Do Not Be Without a Gun

The crime channels have become quite popular on TV lately. The many shows they present, show people being beaten, raped, and in many cases killed.

Some of these attacks are shown in disturbing live footage. Others show victims, often women with scarred faces, telling their tales of horror.

The question that begs to be answered is why are these people leaving themselves unarmed and vulnerable ? Anyone who can afford to buy a gun, training, and a license, should do so, to protect themselves and their families.

To not own a gun is an irresponsible and dangerous negligence. Except in a few goofball cities like New York, it is legal to own a pistol being kept in the home, car, or place of business (even without a license).

How sad that people, even women with children, leave themselves vulnerable to the wide assortment of subhuman lowlifes, who abuse them as if it were normal activity.
It is not that scary out there. I rarely carry my pistol. I have not fired it in years. My 12 gage is all that ever actually gets fired these days with regularity. I use my 223 for cotote hunting some. Bad things happen in bad areas but I stay out of them these days. Back when I was still running a real estate and appraisal buisness I carried one if I had to do work in a bad area of town but most the time if I could get in there by noon befre the crack heads were out of bed I did not even carry one then. Do not live in fear, it sucks to feal that way.
It isn't fear, it is intelligence ,(although a little bit of fear isn't such a bad thing.
Protection is an important thing. How ever, I think more importantly in todays society owning one for hunting and promoiting an out door healthy life style is more important. I spend a good amount of my free time recruiting people to get back into out door fishing,hunting,hiking. I am more concerned with the sedintary life style that americans lead today. I think that is way more likely to kill you than a crimnal. I also think that living out doors and healthy would cure a great deal of the mental illness that causes things to go wrong with guns. Guns are not the problem, boredom,obesity, and lack of stress relief is the real problem. Pick up the golf clubs,guns,bows, what ever gets you out and acting like a human being again. Come fish with me on my head boats. Come duck hunt with some of my buddies that are guides. Feel better and make friends. Lower the cost of deer camps so more can come be healthy. I try to never spread fear but only confidence. A gun and an out door life style will give you happiness and health.
The crime channels have become quite popular on TV lately. The many shows they present, show people being beaten, raped, and in many cases killed.

Some of these attacks are shown in disturbing live footage. Others show victims, often women with scarred faces, telling their tales of horror.

The question that begs to be answered is why are these people leaving themselves unarmed and vulnerable ? Anyone who can afford to buy a gun, training, and a license, should do so, to protect themselves and their families.

To not own a gun is an irresponsible and dangerous negligence. Except in a few goofball cities like New York, it is legal to own a pistol being kept in the home, car, or place of business (even without a license).

How sad that people, even women with children, leave themselves vulnerable to the wide assortment of subhuman lowlifes, who abuse them as if it were normal activity.
It is not that scary out there. I rarely carry my pistol. I have not fired it in years. My 12 gage is all that ever actually gets fired these days with regularity. I use my 223 for cotote hunting some. Bad things happen in bad areas but I stay out of them these days. Back when I was still running a real estate and appraisal buisness I carried one if I had to do work in a bad area of town but most the time if I could get in there by noon befre the crack heads were out of bed I did not even carry one then. Do not live in fear, it sucks to feal that way.

I don't think most people who own or carry guns live in fear. They own and carry a gun the same way they buckle their seat belt or have a fire alarm in the home.....with just as much emotion.
This I agree with but we have some of the paranoid on here preaching fear. I own guns and always have. I always will. If they are respected they are not dangerous like any other tool. That all being said I would rather not be around the paranoid or fearfull that are carying one they make stupid mistakes with them. Get proper training use a level head and guns are a usefull tool for protection and also a way to get out doors get healthy and get a nice meal.
Nobody is disputing this . Please try to stay within the topic.
I am staying with in the topic. I am just pointing out there ae more reasons to own one than just protection. For once we are on the same side here. You want to sell the benefits of gun ownership and I beleive my description of these benefits does nothing but strengthen your arguments and will appeal to a larger market segment. Guns aint cheap show the public that they will do some thing other than sit and collect dust waiting for the opportunity to defend your self. Actually go out and use the tool as it was meant to be used and the owners will gane skill at using them so when that time does arrive to use for protection you are skilled,experienced and confident. Along with all the other benefits I described.
There is far more to the art of defense than simply having a weapon. I've had guns all my life and never needed one to use against an attacker. I can think of a few times things would have went really bad if I had a gun in my hand. Some drunk bastard would be dead instead of just knocked the fuck out. Just having a gun is not the final answer to anything.
Your statement highlights why you should not be permitted to own a gun.

