Do Putin and Trump have common interests?

If you consider being a puppet of Putin, then yes, they have common interests.

What policies has Trump promoted, or put in place that are PRO Putin, and/or PRO Russia?

Attacking NATO members, threatening not to defend NATO members, shattering the trade alliances with the EU, attacking the WTO, pulling out of Syria, moving the Embassy, scuttling NAFTA, pulling out of the Syrian treaty.
Trump has an extreme view of nationalism? What is a moderate view of nationalism to angry lefties? Maybe Trump and Putin share the goal of not blowing up the freaking world. Too bad ignorant lefties don't share that view when a republican is in office.
Denmark’s neighbor, Norway, is an example of moderate nationalism. They require qualified immigrants to live in a small community, learn their language, and will assist them financially.
Yes, Norway like Denmark have very high taxes, but high levels of overall happiness too.

America supports more illegal aliens than the entire population of Denmark and Norway combined. Try entering any Scandinavian country without a passport or papers and find out how nice and happy they are. What about President Trump's nationalism seems offensive to lefties? Is it the hat or the chant USA USA at rallies or when he says "God Bless America" or responds to lefties who disrespect the Flag or the Anthem? Is it the fact that he negotiated for the release of three Americans held by N.K. without spending a dime when we could have showered the country with two billion dollars like Hussein did for Iran?
Than you shouldnt have any problem posting those findings.
Here’s the one from/about a cybersecurity company’s findings:
DNC hack: how Crowdstrike found proof Russia hacked DNC | WIRED UK
Not even going to bother with your link.
If the DNC had been hacked why didnt they turn over their servers?
Why not read the hacking evidence?
No like evidence?
If the DNC were hacked they would have turned over their servers to investigators to bolster their position,yet they refused.
Why would they do that?
Why don’t you read the hacking evidence and try to dispute it. I can’t comment on your question; don’t know and don’t want to speculate on the non-hacking issue.

The info taken from the DNC was loaded to a thumb drive not hacked from outside.
The download rate would have been far to slow otherwise.
Here’s the one from/about a cybersecurity company’s findings:
DNC hack: how Crowdstrike found proof Russia hacked DNC | WIRED UK
Not even going to bother with your link.
If the DNC had been hacked why didnt they turn over their servers?
Why not read the hacking evidence?
No like evidence?
If the DNC were hacked they would have turned over their servers to investigators to bolster their position,yet they refused.
Why would they do that?
Why don’t you read the hacking evidence and try to dispute it. I can’t comment on your question; don’t know and don’t want to speculate on the non-hacking issue.

The info taken from the DNC was loaded to a thumb drive not hacked from outside.
The download rate would have been far to slow otherwise.

The DNC was hacked from Russia. It had nothing to do with Seth Rich. The actual hacking was watched in real time by the Security Force in the Netherlands and they provided evidence to the CIA. That’s why the FBI didn’t really care about seeing the server. They had better evidence from the Dutch.

Gucifer has confirmed that he hacked the DNC and Roger Stone confirmed it. As did the Senate Russia Investigation.

Trump says: the CIA lied; the FBI lied; the NSA lied; the American Ambassador to Russia lied; Comey lied; McCabe lied; the US Senate lied; Putin is telling the truth.
Not even going to bother with your link.
If the DNC had been hacked why didnt they turn over their servers?
Why not read the hacking evidence?
No like evidence?
If the DNC were hacked they would have turned over their servers to investigators to bolster their position,yet they refused.
Why would they do that?
Why don’t you read the hacking evidence and try to dispute it. I can’t comment on your question; don’t know and don’t want to speculate on the non-hacking issue.

The info taken from the DNC was loaded to a thumb drive not hacked from outside.
The download rate would have been far to slow otherwise.

The DNC was hacked from Russia. It had nothing to do with Seth Rich. The actual hacking was watched in real time by the Security Force in the Netherlands and they provided evidence to the CIA. That’s why the FBI didn’t really care about seeing the server. They had better evidence from the Dutch.

Gucifer has confirmed that he hacked the DNC and Roger Stone confirmed it. As did the Senate Russia Investigation.

Trump says: the CIA lied; the FBI lied; the NSA lied; the American Ambassador to Russia lied; Comey lied; McCabe lied; the US Senate lied; Putin is telling the truth.

