Do Liberals Have The Intellectual Honesty To Admit They've Been Screwed

Ricky LIbtardo

Diamond Member
Jul 22, 2016
Depends on what the definition of sex is I guess.

The dirty little secret about healthcare no one will talk about is Not For Profit Hospitals and Democrats' deal with insurance companies. So let's see if there's any honest liberals out there who aren't just partisan hacks screaming for more Socialism.

When Democrats won power and set out to get poor people better healthcare they knew there was no way Americans would go for Socialized medicine so they had only one place to make a deal, insurance companies. Like lawyers, everyone hates them but most need them at one point or another.

So the deal went like this. If you mandate everyone has to have insurance then that will offset the cost of insuring the poor and sick. But in order to reign supreme Democrats put caps on what insurance companies can make using the bait they will make more money with the increased volume.

Now, for the Not For Profit component.

Have you ever wondered why the hospital charged you $10 for a Tylenol? Because they can of course. In the attached article published in Forbes a study points out seven of the ten most profitable hospitals in the country were non-profit. How the hell does this happen? Well, they can charge what ever they want and as long as they spend all the profit on any thing they want they don't have show a profit on the books.

So as long as the government continues to throw more money at healthcare, the hospitals charge what they want to the insurance companies, and the insurances companies can pass that cost to the government or policy holders nothing will change regardless of what our idiotic politicians do. 59% of the 3000 hospitals are Not For Profit. So liberals, the comparison to Socialized medicine countries does not apply. You screwed yourself and your kids as the cost will never go down.

Very Profitable Nonprofit Hospitals...But Where Are The Profits Going?
You think they they would have admitted to getting screwed after Hillary's dirty tricks knocked Bernie out of the race.
Depends on what the definition of sex is I guess.

The dirty little secret about healthcare no one will talk about is Not For Profit Hospitals and Democrats' deal with insurance companies. So let's see if there's any honest liberals out there who aren't just partisan hacks screaming for more Socialism.

When Democrats won power and set out to get poor people better healthcare they knew there was no way Americans would go for Socialized medicine so they had only one place to make a deal, insurance companies. Like lawyers, everyone hates them but most need them at one point or another.

So the deal went like this. If you mandate everyone has to have insurance then that will offset the cost of insuring the poor and sick. But in order to reign supreme Democrats put caps on what insurance companies can make using the bait they will make more money with the increased volume.

Now, for the Not For Profit component.

Have you ever wondered why the hospital charged you $10 for a Tylenol? Because they can of course. In the attached article published in Forbes a study points out seven of the ten most profitable hospitals in the country were non-profit. How the hell does this happen? Well, they can charge what ever they want and as long as they spend all the profit on any thing they want they don't have show a profit on the books.

So as long as the government continues to throw more money at healthcare, the hospitals charge what they want to the insurance companies, and the insurances companies can pass that cost to the government or policy holders nothing will change regardless of what our idiotic politicians do. 59% of the 3000 hospitals are Not For Profit. So liberals, the comparison to Socialized medicine countries does not apply. You screwed yourself and your kids as the cost will never go down.

Very Profitable Nonprofit Hospitals...But Where Are The Profits Going?

I think americans would have went for socialized health care. obama didn't even try for that, just turned the whole health care issue over to corporate democrats who got the insurance companies involved. I won't hold my breath waiting for republicans to come up with a decent plan either.
Scouring out the illegals sucking on the government teat would help lower costs all the way about higher copays for Medicaid? $1.00 for most medicines and free visits....there are ways to help if you are really interested
Depends on what the definition of sex is I guess.

The dirty little secret about healthcare no one will talk about is Not For Profit Hospitals and Democrats' deal with insurance companies. So let's see if there's any honest liberals out there who aren't just partisan hacks screaming for more Socialism.

When Democrats won power and set out to get poor people better healthcare they knew there was no way Americans would go for Socialized medicine so they had only one place to make a deal, insurance companies. Like lawyers, everyone hates them but most need them at one point or another.

So the deal went like this. If you mandate everyone has to have insurance then that will offset the cost of insuring the poor and sick. But in order to reign supreme Democrats put caps on what insurance companies can make using the bait they will make more money with the increased volume.

Now, for the Not For Profit component.