A stable and responsible gun owner would never even think of pulling a weapon on someone who is intoxicated.

Not even to make a cheap and wrong point on an Internet forum.
There is a lot of fear of guns that liberals typically have . Most of them are not in occupations where guns are carried, or have any military background.

As such, they are easy prey for anti-gun do-gooders, who saturate them with anti-gun propaganda.
The word "responsible gun ownership" gets used a lot when we all know that not everyone is responsible. It follows that not everyone should have a gun. It can be argued that a person who does not own a gun is in some way practicing responsible gun ownership by admitting to themselves that they shouldn't have one for whatever reason.
I doubt that anyone would argue with this. Those people who are not responsible enough to have a gun (at least in their home) however, might be advised to seek counseling to better themselves.
We all know people who are useless in a crisis. What good is a gun to people who lose their mind and freak out when the shit hits the fan? This tendency to panic is not something that can be easily overcome.

And yet, time after time Americans use their legal guns to save lives from rapists, robbers and murderers........ the key is that everyone gets the option to own and carry a gun regardless of what they may or may not be able to do at crunch time...and you don't get to decide before it happens who is or isn't capable....
No argument. I am simply saying that putting faith in everyone toting a gun and their ability to use it effectively is foolish. You may have confidence in yourself but what about other people? Not everyone has the cool head required to carry around a pistol all the time and keep it secure yet accessible. If a person is the panicky type I do not see how a gun would do them any good in a crisis.
And yet people who have carry permits are some of the most law abiding people in the country and prove that they have incredible restraint when it comes to using firearms.

As much as you people like to say every little thing will end in a shoot out it never seems to happen
The crime channels have become quite popular on TV lately. The many shows they present, show people being beaten, raped, and in many cases killed.

Some of these attacks are shown in disturbing live footage. Others show victims, often women with scarred faces, telling their tales of horror.

The question that begs to be answered is why are these people leaving themselves unarmed and vulnerable ? Anyone who can afford to buy a gun, training, and a license, should do so, to protect themselves and their families.

To not own a gun is an irresponsible and dangerous negligence. Except in a few goofball cities like New York, it is legal to own a pistol being kept in the home, car, or place of business (even without a license).

How sad that people, even women with children, leave themselves vulnerable to the wide assortment of subhuman lowlifes, who abuse them as if it were normal activity.
Everyone is out to get you. Live in fear of everything and everyone.
The crime channels have become quite popular on TV lately. The many shows they present, show people being beaten, raped, and in many cases killed.

Some of these attacks are shown in disturbing live footage. Others show victims, often women with scarred faces, telling their tales of horror.

The question that begs to be answered is why are these people leaving themselves unarmed and vulnerable ? Anyone who can afford to buy a gun, training, and a license, should do so, to protect themselves and their families.

To not own a gun is an irresponsible and dangerous negligence. Except in a few goofball cities like New York, it is legal to own a pistol being kept in the home, car, or place of business (even without a license).

How sad that people, even women with children, leave themselves vulnerable to the wide assortment of subhuman lowlifes, who abuse them as if it were normal activity.
Everyone is out to get you. Live in fear of everything and everyone.
The crime channels have become quite popular on TV lately. The many shows they present, show people being beaten, raped, and in many cases killed.