Report claims hacked DNC emails were a leak not a hack | Daily Mail Online
If you consider being a puppet of Putin, then yes, they have common interests.

What policies has Trump promoted, or put in place that are PRO Putin, and/or PRO Russia?
Reluctance to impose sanctions, willingness to conceed the Crimea issue, weakening of Western alliances and trade. Attempting destruction of NATO. It's a long list.

You are a Hoot Butt Hurt.....
You can't refute any of my points can you.
It looks to me that your "points" are all media hoo haa.

Mexico just told Trump to go fuck himself and elected a President who vowed to stand up to Trump. Mexico is busy setting up supply lines with the TPP and negotiating deals for soy beans from South America.

China is building infrastructure for its trade routes between TPP members. China is the world’s fastest growing economy and it’s awash in cash. China is funding infrastructure projects tied to Chinese trade, all over the world. Kind of like the US did before you put profits before people, and had lots of surplus cash, instead of a sky high military budget and lots of foreign wars.
Not even going to bother with your link.
If the DNC had been hacked why didnt they turn over their servers?
Why not read the hacking evidence?
No like evidence?
If the DNC were hacked they would have turned over their servers to investigators to bolster their position,yet they refused.
Why would they do that?
Why don’t you read the hacking evidence and try to dispute it. I can’t comment on your question; don’t know and don’t want to speculate on the non-hacking issue.

The info taken from the DNC was loaded to a thumb drive not hacked from outside.
The download rate would have been far to slow otherwise.

The DNC was hacked from Russia. It had nothing to do with Seth Rich. The actual hacking was watched in real time by the Security Force in the Netherlands and they provided evidence to the CIA. That’s why the FBI didn’t really care about seeing the server. They had better evidence from the Dutch.

Gucifer has confirmed that he hacked the DNC and Roger Stone confirmed it. As did the Senate Russia Investigation.

Trump says: the CIA lied; the FBI lied; the NSA lied; the American Ambassador to Russia lied; Comey lied; McCabe lied; the US Senate lied; Putin is telling the truth.

"The Nation's article reads: 'The volume of the supposedly hacked material and what is called the transfer rate is the time a remote hack would require. The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC’s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second.'

"The experts, as The Nation says, prove that 'no Internet service provider, such as a hacker would have had to use in mid-2016, was capable of downloading data at this speed'."
What policies has Trump promoted, or put in place that are PRO Putin, and/or PRO Russia?
Reluctance to impose sanctions, willingness to conceed the Crimea issue, weakening of Western alliances and trade. Attempting destruction of NATO. It's a long list.

You are a Hoot Butt Hurt.....
You can't refute any of my points can you.
It looks to me that your "points" are all media hoo haa.

Mexico just told Trump to go fuck himself and elected a President who vowed to stand up to Trump. Mexico is busy setting up supply lines with the TPP and negotiating deals for soy beans from South America.

China is building infrastructure for its trade routes between TPP members. China is the world’s fastest growing economy and it’s awash in cash. China is funding infrastructure projects tied to Chinese trade, all over the world. Kind of like the US did before you put profits before people, and had lots of surplus cash, instead of a sky high military budget and lots of foreign wars.
In reality, where I live, what can Mexico do to us what with having only the one set of jumper cables? Mexico must be ran by even more stupid liberals than we have here.
Last edited:
What policies has Trump promoted, or put in place that are PRO Putin, and/or PRO Russia?
Reluctance to impose sanctions, willingness to conceed the Crimea issue, weakening of Western alliances and trade. Attempting destruction of NATO. It's a long list.

You are a Hoot Butt Hurt.....
You can't refute any of my points can you.
It looks to me that your "points" are all media hoo haa.

Mexico just told Trump to go fuck himself and elected a President who vowed to stand up to Trump. Mexico is busy setting up supply lines with the TPP and negotiating deals for soy beans from South America.

China is building infrastructure for its trade routes between TPP members. China is the world’s fastest growing economy and it’s awash in cash. China is funding infrastructure projects tied to Chinese trade, all over the world. Kind of like the US did before you put profits before people, and had lots of surplus cash, instead of a sky high military budget and lots of foreign wars.

