Do Palestinians Have the Right to Defend Themselves?

Israelis take Palestinian land and settle on it, bulldoze or blow up Palestinian homes, destroy Palestinian crops and kill thousands of Palestinian women and children with stand-off weapons. Of course the Palestinians have to defend themselves.

How could they do such a thing? There never was a nation of Palestine! And every single time a 'nation' was offered to them on a silver platter, they knocked it out of the hands of the giver on to the ground and went to war instead. Losing every single time.

Every. Single. Time. All. Ways. Never. A. Win.

It's not a football match. It is a war of attrition and the Palestinians are not going anywhere. Notwithstanding the hordes of Jewish migrants that came from Russia, the non-Jews are a majority, and growing, in the areas Israel controls. Strategically it does not bode well for Israel, notwithstanding its tremendous advantage in armament. A secular democratic state with equality for all the people, with a constitution that protects minorities is what Israel should be striving for. It's in the Jew's longterm interest.
Yep because it has worked so well in the Middle East. :ack-1:
While Palestine never was, Israel is here to stay and steaming ahead into the future. Israel will never let the Arab Muslim savages of the Middle East commit ethnic cleansing and genocide on the Jews, Christians., and other ethnic minorities as they have done elsewhere. You can take that to Bank Leumi.

The Nazi Mufti of Palestine stated in his own words that once the Muslims have control, the savages intended to first wipe out the Jews and then the Christians in "Palestine".

Are you upset that his plans didn't come to fruition, scum?
There never was a Palestinian state, and inshallah never will be. Does the world really need another Islamic terrorist shithole filled with intolerant savages and barbarians?
Honestly Roudy, you should join a circus!

And join you? No thanks, doing just fine. So tell us, when did this Palestinian state exist that the Israelis are "stealing" or "occupying"? And would you like for me to quote you the Hamas charter which calls for an Islamic Caliphate of Palestine on the corpse of the Jewish state?
You're a double talker using irrelevant facts that Palestine never existed as a state as though people of Arab origin never lived there to have rights...Israel should share the land and let the Palestinians form their Nation free from ZioNazi oppression.

Yea, PT BARNUM is for you and your double-talk, albeit funny!
Yada yada yada. The word occupation is another fraud just like the Palestinian people. Since Palestinian state never existed, the Arabs are simply refugees from a war that resulted due to Arab aggression. Since the Palestinians have shown over and over that they want to form this state that never existed on the corpse of the Jewish state, then perhaps they can form it in Jordan, where it was supposed to be formed in the first place?

It is Orwellian to call the colonized the aggressors. The colonists are always the aggressors vis-a-vis the colonized. Just because the European colonizers of Palestine happen to be of the Jewish faith doesn't change the fact that they are and even self identified as colonizers.
There never was a Palestinian state, and inshallah never will be. Does the world really need another Islamic terrorist shithole filled with intolerant savages and barbarians?
Honestly Roudy, you should join a circus!

And join you? No thanks, doing just fine. So tell us, when did this Palestinian state exist that the Israelis are "stealing" or "occupying"? And would you like for me to quote you the Hamas charter which calls for an Islamic Caliphate of Palestine on the corpse of the Jewish state?
You're a double talker using irrelevant facts that Palestine never existed as a state as though people of Arab origin never lived there to have rights...Israel should share the land and let the Palestinians form their Nation free from ZioNazi oppression.

Yea, PT BARNUM is for you and your double-talk, albeit funny!
Yada yada yada. The word occupation is another fraud just like the Palestinian people. Since Palestinian state never existed, the Arabs are simply refugees from a war that resulted due to Arab aggression. Since the Palestinians have shown over and over that they want to form this state that never existed on the corpse of the Jewish state, then perhaps they can form it in Jordan, where it was supposed to be formed in the first place?

