Do republican voters actually believe Trump cares about them?

Do republican voters actually believe Trump cares about them?

The one's at or above a certain wealth/income level can be 100% certain that even if he doesn't, his policies are unlikely to do them harm. As for the rest of the GOP, I can't say for sure what they believe -- hell, it's not all that clear what Trump believes -- but one'd have to presume they think Trump cares about them. That said, that one can and does think something doesn't make that which one thinks be so.
Do republican voters actually believe Trump cares about them?

The one's at or above a certain wealth/income level can be 100% certain that even if he doesn't, his policies are unlikely to do them harm. As for the rest of the GOP, I can't say for sure what they believe -- hell, it's not all that clear what Trump believes -- but one'd have to presume they think Trump cares about them. That said, that one can and does think something doesn't make that which one thinks be so.

You mean like------> tax cuts cause deficits! Well hell, you are correct! Just cause you say so doesn't mean squat, especially when everything in the stats says you are phony-baloney-)
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?

No he does not.

They voted for him because his last name was not Clinton and not because they thought he cared avout them.
No, that's just the excuse many are using now because he's failed so horribly on all of his campaign promises.

No, they voted for him because his last name was not Clinton.

Those that voted for Trump would have taken a third term of Obama before voting for Clinton!

So don't kid yourself that those idiots voted for him because of his lies. They voted for him because four years of Clinton as President was a nightmare to them!

When are you guys going to do some introspection and face some facts. We didn't vote for Hillary BECAUSE it would have been the third term of Obama. Obama overreached from the get go and the Democrats lost the country from 2010 forward. State legislatures, governorships, Congress and then the whitehouse. It was because the American people by and large didn't like or want what Obama and the DNC were selling. Then when Hillary spilled the beans with her deplorable comment, she pounded the last nail in the coffin. Truth be told, people like me were begging you guys to run your queen long before Trump ever declared. Why? Because we knew that she couldn't win. You guys really need to wake up.

She is not my queen nor did I vote for the bitch. I voted for Johnson and Trump won Texas.

So there and remember some people did not vote for either big party candidate and went third party like me!
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?

Of course. He didn't write me off as being irredeemable or deplorable. That was all I needed to know who cared about me and who didn't. Trump wants to build an economy that provides jobs and lifts everyone regardless of creed or color. his opponents, not so much. They catered to niche groups to the exclusion of others and wanted policies and regulations that would hurt business and the little guy. The question is, why aren't you smart enough to vote in your own best interest?

Trump wants to build an economy that provides jobs and lifts everyone regardless of creed or color. his opponents, not so much. They catered to niche groups to the exclusion of others and wanted policies and regulations that would hurt business and the little guy. The question is, why aren't you smart enough to vote in your own best interest?​

First, here is a table for private sector jobs. The top two private sector terms were both under President Clinton.

The third best growth for the private sector was Obama's 2nd term.
Calculated Risk: Public and Private Sector Payroll Jobs: Carter, Reagan, Bush, Clinton, Bush, Obama

I'm just gonna go wayyy out on a limb here and guess that you cast two enthusiastic votes for

Bush On Jobs: The Worst Track Record On Record

any questions?
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?

One thing becoming rapidly apparent is that he does not care about you.

That said, I sleep like a baby these days, and that's enough.
Why should Trump care about anyone. I'm not inviting him to dinner. I don't want him to care about me. I want the government to leave me alone. If Trump cares about the border, cares about little kimmy blowing up the world, cares enough to stop the Democrats from caring about us all until they start civil war 2, that's enough caring.
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?

I love how the simple minded try and control the responses of others. NONE of them care about "the people". NONE of them are there for "us".
I believe he cares about the country as far as caring about me as an individual who he has never meet no just in the same way I don't believe any past Presidents cared about me or any future ones will.
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?

See thats the difference between a conservative and a liberal.
I dont give a shit if he cares about me personally,as long as he cares about America.
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?

HEY I am 100% convinced Trump is doing this out of pure selfishness! And since I have the same selfish motive as Trump... I"M ALL FOR HIM!
Now what possible selfish motive does Trump have?
NOT money... geez the guy spent $66 million of his own money for what? WH? Hey it is like me moving to a hut for Trump!
Plus he's giving his salary. He's convince Tillerson, to donate their salaries as they too are just as selfish as Trump!

So what SELFISH MOTIVE does he have and as a result I back him as I'm just as selfish as he is!

Want to KNOW????
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?

He uses them and the thing is, they like to be used. They don't care if he uses them.

Are you looking for the word "Masochist" ? Oh yes donnie hit me again.
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?

HEY I am 100% convinced Trump is doing this out of pure selfishness! And since I have the same selfish motive as Trump... I"M ALL FOR HIM!
Now what possible selfish motive does Trump have?
NOT money... geez the guy spent $66 million of his own money for what? WH? Hey it is like me moving to a hut for Trump!
Plus he's giving his salary. He's convince Tillerson, to donate their salaries as they too are just as selfish as Trump!

So what SELFISH MOTIVE does he have and as a result I back him as I'm just as selfish as he is!

Want to KNOW????
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?

HEY I am 100% convinced Trump is doing this out of pure selfishness! And since I have the same selfish motive as Trump... I"M ALL FOR HIM!
Now what possible selfish motive does Trump have?
NOT money... geez the guy spent $66 million of his own money for what? WH? Hey it is like me moving to a hut for Trump!
Plus he's giving his salary. He's convince Tillerson, to donate their salaries as they too are just as selfish as Trump!

So what SELFISH MOTIVE does he have and as a result I back him as I'm just as selfish as he is!

Want to KNOW????

Have no idea what "Umm" means....!
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?
We KNOW Democrats don't, so....
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