DO PEOPLE realize these poison jabs are EMERGENCY USE ONLY?


Gold Member
Aug 4, 2014
And thus do not have to be tested with proper research and trails before using them on humans (as they are the trails/experiment)? Are people this stupid?

and therefore the jab killer companies can change the ingredients up to 49% without telling the fda cdc whats in them?
Plenty of personal insults so far. As usual. Just asking for a link.
And another.

I guess asking for background information on a claim is too much.

Mac, it's not 1997 anymore, where everyone was on dial-up and no one could open too many tabs or their browsers would crash.

Really, we need to stop demanding "links" for something we could easily open a tab for, type into Google, and have an answer on in 30 seconds.

The kids don't do this Mac. For good reason.
Mac, it's not 1997 anymore, where everyone was on dial-up and no one could open too many tabs or their browsers would crash.

Really, we need to stop demanding "links" for something we could easily open a tab for, type into Google, and have an answer on in 30 seconds.

The kids don't do this Mac. For good reason.
Google? No. Alternative search engines.
Hmmm, I don't recall the word EMERGENCY in the Constitution....
And thus do not have to be tested with proper research and trails before using them on humans (as they are the trails/experiment)? Are people this stupid?

and therefore the jab killer companies can change the ingredients up to 49% without telling the fda cdc whats in them?
Absolutely , but you are effectively asking Sheeple to DYOR and think .

Absurd . That is not the nature of the beast .

You have to do what the enemy has done -- use mind control techniques and start by taking control of key opinion formers .
And thus do not have to be tested with proper research and trails before using them on humans (as they are the trails/experiment)? Are people this stupid?

and therefore the jab killer companies can change the ingredients up to 49% without telling the fda cdc whats in them?

Of course the jabbies don't realize this.

They are too busy jacking off over what good government sheep they are.

God, what has happened? When I was one, the liberal democrats were the anti-government party.



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