Do Democrats really want a Civil War?

Why, all you are going to do is spin and deflect. It's the Trump Humper Way.

Trump implied that Gonzalo Curiel, the federal judge presiding over a class action against the for-profit Trump University, could not fairly hear the case because of his Mexican heritage.

He’s a Mexican,” Trump told CNN of Curiel. “We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings — rulings that people can’t even believe.”

Nothing racist about that is it.

The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people.
When Trump was serving as the president of his family’s real estate company, the Trump Management Corporation, in 1973, the Justice Department sued the company for alleged racial discrimination against black people looking to rent apartments in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.

The lawsuit charged that the company quoted different rental terms and conditions to black rental candidates than it did with white candidates, and that the company lied to black applicants about apartments not being available. Trump called those accusations “absolutely ridiculous” and sued the Justice Department for $100 million in damages for defamation.

Without admitting wrongdoing, the Trump Management Corporation settled the original lawsuit two years later and promised not to discriminate against black people, Puerto Ricans or other minorities. Trump also agreed to send weekly vacancy lists for his 15,000 apartments to the New York Urban League, a civil rights group, and to allow the NYUL to present qualified applicants for vacancies in certain Trump properties.

Just three years after that, the Justice Department sued the Trump Management Corporation again for allegedly discriminating against black applicants by telling them apartments weren’t available.

Nothing racist about that is it.

Workers at Trump’s casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey, have accused him of racism over the years. The New Jersey Casino Control Commission fined the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino $200,000 in 1992 because managers would remove African-American card dealers at the request of a certain big-spending gambler. A state appeals court upheld the fine.

The first-person account of at least one black Trump casino employee in Atlantic City suggests the racist practices were consistent with Trump’s personal behavior toward black workers.

“When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, told the New Yorker for a September article. “It was the eighties, I was a teen-ager, but I remember it: they put us all in the back.”

Trump disparaged his black casino employees as “lazy” in vividly bigoted terms, according to a 1991 book by John O’Donnell, a former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino.

Nothing racist about that, is it.

How about the Central Park 5, he called for the death penalty for these young men and even after they were exonerated he still claims they are guilty. We know there is nothing racist about that is it.

One of the longest screeds I've read here yet, all you have are ACCUSATIONS that Trump is 'racist.'

What's so bad about calling someone a Mexican? Is that now racist? "Alleged" discrimination is not racist. It's ALLEGED....So Trump's 'bosses' did something 'bad' so the jackals and buzzards went for deep pockets. Give me a break. Last but not least, 'according' to a book someone said Trump did some bad things. Trump's admonition of The Central Park 5 was not based on race it was based on the crime of RAPE.

As I figured, you have nothing but hearsay and 'accusations' yet somehow you are sanguine with calling Trump a racist when he has never said anything that would point to any racism he harbors. Sounds more like you have an acute case of TDS. Your mind is clouded by your hate.

I’m a Democrat and I would enjoy a Civil War with Republicans

We would kick their Redneck asses
You realize the redneck racists were all Democrats, right? Including the anti-busing racist Democrats that Biden "worked with" not too long ago.

50 years ago?

The KKK belongs to the RepubliKlan party today
The KKK was formed as the military wing of the Democratic Party.

The Democratic Party has always been the party of racists, and have now turned into race baiters and using race, ethnicity, gender and wealth to divide people.

I find it funny that their leading candidate aka Joe Biden bragged about working with segregationists in the Democratic Party, and then got accused of being a racist by the other candidates. Even their own House leader Pelosi faced the same racism accusation. Dems never miss an opportunity to use the racism accusation as a weapon.

