Do Liberals use drugs much more then Conservatives?

There really aren't any liberals around these days. They're pretty much indoctrinated commie pawns.
Which is why i call them prog slaves...

I have seen some indicators, but no conclusive studies. Does anyone have more thorough results?
Study finds people who use psychedelic drugs tend to be liberal.
There is an undocumented claim that Liberals use more drugs:
A study published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse found that among heavy drug users, the ratio of Democrats to Republicans was more than 8-to-1.

Are there any more reliable numbers?

If indeed Liberals make up over 75% of drug users then there is no reason for Conservatives to oppose War on Drugs. Remember -- (#notallliberals) but enough Liberals are working to ensure that anyone who disagrees with them loses his/her career. Why should Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals support freedom of those who work to take our Freedom of Speech away?

If over 35% of those who use drugs are Conservative, then all of us should oppose War on Drugs.

“Academic studies have found that those on the political left are five times more likely to use marijuana and cocaine . . . Another survey found that Democrats were five times more likely to use marijuana than Republicans . . .

A study published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse found that among heavy drug users, the ratio of Democrats to Republicans was more than 8-to-1.”

Are Liberals Bigger Drug Users?
who do you think would admit they smoke pot,a liberal or a republican?....just asking.....
I have seen some indicators, but no conclusive studies. Does anyone have more thorough results?
Study finds people who use psychedelic drugs tend to be liberal.
There is an undocumented claim that Liberals use more drugs:
A study published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse found that among heavy drug users, the ratio of Democrats to Republicans was more than 8-to-1.

Are there any more reliable numbers?

If indeed Liberals make up over 75% of drug users then there is no reason for Conservatives to oppose War on Drugs. Remember -- (#notallliberals) but enough Liberals are working to ensure that anyone who disagrees with them loses his/her career. Why should Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals support freedom of those who work to take our Freedom of Speech away?

If over 35% of those who use drugs are Conservative, then all of us should oppose War on Drugs.

“Academic studies have found that those on the political left are five times more likely to use marijuana and cocaine . . . Another survey found that Democrats were five times more likely to use marijuana than Republicans . . .

A study published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse found that among heavy drug users, the ratio of Democrats to Republicans was more than 8-to-1.”

Are Liberals Bigger Drug Users?
who do you think would admit they smoke pot,a liberal or a republican?....just asking.....

No idea. I'll admit that I've done every drug you can name and some you can't name, but have been squeaky-clean for the last 14 years. I'm a Republican too.

Do like to drink a little though. And smoke cigarettes. :04:
YES, how else could someone like Hank Johnson, Nancy Pelosi, or Joe Biden ever be elected? Only stupid people would vote for those people.....

Could anyone give me a serious source like a study? Google gives tons of junk.

Anecdotally you could look at drug addiction geographically compared to political results I suppose. Appalachia has an opioid problem for sure Opioid Summaries by State | National Institute on Drug Abuse
I have seen some indicators, but no conclusive studies. Does anyone have more thorough results?
Study finds people who use psychedelic drugs tend to be liberal.
There is an undocumented claim that Liberals use more drugs:
A study published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse found that among heavy drug users, the ratio of Democrats to Republicans was more than 8-to-1.

Are there any more reliable numbers?

If indeed Liberals make up over 75% of drug users then there is no reason for Conservatives to oppose War on Drugs. Remember -- (#notallliberals) but enough Liberals are working to ensure that anyone who disagrees with them loses his/her career. Why should Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals support freedom of those who work to take our Freedom of Speech away?

If over 35% of those who use drugs are Conservative, then all of us should oppose War on Drugs.
I've never heard that drug abuse had a political component. The Left tends to be the ones demanding the removal of laws and restrictions on behaviors that Americans traditionally shunned. If they want to fry their brains, let 'em go for it. Hurt me or one of those I love in that process and retribution will be swift and sure. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.
I have seen some indicators, but no conclusive studies. Does anyone have more thorough results?
Study finds people who use psychedelic drugs tend to be liberal.
There is an undocumented claim that Liberals use more drugs:
A study published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse found that among heavy drug users, the ratio of Democrats to Republicans was more than 8-to-1.

Are there any more reliable numbers?

If indeed Liberals make up over 75% of drug users then there is no reason for Conservatives to oppose War on Drugs. Remember -- (#notallliberals) but enough Liberals are working to ensure that anyone who disagrees with them loses his/her career. Why should Conservatives, Independents, and Classical Liberals support freedom of those who work to take our Freedom of Speech away?

If over 35% of those who use drugs are Conservative, then all of us should oppose War on Drugs.

“Academic studies have found that those on the political left are five times more likely to use marijuana and cocaine . . . Another survey found that Democrats were five times more likely to use marijuana than Republicans . . .

A study published in the American Journal of Drug and Alcohol Abuse found that among heavy drug users, the ratio of Democrats to Republicans was more than 8-to-1.”

Are Liberals Bigger Drug Users?
who do you think would admit they smoke pot,a liberal or a republican?....just asking.....

No idea. I'll admit that I've done every drug you can name and some you can't name, but have been squeaky-clean for the last 14 years. I'm a Republican too.

Do like to drink a little though. And smoke cigarettes. :04:
I smoked dope from my teens to my mid-twenties, drank like a fish and I don't look down the nose at anyone for their choices unless those choices harm me or mine. I grew up in a solidly Democrat family and I was the first to ever vote Republican. I started with Reagan and have never given a vote to a Dem in my life. I'm just sorry it took me so long to finally twig to the fact that there really isn't any significant difference between parties. They are ALL in it for themselves, not us.
One reason Conservatives should think twice before voting to decriminalize marijuana -- drug laws put more Liberals in jail. These are people who are destroying careers of anyone who disagrees with them. Should Conservatives support freedom of those who take away our Free Speech?

On the other hand if over 30% of those who use drugs are Conservative, then it is unfair to support War on Drugs.

PS. I do not hate Liberals and I agree with them on some issues. I do hate some of their actions -- making most Conservatives and Classical Liberals afraid of using our Free Speech. I hate the fact that they destroy tens of thousands of careers for slightest disagreement. Given that, it would be irresponsible for Conservatives to vote against marijuana laws.
If indeed Liberals make up over 75% of drug users then there is no reason for Conservatives to oppose War on Drugs.
The war on drugs -- as it has been directed -- is an affront to human rights and freedoms.

I don't understand the philosophy of "addiction" very well, either.

Some people smoke tobacco and act like assholes under the influence of nicotine. Others smoke marijuana and act like assholes under the influence of TCH//CBD etc.

People drink wine and become intoxicated with ethanol. Beer as well as certain liquors such as vodka and whiskey contain proportionately more methanol which is a "harder" form of alcohol than ethanol, and can cause blindness or permanent liver damage in overdose.

Crack cocaine is annoying because even second hand smoke is highly stimulating to those who are not habituated to it. It's unclear to me why it would be preferable to a double shot of espresso or Red Bull energy drink of something like that, but there is really nothing about it to justify decades long prison sentences for something which in effect is at most a misdemeanor, on par with littering or leaving cigarette butts on the ground.

Methamphetamine? Heroin? Sleeping pills and wokefulness pills, with all due respect.

Are drugs moral or immoral? Neither the FDA trials for designer drugs nor the requirement of a doctor's prescription can have any bearing on the morality of the morality of a controlled substance or its use by a patient with any particular purpose or justification.

We're just not going to win the war on drugs if a cigarette butt is a felony, or if undercover cops with a "wire" try to buy or sell or listen in to make a "bust."

When people are addicted to drugs, and they are causing problems, those problems are readily apparent to the community.

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