Do Putin and Trump have common interests?

Besides both having 5-letter surnames, it appears that Putin & Trump share an extreme view on nationalism, and are intent on competition & conflict to enforce their views instead of diplomacy with other nations who are more balanced politically.

This commentary from the Spiegel is food for thought and debate ...

“Vladimir Putin operates in the shadows. The Russian president controls a clever disinformation campaign with the aim of upsetting the populations of Western countries, discrediting their institutions, dividing society, influencing elections and ultimately causing the collapse of liberal democracy. Nevertheless, there are still many people who continue to believe that Putin is innocent and that the claims are merely the malicious fabrications of Western intelligence agencies. Is it all just a conspiracy theory?

Regarding Donald Trump's intentions, by contrast, there can no longer be any doubt. Since taking office, he has carried out a scorched-earth policy against multi-lateral treaties of all kinds. He is a man with no interest in foreign policy, seeing it merely as an instrument to pursue his "America First" ideology. He views cooperation as a weakness, the latest proof being the US withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Trump’s open support for German right-wing populists is nothing less than a blatant attack by a foreign power on that country's government. It is a direct attempt by the White House to destabilize the Federal Republic of Germany.”

President Putin has more in common with President Lincoln than President Trump.

Lincoln was faced with the problem of the breakup of the Union here in America- and he did what he had to, to put America back together.

Putin has the labor of bring the USSR back together again, and he's facing a lot of opposition from the Rebel SSR's as well.
More Media/Democrat talking points. All lies of course. Trump is kicking ass, and the Libs just can't take it. Stormy, Stormy, Stormy!!! Russia, Russia, Russia!!!

Maybe Hillary should take a page from your book? Oh wait! She already has, almost daily. LOL!
Donald Trump will hold talks with Vladimir Putin, despite criticism in the US, as such a meeting is in America’s national interest, the utterly diplomatic US National Security Adviser John Bolton told reporters in Moscow.

A full range of issues” will be discussed by Trump and Putin when they finally get together, including arms control agreements, alleged Russian meddling and Moscow rejoining the G8, he said.

Trump to meet Putin regardless of ‘noise’ at home as it’s in US national interest – Bolton
I think diplomacy between Russia & USA is good for mutual relations. I also think “fair” diplomacy with other nations is good too, including participation in nearly all UN activities, especially by the most powerful nations.
I was sad to read that USA exited from the UN Human Rights Council. Huh?
Also, Trump reversed on the Paris climate change accords that nearly all nations supported. Maybe Putin can convince Trump to reconsider?

Fuck the paris accords!!
Where do you people get off having the U.S. pay for everything while you pay nothing?
Nothing but a wealth redistribution scam!

Human rights council?
Yeah right!! Have you seen the list of members?
You have some good points, but you really think ALL Trump's policies are opposite Russian interests?
What about influencing European elections toward nationalistic goals? Ignoring Russian influences in the 2016 USA election?

European nationalism, and independence is certainly not in the interest of Russia. I don't think the Russians had any significant influence in the election of Trump. The Dems, and the Media have been trying to prove that since his election, and that was November of 2016, two years, and eight months ago.
I recall ALL the USA’s top intelligence agencies, and a top cybersecurity company, provided lots of evidence that Russian operatives played a major role in influencing Trump’s election.

Than you shouldnt have any problem posting those findings.
So with the Democrats, and their accomplices in the Media, FBI etc working 24/7 for almost three years, and making false accusations the entire time, why didn't anything stick?
"There’s much talk about state interference in the electoral process but I haven’t seen a single fact to date," Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry Sergey Lavrov said.

"A US assistant secretary of homeland security supervising cybersecurity said unambiguously a few days ago they didn’t have any evidence of Russia’s interference with the last presidential race," he said.

"The situation where no facts have leaked the public sphere over-a-year that the investigation is in progress is simply impossible for the U.S.," Lavrov said. "If there were at least some smoldering, smoke would be seen at once."

"I think they’ve cornered themselves by declarations about precise data on Russian meddling and now they are trying to at least some retroactive justifications but still they are floundering," he said.
Lavrov says anti-Russian issues to dominate in US until midterms

Now that the weekend is over and it looks like (from other threads) that you are back to work for Putin’s government, why don’t you answer my question:
Why did Putin prefer Trump over Clinton?
What is your political position? On Left or Right? It is Left?
I don’t like simple political groupings. It depends on the issue. In general, i’m a centrist. I value fiscal conservatism & hate corruption. I have libertarian values, yet believe everyone born deserves respect (unless they lose it), but I am practical, realistic.
I don’t like simple political groupings. It depends on the issue. In general, i’m a centrist. I value fiscal conservatism & hate corruption. I have libertarian values, yet believe everyone born deserves respect (unless they lose it), but I am practical, realistic.