Some of these attacks are shown in disturbing live footage. Others show victims, often women with scarred faces, telling their tales of horror.

The question that begs to be answered is why are these people leaving themselves unarmed and vulnerable ? Anyone who can afford to buy a gun, training, and a license, should do so, to protect themselves and their families.

To not own a gun is an irresponsible and dangerous negligence. Except in a few goofball cities like New York, it is legal to own a pistol being kept in the home, car, or place of business (even without a license).

How sad that people, even women with children, leave themselves vulnerable to the wide assortment of subhuman lowlifes, who abuse them as if it were normal activity.
Everyone is out to get you. Live in fear of everything and everyone.
The crime channels have become quite popular on TV lately. The many shows they present, show people being beaten, raped, and in many cases killed.

Some of these attacks are shown in disturbing live footage. Others show victims, often women with scarred faces, telling their tales of horror.

The question that begs to be answered is why are these people leaving themselves unarmed and vulnerable ? Anyone who can afford to buy a gun, training, and a license, should do so, to protect themselves and their families.

To not own a gun is an irresponsible and dangerous negligence. Except in a few goofball cities like New York, it is legal to own a pistol being kept in the home, car, or place of business (even without a license).

How sad that people, even women with children, leave themselves vulnerable to the wide assortment of subhuman lowlifes, who abuse them as if it were normal activity.
Everyone is out to get you. Live in fear of everything and everyone.
The crime channels have become quite popular on TV lately. The many shows they present, show people being beaten, raped, and in many cases killed.

Some of these attacks are shown in disturbing live footage. Others show victims, often women with scarred faces, telling their tales of horror.

The question that begs to be answered is why are these people leaving themselves unarmed and vulnerable ? Anyone who can afford to buy a gun, training, and a license, should do so, to protect themselves and their families.

To not own a gun is an irresponsible and dangerous negligence. Except in a few goofball cities like New York, it is legal to own a pistol being kept in the home, car, or place of business (even without a license).

How sad that people, even women with children, leave themselves vulnerable to the wide assortment of subhuman lowlifes, who abuse them as if it were normal activity.
Everyone is out to get you. Live in fear of everything and everyone.
I've lived in NY all my life and never once felt the need to carry a gun.

Of course, knowing where not to go is very important
Amen to this. Sometimes the only person who can keep you safe is your own self. Personal responsibility is something that too many people still do not know the meaning of.

God bless you always!!!

Despite the several examples I just posted, I doubt bodecea is smart enough to understand the importance of owning a gun.
It depends on current laws (keep up to date) and the geographical area. Don't carry a gun unless you feel thoroughly confident in your ability to handle it. The last thing you need is to have it taken away from you and used on yourself or others. Never brandish it as a joke or seriously and watch out for kids. I don't know why civilians seem to be drawn to semi-automatic handguns. A revolver is the easiest to handle and you don't have to worry about having one in the chamber or whether the safety is on when and if the shit hits the fan.
Or a crash helmet

Or full body armor

Or a lightning arrestor

Never leave home unprepared for the dangers that lurk everywhere
So you say that the thousands of people who have been beaten, raped, or killed, wouldn't have been protected if they would have had a gun ?

And you say that these things couldn't or wouldn't happen to you ?

And you're willing to gamble with your life ?
It depends on current laws (keep up to date) and the geographical area. Don't carry a gun unless you feel thoroughly confident in your ability to handle it. The last thing you need is to have it taken away from you and used on yourself or others. Never brandish it as a joke or seriously and watch out for kids. I don't know why civilians seem to be drawn to semi-automatic handguns. A revolver is the easiest to handle and you don't have to worry about having one in the chamber or whether the safety is on when and if the shit hits the fan.
Semiautomatics reload faster. Just pop in a new clip.
The crime channels have become quite popular on TV lately. The many shows they present, show people being beaten, raped, and in many cases killed.

Some of these attacks are shown in disturbing live footage. Others show victims, often women with scarred faces, telling their tales of horror.

