Do Politicians Even Care That Forced Mask Laws Violate ADA and PAs? Some examples.

Masks are dangerous. No thanks.
"Masks are dangerous." That's the latest nonsense from the Trump fringe. Surgeons have been wearing masks of one sort or another since the late 19th century, sometimes during operations that last for many hours. In over one hundred years, have you ever heard of a surgeon dropping dead because s/he wore a mask? Can you find ANY evidence for such a thing EVER happening? Go ahead, prove it.

I didn't say someone would drop dead and they are dangerous in regards to suppressing your immune system. I don't wear one.

OK, let me get this straight:

Masks are "dangerous" because they "suppress your immune system"

So all the medical experts are wrong? No one should be wearing a mask? Or do you believe that people with healthy immune systems, like young people, athletes, etc., are doing their immune system a disservice by not allowing it to combat this virus like mother nature/God/spaghetti monster designed it to?

You do realize that your argument is completely without any scientific validity, right?
several medical experts have said that wearing a mask is useless and can even cause more problems than they solve
Shush, they got an election to disrupt.
Is this the new "we don't serve your kind, n____r" type discrimination we can expect in the future?

My wife still suffers from emotional trauma caused by her stepfather trying to strangle and suffocate her as a child. She now has a doctor-ordered exemption from any mask requirements because masks cause severe, unbearable claustrophobia and anxiety. She asked me to start this topic, sharing these messages from others with similar conditions. Please pass them along to all our asshole, authoritarian politicians.

Here's one:

View attachment 355189
My sympathy and support to your wife and you. This is Another Reason the health care policies should be locally managed per district. Where people know each other, and exceptions can be made for special circumstances, similar to elderly shopping hours.

If the LGBT can make exceptions in schools and public policy for their rare cases, and argue against being harassed for accommodations, surely your wife deserves equal protections from discrimination, harassment or trauma.

Thank you for sharing. Please contact an ADA lawyer or pro bono state bar volunteer group, and have them issue an advisory that your wife can send to all district reps and city council. Give letters in advance to business Mgrs before you go there, and if they refuse go bring your business elsewhere. Sorry your wife has this added issue, but once you find the right Mgrs just patronize them and make sure your police and other offices in charge of ticketing are aware of your exemption. Keep copies on your dash and in your car to give to Mgmt or leave if they aren't going to listen.
Are there no alternatives that are less restrictive than a mask for her to wear that still protect from projecting fluids?
People who are at risk from getting seriously ill from this virus can stay the fuck home. That's a much better alternative.
Why don’t you just answer the question Mr Defensive? Are you not looking for solutions or is just your way or the highway?

Not everybody has the option to stay home. Some people have to work and pay rent and feed their families.

Here’s an option, not that you seem to care:

She tried it. Doesn't work.

Seriously, those who are susceptible to the severe effects of the disease should, no matter what, never go into public. The mask is mostly ineffective.

You want to force my wife, who is healthy and has no disease, to put on something that is seriously damaging to her mental well-being, SOLELY because some other ass fuck who IS susceptible to the disease refuses to take their own extreme precautions, and therefore MIGHT get it.




I will fucking go on a murderous rampage, die with a machine gun in my hand to go on and fight, feast, and fuck in Valhalla forever before I let that imposing bullshit happen.

Dead mask nazis or Valhalla, motherfuckers!!!

You like to fight against a sea of virusses with a machine gun in your hand and die like a hero? What's the name of the next psychiatric hospital in your near? Valhalala?

Masks are dangerous. No thanks.
"Masks are dangerous." That's the latest nonsense from the Trump fringe. Surgeons have been wearing masks of one sort or another since the late 19th century, sometimes during operations that last for many hours. In over one hundred years, have you ever heard of a surgeon dropping dead because s/he wore a mask? Can you find ANY evidence for such a thing EVER happening? Go ahead, prove it.