Right wing, republicans today have the same mindset as the sheet wearers. Just read some of the posts on this forum, hell that pretty much tells the story.
You seem totally blind to the openly espoused antisemitism, anti-white racism and lack of tolerance for any opposing opinion or ideology coming from the Democratic Party and the Left in general. This intentional ignorance is why Trump will be reelected again, this time with a greater margin.
There’s a lot of white people in the Democratic Party. It’s a coalition party. It’s just that the white people that are in the Democratic Party are the white people that Republicans loath and hate and want to harm and certainly don’t want them to be part of the GOP White party.
There’s a lot of white people in the Democratic Party. It’s a coalition party. It’s just that the white people that are in the Democratic Party are the white people that Republicans loath and hate and want to harm and certainly don’t want them to be part of the GOP White party.

Celebrities dont count.
He’s a Mexican,” Trump told CNN of Curiel. “We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings — rulings that people can’t even believe.”
I agree. That was a terrible thing to say. He should never have said that.

How about the Central Park 5, he called for the death penalty for these young men and even after they were exonerated he still claims they are guilty. We know there is nothing racist about that is it.
If they were all exonerated? They were not. They were all criminals, and they all should have been executed. Trump was right.

Here you are defending criminals, and you expect any of us to take you any more seriously than pond scum?

No, I'm not going to condemn Trump for things that happened decades on decades ago. His comment about the Mexican judge was worthy of condemnation, and I have said that every time someone has posted his comment. But 30 years ago? No.

That's what left-wingers do. They go dig up old tweets, or some episode of a show from 20 years back, and try and attack people with it. That just makes you a garbage human being.

I generally agree however, I have a different take on the judge. First of all calling someone a 'Mexican' is not racist unless one thinks all Mexicans are bad people and Trump never said that. Also, that judge served on the ABA Hispanic Advisory Committee and is a member of San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association. It is understandable that Trump would think he is Mexican. Obama disparaged our law enforcement and had to have a 'beer summit' I don't recall any one of these TDS pinheads calling him a racist.
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There’s a lot of white people in the Democratic Party. It’s a coalition party. It’s just that the white people that are in the Democratic Party are the white people that Republicans loath and hate and want to harm and certainly don’t want them to be part of the GOP White party.

There are 'a lot' of blacks in the Republican party as well but you probably call them 'Uncle Toms' because Democrats are deep-down racist.
The POS is folks like you who are stinking Trump Humpers who turn a blind eye to the racist rhetoric this man spews. You make excuses and try to point the finger at folks who are not even in office anymore. Life is today, so let's deal with the man who is CURRENTLY in office.
IOW, focus on imaginary racism from Trump and quit talking about the real racism you support from Democrats.

Got it.

Come on MAWA Man get your head out your ass.
He’s a Mexican,” Trump told CNN of Curiel. “We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings — rulings that people can’t even believe.”
I agree. That was a terrible thing to say. He should never have said that.

How about the Central Park 5, he called for the death penalty for these young men and even after they were exonerated he still claims they are guilty. We know there is nothing racist about that is it.
If they were all exonerated? They were not. They were all criminals, and they all should have been executed. Trump was right.

Here you are defending criminals, and you expect any of us to take you any more seriously than pond scum?

No, I'm not going to condemn Trump for things that happened decades on decades ago. His comment about the Mexican judge was worthy of condemnation, and I have said that every time someone has posted his comment. But 30 years ago? No.

That's what left-wingers do. They go dig up old tweets, or some episode of a show from 20 years back, and try and attack people with it. That just makes you a garbage human being.

I generally agree however, I have a different take on the judge. First of all calling someone a 'Mexican' is not racist unless one thinks all Mexicans are bad people and Trump never said that.

Come on LEO the liar, you can do better than that. So saying a judge ruled a certain way is because he is Mexican is cool in your book. I bet you thought Roy Bryant and JW Milam were also innocent.

Also, that judge served on the ABA Hispanic Advisory Committee and is a member of San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association. It is understandable that Trump would think he is Mexican. Obama disparaged our law enforcement and had to have a 'beer summit' I don't recall any one of these TDS pinheads calling him a racist.