Have you ever wondered why the hospital charged you $10 for a Tylenol? Because they can of course. In the attached article published in Forbes a study points out seven of the ten most profitable hospitals in the country were non-profit. How the hell does this happen? Well, they can charge what ever they want and as long as they spend all the profit on any thing they want they don't have show a profit on the books.

So as long as the government continues to throw more money at healthcare, the hospitals charge what they want to the insurance companies, and the insurances companies can pass that cost to the government or policy holders nothing will change regardless of what our idiotic politicians do. 59% of the 3000 hospitals are Not For Profit. So liberals, the comparison to Socialized medicine countries does not apply. You screwed yourself and your kids as the cost will never go down.

Very Profitable Nonprofit Hospitals...But Where Are The Profits Going?

I think americans would have went for socialized health care. obama didn't even try for that, just turned the whole health care issue over to corporate democrats who got the insurance companies involved. I won't hold my breath waiting for republicans to come up with a decent plan either.

I've always said meet the Dems half way.

The two sticking points are medicaid and preexisting conditions. The Republicans are afraid to let those who have access to healthcare now to not have access to it.

I wasn't sure if government was going to stop me from working last year, so I inquired about disability. The worker told me that if I go on disability, I would be able to "buy into" a medicare plan for coverage. The plans were more than reasonably priced and the coverage was based on what you wanted to spend.

So I say at least one of the solutions is to allow preexisting condition people do the same: buy into a medicare plan. Doing so would take all the high risk people out of the insurance pool so they can better compete with lower priced plans for the people without such conditions. That would be more inviting to young healthy people to buy insurance as well.
Depends on what the definition of sex is I guess.

The dirty little secret about healthcare no one will talk about is Not For Profit Hospitals and Democrats' deal with insurance companies. So let's see if there's any honest liberals out there who aren't just partisan hacks screaming for more Socialism.

When Democrats won power and set out to get poor people better healthcare they knew there was no way Americans would go for Socialized medicine so they had only one place to make a deal, insurance companies. Like lawyers, everyone hates them but most need them at one point or another.

So the deal went like this. If you mandate everyone has to have insurance then that will offset the cost of insuring the poor and sick. But in order to reign supreme Democrats put caps on what insurance companies can make using the bait they will make more money with the increased volume.

Now, for the Not For Profit component.

Have you ever wondered why the hospital charged you $10 for a Tylenol? Because they can of course. In the attached article published in Forbes a study points out seven of the ten most profitable hospitals in the country were non-profit. How the hell does this happen? Well, they can charge what ever they want and as long as they spend all the profit on any thing they want they don't have show a profit on the books.

So as long as the government continues to throw more money at healthcare, the hospitals charge what they want to the insurance companies, and the insurances companies can pass that cost to the government or policy holders nothing will change regardless of what our idiotic politicians do. 59% of the 3000 hospitals are Not For Profit. So liberals, the comparison to Socialized medicine countries does not apply. You screwed yourself and your kids as the cost will never go down.

Very Profitable Nonprofit Hospitals...But Where Are The Profits Going?

I think americans would have went for socialized health care. obama didn't even try for that, just turned the whole health care issue over to corporate democrats who got the insurance companies involved. I won't hold my breath waiting for republicans to come up with a decent plan either.

I've always said meet the Dems half way.

The two sticking points are medicaid and preexisting conditions. The Republicans are afraid to let those who have access to healthcare now to not have access to it.

I wasn't sure if government was going to stop me from working last year, so I inquired about disability. The worker told me that if I go on disability, I would be able to "buy into" a medicare plan for coverage. The plans were more than reasonably priced and the coverage was based on what you wanted to spend.

So I say at least one of the solutions is to allow preexisting condition people do the same: buy into a medicare plan. Doing so would take all the high risk people out of the insurance pool so they can better compete with lower priced plans for the people without such conditions. That would be more inviting to young healthy people to buy insurance as well.

There was ALWAYS bi-partisan support for common sense healthcare reforms like fixing the pre-existing condition issue. What happened was Obama, a guy with ZERO executive experience came in and told the GOP to go fuck themselves hence the hyper partisan Obamacare bill.