So you're saying there will be no need for illegals to cross our border now?
Why not read the hacking evidence?
No like evidence?
If the DNC were hacked they would have turned over their servers to investigators to bolster their position,yet they refused.
Why would they do that?
Why don’t you read the hacking evidence and try to dispute it. I can’t comment on your question; don’t know and don’t want to speculate on the non-hacking issue.

The info taken from the DNC was loaded to a thumb drive not hacked from outside.
The download rate would have been far to slow otherwise.

The DNC was hacked from Russia. It had nothing to do with Seth Rich. The actual hacking was watched in real time by the Security Force in the Netherlands and they provided evidence to the CIA. That’s why the FBI didn’t really care about seeing the server. They had better evidence from the Dutch.

Gucifer has confirmed that he hacked the DNC and Roger Stone confirmed it. As did the Senate Russia Investigation.

Trump says: the CIA lied; the FBI lied; the NSA lied; the American Ambassador to Russia lied; Comey lied; McCabe lied; the US Senate lied; Putin is telling the truth.

"The Nation's article reads: 'The volume of the supposedly hacked material and what is called the transfer rate is the time a remote hack would require. The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC’s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second.'

"The experts, as The Nation says, prove that 'no Internet service provider, such as a hacker would have had to use in mid-2016, was capable of downloading data at this speed'."

I’ll take the word of the FBI, the CIA, and the Dutch Cyber Security Force over someone with no access to the actual evidence in the case.
If the DNC were hacked they would have turned over their servers to investigators to bolster their position,yet they refused.
Why would they do that?
Why don’t you read the hacking evidence and try to dispute it. I can’t comment on your question; don’t know and don’t want to speculate on the non-hacking issue.

The info taken from the DNC was loaded to a thumb drive not hacked from outside.
The download rate would have been far to slow otherwise.

The DNC was hacked from Russia. It had nothing to do with Seth Rich. The actual hacking was watched in real time by the Security Force in the Netherlands and they provided evidence to the CIA. That’s why the FBI didn’t really care about seeing the server. They had better evidence from the Dutch.

Gucifer has confirmed that he hacked the DNC and Roger Stone confirmed it. As did the Senate Russia Investigation.

Trump says: the CIA lied; the FBI lied; the NSA lied; the American Ambassador to Russia lied; Comey lied; McCabe lied; the US Senate lied; Putin is telling the truth.

"The Nation's article reads: 'The volume of the supposedly hacked material and what is called the transfer rate is the time a remote hack would require. The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC’s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second.'

"The experts, as The Nation says, prove that 'no Internet service provider, such as a hacker would have had to use in mid-2016, was capable of downloading data at this speed'."

I’ll take the word of the FBI, the CIA, and the Dutch Cyber Security Force over someone with no access to the actual evidence in the case.

What you're claiming is physically impossible.
If the DNC were hacked they would have turned over their servers to investigators to bolster their position,yet they refused.
Why would they do that?
Why don’t you read the hacking evidence and try to dispute it. I can’t comment on your question; don’t know and don’t want to speculate on the non-hacking issue.

The info taken from the DNC was loaded to a thumb drive not hacked from outside.
The download rate would have been far to slow otherwise.

The DNC was hacked from Russia. It had nothing to do with Seth Rich. The actual hacking was watched in real time by the Security Force in the Netherlands and they provided evidence to the CIA. That’s why the FBI didn’t really care about seeing the server. They had better evidence from the Dutch.

Gucifer has confirmed that he hacked the DNC and Roger Stone confirmed it. As did the Senate Russia Investigation.

Trump says: the CIA lied; the FBI lied; the NSA lied; the American Ambassador to Russia lied; Comey lied; McCabe lied; the US Senate lied; Putin is telling the truth.

"The Nation's article reads: 'The volume of the supposedly hacked material and what is called the transfer rate is the time a remote hack would require. The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC’s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second.'

"The experts, as The Nation says, prove that 'no Internet service provider, such as a hacker would have had to use in mid-2016, was capable of downloading data at this speed'."

I’ll take the word of the FBI, the CIA, and the Dutch Cyber Security Force over someone with no access to the actual evidence in the case.
Anyone believing the FBI is not to be paid attention to.
Besides both having 5-letter surnames, it appears that Putin & Trump share an extreme view on nationalism, and are intent on competition & conflict to enforce their views instead of diplomacy with other nations who are more balanced politically.

