Do Liberals Care that Mollie Tibbetts Was Murdered By An Illegal Alien?

Yes we care when people are murdered . Cons usually don’t give a shit .

Bye the way. Let’s save this thread the next time a righty claims “liberals using tradgety for political gain”.
No you dont. You sick pukes enjoy slaughtering unborn babies.
If he'd been aborted by his mother, Mollie would still be alive, so by using the OPs logic, you cheer her murder.
Something about the killer:
He worked for Yarrabee Farms, a dairy farm owned by the family of prominent Iowa Republican Craig Lang. "This individual has worked at our farms for four years, was vetted through the government's E-Verify system, and was an employee in good standing," Yarrabee Farms said in a statement Tuesday, according to ABC News. "On Monday, the authorities visited our farm and talked to our employees. We have cooperated fully with their investigation."
Craig Lang previously served as president of the Iowa Farm Bureau and president of the Iowa Board of Regents, which governs the state's public universities. In June, he lost a close GOP primary in the race for state agriculture secretary.
Does he sound like a liberal to all of you?
Was he here legally or illegally?
It doesn't say, but it looks like her was here on some kind of work visa, but I might be wrong. It said he was government vetted, so that kind of suggests it.
If he was an illegal, they knew about him and hired him anyway. Don't all of you say that those who hire the illegals should be arrested too? Well, it he was an illegal, then shouldn't this man be arrested too for knowingly hiring him?
Whatever the laws are on the books for the employers, right?
Something about the killer:
He worked for Yarrabee Farms, a dairy farm owned by the family of prominent Iowa Republican Craig Lang. "This individual has worked at our farms for four years, was vetted through the government's E-Verify system, and was an employee in good standing," Yarrabee Farms said in a statement Tuesday, according to ABC News. "On Monday, the authorities visited our farm and talked to our employees. We have cooperated fully with their investigation."
Craig Lang previously served as president of the Iowa Farm Bureau and president of the Iowa Board of Regents, which governs the state's public universities. In June, he lost a close GOP primary in the race for state agriculture secretary.
Does he sound like a liberal to all of you?
Fascinating piece of information.......
Your logic is flawed.
explain how.

Derp. Undocumented Immigrants are LESS likely to kill. Therefore, bringing them in does not exacerbate the problem.
Sounds like deflection to me, "not as likely", " less likely".....are you this ignorant???? If those two ILLEGALS were not in this
country, those two young ladies would still be alive today. Good grief, you're dense.

Yes. If those two undocumented immigrants were not here the two young women would still be alive.

That says nothing about any other undocumented immigrant.

Are you dense?
We aren't talking about any others, But, it does open the door for others, and there has been others where innocents have been killed.
If we didn't have illegals coming over there would have been less deaths of innocent people being killed.
We also have illegals in gangs, we have DUI's by illegals that have taken innocent lives.
These two are just on the surface, you need to scratch the surface to get to the problem.
So really, who is dense????

We are not talking about any others? What thread are you reading? You, in fact, are talking about others.

If you fear undocumented immigrants, logic would compel you to fear native born Americans even more.

Please note. I find you to be lacking intelligence, so I won't be engaging with you moving forward. I may post an insult
directed at you if I am so disposed...but please don't take that as an invitation to have any type of discussion.
Yes we care when people are murdered . Cons usually don’t give a shit .

Bye the way. Let’s save this thread the next time a righty claims “liberals using tradgety for political gain”.
No you dont. You sick pukes enjoy slaughtering unborn babies.
If he'd been aborted by his mother, Mollie would still be alive, so by using the OPs logic, you cheer her murder.
What? Are you that ignorant?
Something about the killer:
He worked for Yarrabee Farms, a dairy farm owned by the family of prominent Iowa Republican Craig Lang. "This individual has worked at our farms for four years, was vetted through the government's E-Verify system, and was an employee in good standing," Yarrabee Farms said in a statement Tuesday, according to ABC News. "On Monday, the authorities visited our farm and talked to our employees. We have cooperated fully with their investigation."
Craig Lang previously served as president of the Iowa Farm Bureau and president of the Iowa Board of Regents, which governs the state's public universities. In June, he lost a close GOP primary in the race for state agriculture secretary.
Does he sound like a liberal to all of you?

So either he wasn't really here "illegally," or the eVerify system is flawed... OR the Republican that owns the business is hiring illegals and is lying.
Sad that this young woman lost her life. Horrific.

The fact that the accused is an undocumented immigrant is important
only in as far as you fuckers can gin up fear and turn it into votes. You will give it your all, I'm sure.

What do you think of the fact that undocumented immigrants are less likely to commit violent crimes than native born Americans?
her death is on you! just for that kind of thinking

nope, you don't give a fuck about her.
and you're concerned about the political aspect of it......unreal.

Incorrect. I am not using her death as a political weapon. You and Trump are. Fuck off.
Maybe we should start this group Citzen's lives matter......and do a lot of protests
I see liberals are in a tizzy and posting numerous threads about issues involving Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort that have nothing to do with alleged Russian collusion and all of which occurred before Trump was even elected.

Meanwhile, in the last 48 hours we have learned that Mollie Tibbetts, the subject of a nationwide manhunt for the last few weeks, was killed by an illegal alien. Do liberals care? Do they care that a man who was not even supposed to be here in the first place murdered such a wonderful, promising young American college girl?