Obama and the Dem's strategy was to cram it through while they had the votes to cram it through and hope when it collapsed congress would have no choice but to fix it and by that I mean raise taxes to fund the money pit.
Depends on what the definition of sex is I guess.

The dirty little secret about healthcare no one will talk about is Not For Profit Hospitals and Democrats' deal with insurance companies. So let's see if there's any honest liberals out there who aren't just partisan hacks screaming for more Socialism.

When Democrats won power and set out to get poor people better healthcare they knew there was no way Americans would go for Socialized medicine so they had only one place to make a deal, insurance companies. Like lawyers, everyone hates them but most need them at one point or another.

So the deal went like this. If you mandate everyone has to have insurance then that will offset the cost of insuring the poor and sick. But in order to reign supreme Democrats put caps on what insurance companies can make using the bait they will make more money with the increased volume.

Now, for the Not For Profit component.

Have you ever wondered why the hospital charged you $10 for a Tylenol? Because they can of course. In the attached article published in Forbes a study points out seven of the ten most profitable hospitals in the country were non-profit. How the hell does this happen? Well, they can charge what ever they want and as long as they spend all the profit on any thing they want they don't have show a profit on the books.

So as long as the government continues to throw more money at healthcare, the hospitals charge what they want to the insurance companies, and the insurances companies can pass that cost to the government or policy holders nothing will change regardless of what our idiotic politicians do. 59% of the 3000 hospitals are Not For Profit. So liberals, the comparison to Socialized medicine countries does not apply. You screwed yourself and your kids as the cost will never go down.

Very Profitable Nonprofit Hospitals...But Where Are The Profits Going?

You have to remember why hospitals do things like charge ten bucks for a Tylenol, they are trying to recoup lost money.

Government only pays 2/3 of the charges for government patients. In order to recoup that money, they increase prices on everybody since it's against the law to increase prices on one group of people. Then insurance companies have to pay those bills and the insured get higher and higher premiums. Continuing down this road will make things worse since the baby boom generation are going on the program.

The solution is to have government pay their fair share. We should double the employee deduction for Medicare so that they have the money to pay for services for their patients. I can't remember the last time government increased those deductions, but it must have been a long time ago.
Looks like republicans may have to apply fixes to ACA instead of throwing millions off coverage. The sadists among you must be terribly disappointed.
Depends on what the definition of sex is I guess.

The dirty little secret about healthcare no one will talk about is Not For Profit Hospitals and Democrats' deal with insurance companies. So let's see if there's any honest liberals out there who aren't just partisan hacks screaming for more Socialism.

When Democrats won power and set out to get poor people better healthcare they knew there was no way Americans would go for Socialized medicine so they had only one place to make a deal, insurance companies. Like lawyers, everyone hates them but most need them at one point or another.

So the deal went like this. If you mandate everyone has to have insurance then that will offset the cost of insuring the poor and sick. But in order to reign supreme Democrats put caps on what insurance companies can make using the bait they will make more money with the increased volume.

Now, for the Not For Profit component.

Have you ever wondered why the hospital charged you $10 for a Tylenol? Because they can of course. In the attached article published in Forbes a study points out seven of the ten most profitable hospitals in the country were non-profit. How the hell does this happen? Well, they can charge what ever they want and as long as they spend all the profit on any thing they want they don't have show a profit on the books.

So as long as the government continues to throw more money at healthcare, the hospitals charge what they want to the insurance companies, and the insurances companies can pass that cost to the government or policy holders nothing will change regardless of what our idiotic politicians do. 59% of the 3000 hospitals are Not For Profit. So liberals, the comparison to Socialized medicine countries does not apply. You screwed yourself and your kids as the cost will never go down.

Very Profitable Nonprofit Hospitals...But Where Are The Profits Going?

I think americans would have went for socialized health care. obama didn't even try for that, just turned the whole health care issue over to corporate democrats who got the insurance companies involved. I won't hold my breath waiting for republicans to come up with a decent plan either.

I've always said meet the Dems half way.

The two sticking points are medicaid and preexisting conditions. The Republicans are afraid to let those who have access to healthcare now to not have access to it.

I wasn't sure if government was going to stop me from working last year, so I inquired about disability. The worker told me that if I go on disability, I would be able to "buy into" a medicare plan for coverage. The plans were more than reasonably priced and the coverage was based on what you wanted to spend.

