Do majority of Republicans think Theory of Evolution is a fact ?

"... scientific laws started out from the beginning as laws huh?"

Correct, and we merely discovered them.

Look, listen up: You can ask 1000 dishonest questions and post 1000 definitions, and you will NEVER be correct that scientifoc theories become laws or that ideas are "only theories". Not ever, so I'm not wasting my time with this nonsense.

Gee, what rock were they hiding under? Talk about dishonest, all scientific laws came about by hypothesis, leading to theory and finally confirmed as a law.

It was a supposed apple that launched gravitational law. Not getting smacked by a law.

None of them were ever scientific theories, because theories and laws are different. This is a fundamental idea in science, and not only do you have no grasp of this, the things you are saying are wrong. You are simply not qualified or entitled to have an opinion on any scientific idea ever, and you would fail the most rudimentary science quiz.

You can say whatever you want. A law is discovered through a process of thought, measurement, observation and conclusions that verify it exists. Those are the very definition of hypothesis and theory.

That is neither the definition of law nor of scientific theory. Bizarrely enough, you posted the actual definitions of these terms earlier in this odd that you would them ignore them and make up your own.

Laws and scientific theories are fundamentally different concepts. And you clearly still do not understand this or the differences.
I believe the book of Genesis is factual. Read the ending of the book of Revelation. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. It is difficult for me to imagine that the original earth was different than the new one. And how is that new earth described? It will have no mountains or oceans. Doesn't that give anyone a clue to how this "original" earth once looked?

I firmly believe that the FLOOD revamped the earth of Adam and Eve. It is this reality that many scientists fail to consider or realize. What we presently observe likely has little relationship to the earth Adam viewed. It was a far different planet. This planet has faced bombardment by asteroids and meteors and perhaps even comets. The surface of the earth split apart with geysers and volcanic eruptions totally unknown to Adam.

If some scientists are going to disregard GOD, they are missing the most important piece of data available. And this will cause them both confusion and misunderstanding of the data they do possess. A secular hole is no different than a religious blanket. They both can bring about blindness to reality.
You’re at liberty to believe whatever myths and fairytales you so desire.

But neither the Earth nor man were created by a deity.

There was no ‘flood,’ no Adam and Eve, no garden of Eden.

The bible is the creation of man, written by men, ‘inspired’ by no deity – the bible merely propagates ancient myths, folklores, and legends.

The flood myth, for example, was appropriated from Mesopotamian mythology – the Epic of Gilgamesh – which predates the bible, where the annual flooding of rivers was the most powerful force known to the civilizations of the Fertile Crescent.You are, of course, free to believe those fairy tales if you wish.

"You are, of course, free to believe those fairy tales if you wish."

Just as you goofball deniers are free to enjoy the benefits of our scientific knowledge, no matter what goofy superstitions or fetishes warp your perception of it.
You are in for a big surprize

God is a liberal Democrat

He also loves science
Liberals love science, really?
I had a liberal just the other day tell me that an unborn child wasn't an unborn child, it was something else. That to me certainly seems like they deny science especially biology.
Let's get you right (heh) before you are left: a fetus is not a child.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser. It's all human, from conception to the last gasps of breath at death from old age. The particular stage of development at the time doesn't alter that FACT..
Only in the mind of the fanatic, like you. No fetus has parity or primary authority over the mother.

And that alters the FACT that a fetus is just a human child in a pre-birth stage of development, HOW????????

Damn you regressives are ignorant when you want to justify ending the life of a human.


Mother's choice. Simple. No other arguments required. Have a nice day.
that fact is demonstrated throughout the universe

Prove it the fuck can you say something like that you ignorant fool?

Prove to me it's demonstrated throughout the universe you condescending anti science prick...

Go to you nearest planetarium, they'll splain it to ya. Bye

Well not to be an ahole, there wouldn’t be meteors flying willynilly if there were universal gravity

Gravity is universal and meteors aren't flying willy-nilly.

Yes they are I already proved it in this thread

Just for you once again...

Small Asteroid or Comet 'Visits' from Beyond the Solar System

Small Asteroid or Comet 'Visits' from Beyond the Solar System

So? The fact that it has come from outside our solar system doesn't make it willy-nilly. Something got it moving this way and the gravity of the sun has pulled it into our system.
So they all hit the sun? Wow!why do they come back around at sometime?
I believe the book of Genesis is factual. Read the ending of the book of Revelation. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. It is difficult for me to imagine that the original earth was different than the new one. And how is that new earth described? It will have no mountains or oceans. Doesn't that give anyone a clue to how this "original" earth once looked?

I firmly believe that the FLOOD revamped the earth of Adam and Eve. It is this reality that many scientists fail to consider or realize. What we presently observe likely has little relationship to the earth Adam viewed. It was a far different planet. This planet has faced bombardment by asteroids and meteors and perhaps even comets. The surface of the earth split apart with geysers and volcanic eruptions totally unknown to Adam.

If some scientists are going to disregard GOD, they are missing the most important piece of data available. And this will cause them both confusion and misunderstanding of the data they do possess. A secular hole is no different than a religious blanket. They both can bring about blindness to reality.
You’re at liberty to believe whatever myths and fairytales you so desire.

