hearing they dust off the pages of their 'Pokitics of Personal Destruction Playbook', march out a bunch of lying Socialist Liberal Activists with whom to try to 'Herman Cain' another GOP candidate, and attempt to destroy everything in their lives rather than making an argument for why Americans should vote for them instead.

Every time they lose they ratchet up the intolerance, the hate, and violent propaganda, engage in obstruction, conspiracy, sedition, and even treason...launch investigations based on false accusations, and the DNC, Soros, or the Russians pay the liberal activists to karch, manipulate the people, and divide America.

They can't just accept.

They can't just accept the fact they lost.

They can't just accept they've been rejected

They can't just accept they are not in control

They can't accept that as not being in control they don't get to make the rules

They miss, want, and need power as much as they need air...and they will absolutely do anything, say anything, break any law, manipulate anyone, betray anyone, of F* over anyone to get it back...

For the last several years they have been driven by hate and have been fueling that hate and division.

BLM, Antifa, and the Black Fist took Russian money to spread racial hatred and division.

Mueller and the Democrats have been doing this for the last 2+ years in their witch hunt against the President...

Feinstein and the Democrats did this against Kavanaugh..

Pelosi is now fanning the flames of hatred and division, bitter after being unable to prevent Kavanaugh from becoming a Justice, declaring how she promises to impeach both President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh for no other reason than hatred and political partisanship if the Democrats retake the House / Senate...

Do Democrats know anything else but hatred, intolerance, partisanship, and insatiable lust for power and to rule others?

After Kavanaugh confirmation, Pelosi vows to unearth FBI docs as Dems demand impeachment inquiry


And you pretend the Republicans don't pull all this shit.

It's ridiculous.
Politicians lie.

Democrats have created a cult of power and control / an empire built on lies, intolerance, manipulation, fear-mongering, obstruction, conspiracy, treason, and using their power to target, spy on, and destroy any individual who refuses to become a sheep / and or who opposes their ideology, beliefs, and actions.

They do not tolerate the idea of 'agreeing to disagree'. They force you to either agree, comply, or destroy you.

They have become like a cancer that attacks the body and fights all resistance.

In 2016 Hillary offered a proven corrupt, self-serving, influence-peddling, elitist, career politician who offered more liberal policies and 'Obama 2.0'. She thought the Presidency because it was 'her turn' & did not have to do anything to earn / deserve it and that it would be hers because she believed parties and politicians pick Presidents, not the American people.

She must have missed that part where Americans kicked the Democrats put of the House and Senate leadership roles. She even skipped campaigning in entire states, arrogantly thinking her name alone would win her the states.

Her campaign strategy consisted of:
- Stay Out of Prison
- Rig Primmaries
- Cheat in Debates
- Break Laws
- Collude With / Pay Foreign Spies/Russians
- Destroy Trump
- Pay thugs to beat up Trump supporters
- Divide America

....and you snowflakes wonder how / why she was rejected / lost... :p

For the last 2 years Democrats gave waged a campaign of hate-driven, revenge-seeking, failed American success-obstructing, seditious, treasonous BUTT-HURT ... culminating in this latest attempt to use the power of the govt to destroy a US citizen to get back power / deny their opponents power.

Raising taxes

Eliminating jobs

Driving factories overseas

Returning to Obama Era unemployment

Forcing Americans back onto social prograns & dependence on them and the govt

Impeachment of a President & USSC Justice out of pure hate - no evidence of crime

The 'UN-doing' of a democratic election...

More hatred

More division

...that's all Democrats show they have to offer.
Every election they engage in FEAR-MONGERING...-- Threatening the old the GOP is going to take their Social Security-- Telling illegals the GOP is going to round them all up on flatbed trucks, drive them across the border, and dump them back into Mexico-- Warns women the GOP will overturn Roe-Vs-Wade & control their reproductive organs...and on and on and on.... <snipped for brevity>
You must be hearing things. In all my life I have never heard anything like you mentioned, ever....not from a democrat or even a loony. Do you make this shit up? Do you have even an iota of proof or evidence in the form of a link that shows a democratic politician or candidate saying that crap?
So you haven't heard any of the fear-mongering Obama has been engaging in recently?