So I say at least one of the solutions is to allow preexisting condition people do the same: buy into a medicare plan. Doing so would take all the high risk people out of the insurance pool so they can better compete with lower priced plans for the people without such conditions. That would be more inviting to young healthy people to buy insurance as well.

There was ALWAYS bi-partisan support for common sense healthcare reforms like fixing the pre-existing condition issue. What happened was Obama, a guy with ZERO executive experience came in and told the GOP to go fuck themselves hence the hyper partisan Obamacare bill.

Obama and the Dem's strategy was to cram it through while they had the votes to cram it through and hope when it collapsed congress would have no choice but to fix it and by that I mean raise taxes to fund the money pit.

The plan was actually to create as many new government dependents as possible which they did, but fell way short of their predictions.

If we passed a law that stated auto insurance companies can't turn down anybody, have to offer the same price to those with too many points, too many accidents, and several DUI's, what do you think would happen to the cost of our auto insurance?

Commie Care also mandated that insurance companies spend at least 80% of their premium collections on medical expenses alone. That means they can't invest that money to help offset claims like they used to. It's a loss for insurance companies not to do that.

So of course, the price of health insurance went through the roof.
Looks like republicans may have to apply fixes to ACA instead of throwing millions off coverage. The sadists among you must be terribly disappointed.

We do have a fix for it. It's called "repeal" which we can't get all of our representatives to do.
Depends on what the definition of sex is I guess.

The dirty little secret about healthcare no one will talk about is Not For Profit Hospitals and Democrats' deal with insurance companies. So let's see if there's any honest liberals out there who aren't just partisan hacks screaming for more Socialism.

When Democrats won power and set out to get poor people better healthcare they knew there was no way Americans would go for Socialized medicine so they had only one place to make a deal, insurance companies. Like lawyers, everyone hates them but most need them at one point or another.

So the deal went like this. If you mandate everyone has to have insurance then that will offset the cost of insuring the poor and sick. But in order to reign supreme Democrats put caps on what insurance companies can make using the bait they will make more money with the increased volume.

Now, for the Not For Profit component.

Have you ever wondered why the hospital charged you $10 for a Tylenol? Because they can of course. In the attached article published in Forbes a study points out seven of the ten most profitable hospitals in the country were non-profit. How the hell does this happen? Well, they can charge what ever they want and as long as they spend all the profit on any thing they want they don't have show a profit on the books.

So as long as the government continues to throw more money at healthcare, the hospitals charge what they want to the insurance companies, and the insurances companies can pass that cost to the government or policy holders nothing will change regardless of what our idiotic politicians do. 59% of the 3000 hospitals are Not For Profit. So liberals, the comparison to Socialized medicine countries does not apply. You screwed yourself and your kids as the cost will never go down.

Very Profitable Nonprofit Hospitals...But Where Are The Profits Going?

You have to remember why hospitals do things like charge ten bucks for a Tylenol, they are trying to recoup lost money.

Government only pays 2/3 of the charges for government patients. In order to recoup that money, they increase prices on everybody since it's against the law to increase prices on one group of people. Then insurance companies have to pay those bills and the insured get higher and higher premiums. Continuing down this road will make things worse since the baby boom generation are going on the program.

The solution is to have government pay their fair share. We should double the employee deduction for Medicare so that they have the money to pay for services for their patients. I can't remember the last time government increased those deductions, but it must have been a long time ago.

Thanks for your reply. I'm not saying what you posted shouldn't be considered but from the article;

"seven of the top ten most profitable hospitals in the United States were nonprofit hospitals, with each earning over $163 million in profits from patient care."

Medicaid or Medicare for all with premiums collected by the government won't fix the problem. I'm a Adam Smith kinda a guy so I have a problem with government fingers in what should be my decisions. We can't fix a problem when government won't get out of the way of the free market offering insurance policies to be sold across state lines, policies with coverage without all the mandates, and Not For Profit Hospitals. I don't need birth control.
Depends on what the definition of sex is I guess.

The dirty little secret about healthcare no one will talk about is Not For Profit Hospitals and Democrats' deal with insurance companies. So let's see if there's any honest liberals out there who aren't just partisan hacks screaming for more Socialism.