Smfh, you ass clowns are a joke.
Seems stupid to me. They are way out gunned. They hold their guns funny and seem to need 30 rounds from an AK at 10 feet to hit someone, while your average Conservative can land rounds from 100 yards.
That is funny.

You say that as if the Woketards are rational, reasoning people.

In my youth, I could hit a half dollar at 250 yards. My eyes aren't as good these days, so I need a scope at that range.
squeezing of an extra couple of rounds can make a difference too.
It can be a partial compensation for incompetence, true, but nothing beats a soldier that can make 1 kill per round.
Yes I am constantly verbally F***ing you.

Nope, you aren't sucking me.

:abgg2q.jpg: Seems you enjoy that.

Seems you are the one who enjoys sucking folks.

All you do is say 'Trump racist' ad nausea.

Yep and all you do is claim he hasn't said anything racist, typical Trump Humper.

You never post any actual racist statements that Trump has uttered. You just hate the man so anything you say about him is unreliable.

No, you don't want to believe the truth I have posted. Everything I have posted is FACTUAL, sorry that you hate your God is guilty of being racist.

You do not post truth you post propaganda. So why don't you post the 'racist' statements that Trump has made? All you do is blather about what you are told he said. Come on.....Let's see proof that Trump is a racist post actual racist statements that Trump has made. I am not interested in your opinion of what he said.

Why, all you are going to do is spin and deflect. It's the Trump Humper Way.

Trump implied that Gonzalo Curiel, the federal judge presiding over a class action against the for-profit Trump University, could not fairly hear the case because of his Mexican heritage.

He’s a Mexican,” Trump told CNN of Curiel. “We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings — rulings that people can’t even believe.”

Nothing racist about that is it.

The Justice Department sued his company ― twice ― for not renting to black people.
When Trump was serving as the president of his family’s real estate company, the Trump Management Corporation, in 1973, the Justice Department sued the company for alleged racial discrimination against black people looking to rent apartments in Brooklyn, Queens and Staten Island.

The lawsuit charged that the company quoted different rental terms and conditions to black rental candidates than it did with white candidates, and that the company lied to black applicants about apartments not being available. Trump called those accusations “absolutely ridiculous” and sued the Justice Department for $100 million in damages for defamation.

Without admitting wrongdoing, the Trump Management Corporation settled the original lawsuit two years later and promised not to discriminate against black people, Puerto Ricans or other minorities. Trump also agreed to send weekly vacancy lists for his 15,000 apartments to the New York Urban League, a civil rights group, and to allow the NYUL to present qualified applicants for vacancies in certain Trump properties.

Just three years after that, the Justice Department sued the Trump Management Corporation again for allegedly discriminating against black applicants by telling them apartments weren’t available.

Nothing racist about that is it.

Workers at Trump’s casinos in Atlantic City, New Jersey, have accused him of racism over the years. The New Jersey Casino Control Commission fined the Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino $200,000 in 1992 because managers would remove African-American card dealers at the request of a certain big-spending gambler. A state appeals court upheld the fine.

The first-person account of at least one black Trump casino employee in Atlantic City suggests the racist practices were consistent with Trump’s personal behavior toward black workers.

“When Donald and Ivana came to the casino, the bosses would order all the black people off the floor,” Kip Brown, a former employee at Trump’s Castle, told the New Yorker for a September article. “It was the eighties, I was a teen-ager, but I remember it: they put us all in the back.”

Trump disparaged his black casino employees as “lazy” in vividly bigoted terms, according to a 1991 book by John O’Donnell, a former president of Trump Plaza Hotel and Casino.

Nothing racist about that, is it.

How about the Central Park 5, he called for the death penalty for these young men and even after they were exonerated he still claims they are guilty. We know there is nothing racist about that is it.

He’s a Mexican,” Trump told CNN of Curiel. “We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings — rulings that people can’t even believe.”
I agree. That was a terrible thing to say. He should never have said that.

Oh now it's a terrible thing to say, it's fucking racist. You said it was made up crap.