This commentary from the Spiegel is food for thought and debate ...

“Vladimir Putin operates in the shadows. The Russian president controls a clever disinformation campaign with the aim of upsetting the populations of Western countries, discrediting their institutions, dividing society, influencing elections and ultimately causing the collapse of liberal democracy. Nevertheless, there are still many people who continue to believe that Putin is innocent and that the claims are merely the malicious fabrications of Western intelligence agencies. Is it all just a conspiracy theory?

Regarding Donald Trump's intentions, by contrast, there can no longer be any doubt. Since taking office, he has carried out a scorched-earth policy against multi-lateral treaties of all kinds. He is a man with no interest in foreign policy, seeing it merely as an instrument to pursue his "America First" ideology. He views cooperation as a weakness, the latest proof being the US withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Trump’s open support for German right-wing populists is nothing less than a blatant attack by a foreign power on that country's government. It is a direct attempt by the White House to destabilize the Federal Republic of Germany.”
Putin and Trump are big fans of Archie Bunker
Why don’t you read the hacking evidence and try to dispute it. I can’t comment on your question; don’t know and don’t want to speculate on the non-hacking issue.

The info taken from the DNC was loaded to a thumb drive not hacked from outside.
The download rate would have been far to slow otherwise.

The DNC was hacked from Russia. It had nothing to do with Seth Rich. The actual hacking was watched in real time by the Security Force in the Netherlands and they provided evidence to the CIA. That’s why the FBI didn’t really care about seeing the server. They had better evidence from the Dutch.

Gucifer has confirmed that he hacked the DNC and Roger Stone confirmed it. As did the Senate Russia Investigation.

Trump says: the CIA lied; the FBI lied; the NSA lied; the American Ambassador to Russia lied; Comey lied; McCabe lied; the US Senate lied; Putin is telling the truth.

"The Nation's article reads: 'The volume of the supposedly hacked material and what is called the transfer rate is the time a remote hack would require. The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC’s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second.'

"The experts, as The Nation says, prove that 'no Internet service provider, such as a hacker would have had to use in mid-2016, was capable of downloading data at this speed'."

I’ll take the word of the FBI, the CIA, and the Dutch Cyber Security Force over someone with no access to the actual evidence in the case.
Anyone believing the FBI is not to be paid attention to.

Anyone voting for Trump is not to be believed.
The info taken from the DNC was loaded to a thumb drive not hacked from outside.
The download rate would have been far to slow otherwise.

The DNC was hacked from Russia. It had nothing to do with Seth Rich. The actual hacking was watched in real time by the Security Force in the Netherlands and they provided evidence to the CIA. That’s why the FBI didn’t really care about seeing the server. They had better evidence from the Dutch.

Gucifer has confirmed that he hacked the DNC and Roger Stone confirmed it. As did the Senate Russia Investigation.

Trump says: the CIA lied; the FBI lied; the NSA lied; the American Ambassador to Russia lied; Comey lied; McCabe lied; the US Senate lied; Putin is telling the truth.

"The Nation's article reads: 'The volume of the supposedly hacked material and what is called the transfer rate is the time a remote hack would require. The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC’s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second.'

"The experts, as The Nation says, prove that 'no Internet service provider, such as a hacker would have had to use in mid-2016, was capable of downloading data at this speed'."

I’ll take the word of the FBI, the CIA, and the Dutch Cyber Security Force over someone with no access to the actual evidence in the case.
Anyone believing the FBI is not to be paid attention to.

Anyone voting for Trump is not to be believed.
In November you'll wake and suddenly find yourself out in the road screaming at the sky.
The info taken from the DNC was loaded to a thumb drive not hacked from outside.
The download rate would have been far to slow otherwise.

The DNC was hacked from Russia. It had nothing to do with Seth Rich. The actual hacking was watched in real time by the Security Force in the Netherlands and they provided evidence to the CIA. That’s why the FBI didn’t really care about seeing the server. They had better evidence from the Dutch.

Gucifer has confirmed that he hacked the DNC and Roger Stone confirmed it. As did the Senate Russia Investigation.