When Democrats won power and set out to get poor people better healthcare they knew there was no way Americans would go for Socialized medicine so they had only one place to make a deal, insurance companies. Like lawyers, everyone hates them but most need them at one point or another.

So the deal went like this. If you mandate everyone has to have insurance then that will offset the cost of insuring the poor and sick. But in order to reign supreme Democrats put caps on what insurance companies can make using the bait they will make more money with the increased volume.

Now, for the Not For Profit component.

Have you ever wondered why the hospital charged you $10 for a Tylenol? Because they can of course. In the attached article published in Forbes a study points out seven of the ten most profitable hospitals in the country were non-profit. How the hell does this happen? Well, they can charge what ever they want and as long as they spend all the profit on any thing they want they don't have show a profit on the books.

So as long as the government continues to throw more money at healthcare, the hospitals charge what they want to the insurance companies, and the insurances companies can pass that cost to the government or policy holders nothing will change regardless of what our idiotic politicians do. 59% of the 3000 hospitals are Not For Profit. So liberals, the comparison to Socialized medicine countries does not apply. You screwed yourself and your kids as the cost will never go down.

Very Profitable Nonprofit Hospitals...But Where Are The Profits Going?

You have to remember why hospitals do things like charge ten bucks for a Tylenol, they are trying to recoup lost money.

Government only pays 2/3 of the charges for government patients. In order to recoup that money, they increase prices on everybody since it's against the law to increase prices on one group of people. Then insurance companies have to pay those bills and the insured get higher and higher premiums. Continuing down this road will make things worse since the baby boom generation are going on the program.

The solution is to have government pay their fair share. We should double the employee deduction for Medicare so that they have the money to pay for services for their patients. I can't remember the last time government increased those deductions, but it must have been a long time ago.

Thanks for your reply. I'm not saying what you posted shouldn't be considered but from the article;

"seven of the top ten most profitable hospitals in the United States were nonprofit hospitals, with each earning over $163 million in profits from patient care."

Medicaid or Medicare for all with premiums collected by the government won't fix the problem. I'm a Adam Smith kinda a guy so I have a problem with government fingers in what should be my decisions. We can't fix a problem when government won't get out of the way of the free market offering insurance policies to be sold across state lines, policies with coverage without all the mandates, and Not For Profit Hospitals. I don't need birth control.

The problem is that people on both sides of the aisle want to keep all these programs. Okay, but if we want to keep these programs, we have to fund these programs. It can't get much simpler than that.

Until the time comes where a majority of people don't want these programs any longer, then we are stuck with them. But we can't keep allowing these programs to run into a hole or run other programs into a hole. Maybe if we started to charge people enough to support these programs, people would consider getting rid of them.
Looks like republicans may have to apply fixes to ACA instead of throwing millions off coverage. The sadists among you must be terribly disappointed.

What do the Republicans need to do? Just leave it, let the Dems fix it when they get back in power.
Small business owner...... Health Insurance is 3600,00/month for 3. I'm really sick of paying for unwed mothers having their 4th and 5th child, but they don't have a job.. Start sterilizing these bitches.
Hilarious that somebody who is conservative think liberals like myself have been screwed.
As is the norm for internet forums cons seem to not know or think in real reality. I have not been screwed by the PPACA or have any of the people I know in business or just about anyone I have ever met in real life.
Cons are so blind . They act as if someone who has no insurance, doesn't get sick! Reality doesn't work like that .

So we had this system everyone hated . Millions didn't have health insurance thru work , then get sick . They are treated (thanks to Ron Reagan) and the taxpayer gets the bill.

So the Dems came up with a a way to get those uncovered people covered. Since taxpayers get stuck anyway, why not make all pay in , since all the uncovered eventually will need medical help.
Cons are so blind . They act as if someone who has no insurance, doesn't get sick! Reality doesn't work like that .

So we had this system everyone hated . Millions didn't have health insurance thru work , then get sick . They are treated (thanks to Ron Reagan) and the taxpayer gets the bill.

So the Dems came up with a a way to get those uncovered people covered. Since taxpayers get stuck anyway, why not make all pay in , since all the uncovered eventually will need medical help.

All don't pay in. The middle class again bears the burden.

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