Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights?


Gold Member
Apr 20, 2009
Reno, NV
Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights?
Courts Have Ruled They Do
By Robert Longley,

While illegal aliens do not enjoy all of the rights granted to citizens by the Constitution, specifically the rights to vote or possess firearms, these rights can also be denied to U.S. citizens convicted of felonies. In final analysis, the courts have ruled that, while they are within the borders of the United States, illegal aliens are granted the same fundamental, undeniable constitutional rights granted to all Americans.

Illegal Aliens and Constitutional Rights – Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights?

That is the problem.:confused:
Immigrants' Rights
No Human Being Is Illegal

The Constitution guarantees the fundamental rights and civil liberties of every person in this country. Upholding the rights of the politically disenfranchised is vital; when the government has the power to deny legal rights and due process to one group of people, it puts all our rights in danger. More
Immigrants' Rights | American Civil Liberties Union

Now I fully understand why we have 20 million illegal aliens in this country.
When the constitution was written there were no illegal aliens in this country or any immigration laws.
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What is an immigrant?
An Immigrant is a person who has citizenship in one country but who enters a different country to set up a permanent residence. Just entering another country does not make you an immigrant. In order to be an immigrant you must have citizenship in one country, and you must have gone to a different country with the specific intention of living there.
What is an immigrant? - Immigration Assist – Working Around the World
I think my left testicle has more "Constitutional rights " that I DO. I think, perhaps it's time to abolish the Constitution and find something better that rings "true" and follows common sense. About TIME!
Where does it say in the Constitution that the citizens of La Republic of Mexico shall enjoy the rights of American citizens?

Where does it say that border jumpers will be given the same benefits of the American citizens and that the American citizens shall enjoy paying for those said benefits?

Stand up America and get a back bone and demand our politicians deport illegal aliens and close the ports and borders. Or we will vote them out of office!
Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights?
Courts Have Ruled They Do
By Robert Longley,

While illegal aliens do not enjoy all of the rights granted to citizens by the Constitution, specifically the rights to vote or possess firearms, these rights can also be denied to U.S. citizens convicted of felonies. In final analysis, the courts have ruled that, while they are within the borders of the United States, illegal aliens are granted the same fundamental, undeniable constitutional rights granted to all Americans.

Illegal Aliens and Constitutional Rights – Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights?

That is the problem.:confused:

We are talking the average Mexican national who is here working on my neighbir's lawn not a sworn militant enemy of America caught planting a bomb on a bridge I assume.

What rights would you like to give the yard workers?

Speedy trial....

Right to become a citizen, all them immigration regulations on Asians a century ago look so quaint and poorly conceived now.

Freedom of speech...

Perhaps what rights would you take away?

Get caught doing something illegal and we can send them to prison in Cuba as an enemy combatant...

Try to intercept paycheck money leavong the country....this will give the hard worming fellas more incentive to bring their families here and stay to better my country.

More ideas?
That is the problem?

No, it protects all persons’ rights, citizen and non-citizen.

In Plyler the court ruled that the designation of a person by a government agency, such as DHS, does not trump the Constitution and due process. “Illegal aliens’ are innocent until proven guilty, as with anyone else.

This is important because we do not want government agencies, politicians, and bureaucrats deciding who is a citizen and who is not, who is entitled to his rights and who is not.

That would destroy all of our civil liberties and the Republic itself.
Where does it say in the Constitution that the citizens of La Republic of Mexico shall enjoy the rights of American citizens?

Where does it say that border jumpers will be given the same benefits of the American citizens and that the American citizens shall enjoy paying for those said benefits?

Stand up America and get a back bone and demand our politicians deport illegal aliens and close the ports and borders. Or we will vote them out of office!

Its happening.
Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights?
Courts Have Ruled They Do
By Robert Longley,

While illegal aliens do not enjoy all of the rights granted to citizens by the Constitution, specifically the rights to vote or possess firearms, these rights can also be denied to U.S. citizens convicted of felonies. In final analysis, the courts have ruled that, while they are within the borders of the United States, illegal aliens are granted the same fundamental, undeniable constitutional rights granted to all Americans.

Illegal Aliens and Constitutional Rights – Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights?

That is the problem.:confused:

We are talking the average Mexican national who is here working on my neighbir's lawn not a sworn militant enemy of America caught planting a bomb on a bridge I assume.

What rights would you like to give the yard workers?

Speedy trial....

Right to become a citizen, all them immigration regulations on Asians a century ago look so quaint and poorly conceived now.

Freedom of speech...

Perhaps what rights would you take away?

Get caught doing something illegal and we can send them to prison in Cuba as an enemy combatant...

Try to intercept paycheck money leavong the country....this will give the hard worming fellas more incentive to bring their families here and stay to better my country.

More ideas?