[QuoteHow about the Central Park 5, he called for the death penalty for these young men and even after they were exonerated he still claims they are guilty. We know there is nothing racist about that is it.
If they were all exonerated? They were not. They were all criminals, and they all should have been executed. Trump was right.

Here you are defending criminals, and you expect any of us to take you any more seriously than pond scum?

What a piece of shit, all 5 of these young men were exonerated and still racist cowards like you want to label them as criminals.

No, I'm not going to condemn Trump for things that happened decades on decades ago.

You are just going to continue to be a coward and try to defend them.
His comment about the Mexican judge was worthy of condemnation, and I have said that every time someone has posted his comment. But 30 years ago? No.

30yrs ago, the man still continues to say these young men were guilty of a crime they didn't commit. Par for the course.
That's what left-wingers do. They go dig up old tweets, or some episode of a show from 20 years back, and try and attack people with it. That just makes you a garbage human being.

You're a racist coward that doesn't have the balls to admit you were wrong.

I was not wrong. And I don't care what a left-wing White supremacist says. Never did. Never will. You are a garbage human being, and we are the right-wing are better people than you.

So keep talking, you'll just drive more people to vote for Trump, you walking turd of a human being.
He’s a Mexican,” Trump told CNN of Curiel. “We’re building a wall between here and Mexico. The answer is, he is giving us very unfair rulings — rulings that people can’t even believe.”
I agree. That was a terrible thing to say. He should never have said that.

How about the Central Park 5, he called for the death penalty for these young men and even after they were exonerated he still claims they are guilty. We know there is nothing racist about that is it.
If they were all exonerated? They were not. They were all criminals, and they all should have been executed. Trump was right.

Here you are defending criminals, and you expect any of us to take you any more seriously than pond scum?

No, I'm not going to condemn Trump for things that happened decades on decades ago. His comment about the Mexican judge was worthy of condemnation, and I have said that every time someone has posted his comment. But 30 years ago? No.

That's what left-wingers do. They go dig up old tweets, or some episode of a show from 20 years back, and try and attack people with it. That just makes you a garbage human being.

I generally agree however, I have a different take on the judge. First of all calling someone a 'Mexican' is not racist unless one thinks all Mexicans are bad people and Trump never said that. Also, that judge served on the ABA Hispanic Advisory Committee and is a member of San Diego La Raza Lawyers Association. It is understandable that Trump would think he is Mexican. Obama disparaged our law enforcement and had to have a 'beer summit' I don't recall any one of these TDS pinheads calling him a racist.

But you can't just assume a judge will not be impartial without real evidence. If the judge had a history of questionable rulings, then provide that evidence. But if the judge has operating fairly up till then, then I have a problem with saying they are Mexican so they can't possibly give a fair ruling.
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Come on LEO the liar, you can do better than that. So saying a judge ruled a certain way is because he is Mexican is cool in your book. I bet you thought Roy Bryant and JW Milam were also innocent. Smfh, you ass clowns are a joke.

No content, just insults.....^^^^^^^ This is what passes for political discussion for butthurt TDSers. :iyfyus.jpg:
But you can't just assume someone a judge will not be impartial without real evidence. If the judge had a history of questionable rulings, then provide that evidence. But if the judge has operating fairly up till then, then I have a problem with saying they are Mexican so they can't possibly give a fair ruling.

Well OK then however, Curiel actually backed Trump's wall. So Trump made a mistake but you'd think it was the worst thing in history if you Google the judge. Democrats have outright LIED and ADMITTED they lied and NOTHING is ever said.
There’s a lot of white people in the Democratic Party. It’s a coalition party. It’s just that the white people that are in the Democratic Party are the white people that Republicans loath and hate and want to harm and certainly don’t want them to be part of the GOP White party.

Celebrities dont count.
Who is talking about celebrities?