I wouldn't say I am a centrist, but other than that my views are pretty similar to yours above. I have sometimes called myself a "conservatarian". I firmly believe in live, and let live, and less intrusive government.
NO. All of Trump's policies are opposite Russian interests.

Energy Policy - Trump is maximizing domestic U.S. production of fossil fuels. Putin hates that.

Defense Policy - Trump is building up our military. Putin hates that.

International Relations - Trump is attempting to normalize relations with NK. Putin hates that.

Foreign Trade - Trump is holding countries accountable for UNFAIR trade practices, including Russia. Putin hates that.
You have some good points, but you really think ALL Trump's policies are opposite Russian interests?
What about influencing European elections toward nationalistic goals? Ignoring Russian influences in the 2016 USA election?

"What about influencing European elections toward nationalistic goals?"

Are you being Paid to Post this Propaganda?

Russia has influenced NO election on this Continent, the reason the peoples are voting for Nationalists and Populists is because Bitch Merkel UNILATERALLY decide in August 2015 to Open Borders to invite Kebabs and Sub Saharan Africans in to filth up this beautiful Continent, this was NOT a popular situation with the peoples of this Continent the ONLY ones who supported this was a MINORITY of Leftists and also Far Leftist Activists so the inevitable and logical result of this was that Nationalist and Populists started getting elected and now we have MANY Governments being run by Our Team and all of this had ZERO to do with Russia influencing our elections and it is going to get greater we are only just beginning 2020 we will have control of the majority of this Continent in our estimation only the British, Republic of Ireland and Portugal will be on the Left, Spain will have a General Election before mid-2019 and Albert Rivera and Cs—C's will win they lead in all polls and in September Sweden will be voting Right-Wing Conservative, the Leftist Government and Stefan Löfven will be rejected the next Prime Minister of Sweden is going to be Ulf Hjalmar Kristersson.
I wish i was paid to post here!
There are various references to Russian hacking Euro elections. Credible? Maybe, if it makes sense. An underlying premise is that Putin wants to weaken the tight relationship between NATO countries and between USA & Europe, so the Crimea sanctions would be lifted and Russia would get more support in future for its agressive policies.

Here’s what we know about alleged Russian involvement in Brexit
Besides both having 5-letter surnames, it appears that Putin & Trump share an extreme view on nationalism, and are intent on competition & conflict to enforce their views instead of diplomacy with other nations who are more balanced politically.

This commentary from the Spiegel is food for thought and debate ...

“Vladimir Putin operates in the shadows. The Russian president controls a clever disinformation campaign with the aim of upsetting the populations of Western countries, discrediting their institutions, dividing society, influencing elections and ultimately causing the collapse of liberal democracy. Nevertheless, there are still many people who continue to believe that Putin is innocent and that the claims are merely the malicious fabrications of Western intelligence agencies. Is it all just a conspiracy theory?

Regarding Donald Trump's intentions, by contrast, there can no longer be any doubt. Since taking office, he has carried out a scorched-earth policy against multi-lateral treaties of all kinds. He is a man with no interest in foreign policy, seeing it merely as an instrument to pursue his "America First" ideology. He views cooperation as a weakness, the latest proof being the US withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Trump’s open support for German right-wing populists is nothing less than a blatant attack by a foreign power on that country's government. It is a direct attempt by the White House to destabilize the Federal Republic of Germany.”
Germany's done, dude. They already let too many Muslims in, have been doing it for around 20 years.

They've been screwing the US with high tariffs on our goods while we pay for their defense. They better raise an army if they think they need one. Free ride is over!
No, Germany is not “done”. Far from it.
Have you been there?
You have some good points, but you really think ALL Trump's policies are opposite Russian interests?
What about influencing European elections toward nationalistic goals? Ignoring Russian influences in the 2016 USA election?

European nationalism, and independence is certainly not in the interest of Russia. I don't think the Russians had any significant influence in the election of Trump. The Dems, and the Media have been trying to prove that since his election, and that was November of 2016, two years, and eight months ago.
I recall ALL the USA’s top intelligence agencies, and a top cybersecurity company, provided lots of evidence that Russian operatives played a major role in influencing Trump’s election.

Then you should recall a linky for that, no? :link:

PS: A link is required for your OP. You're not allowed to plagiarize a website without a link.
A link for my OP source? It’s in my 2nd post; I forgot it in 1st post (OP).
Here’s the link for USA’s Intel report:

“We assess Russian President Vladimir Putin ordered an influence campaign in 2016 aimed at the US presidential election. Russia’s goals were to undermine public faith in the US democratic process, denigrate Secretary Clinton, and harm her electability and potential presidency. We further assess Putin and the Russian Government developed a clear preference for President-elect Trump. We have high confidence in these judgments.”
Besides both having 5-letter surnames, it appears that Putin & Trump share an extreme view on nationalism, and are intent on competition & conflict to enforce their views instead of diplomacy with other nations who are more balanced politically.