The question that begs to be answered is why are these people leaving themselves unarmed and vulnerable ? Anyone who can afford to buy a gun, training, and a license, should do so, to protect themselves and their families.

To not own a gun is an irresponsible and dangerous negligence. Except in a few goofball cities like New York, it is legal to own a pistol being kept in the home, car, or place of business (even without a license).

How sad that people, even women with children, leave themselves vulnerable to the wide assortment of subhuman lowlifes, who abuse them as if it were normal activity.
It is not that scary out there. I rarely carry my pistol. I have not fired it in years. My 12 gage is all that ever actually gets fired these days with regularity. I use my 223 for cotote hunting some. Bad things happen in bad areas but I stay out of them these days. Back when I was still running a real estate and appraisal buisness I carried one if I had to do work in a bad area of town but most the time if I could get in there by noon befre the crack heads were out of bed I did not even carry one then. Do not live in fear, it sucks to feal that way.
It isn't fear, it is intelligence ,(although a little bit of fear isn't such a bad thing.
Protection is an important thing. How ever, I think more importantly in todays society owning one for hunting and promoiting an out door healthy life style is more important. I spend a good amount of my free time recruiting people to get back into out door fishing,hunting,hiking. I am more concerned with the sedintary life style that americans lead today. I think that is way more likely to kill you than a crimnal. I also think that living out doors and healthy would cure a great deal of the mental illness that causes things to go wrong with guns. Guns are not the problem, boredom,obesity, and lack of stress relief is the real problem. Pick up the golf clubs,guns,bows, what ever gets you out and acting like a human being again. Come fish with me on my head boats. Come duck hunt with some of my buddies that are guides. Feel better and make friends. Lower the cost of deer camps so more can come be healthy. I try to never spread fear but only confidence. A gun and an out door life style will give you happiness and health.
Off Topic !!!
The crime channels have become quite popular on TV lately. The many shows they present, show people being beaten, raped, and in many cases killed.

Some of these attacks are shown in disturbing live footage. Others show victims, often women with scarred faces, telling their tales of horror.

The question that begs to be answered is why are these people leaving themselves unarmed and vulnerable ? Anyone who can afford to buy a gun, training, and a license, should do so, to protect themselves and their families.

To not own a gun is an irresponsible and dangerous negligence. Except in a few goofball cities like New York, it is legal to own a pistol being kept in the home, car, or place of business (even without a license).

How sad that people, even women with children, leave themselves vulnerable to the wide assortment of subhuman lowlifes, who abuse them as if it were normal activity.
It is not that scary out there. I rarely carry my pistol. I have not fired it in years. My 12 gage is all that ever actually gets fired these days with regularity. I use my 223 for cotote hunting some. Bad things happen in bad areas but I stay out of them these days. Back when I was still running a real estate and appraisal buisness I carried one if I had to do work in a bad area of town but most the time if I could get in there by noon befre the crack heads were out of bed I did not even carry one then. Do not live in fear, it sucks to feal that way.
It isn't fear, it is intelligence ,(although a little bit of fear isn't such a bad thing.
Protection is an important thing. How ever, I think more importantly in todays society owning one for hunting and promoiting an out door healthy life style is more important. I spend a good amount of my free time recruiting people to get back into out door fishing,hunting,hiking. I am more concerned with the sedintary life style that americans lead today. I think that is way more likely to kill you than a crimnal. I also think that living out doors and healthy would cure a great deal of the mental illness that causes things to go wrong with guns. Guns are not the problem, boredom,obesity, and lack of stress relief is the real problem. Pick up the golf clubs,guns,bows, what ever gets you out and acting like a human being again. Come fish with me on my head boats. Come duck hunt with some of my buddies that are guides. Feel better and make friends. Lower the cost of deer camps so more can come be healthy. I try to never spread fear but only confidence. A gun and an out door life style will give you happiness and health.
Off Topic !!!
Blow me bitch. I will do and say what the fuck I want! When the fuck I want!

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