I was talking about gays and atheists and liberals and white Hispanics and scientists and college professors get the picture.
There’s a lot of white people in the Democratic Party. It’s a coalition party. It’s just that the white people that are in the Democratic Party are the white people that Republicans loath and hate and want to harm and certainly don’t want them to be part of the GOP White party.

There are 'a lot' of blacks in the Republican party as well but you probably call them 'Uncle Toms' because Democrats are deep-down racist.
There’s not a lot of blacks in the Republican Party. And Republicans are getting the last rid of the last two in Congress. Congressman Herd from Texas and Senator Scott. Once they’re gone, the Republicans will have “purity“ in the Senate and the house. Among Republicans anyway.
No matter what happens with Trump, democrats should never be forgiven for what they are doing. They need their own Ashura bloodletting into eternity.
But you can't just assume someone a judge will not be impartial without real evidence. If the judge had a history of questionable rulings, then provide that evidence. But if the judge has operating fairly up till then, then I have a problem with saying they are Mexican so they can't possibly give a fair ruling.

Well OK then however, Curiel actually backed Trump's wall. So Trump made a mistake but you'd think it was the worst thing in history if you Google the judge. Democrats have outright LIED and ADMITTED they lied and NOTHING is ever said.

No I agree completely. The Democrats have becoming nothing more than a party of hate race-baiting hypocritical scum, without any moral values. They are nothing but dirt to me now. They are just the left-wing version of white supremacists.

But when Trump says something dumb, I'm going to call him out on it. It was wrong to say he's Mexican and therefore can't be trusted, when the judge had a history of judging fairly.
There’s a lot of white people in the Democratic Party. It’s a coalition party. It’s just that the white people that are in the Democratic Party are the white people that Republicans loath and hate and want to harm and certainly don’t want them to be part of the GOP White party.

There are 'a lot' of blacks in the Republican party as well but you probably call them 'Uncle Toms' because Democrats are deep-down racist.
There’s not a lot of blacks in the Republican Party. And Republicans are getting the last rid of the last two in Congress. Congressman Herd from Texas and Senator Scott. Once they’re gone, the Republicans will have “purity“ in the Senate and the house. Among Republicans anyway.

Which shows how racist you are. The fact that you don't see people based on qualification, and rather that you have to have a person of this race, or that race, simply because you see people as colors... shows how devoid of honor and integrity you are.

We're better than you. Just remember that. You'll never admit it, but you know it's the truth. We are just flat out better people than you.
Who is talking about celebrities?

I was talking about gays and atheists and liberals and white Hispanics and scientists and college professors get the picture.

The usual suspects..standing against Americans.

And celebrities of course. The ones who say "fellow white people: and "I hate being white" especially.

All those "white people".

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There’s a lot of white people in the Democratic Party. It’s a coalition party. It’s just that the white people that are in the Democratic Party are the white people that Republicans loath and hate and want to harm and certainly don’t want them to be part of the GOP White party.

There are 'a lot' of blacks in the Republican party as well but you probably call them 'Uncle Toms' because Democrats are deep-down racist.
There’s not a lot of blacks in the Republican Party. And Republicans are getting the last rid of the last two in Congress. Congressman Herd from Texas and Senator Scott. Once they’re gone, the Republicans will have “purity“ in the Senate and the house. Among Republicans anyway.

Racist rant....again. No proof just hateful racist rhetoric.
No one wants a Civil War. The Democrats want to divide America because that is what Statists always try to do. Weaken and divide and then claim the only answer is to give more power to the State.

….and yet we have a republican president that does nothing but divide the country.
That's what Hussein Obama did, Trump is saying that we are all Americans regardless of race, gender, or ethnicity.

Trump has never said that, his words are just the opposite of that.
"America First" is one of his main campaign slogans. "We all bleed the same color blood, fight for the same flag, regardless of race etc." another of his direct quotes. There has never been a republican candidate or president that has not been accused of racism, sexism, etc. by the Left. Ronald Reagan, both Bush the father and son, even John Mc Cain and Mitt Romney were accused of being racists by Democrats.

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