Trump says: the CIA lied; the FBI lied; the NSA lied; the American Ambassador to Russia lied; Comey lied; McCabe lied; the US Senate lied; Putin is telling the truth.

"The Nation's article reads: 'The volume of the supposedly hacked material and what is called the transfer rate is the time a remote hack would require. The metadata established several facts in this regard with granular precision: On the evening of July 5, 2016, 1,976 megabytes of data were downloaded from the DNC’s server. The operation took 87 seconds. This yields a transfer rate of 22.7 megabytes per second.'

"The experts, as The Nation says, prove that 'no Internet service provider, such as a hacker would have had to use in mid-2016, was capable of downloading data at this speed'."

I’ll take the word of the FBI, the CIA, and the Dutch Cyber Security Force over someone with no access to the actual evidence in the case.
Anyone believing the FBI is not to be paid attention to.

Anyone voting for Trump is not to be believed.
Only a low IQ individual can say something like that.

And those millions of illegals who voted for Clinton should be believed?
Rohrabacher Blasts Obama’s Remarks on Voting by Illegal Immigrants

Or "votes" of poor dead people? Oh, well, at least we know dead people can't cheat any more....

Besides both having 5-letter surnames, it appears that Putin & Trump share an extreme view on nationalism, and are intent on competition & conflict to enforce their views instead of diplomacy with other nations who are more balanced politically.

This commentary from the Spiegel is food for thought and debate ...

“Vladimir Putin operates in the shadows. The Russian president controls a clever disinformation campaign with the aim of upsetting the populations of Western countries, discrediting their institutions, dividing society, influencing elections and ultimately causing the collapse of liberal democracy. Nevertheless, there are still many people who continue to believe that Putin is innocent and that the claims are merely the malicious fabrications of Western intelligence agencies. Is it all just a conspiracy theory?

Regarding Donald Trump's intentions, by contrast, there can no longer be any doubt. Since taking office, he has carried out a scorched-earth policy against multi-lateral treaties of all kinds. He is a man with no interest in foreign policy, seeing it merely as an instrument to pursue his "America First" ideology. He views cooperation as a weakness, the latest proof being the US withdrawal from the United Nations Human Rights Council.

Trump’s open support for German right-wing populists is nothing less than a blatant attack by a foreign power on that country's government. It is a direct attempt by the White House to destabilize the Federal Republic of Germany.”
They both want to see America brought to her knees.
So with the Democrats, and their accomplices in the Media, FBI etc working 24/7 for almost three years, and making false accusations the entire time, why didn't anything stick?
"There’s much talk about state interference in the electoral process but I haven’t seen a single fact to date," Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry Sergey Lavrov said.

"A US assistant secretary of homeland security supervising cybersecurity said unambiguously a few days ago they didn’t have any evidence of Russia’s interference with the last presidential race," he said.

"The situation where no facts have leaked the public sphere over-a-year that the investigation is in progress is simply impossible for the U.S.," Lavrov said. "If there were at least some smoldering, smoke would be seen at once."

"I think they’ve cornered themselves by declarations about precise data on Russian meddling and now they are trying to at least some retroactive justifications but still they are floundering," he said.
Lavrov says anti-Russian issues to dominate in US until midterms

Now that the weekend is over and it looks like (from other threads) that you are back to work for Putin’s government, why don’t you answer my question:
Why did Putin prefer Trump over Clinton?
Because Trump is on Putin's payroll.

So with the Democrats, and their accomplices in the Media, FBI etc working 24/7 for almost three years, and making false accusations the entire time, why didn't anything stick?
"There’s much talk about state interference in the electoral process but I haven’t seen a single fact to date," Russian Foreign Affairs Ministry Sergey Lavrov said.

"A US assistant secretary of homeland security supervising cybersecurity said unambiguously a few days ago they didn’t have any evidence of Russia’s interference with the last presidential race," he said.

"The situation where no facts have leaked the public sphere over-a-year that the investigation is in progress is simply impossible for the U.S.," Lavrov said. "If there were at least some smoldering, smoke would be seen at once."

"I think they’ve cornered themselves by declarations about precise data on Russian meddling and now they are trying to at least some retroactive justifications but still they are floundering," he said.
Lavrov says anti-Russian issues to dominate in US until midterms

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Trump's boss.

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