This commentary from the Spiegel is food for thought and debate ...

“Vladimir Putin operates in the shadows. The Russian president controls a clever disinformation campaign with the aim of upsetting the populations of Western countries, discrediting their institutions, dividing society, influencing elections and ultimately causing the collapse of liberal democracy. Nevertheless, there are still many people who continue to believe that Putin is innocent and that the claims are merely the malicious fabrications of Western intelligence agencies. Is it all just a conspiracy theory?

Regarding Donald Trump's intentions, by contrast, there can no longer be any doubt. Since taking office, he has carried out a scorched-earth policy against multi-lateral treaties of all kinds. He is a man with no interest in foreign policy, seeing it merely as an instrument to pursue his "America First" ideology. He views cooperation as a weakness, the latest proof being the US withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Trump’s open support for German right-wing populists is nothing less than a blatant attack by a foreign power on that country's government. It is a direct attempt by the White House to destabilize the Federal Republic of Germany.”
Of course the Trump and Russia have common interests. Defeating ISIS and that dingbat Merkle among them.
Besides both having 5-letter surnames, it appears that Putin & Trump share an extreme view on nationalism, and are intent on competition & conflict to enforce their views instead of diplomacy with other nations who are more balanced politically.

This commentary from the Spiegel is food for thought and debate ...

“Vladimir Putin operates in the shadows. The Russian president controls a clever disinformation campaign with the aim of upsetting the populations of Western countries, discrediting their institutions, dividing society, influencing elections and ultimately causing the collapse of liberal democracy. Nevertheless, there are still many people who continue to believe that Putin is innocent and that the claims are merely the malicious fabrications of Western intelligence agencies. Is it all just a conspiracy theory?

Regarding Donald Trump's intentions, by contrast, there can no longer be any doubt. Since taking office, he has carried out a scorched-earth policy against multi-lateral treaties of all kinds. He is a man with no interest in foreign policy, seeing it merely as an instrument to pursue his "America First" ideology. He views cooperation as a weakness, the latest proof being the US withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Trump’s open support for German right-wing populists is nothing less than a blatant attack by a foreign power on that country's government. It is a direct attempt by the White House to destabilize the Federal Republic of Germany.”
President Putin has more in common with President Lincoln than President Trump.

Lincoln was faced with the problem of the breakup of the Union here in America- and he did what he had to, to put America back together.

Putin has the labor of bring the USSR back together again, and he's facing a lot of opposition from the Rebel SSR's as well.
The USSR was broken up by Russian leaders. For example, Ukraine became an independent nation in early 1990’s.
After 20 years of independence of other countries, Putin can’t simply take land by force without sanctions, unless Trump looks the other way!
No, not like Lincoln.
You have some good points, but you really think ALL Trump's policies are opposite Russian interests?
What about influencing European elections toward nationalistic goals? Ignoring Russian influences in the 2016 USA election?

European nationalism, and independence is certainly not in the interest of Russia. I don't think the Russians had any significant influence in the election of Trump. The Dems, and the Media have been trying to prove that since his election, and that was November of 2016, two years, and eight months ago.
I recall ALL the USA’s top intelligence agencies, and a top cybersecurity company, provided lots of evidence that Russian operatives played a major role in influencing Trump’s election.
Than you shouldnt have any problem posting those findings.
Here’s the one from/about a cybersecurity company’s findings:
DNC hack: how Crowdstrike found proof Russia hacked DNC | WIRED UK
You have some good points, but you really think ALL Trump's policies are opposite Russian interests?
What about influencing European elections toward nationalistic goals? Ignoring Russian influences in the 2016 USA election?

European nationalism, and independence is certainly not in the interest of Russia. I don't think the Russians had any significant influence in the election of Trump. The Dems, and the Media have been trying to prove that since his election, and that was November of 2016, two years, and eight months ago.
I recall ALL the USA’s top intelligence agencies, and a top cybersecurity company, provided lots of evidence that Russian operatives played a major role in influencing Trump’s election.
Than you shouldnt have any problem posting those findings.
Here’s the one from/about a cybersecurity company’s findings:
DNC hack: how Crowdstrike found proof Russia hacked DNC | WIRED UK
All your links only show how much garbage one can find on the Internet.

You have some good points, but you really think ALL Trump's policies are opposite Russian interests?
What about influencing European elections toward nationalistic goals? Ignoring Russian influences in the 2016 USA election?