I didn't say someone would drop dead and they are dangerous in regards to suppressing your immune system. I don't wear one.

OK, let me get this straight:

Masks are "dangerous" because they "suppress your immune system"

So all the medical experts are wrong? No one should be wearing a mask? Or do you believe that people with healthy immune systems, like young people, athletes, etc., are doing their immune system a disservice by not allowing it to combat this virus like mother nature/God/spaghetti monster designed it to?

You do realize that your argument is completely without any scientific validity, right?
several medical experts have said that wearing a mask is useless and can even cause more problems than they solve

That's not state of the art. The WHO made clear it's better to wear masks - as all doctors do worldwide since your whole life in case they like to protect patients. Sure has such a mask to be clean, because otherwise bacteriae grow in a mask. But that's clear: masks have to be replaced and/or to be cleaned and disinfected.
Dear God... these anti-mask a$$hole$ are dangerous at this moment in time... phukking idiots... :mad:

No, they're not. I don't wear one. Never before in history has a society quarantined its healthy.

Because of an infection had died for example some hundred years ago 97% of all inhabitants of Hamburg. And the more virusses exist, the more mutations are possible. So move your ass and wear a mask! There's no risk to do so! It die by the way sometimes also young and totally sane people because of Corona. Here in Germany the absolute most people died in the group 19-59 years (no risk group per se). Only relativelly die more very old people (risk group).
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Masks are dangerous. No thanks.
"Masks are dangerous." That's the latest nonsense from the Trump fringe. Surgeons have been wearing masks of one sort or another since the late 19th century, sometimes during operations that last for many hours. In over one hundred years, have you ever heard of a surgeon dropping dead because s/he wore a mask? Can you find ANY evidence for such a thing EVER happening? Go ahead, prove it.

I didn't say someone would drop dead and they are dangerous in regards to suppressing your immune system. I don't wear one.
Well, if masks won't kill you, then how are they dangerous? And I can't believe that I even have to debate this issue with some idiot moron who can barely string together a coherent sentence... And I'm still waiting for you to PROVE that masks are dangerous. How do they suppress your immune system? What's the evidence for that? Cite some scientific evidence. Cite ANY evidence!
Masks are dangerous. No thanks.
"Masks are dangerous." That's the latest nonsense from the Trump fringe. Surgeons have been wearing masks of one sort or another since the late 19th century, sometimes during operations that last for many hours. In over one hundred years, have you ever heard of a surgeon dropping dead because s/he wore a mask? Can you find ANY evidence for such a thing EVER happening? Go ahead, prove it.

I didn't say someone would drop dead and they are dangerous in regards to suppressing your immune system. I don't wear one.

OK, let me get this straight:

Masks are "dangerous" because they "suppress your immune system"

So all the medical experts are wrong? No one should be wearing a mask? Or do you believe that people with healthy immune systems, like young people, athletes, etc., are doing their immune system a disservice by not allowing it to combat this virus like mother nature/God/spaghetti monster designed it to?

You do realize that your argument is completely without any scientific validity, right?
several medical experts have said that wearing a mask is useless and can even cause more problems than they solve
"Several medical experts"? Name them.
The fatalities have little to do with deaths, it is the way the car is built, not driver training.

Fatalities are down because NASCAR places restricters on all the cars. It's like requiring the car to wear a face mask.
Yeah, and this has made Nascar very unpopular to many of the fans, and now many fans have become disgusted with the sport, as it has gone way to far in trying to sanitize the sport so much, that it has ruined the sport for many... I guess it was done for the weak at heart, (IOW) to be able to drive like Mrs. Daisy around the track now. Remember that I'm saying it went to far, and not that some safety measures taken were all bad. I understand safety, but when it becomes ridiculous, and it is attempting to sanitize a sport for the weak in the knees, then we've gone to far.
Yeah, Nascar fans ought to be able to fly the Rebel flag. In fact, they ought to be able to have slaves! That's what that flag stands for, right?
Beware of the deep state ramping up fears before the election... Gotta break Trump and his team remember ???? People seeing this mandatory mask wearing thing as being no problem, but think about it folks, once it goes into affect, then people become subjected to government oppression, and authoritarian rule. I heard that fines will be upwards of $100.00 dollars if caught in the public without a mask on. Ok, think about it folks, what's going to happen next ??? Folks won't go out into the public, and they will stay home. Ok, so what's this cause ??? It causes the economy to suffer even more, and that equals more job loses, more fear, more suspicion of each other, more hatred towards each other, and less confidence in what is going on in the current government.