But neither the Earth nor man were created by a deity.

There was no ‘flood,’ no Adam and Eve, no garden of Eden.

The bible is the creation of man, written by men, ‘inspired’ by no deity – the bible merely propagates ancient myths, folklores, and legends.

The flood myth, for example, was appropriated from Mesopotamian mythology – the Epic of Gilgamesh – which predates the bible, where the annual flooding of rivers was the most powerful force known to the civilizations of the Fertile Crescent.You are, of course, free to believe those fairy tales if you wish.

"You are, of course, free to believe those fairy tales if you wish."

Just as you goofball deniers are free to enjoy the benefits of our scientific knowledge, no matter what goofy superstitions or fetishes warp your perception of it.
yeah, some supporter of science you are. It really cracks Me up to think that you can divorce science from creation.

Well, good luck with that.
You are in for a big surprize

God is a liberal Democrat

He also loves science
Liberals love science, really?
I had a liberal just the other day tell me that an unborn child wasn't an unborn child, it was something else. That to me certainly seems like they deny science especially biology.
Let's get you right (heh) before you are left: a fetus is not a child.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser. It's all human, from conception to the last gasps of breath at death from old age. The particular stage of development at the time doesn't alter that FACT..
Only in the mind of the fanatic, like you. No fetus has parity or primary authority over the mother.
And that alters the FACT that a fetus is just a human child in a pre-birth stage of development, HOW???????? Damn you regressives are ignorant when you want to justify ending the life of a human..
There is no fact that the fetus is a human child. That is conferred upon birth. You can yell all you want, but you can't change reality or biology.
Semantics, the last bastion of a loser. It's all human, from conception to the last gasps of breath at death from old age. The particular stage of development at the time doesn't alter that FACT.
There's a lot of pro-choicers who are simply unwilling to be honest about this. Most likely, they play intellectual games on other issues as well, so this is just how they roll all the time.

It's obviously human life from the first moment. I admit that and I'm pro choice. Denying the obvious is just weak.

Yep, just weak minded.

I believe the book of Genesis is factual. Read the ending of the book of Revelation. There will be a new heaven and a new earth. It is difficult for me to imagine that the original earth was different than the new one. And how is that new earth described? It will have no mountains or oceans. Doesn't that give anyone a clue to how this "original" earth once looked?

I firmly believe that the FLOOD revamped the earth of Adam and Eve. It is this reality that many scientists fail to consider or realize. What we presently observe likely has little relationship to the earth Adam viewed. It was a far different planet. This planet has faced bombardment by asteroids and meteors and perhaps even comets. The surface of the earth split apart with geysers and volcanic eruptions totally unknown to Adam.

If some scientists are going to disregard GOD, they are missing the most important piece of data available. And this will cause them both confusion and misunderstanding of the data they do possess. A secular hole is no different than a religious blanket. They both can bring about blindness to reality.
You’re at liberty to believe whatever myths and fairytales you so desire.

But neither the Earth nor man were created by a deity.

There was no ‘flood,’ no Adam and Eve, no garden of Eden.

The bible is the creation of man, written by men, ‘inspired’ by no deity – the bible merely propagates ancient myths, folklores, and legends.

The flood myth, for example, was appropriated from Mesopotamian mythology – the Epic of Gilgamesh – which predates the bible, where the annual flooding of rivers was the most powerful force known to the civilizations of the Fertile Crescent.You are, of course, free to believe those fairy tales if you wish.

"You are, of course, free to believe those fairy tales if you wish."

Just as you goofball deniers are free to enjoy the benefits of our scientific knowledge, no matter what goofy superstitions or fetishes warp your perception of it.

What fairy tales? This just happened...

If this hit earth it wouldn't of broke up in the was speculated to be a quarter mile ..and way to fast

That is neither the definition of law nor of scientific theory. Bizarrely enough, you posted the actual definitions of these terms earlier in this odd that you would them ignore them and make up your own.

Laws and scientific theories are fundamentally different concepts. And you clearly still do not understand this or the differences.

How odd that you think any scientific law is going to come to humans without a thought process and humans are then going to challenge that law with a scientific process before accepting it. What makes that apple fall? Is there a predictable behavior in that falling object? Does it apply to all objects?
Liberals love science, really?
I had a liberal just the other day tell me that an unborn child wasn't an unborn child, it was something else. That to me certainly seems like they deny science especially biology.
Let's get you right (heh) before you are left: a fetus is not a child.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser. It's all human, from conception to the last gasps of breath at death from old age. The particular stage of development at the time doesn't alter that FACT..
Only in the mind of the fanatic, like you. No fetus has parity or primary authority over the mother.
And that alters the FACT that a fetus is just a human child in a pre-birth stage of development, HOW???????? Damn you regressives are ignorant when you want to justify ending the life of a human..
There is no fact that the fetus is a human child. That is conferred upon birth. You can yell all you want, but you can't change reality or biology.