It is Orwellian to call the colonized the aggressors. The colonists are always the aggressors vis-a-vis the colonized. Just because the European colonizers of Palestine happen to be of the Jewish faith doesn't change the fact that they are and even self identified as colonizers.
Bullshit. The land was occupied and ruled by the Ottoman invaders and colonizers for 700 years, after they defeated the Arab invaders and colonizers. The British defeated the Ottomans and handed 99% of the land to the Arabs for them to form states and govern themselves. Arabs should be kissing the Brits ass for that. The 1% was given to Jews, on Jewish holy land where Jews have maintained a presence, despite many destructions and expulsions. Intolerant Arab savages don't want there to be a Jewish state? TOUGH SHIITE!
No, you wrote a bunch of bullshit, Palestine was colonized by people from Europe. The Zionists self-identified as colonists. What part of colonization are you having difficulty understanding?
There wasn't a Palestinian state nor was the land ruled by the Arabs. The Jews were emigrating to their ancient holy land. Are Catholics emigrating to Vatican city from all over the world or colonizing? Like I said the British and allies had decided it to be the Jewish homeland after defeating the a Ottomans, and Jews from all over the world were invited to join their brethren in land that has been holier to them than for all other religions. Also, a majority of Jews today in Israel are Jews who fled Muslim persecution and barbarism.

Besides all of this happened about a 90 years ago. Israel is here to stay, and now a thriving democratic state, getting stronger and more prosperous every day. All your whining, lying and propaganda aren't going to change a thing. I understand as a dedicated, invested anti Semite, it is hard for you to digest this. So keep posting your garbage if that makes you happy, you bum.
Exactly. The Arabs refused to accept the existence of a Jewish state, a civil war erupted, the Jews won.

Haven't seen a surrender yet, have you?

Groups of Arab nations attacked many times to destroy the Jewish state and it wasn't to create this mythical Palestine. They got their butts kicked by tiny Israel every time, even though the odds were highly in their favor. Keep up.
Israelis take Palestinian land and settle on it, bulldoze or blow up Palestinian homes, destroy Palestinian crops and kill thousands of Palestinian women and children with stand-off weapons. Of course the Palestinians have to defend themselves.

How could they do such a thing? There never was a nation of Palestine! And every single time a 'nation' was offered to them on a silver platter, they knocked it out of the hands of the giver on to the ground and went to war instead. Losing every single time.

Every. Single. Time. All. Ways. Never. A. Win.

It's not a football match. It is a war of attrition and the Palestinians are not going anywhere. Notwithstanding the hordes of Jewish migrants that came from Russia, the non-Jews are a majority, and growing, in the areas Israel controls. Strategically it does not bode well for Israel, notwithstanding its tremendous advantage in armament. A secular democratic state with equality for all the people, with a constitution that protects minorities is what Israel should be striving for. It's in the Jew's longterm interest.
Yep because it has worked so well in the Middle East. :ack-1:

Yes. Until the West "intervened" because it didn't like the decisions made by the democraticaly elected government. Iran is a good example. 1953 Iranian coup d tat - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia
Exactly. The Arabs refused to accept the existence of a Jewish state, a civil war erupted, the Jews won.

Haven't seen a surrender yet, have you?

Groups of Arab nations attacked many times to destroy the Jewish state and it wasn't to create this mythical Palestine. They got their butts kicked by tiny Israel every time, even though the odds were highly in their favor. Keep up.
The war's not over yet.
There wasn't a Palestinian state nor was the land ruled by the Arabs. The Jews were emigrating to their ancient holy land. Are Catholics emigrating to Vatican city from all over the world or colonizing? Like I said the British and allies had decided it to be the Jewish homeland after defeating the a Ottomans, and Jews from all over the world were invited to join their brethren in land that has been holier to them than for all other religions. Also, a majority of Jews today in Israel are Jews who fled Muslim persecution and barbarism.

Besides all of this happened about a 90 years ago. Israel is here to stay, and now a thriving democratic state, getting stronger and more prosperous every day. All your whining, lying and propaganda aren't going to change a thing. I understand as a dedicated, invested anti Semite, it is hard for you to digest this. So keep posting your garbage if that makes you happy, you bum.