Otherwise it's the leftist wildest dreams by what is taking place, and so I ask that it don't make you all suspicious that the left or deep state are the ones showing the most fear or promoting it the most in this bullcrap ???????

Funny, don't you all think that it is highly coincidental that this nation is under a multi-pronged attack during an election, and that doesn't raise flags as to what is going on in all of this ??
Yeah, right, the virus timed its appearance to screw up Trump's chances for re-election. You're an idiot.
There hasn't been a nascar fatality in almost 20 years.
I am sure you have a point,,,just cant figure out what it is,,,
NASCAR is about safety. Making the race as safe as possible by enacting restrictions on the drivers freedom.

Restrictions save lives, and they work when everybody obeys those restrictions. What works for NASCAR works for COVID-19. It's all about stopping the spread.
NASCAR's rules dont over ride the constitution,,,

I dont understand how you guys can call trump a fascist and then act just like a fascist,,,

that must be that projection thing,,,
Niether does wearing a mask.

If you feeling does violate the constitution, it seems to me you should be outraged at the shoes and shirt requirement in many public establishments, or that women cannot go top less in public, but you aren't. Why?
Masks are dangerous. No thanks.
"Masks are dangerous." That's the latest nonsense from the Trump fringe. Surgeons have been wearing masks of one sort or another since the late 19th century, sometimes during operations that last for many hours. In over one hundred years, have you ever heard of a surgeon dropping dead because s/he wore a mask? Can you find ANY evidence for such a thing EVER happening? Go ahead, prove it.

I didn't say someone would drop dead and they are dangerous in regards to suppressing your immune system. I don't wear one.
Well, if masks won't kill you, then how are they dangerous? And I can't believe that I even have to debate this issue with some idiot moron who can barely string together a coherent sentence... And I'm still waiting for you to PROVE that masks are dangerous. How do they suppress your immune system? What's the evidence for that? Cite some scientific evidence. Cite ANY evidence!
How about you give us evidence they protect you. Yes the N95 might help some, but who can wear the damn thing as most have respiratory issues these days ??? Claustrophobia is a huge issue also, where as most people have an issue with that problem as well. No this is just something new you people are trying, because when this thing 1st got started, and the curve was flattened, everything began to subside and get better without this bullcrap mask wearing mandate, but of course that virus Donald Trump is still in office eh, and you all got to make it appear as if you are the smart ones by using everything you can before election time is here against him... You can't convince me otherwise. To much has gone on now.
There hasn't been a nascar fatality in almost 20 years.
I am sure you have a point,,,just cant figure out what it is,,,
NASCAR is about safety. Making the race as safe as possible by enacting restrictions on the drivers freedom.

Restrictions save lives, and they work when everybody obeys those restrictions. What works for NASCAR works for COVID-19. It's all about stopping the spread.
NASCAR's rules dont over ride the constitution,,,

I dont understand how you guys can call trump a fascist and then act just like a fascist,,,

that must be that projection thing,,,
Niether does wearing a mask.

If you feeling does violate the constitution, it seems to me you should be outraged at the shoes and shirt requirement in many public establishments, or that women cannot go top less in public, but you aren't. Why?
You can just stop now, and maybe it will save you some embarassment.
Masks are dangerous. No thanks.
"Masks are dangerous." That's the latest nonsense from the Trump fringe. Surgeons have been wearing masks of one sort or another since the late 19th century, sometimes during operations that last for many hours. In over one hundred years, have you ever heard of a surgeon dropping dead because s/he wore a mask? Can you find ANY evidence for such a thing EVER happening? Go ahead, prove it.