Two-thirds of illegal aliens lack a high school degree, the primary reason they create a fiscal deficit is their low education levels and resulting low incomes and tax payments, into their legal status or heavy use of most social services.
Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights?
Courts Have Ruled They Do
By Robert Longley,

While illegal aliens do not enjoy all of the rights granted to citizens by the Constitution, specifically the rights to vote or possess firearms, these rights can also be denied to U.S. citizens convicted of felonies. In final analysis, the courts have ruled that, while they are within the borders of the United States, illegal aliens are granted the same fundamental, undeniable constitutional rights granted to all Americans.

Illegal Aliens and Constitutional Rights – Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights?

That is the problem.:confused:

We are talking the average Mexican national who is here working on my neighbir's lawn not a sworn militant enemy of America caught planting a bomb on a bridge I assume.

What rights would you like to give the yard workers?

Speedy trial....

Right to become a citizen, all them immigration regulations on Asians a century ago look so quaint and poorly conceived now.

Freedom of speech...

Perhaps what rights would you take away?

Get caught doing something illegal and we can send them to prison in Cuba as an enemy combatant...

Try to intercept paycheck money leavong the country....this will give the hard worming fellas more incentive to bring their families here and stay to better my country.

More ideas?

Two-thirds of illegal aliens lack a high school degree, the primary reason they create a fiscal deficit is their low education levels and resulting low incomes and tax payments, into their legal status or heavy use of most social services.

Oh yeah, the average illegal from Mexico is under educated. Their old country sucks. No disagreement there.

I would like to see illegals paid our minimum wage. Take away some economic incentive from corporations like Tyson Chicken who import them.

So, um, would you like to take away citizenship rights from their anchor babies I take it?
That is the problem?

No, it protects all persons’ rights, citizen and non-citizen.

In Plyler the court ruled that the designation of a person by a government agency, such as DHS, does not trump the Constitution and due process. “Illegal aliens’ are innocent until proven guilty, as with anyone else.

This is important because we do not want government agencies, politicians, and bureaucrats deciding who is a citizen and who is not, who is entitled to his rights and who is not.

That would destroy all of our civil liberties and the Republic itself.

That's a powerful argument for Plyler v. Doe. After all, many children of illegal immigrants are themselves Americans.

But you and I both know that the reason you bolded isn't the Constitutional test. Illegal immigrants are not a suspect class. Thus, rational basis should be applied. Under rational basis scrutiny, the court should defer to any conceivably valid reason given by the legislature for the law. Rational basis with bite was actually applied. The majority gave excellent policy reasons for why the Texas statute was short-sighted. But that should not convince us that the legislature had no good reason whatsoever to pass this law.

There was a rational basis supporting the tuition charged in Plyler: the illegal immigrants' parents were not assuredly paying taxes, but charging their children tuition would assuredly save money.

Justice Burger said:
Once it is conceded - as the Court does - that illegal aliens are not a suspect class, and that education is not a fundamental right, our inquiry should focus on and be limited to whether the legislative classification at issue bears a rational relationship to a legitimate state purpose.

The State contends primarily that 21.031 serves to prevent undue depletion of its limited revenues available for education, and to preserve the fiscal integrity of the State's school-financing system against an ever-increasing flood of illegal aliens - aliens over whose entry or continued presence it has no control. Of course such fiscal concerns alone could not justify discrimination against a suspect class or an arbitrary and irrational denial of benefits to a particular group of persons. Yet I assume no Member of this Court would argue that prudent conservation of finite state revenues is per se an illegitimate goal. Indeed, the numerous classifications this Court has sustained in social welfare legislation were invariably related to the limited amount of revenues available to spend on any given program or set of programs. See, e. g., Jefferson v. Hackney, 406 U.S., at 549 -551; Dandridge v. Williams, supra, at 487. The significant question here is whether the requirement of tuition from illegal aliens who attend the public schools - as well as from residents of other states, for example - is a rational and reasonable means of furthering the State's legitimate fiscal ends. 10 [457 U.S. 202, 250]

Without laboring what will undoubtedly seem obvious to many, it simply is not "irrational" for a state to conclude that it does not have the same responsibility to provide benefits for persons whose very presence in the state and this country is illegal as it does to provide for persons lawfully present. By definition, illegal aliens have no right whatever to be here, and the state may reasonably, and constitutionally, elect not to provide them with governmental services at the expense of those who are lawfully in the state. 11 In De Canas v. Bica, 424 U.S. 351, 357 (1976), we held that a State may protect its "fiscal interests and lawfully resident labor force from the deleterious effects on its economy resulting from the employment of illegal aliens." And only recently this Court made clear that a State has a legitimate interest in protecting and preserving the quality of its schools and "the right of its own bona fide residents to attend such institutions on a preferential tuition basis." Vlandis v. Kline, 412 U.S. 441, 453 (1973) (emphasis added). See also Elkins v. Moreno, 435 U.S. 647, 663 -668 (1978). The Court has failed to offer even a plausible explanation why illegality of residence [457 U.S. 202, 251] in this country is not a factor that may legitimately bear upon the bona fides of state residence and entitlement to the benefits of lawful residence.