So what do you think a fetus will become a lollipop you stupid science denier?
Liberals love science, really?
I had a liberal just the other day tell me that an unborn child wasn't an unborn child, it was something else. That to me certainly seems like they deny science especially biology.
Let's get you right (heh) before you are left: a fetus is not a child.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser. It's all human, from conception to the last gasps of breath at death from old age. The particular stage of development at the time doesn't alter that FACT..
Only in the mind of the fanatic, like you. No fetus has parity or primary authority over the mother.

And that alters the FACT that a fetus is just a human child in a pre-birth stage of development, HOW????????

Damn you regressives are ignorant when you want to justify ending the life of a human.


Mother's choice. Simple. No other arguments required. Have a nice day.
Yup, end of the line. Step off, OKTexas, your nonsensical ride is finished.
Kinda funny seeing phrases like "prove it" in a conversation about evolution and religion. Nobody can prove any of this stuff, gang, it's all theory and faith. We know that, right?
Exactly we are to young of a species ...
Yep. I can certainly understand the craving to know where we came from and why we're here, but at this time it's simply unknowable. It will probably remain unknowable through our lifetimes, just as it has for everyone else on this planet. It's just mental masturbation.
We know where we came from

You need to get out more, perhaps read a science book
Liberals love science, really?
I had a liberal just the other day tell me that an unborn child wasn't an unborn child, it was something else. That to me certainly seems like they deny science especially biology.
Let's get you right (heh) before you are left: a fetus is not a child.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser. It's all human, from conception to the last gasps of breath at death from old age. The particular stage of development at the time doesn't alter that FACT..
Only in the mind of the fanatic, like you. No fetus has parity or primary authority over the mother.
And that alters the FACT that a fetus is just a human child in a pre-birth stage of development, HOW???????? Damn you regressives are ignorant when you want to justify ending the life of a human..
There is no fact that the fetus is a human child. That is conferred upon birth. You can yell all you want, but you can't change reality or biology.

So tell us the option a fetus will become?

Please tell us moron...
Kinda funny seeing phrases like "prove it" in a conversation about evolution and religion. Nobody can prove any of this stuff, gang, it's all theory and faith. We know that, right?
Exactly we are to young of a species ...
Yep. I can certainly understand the craving to know where we came from and why we're here, but at this time it's simply unknowable. It will probably remain unknowable through our lifetimes, just as it has for everyone else on this planet. It's just mental masturbation.
We know where we came from

You need to get out more, perhaps read a science book

Yes we know you came from a says so on your aviator..
Liberals love science, really?
I had a liberal just the other day tell me that an unborn child wasn't an unborn child, it was something else. That to me certainly seems like they deny science especially biology.
Let's get you right (heh) before you are left: a fetus is not a child.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser. It's all human, from conception to the last gasps of breath at death from old age. The particular stage of development at the time doesn't alter that FACT..
Only in the mind of the fanatic, like you. No fetus has parity or primary authority over the mother.

And that alters the FACT that a fetus is just a human child in a pre-birth stage of development, HOW????????

Damn you regressives are ignorant when you want to justify ending the life of a human.


Mother's choice. Simple. No other arguments required. Have a nice day.

And I have argued otherwise, where?

Let's get you right (heh) before you are left: a fetus is not a child.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser. It's all human, from conception to the last gasps of breath at death from old age. The particular stage of development at the time doesn't alter that FACT..
Only in the mind of the fanatic, like you. No fetus has parity or primary authority over the mother.

And that alters the FACT that a fetus is just a human child in a pre-birth stage of development, HOW????????

Damn you regressives are ignorant when you want to justify ending the life of a human.


Mother's choice. Simple. No other arguments required. Have a nice day.
Yup, end of the line. Step off, OKTexas, your nonsensical ride is finished.

Come on justification fool, if a fetus doesn't become a human baby what does it become?

A simple question..
Kinda funny seeing phrases like "prove it" in a conversation about evolution and religion. Nobody can prove any of this stuff, gang, it's all theory and faith. We know that, right?
Exactly we are to young of a species ...
Yep. I can certainly understand the craving to know where we came from and why we're here, but at this time it's simply unknowable. It will probably remain unknowable through our lifetimes, just as it has for everyone else on this planet. It's just mental masturbation.
We know where we came from

You need to get out more, perhaps ready a science book

You going with the visiting aliens theory, monkey decided to face the ridicule of the other monkeys and walked into the savannah or man was formed from clay (primordial soup) and life was breathed into him.
Liberals love science, really?
I had a liberal just the other day tell me that an unborn child wasn't an unborn child, it was something else. That to me certainly seems like they deny science especially biology.
Let's get you right (heh) before you are left: a fetus is not a child.

Semantics, the last bastion of a loser. It's all human, from conception to the last gasps of breath at death from old age. The particular stage of development at the time doesn't alter that FACT..
Only in the mind of the fanatic, like you. No fetus has parity or primary authority over the mother.
And that alters the FACT that a fetus is just a human child in a pre-birth stage of development, HOW???????? Damn you regressives are ignorant when you want to justify ending the life of a human..
There is no fact that the fetus is a human child. That is conferred upon birth. You can yell all you want, but you can't change reality or biology.

More semantics, leave the damn thing alone and see what the outcome is.


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