European nationalism, and independence is certainly not in the interest of Russia. I don't think the Russians had any significant influence in the election of Trump. The Dems, and the Media have been trying to prove that since his election, and that was November of 2016, two years, and eight months ago.
I recall ALL the USA’s top intelligence agencies, and a top cybersecurity company, provided lots of evidence that Russian operatives played a major role in influencing Trump’s election.
Than you shouldnt have any problem posting those findings.
Here’s the one from/about a cybersecurity company’s findings:
DNC hack: how Crowdstrike found proof Russia hacked DNC | WIRED UK

Not even going to bother with your link.
If the DNC had been hacked why didnt they turn over their servers?
Trump has an extreme view of nationalism? What is a moderate view of nationalism to angry lefties? Maybe Trump and Putin share the goal of not blowing up the freaking world. Too bad ignorant lefties don't share that view when a republican is in office.
You have some good points, but you really think ALL Trump's policies are opposite Russian interests?
What about influencing European elections toward nationalistic goals? Ignoring Russian influences in the 2016 USA election?

European nationalism, and independence is certainly not in the interest of Russia. I don't think the Russians had any significant influence in the election of Trump. The Dems, and the Media have been trying to prove that since his election, and that was November of 2016, two years, and eight months ago.
I recall ALL the USA’s top intelligence agencies, and a top cybersecurity company, provided lots of evidence that Russian operatives played a major role in influencing Trump’s election.
Than you shouldnt have any problem posting those findings.
Here’s the one from/about a cybersecurity company’s findings:
DNC hack: how Crowdstrike found proof Russia hacked DNC | WIRED UK
All your links only show how much garbage one can find on the Internet.
So, you appeared here again.
Why don’t you finally answer this question about your boss:
Why did Putin prefer Trump over Clinton?
You have some good points, but you really think ALL Trump's policies are opposite Russian interests?
What about influencing European elections toward nationalistic goals? Ignoring Russian influences in the 2016 USA election?

European nationalism, and independence is certainly not in the interest of Russia. I don't think the Russians had any significant influence in the election of Trump. The Dems, and the Media have been trying to prove that since his election, and that was November of 2016, two years, and eight months ago.
I recall ALL the USA’s top intelligence agencies, and a top cybersecurity company, provided lots of evidence that Russian operatives played a major role in influencing Trump’s election.
Than you shouldnt have any problem posting those findings.
Here’s the one from/about a cybersecurity company’s findings:
DNC hack: how Crowdstrike found proof Russia hacked DNC | WIRED UK
Not even going to bother with your link.
If the DNC had been hacked why didnt they turn over their servers?
Why not read the hacking evidence?
No like evidence?
European nationalism, and independence is certainly not in the interest of Russia. I don't think the Russians had any significant influence in the election of Trump. The Dems, and the Media have been trying to prove that since his election, and that was November of 2016, two years, and eight months ago.
I recall ALL the USA’s top intelligence agencies, and a top cybersecurity company, provided lots of evidence that Russian operatives played a major role in influencing Trump’s election.
Than you shouldnt have any problem posting those findings.
Here’s the one from/about a cybersecurity company’s findings:
DNC hack: how Crowdstrike found proof Russia hacked DNC | WIRED UK
Not even going to bother with your link.
If the DNC had been hacked why didnt they turn over their servers?
Why not read the hacking evidence?
No like evidence?

If the DNC were hacked they would have turned over their servers to investigators to bolster their position,yet they refused.
Why would they do that?
Trump has an extreme view of nationalism? What is a moderate view of nationalism to angry lefties? Maybe Trump and Putin share the goal of not blowing up the freaking world. Too bad ignorant lefties don't share that view when a republican is in office.
Denmark’s neighbor, Norway, is an example of moderate nationalism. They require qualified immigrants to live in a small community, learn their language, and will assist them financially.
Yes, Norway like Denmark have very high taxes, but high levels of overall happiness too.
I recall ALL the USA’s top intelligence agencies, and a top cybersecurity company, provided lots of evidence that Russian operatives played a major role in influencing Trump’s election.
Than you shouldnt have any problem posting those findings.
Here’s the one from/about a cybersecurity company’s findings:
DNC hack: how Crowdstrike found proof Russia hacked DNC | WIRED UK
Not even going to bother with your link.
If the DNC had been hacked why didnt they turn over their servers?
Why not read the hacking evidence?
No like evidence?
If the DNC were hacked they would have turned over their servers to investigators to bolster their position,yet they refused.
Why would they do that?
Why don’t you read the hacking evidence and try to dispute it. I can’t comment on your question; don’t know and don’t want to speculate on the non-hacking issue.

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