I can understand why people are upset about this ruling.
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Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights?
Courts Have Ruled They Do
By Robert Longley,

While illegal aliens do not enjoy all of the rights granted to citizens by the Constitution, specifically the rights to vote or possess firearms, these rights can also be denied to U.S. citizens convicted of felonies. In final analysis, the courts have ruled that, while they are within the borders of the United States, illegal aliens are granted the same fundamental, undeniable constitutional rights granted to all Americans.

Illegal Aliens and Constitutional Rights – Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights?

That is the problem.:confused:

We are talking the average Mexican national who is here working on my neighbir's lawn not a sworn militant enemy of America caught planting a bomb on a bridge I assume.

What rights would you like to give the yard workers?

Speedy trial....

Right to become a citizen, all them immigration regulations on Asians a century ago look so quaint and poorly conceived now.

Freedom of speech...

Perhaps what rights would you take away?

Get caught doing something illegal and we can send them to prison in Cuba as an enemy combatant...

Try to intercept paycheck money leavong the country....this will give the hard worming fellas more incentive to bring their families here and stay to better my country.

More ideas?

Two-thirds of illegal aliens lack a high school degree, the primary reason they create a fiscal deficit is their low education levels and resulting low incomes and tax payments, into their legal status or heavy use of most social services.

Not to mention H1N1 flu and drug resistant tuberculosis.
Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights?
Courts Have Ruled They Do
By Robert Longley,

While illegal aliens do not enjoy all of the rights granted to citizens by the Constitution, specifically the rights to vote or possess firearms, these rights can also be denied to U.S. citizens convicted of felonies. In final analysis, the courts have ruled that, while they are within the borders of the United States, illegal aliens are granted the same fundamental, undeniable constitutional rights granted to all Americans.

Illegal Aliens and Constitutional Rights – Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights?

That is the problem.:confused:

If your not a United States Citizen you do not receive the same rights as american citizens, you also dont share in their burdens (taxes) and responsibilities (voting).

Or maybe I should say "should not" instead of "do not"
Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights?
Courts Have Ruled They Do
By Robert Longley,

While illegal aliens do not enjoy all of the rights granted to citizens by the Constitution, specifically the rights to vote or possess firearms, these rights can also be denied to U.S. citizens convicted of felonies. In final analysis, the courts have ruled that, while they are within the borders of the United States, illegal aliens are granted the same fundamental, undeniable constitutional rights granted to all Americans.

Illegal Aliens and Constitutional Rights – Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights?

That is the problem.:confused:

We are talking the average Mexican national who is here working on my neighbir's lawn not a sworn militant enemy of America caught planting a bomb on a bridge I assume.

What rights would you like to give the yard workers?

Speedy trial....

Right to become a citizen, all them immigration regulations on Asians a century ago look so quaint and poorly conceived now.

Freedom of speech...

Perhaps what rights would you take away?

Get caught doing something illegal and we can send them to prison in Cuba as an enemy combatant...

Try to intercept paycheck money leavong the country....this will give the hard worming fellas more incentive to bring their families here and stay to better my country.WTFFFFF?
More ideas?

What gives a hard working lawn worker the right to be here? That he wants a better life than he had in Mexico? Lot of people want a better life but can we let them all ignore our immigraiton laws and enter as they wish? And what part of illegal do you not understand?
I would just take away their right to be here and deport them. Before they become one of those who are killing 15 Americans daily and raping 8 children. Crime prevention. Hard working illegal aliens have already killed more American than 9-11, Iraqi and Afghanistan war.
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If you take the 14th admendment and hold it at the right angle wearing your special liberal blinders then yes the contititution does give them the rights of american citizens.
Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights?
Courts Have Ruled They Do
By Robert Longley,

While illegal aliens do not enjoy all of the rights granted to citizens by the Constitution, specifically the rights to vote or possess firearms, these rights can also be denied to U.S. citizens convicted of felonies. In final analysis, the courts have ruled that, while they are within the borders of the United States, illegal aliens are granted the same fundamental, undeniable constitutional rights granted to all Americans.

Illegal Aliens and Constitutional Rights – Do Illegal Aliens Have Constitutional Rights?

That is the problem.:confused:

If your not a United States Citizen you do not receive the same rights as american citizens, you also dont share in their burdens (taxes) and responsibilities (voting).

Or maybe I should say "should not" instead of "do not"

Illegal immigrants, like everyone else, should definitely receive procedural Due Process rights (we'll agree to disagree on substantive due process rights). They should be entitled to a trial, confrontation rights, protection against cruel and unusual punishment, etc.

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