Pull your fingers out of your ears / your head out of your ass....
Those, on both ends, who have a vested professional interest in promoting "hatred and division" are clearly winning. And those who obediently follow along with it, on both ends, are complicit in the results.
Nope, walkaway is winning. And walkaway is the furthest thing from hate.
Do you have any empirical evidence for that?
The explosive growth of the movement and the great atmosphere there.

Go to the facebook page instead of talking out of your ass about something you don't know anything about.

Walkaway videos on youtube and walkaway posts on facebook are the only places on social media with ZERO negativity.
Those, on both ends, who have a vested professional interest in promoting "hatred and division" are clearly winning. And those who obediently follow along with it, on both ends, are complicit in the results.
Nope, walkaway is winning. And walkaway is the furthest thing from hate.
Do you have any empirical evidence for that?
The explosive growth of the movement and the great atmosphere there.

Go to the facebook page instead of talking out of your ass about something you don't know anything about.

Walkaway videos on youtube and walkaway posts on facebook are the only places on social media with ZERO negativity.
Oooh, getting nasty already. Typical.

I've been to the Facebook page. And the YouTube page. I like the movement. I think the party desperately needs it.

Just wanted to see if you were capable of rational discourse. Full disclosure, given your history here, I wasn't holding my breath.
Those, on both ends, who have a vested professional interest in promoting "hatred and division" are clearly winning. And those who obediently follow along with it, on both ends, are complicit in the results.
Nope, walkaway is winning. And walkaway is the furthest thing from hate.
Do you have any empirical evidence for that?
The explosive growth of the movement and the great atmosphere there.

Go to the facebook page instead of talking out of your ass about something you don't know anything about.

Walkaway videos on youtube and walkaway posts on facebook are the only places on social media with ZERO negativity.
Oooh, getting nasty already. Typical.

I've been to the Facebook page. And the YouTube page. I like the movement. I think the party desperately needs it.

Just wanted to see if you were capable of rational discourse. Full disclosure, given your history here, I wasn't holding my breath.
If you have actually been there then why are you doubting what I said?

Why aren't you joining them?
Those, on both ends, who have a vested professional interest in promoting "hatred and division" are clearly winning. And those who obediently follow along with it, on both ends, are complicit in the results.
Nope, walkaway is winning. And walkaway is the furthest thing from hate.
Do you have any empirical evidence for that?
The explosive growth of the movement and the great atmosphere there.

Go to the facebook page instead of talking out of your ass about something you don't know anything about.

Walkaway videos on youtube and walkaway posts on facebook are the only places on social media with ZERO negativity.
Oooh, getting nasty already. Typical.

I've been to the Facebook page. And the YouTube page. I like the movement. I think the party desperately needs it.

Just wanted to see if you were capable of rational discourse. Full disclosure, given your history here, I wasn't holding my breath.
If you have actually been there then why are you doubting what I said?

Why aren't you joining them?
Those of us who aren't obedient wingers have this weird quirk in our character called "curiosity". So, we ask questions, interested in hearing and analyzing the answer.

I asked a clear, direct and reasonable question and you got emotional. No problem. I get that from wingers from both ends every day here.

It's one of my many fascinations with the affliction.
Because progressives have entrenched themselves in most knowledge institutions at a 90-10 or 95-5 ratio, progressives often talk to no one but the likeminded, whereas non-progressives have no such luxury. The latter group is all the stronger for it
The thing is this country has always been divided. Why are people clamoring for unity now when our divisions are what strengthen us. There are many different religions, races, heritages, and the most glaring is socio e Dominic class.
The thing is this country has always been divided. Why are people clamoring for unity now when our divisions are what strengthen us. There are many different religions, races, heritages, and the most glaring is socio e Dominic class.
You are incredibly Ignorant, whether that’s intentional or not I do not know.
There is only one divide that matters in this country, it’s rural and urban. No two ways about it.
Everything else is political posturing

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