Do Putin and Trump have common interests?

NO. All of Trump's policies are opposite Russian interests.

Energy Policy - Trump is maximizing domestic U.S. production of fossil fuels. Putin hates that.

Defense Policy - Trump is building up our military. Putin hates that.

International Relations - Trump is attempting to normalize relations with NK. Putin hates that.

Foreign Trade - Trump is holding countries accountable for UNFAIR trade practices, including Russia. Putin hates that.

Has Vlad Putin confided in you? When and where did you speak with him? Such knowledge can only be gleaned from a personal audience.
It's pretty clear the post you responded to is correct. It really bother you skunks when this country starts to prosper.
yeah tex tariffs and trade wars will help you prosper?
As they say in USA, I’m “no one’s bitch”.
Too bad you can’t say the same.
No, I can't : I'm simply not a bitch.

You do Putin’s bidding and his work. If you understood American slang better, that makes you Putin’s bitch.
I'd bet money the person you are attempting to flame in your pitifully juvenile attempt has never even been to Russia, let along met Putin. Still can't see how you lost the election huh?

I lost nothing. I’m not an American, I don’t live in the US and I don’t vote in your elections.
As they say in USA, I’m “no one’s bitch”.
Too bad you can’t say the same.
No, I can't : I'm simply not a bitch.

You do Putin’s bidding and his work. If you understood American slang better, that makes you Putin’s bitch.
I'd bet money the person you are attempting to flame in your pitifully juvenile attempt has never even been to Russia, let along met Putin. Still can't see how you lost the election huh?

I lost nothing. I’m not an American, I don’t live in the US and I don’t vote in your elections.
Thank God!
NO. All of Trump's policies are opposite Russian interests.

Energy Policy - Trump is maximizing domestic U.S. production of fossil fuels. Putin hates that.

Defense Policy - Trump is building up our military. Putin hates that.

International Relations - Trump is attempting to normalize relations with NK. Putin hates that.

Foreign Trade - Trump is holding countries accountable for UNFAIR trade practices, including Russia. Putin hates that.

Has Vlad Putin confided in you? When and where did you speak with him? Such knowledge can only be gleaned from a personal audience.

I've seen you spout far less reasonable assumptions about other people's personal beliefs and motivations.

Very much, very far, less reasonable. LIke no reason what so ever.

Pilot is probably able to explain how and why he reached the above conclusions.

Your assumptions? I've never seen you offer much beyond your personal prejudices as a supporting argument.
Reluctance to impose sanctions, willingness to conceed the Crimea issue, weakening of Western alliances and trade. Attempting destruction of NATO. It's a long list.

And much of it happened under OBAMA. What about, "tell Vlad I'll have more flexibility after the election"? Obama was talking about the missile shield Europe was promised by Bush that he cancelled to PLEASE PUTIN!
Reluctance to impose sanctions, willingness to conceed the Crimea issue, weakening of Western alliances and trade. Attempting destruction of NATO. It's a long list.

And much of it happened under OBAMA. What about, "tell Vlad I'll have more flexibility after the election"? Obama was talking about the missile shield Europe was promised by Bush that he cancelled to PLEASE PUTIN!
1. Obama was lying as always. Besides, Obama was not the one who makes the decisions: his Deep State bosses were the ones.

2. Putin was NOT a president (he was PM), Medvedev was.
1. Obama was lying as always.
2. Putin was NOT a president (he was PM), Medvedev was.

Putin was still in actual power. Medvedev was his PAWN. Why would Obama give Medvedev a message to give to Vladimir Putin if Putin did not matter? Obama did not install the missiles because Putin didn't want them there. Obama was Putin's bitch.
1. Obama was lying as always.
2. Putin was NOT a president (he was PM), Medvedev was.

Putin was still in actual power. Medvedev was his PAWN. Why would Obama give Medvedev a message to give to Vladimir Putin if Putin did not matter? Obama did not install the missiles because Putin didn't want them there. Obama was Putin's bitch.
Obama always was, is and will be Soros' bitch. However Deep State Media would love you to believe ^ what you said above.

Putin is a serious threat to Deep State, that's why their Media keep spreading so much lies about him. But if you really want to defeat Deep State, Putin is your one and only reliable ally. Deep State knows that. Trump knows that. I wish you, Trump supporters, realized that before too late.
Reluctance to impose sanctions, willingness to conceed the Crimea issue, weakening of Western alliances and trade. Attempting destruction of NATO. It's a long list.

And much of it happened under OBAMA. What about, "tell Vlad I'll have more flexibility after the election"? Obama was talking about the missile shield Europe was promised by Bush that he cancelled to PLEASE PUTIN!
There's a big difference between negotiation and capitulation. President Obama was talking about negotiating room. tRump is just giving his buddy Vladimir whatever he wants.
Reluctance to impose sanctions, willingness to conceed the Crimea issue, weakening of Western alliances and trade. Attempting destruction of NATO. It's a long list.

And much of it happened under OBAMA. What about, "tell Vlad I'll have more flexibility after the election"? Obama was talking about the missile shield Europe was promised by Bush that he cancelled to PLEASE PUTIN!
1. Obama was lying as always. Besides, Obama was not the one who makes the decisions: his Deep State bosses were the ones.

2. Putin was NOT a president (he was PM), Medvedev was.
There is soooo much wrong with this post......
There's a big difference between negotiation and capitulation. President Obama was talking about negotiating room. tRump is just giving his buddy Vladimir whatever he wants.

Exactly what has Trump given to Putin? We saw Obama cave to his wishes with him not installing the missiles we PROMISED. So we essentially screwed our allies, and gave in to Russia/Putin.

What has Trump given them?
Reluctance to impose sanctions, willingness to conceed the Crimea issue, weakening of Western alliances and trade. Attempting destruction of NATO. It's a long list.

The same thing happened under Obama, and Trump is not trying to destroy NATO, just trying to make the member countries pay what THEY PROMISED TO PAY! Trump is also not weakening trade, again, just trying to make them pay their fair share, and stop taking advantage of us.

Again, what policies has Trump put in place that are PRO Russia? NONE.

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