I didn't say someone would drop dead and they are dangerous in regards to suppressing your immune system. I don't wear one.
Well, if masks won't kill you, then how are they dangerous? And I can't believe that I even have to debate this issue with some idiot moron who can barely string together a coherent sentence... And I'm still waiting for you to PROVE that masks are dangerous. How do they suppress your immune system? What's the evidence for that? Cite some scientific evidence. Cite ANY evidence!
How about you give us evidence they protect you. Yes the N95 might help some, but who can wear the damn thing as most have respiratory issues these days ??? Claustrophobia is a huge issue also, where as most people have an issue with that problem as well. No this is just something new you people are trying, because when this thing 1st got started, and the curve was flattened, everything began to subside and get better without this bullcrap mask wearing mandate, but of course that virus Donald Trump is still in office eh, and you all got to make it appear as if you are the smart ones by using everything you can before election time is here against him... You can't convince me otherwise. To much has gone on now.
Here’s proof.. go stand in front of a mirror. Cough and sneeze... now do the same thing but with a mask on. In which case was the mirror clean and in which case was the mirror covered with spit and flem?
Beware of the deep state ramping up fears before the election... Gotta break Trump and his team remember ???? People seeing this mandatory mask wearing thing as being no problem, but think about it folks, once it goes into affect, then people become subjected to government oppression, and authoritarian rule. I heard that fines will be upwards of $100.00 dollars if caught in the public without a mask on. Ok, think about it folks, what's going to happen next ??? Folks won't go out into the public, and they will stay home. Ok, so what's this cause ??? It causes the economy to suffer even more, and that equals more job loses, more fear, more suspicion of each other, more hatred towards each other, and less confidence in what is going on in the current government.

Otherwise it's the leftist wildest dreams by what is taking place, and so I ask that it don't make you all suspicious that the left or deep state are the ones showing the most fear or promoting it the most in this bullcrap ???????

Funny, don't you all think that it is highly coincidental that this nation is under a multi-pronged attack during an election, and that doesn't raise flags as to what is going on in all of this ??
Yeah, right, the virus timed its appearance to screw up Trump's chances for re-election. You're an idiot.
Am I really ???
Masks are dangerous. No thanks.
"Masks are dangerous." That's the latest nonsense from the Trump fringe. Surgeons have been wearing masks of one sort or another since the late 19th century, sometimes during operations that last for many hours. In over one hundred years, have you ever heard of a surgeon dropping dead because s/he wore a mask? Can you find ANY evidence for such a thing EVER happening? Go ahead, prove it.

I didn't say someone would drop dead and they are dangerous in regards to suppressing your immune system. I don't wear one.
Well, if masks won't kill you, then how are they dangerous? And I can't believe that I even have to debate this issue with some idiot moron who can barely string together a coherent sentence... And I'm still waiting for you to PROVE that masks are dangerous. How do they suppress your immune system? What's the evidence for that? Cite some scientific evidence. Cite ANY evidence!
How about you give us evidence they protect you. Yes the N95 might help some, but who can wear the damn thing as most have respiratory issues these days ??? Claustrophobia is a huge issue also, where as most people have an issue with that problem as well. No this is just something new you people are trying, because when this thing 1st got started, and the curve was flattened, everything began to subside and get better without this bullcrap mask wearing mandate, but of course that virus Donald Trump is still in office eh, and you all got to make it appear as if you are the smart ones by using everything you can before election time is here against him... You can't convince me otherwise. To much has gone on now.
Look, idiot, wearing a mask is mostly to protect OTHER PEOPLE, not you. You might have the virus but not know it, so a mask may help prevent other people from contracting it from you.

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