What does all that bullshit you wrote have to do with the fact that Israel was a European colonial enterprise. I am not an antisemite, in fact, people like you are the antisemites you are forcing an Algerian/Rhodesian solution for the long term where instead there could be a South African solution.
Exactly. The Arabs refused to accept the existence of a Jewish state, a civil war erupted, the Jews won.


Of course they refused to accept being evicted and having a European colony established. I don't think any people would support being colonized, do you?
Exactly. The Arabs refused to accept the existence of a Jewish state, a civil war erupted, the Jews won.

Haven't seen a surrender yet, have you?

Not sure that matters much. Israel could easily crush them. They are allowed to live, only because the Jews have mercy.

So, the Christians and Muslims of Palestine are lucky to have the Jews oppress them because they could kill them instead. Great logic bozo, what are you 10 years old?
You know, it's great to have ZioNutters like this Andylusion around. Shows their mindset.
Exactly. The Arabs refused to accept the existence of a Jewish state, a civil war erupted, the Jews won.


Of course they refused to accept being evicted and having a European colony established. I don't think any people would support being colonized, do you?
Arabs are being colonized because the Jews settled in their ancient homeland which is what percentage of the Arab landmass?

you seriously need to get an education or -- get a refund for the one you have
Palestinians aren't going anywhere. They already represent a majority of the people under Israeli control and their majority is increasing. When Netanyahu confirmed that Israel was not interested in negotiating for the establishment of a Palestinian state, there are only a few options:

1. The creation of a secular democratic state where all people (of all religions) are enfranchised.
2. Continued Apartheid
3.Ethnic cleansing
4 Genocide of the Christians and Muslims of Palestine

I doubt even the U.S. would go along with the latter 2 options.

While Palestine never was, Israel is here to stay and steaming ahead into the future. Israel will never let the Arab Muslim savages of the Middle East commit ethnic cleansing and genocide on the Jews, Christians., and other ethnic minorities as they have done elsewhere. You can take that to Bank Leumi.

The Nazi Mufti of Palestine stated in his own words that once the Muslims have control, the savages intended to first wipe out the Jews and then the Christians in "Palestine".

Are you upset that his plans didn't come to fruition, scum?
There never was a Palestinian state, and inshallah never will be. Does the world really need another Islamic terrorist shithole filled with intolerant savages and barbarians?
Honestly Roudy, you should join a circus!

And join you? No thanks, doing just fine. So tell us, when did this Palestinian state exist that the Israelis are "stealing" or "occupying"? And would you like for me to quote you the Hamas charter which calls for an Islamic Caliphate of Palestine on the corpse of the Jewish state?

Well, since the Arabs possessed 85% of the land as stated in UN Resolution A/354 para 164.of 3 September 1947, the land has been stolen from them.

"164. The Arab population, despite the strenuous efforts
of Jews to acquire land in Palestine, at present remains
in possession of approximately 85 per cent of the land...."

A 364 of 3 September 1947

This is further confirmed in A Survey of Palestine Vol. 2 page 566.

land ownership only.jpg

A Survey of Palestine Volume 2 Berman Jewish Policy Archive NYU Wagner
Israelis take Palestinian land and settle on it, bulldoze or blow up Palestinian homes, destroy Palestinian crops and kill thousands of Palestinian women and children with stand-off weapons. Of course the Palestinians have to defend themselves.

How could they do such a thing? There never was a nation of Palestine! And every single time a 'nation' was offered to them on a silver platter, they knocked it out of the hands of the giver on to the ground and went to war instead. Losing every single time.

Every. Single. Time. All. Ways. Never. A. Win.

It's not a football match. It is a war of attrition and the Palestinians are not going anywhere. Notwithstanding the hordes of Jewish migrants that came from Russia, the non-Jews are a majority, and growing, in the areas Israel controls. Strategically it does not bode well for Israel, notwithstanding its tremendous advantage in armament. A secular democratic state with equality for all the people, with a constitution that protects minorities is what Israel should be striving for. It's in the Jew's longterm interest.

That only works if the majority recognizes the minorities right to exist, the Palestinians don't. They want to exterminate the Jews and turn Israel into a third world Muslim shit hole.

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