Mollie Tibbetts murder suspect, illegal immigrant Cristhian Rivera, allegedly passed E-Verify system
Tragic death. Maybe if repugs would stop hiring illegals for cheap labor, they wouldn’t come here and this could have been avoided.
Mr Griffith, the death of this beautiful young girl is a tragedy, and I doubt there is an iota of sympathy for her killer this side of heaven. It is a double tragedy that her death is a rallying cry denouncing a group. To balance painting innocent folks with the same brush as the actual murderer, please provide a link to your post condemning white supremacy for the throat-slitting death of 18 yr old Nia Wilson in Oakland, CA.
OH SNAP!!!...shots fired. Shots fired!

I see liberals are in a tizzy and posting numerous threads about issues involving Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort that have nothing to do with alleged Russian collusion and all of which occurred before Trump was even elected.

Meanwhile, in the last 48 hours we have learned that Mollie Tibbetts, the subject of a nationwide manhunt for the last few weeks, was killed by an illegal alien. Do liberals care? Do they care that a man who was not even supposed to be here in the first place murdered such a wonderful, promising young American college girl?

Mollie Tibbetts murder suspect, illegal immigrant Cristhian Rivera, allegedly passed E-Verify system
What do you propose liberals do about the death of Mollie Tibbetts OP?
Move to Venezuela?
I see liberals are in a tizzy and posting numerous threads about issues involving Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort that have nothing to do with alleged Russian collusion and all of which occurred before Trump was even elected.

Meanwhile, in the last 48 hours we have learned that Mollie Tibbetts, the subject of a nationwide manhunt for the last few weeks, was killed by an illegal alien. Do liberals care? Do they care that a man who was not even supposed to be here in the first place murdered such a wonderful, promising young American college girl?

Mollie Tibbetts murder suspect, illegal immigrant Cristhian Rivera, allegedly passed E-Verify system
What do you propose liberals do about the death of Mollie Tibbetts OP?
Vote for the goddamn wall!
I see liberals are in a tizzy and posting numerous threads about issues involving Michael Cohen and Paul Manafort that have nothing to do with alleged Russian collusion and all of which occurred before Trump was even elected.

Meanwhile, in the last 48 hours we have learned that Mollie Tibbetts, the subject of a nationwide manhunt for the last few weeks, was killed by an illegal alien. Do liberals care? Do they care that a man who was not even supposed to be here in the first place murdered such a wonderful, promising young American college girl?

Mollie Tibbetts murder suspect, illegal immigrant Cristhian Rivera, allegedly passed E-Verify system

Until a Prog suffers a loss they'll defend our stupid open borders policy.
explain how.

Derp. Undocumented Immigrants are LESS likely to kill. Therefore, bringing them in does not exacerbate the problem.
Sounds like deflection to me, "not as likely", " less likely".....are you this ignorant???? If those two ILLEGALS were not in this
country, those two young ladies would still be alive today. Good grief, you're dense.

Yes. If those two undocumented immigrants were not here the two young women would still be alive.

That says nothing about any other undocumented immigrant.

Are you dense?
We aren't talking about any others, But, it does open the door for others, and there has been others where innocents have been killed.
If we didn't have illegals coming over there would have been less deaths of innocent people being killed.
We also have illegals in gangs, we have DUI's by illegals that have taken innocent lives.
These two are just on the surface, you need to scratch the surface to get to the problem.
So really, who is dense????

We are not talking about any others? What thread are you reading? You, in fact, are talking about others.

If you fear undocumented immigrants, logic would compel you to fear native born Americans even more.

Please note. I find you to be lacking intelligence, so I won't be engaging with you moving forward. I may post an insult
directed at you if I am so disposed...but please don't take that as an invitation to have any type of discussion.
To stupid to argue the facts? I fully understand. My point is not only with this death or with Steinle's death, but it is far more a problem
when all the other deaths of innocent people killed by illegals are taken into consideration. They are not so isolated as apparently you think.
A lot of men women and children lives were ended by illegals. If the illegals weren't here, the innocent would still be alive.
Now, go run and hide, LL
Yes we care when people are murdered . Cons usually don’t give a shit .

Bye the way. Let’s save this thread the next time a righty claims “liberals using tradgety for political gain”.
No you dont. You sick pukes enjoy slaughtering unborn babies.
If he'd been aborted by his mother, Mollie would still be alive, so by using the OPs logic, you cheer her murder.
What? Are you that ignorant?
Not at all...just using your logic...if he'd been aborted, he wouldn't be around to murder her. You are against abortion, so you have no problem with this are partially to blame....using the trumpanzee logic we see on this thread.
Yes we care when people are murdered . Cons usually don’t give a shit .

Bye the way. Let’s save this thread the next time a righty claims “liberals using tradgety for political gain”.
No you dont. You sick pukes enjoy slaughtering unborn babies.
If he'd been aborted by his mother, Mollie would still be alive, so by using the OPs logic, you cheer her murder.
What? Are you that ignorant?
Not at all...just using your logic...if he'd been aborted, he wouldn't be around to murder her. You are against abortion, so you have no problem with this are partially to blame....using the trumpanzee logic we see on this thread.
Too bad he wasn’t! I am beginning to like your ideas! He definitely should have been aborted!
The OP is such that he is playing a Horst Wessel game. Mike no more about the real Mollie than the fascists cared about the real Horst. Both Mike and the fascists pretend(ed) to care in order to use the situation for political brownie points and to demonize their enemies.

For shame.

they care more about that she was killed by an illegal than her death.

I wonder why they don't care that trump didn't deport him once he was here.

I also wonder why, if he came here when trump was president, did trump allow him to come into this nation illegally.

If we use the conservatives' standard for Obama, trump wants and has open borders.
I bet they did. go read up on how many times that killer illegal that killed Kate was deported. It doesn't matter, you all want them here.

Why don’t you read up on how he got ahold of that gun? Oh yeah a Fed agent left it in his car. Unsecured .

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