Do republican voters actually believe Trump cares about them?

If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?

Of course. He didn't write me off as being irredeemable or deplorable. That was all I needed to know who cared about me and who didn't. Trump wants to build an economy that provides jobs and lifts everyone regardless of creed or color. his opponents, not so much. They catered to niche groups to the exclusion of others and wanted policies and regulations that would hurt business and the little guy. The question is, why aren't you smart enough to vote in your own best interest?
He didn't write me off as being irredeemable or deplorable.
He did write his supporters off as stupid and sheep though.
I suppose it depends which offends you more.
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?

Of course. He didn't write me off as being irredeemable or deplorable. That was all I needed to know who cared about me and who didn't. Trump wants to build an economy that provides jobs and lifts everyone regardless of creed or color. his opponents, not so much. They catered to niche groups to the exclusion of others and wanted policies and regulations that would hurt business and the little guy. The question is, why aren't you smart enough to vote in your own best interest?
He didn't write me off as being irredeemable or deplorable.
He did write his supporters off as stupid and sheep though.
I suppose it depends which offends you more.
Except he didn't....
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?
We KNOW Democrats don't, so....
That's not an answer.
It most certainly is.

Trump couldn't possibly care about us less than Demicrats do.
Okay based on what evidence? Be specific.
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?
We KNOW Democrats don't, so....
That's not an answer.
It most certainly is.

Trump couldn't possibly care about us less than Demicrats do.
Okay based on what evidence? Be specific.
What are you referring to?
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?

Of course. He didn't write me off as being irredeemable or deplorable. That was all I needed to know who cared about me and who didn't. Trump wants to build an economy that provides jobs and lifts everyone regardless of creed or color. his opponents, not so much. They catered to niche groups to the exclusion of others and wanted policies and regulations that would hurt business and the little guy. The question is, why aren't you smart enough to vote in your own best interest?
He didn't write me off as being irredeemable or deplorable.
He did write his supporters off as stupid and sheep though.
I suppose it depends which offends you more.

No that was Obama!
Remember he said this about Americans:
Obama said, “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
Obama on small-town Pa.: Clinging to religion, guns, xenophobia
Then of course Obama hired people that think like he did including this guy who said it took "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass… of all you people that voted for Obama!
But see since most of you Trump critics and Obama idiots NEVER read Obama's autobiography... here read how he TOLD you in 1995 that he was going to use tricks,
tactics to fool you because after all you are idiots!
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?
Another troll job by a clown. The tards still don't get it.
Here is the answer to why Trump is President.
He is selfish. He wants to see his children have a future and he saw as millions of us saw the country going in a direction that would be destroying our children and
grandchildren. So Trump was selfish. He wanted his children to be as well off as he was and to that he had to turn the country around.
Turn it from self-loathing that Obama had done. Remember Obama's America apology tour? Remember Obama telling people our military air-raiding villages killing civilians!
Remember Obama telling Americans they should be ashamed. Well Trump like millions of us were tired of that crap and the MSM biased presenting all the news that's
bad is ALL the news! Nothing good happening in America. Police are the bad guys. Military the bad guys!
SO YES Trump is selfish. He wants to see his fruits of HIS labor be passed on in a better world then it was after Obama!
And that's what I and millions of true lovers of the American Experience are: selfish... we want our children to be better then we are!
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?

Of course. He didn't write me off as being irredeemable or deplorable. That was all I needed to know who cared about me and who didn't. Trump wants to build an economy that provides jobs and lifts everyone regardless of creed or color. his opponents, not so much. They catered to niche groups to the exclusion of others and wanted policies and regulations that would hurt business and the little guy. The question is, why aren't you smart enough to vote in your own best interest?
He didn't write me off as being irredeemable or deplorable.
He did write his supporters off as stupid and sheep though.
I suppose it depends which offends you more.

No that was Obama!
Remember he said this about Americans:
Obama said, “They get bitter, they cling to guns or religion or antipathy to people who aren’t like them or anti-immigrant sentiment or anti-trade sentiment as a way to explain their frustrations.”
Obama on small-town Pa.: Clinging to religion, guns, xenophobia
Then of course Obama hired people that think like he did including this guy who said it took "And basically, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically that was really really critical for the thing to pass… of all you people that voted for Obama!
But see since most of you Trump critics and Obama idiots NEVER read Obama's autobiography... here read how he TOLD you in 1995 that he was going to use tricks,
tactics to fool you because after all you are idiots!
View attachment 124274
"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn't lose any voters"

"No, no. That played well before the election. Now? We don't care."
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?
We KNOW Democrats don't, so....
That's not an answer.
It most certainly is.

Trump couldn't possibly care about us less than Demicrats do.
Okay based on what evidence? Be specific.
What are you referring to?
Why do you think democrats care less about the American people? Based on what specific facts?
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?
Another troll job by a clown. The tards still don't get it.
You can't answer the question and you know it.
After Gruber was exposed on video numerous times explaining how libwrals not only think their supporters are STUPID but actually count on it as well so they can get away with everything they do...

After Democrats rigged their primary, engaged in election fraud, and cheated in primaries in order to force the worst candidate in US history upon them...

Do snowflakes really think Democrats give a damn what they want or care about them instead of acquiring and keeping power?

If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?

No politician really cares about any individual except their families and friends (if even that). Most either care about power, or vague ideas on how to make things "better" in their opinion.
We KNOW Democrats don't, so....
That's not an answer.
It most certainly is.

Trump couldn't possibly care about us less than Demicrats do.
Okay based on what evidence? Be specific.
What are you referring to?
Why do you think democrats care less about the American people? Based on what specific facts?

Well for one there is this study:
Conservatives also appear to be more generous than liberals in nonfinancial ways.
People in red states are considerably more likely to volunteer for good causes,
and conservatives give blood more often.
If liberals and moderates gave blood as often as conservatives, Mr. Brooks said, the American blood supply would increase by 45 percent.
Opinion | Bleeding Heart Tightwads

Now of course the truth is maybe conservatives have more clean living then Democrats, you know HIV, they can donate more.
If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?

No politician really cares about any individual except their families and friends (if even that). Most either care about power, or vague ideas on how to make things "better" in their opinion.

And don't be so hypocritical of "politicians"! You really don't care except about your family! Be honest. You are just as selfish. AND don't feel bad about being selfish also!
There is NOTHING wrong with wanting your progeny to succeed and carry on your genes! That is a fundamental driving factor of life!
So Trump, me, you and millions like us want our families to have a better life then we had and Trump like us saw under the direction Obama was taking us that wasn't
going to happen!!!
See there is a genetic basis for wanting to see our progeny succeed. It is the motivation to reproduce. It is the ONLY way a person can achieve some form of
immortality, i.e. your genes are passed on!
So consequently we are selfish in we want to see our families have better opportunities so our genes can be passed on!
If a few of you really deep thinkers ponder this you will see I'm correct!
That's not an answer.
It most certainly is.

Trump couldn't possibly care about us less than Demicrats do.
Okay based on what evidence? Be specific.
What are you referring to?
Why do you think democrats care less about the American people? Based on what specific facts?

Well for one there is this study:
Conservatives also appear to be more generous than liberals in nonfinancial ways.
People in red states are considerably more likely to volunteer for good causes,
and conservatives give blood more often.
If liberals and moderates gave blood as often as conservatives, Mr. Brooks said, the American blood supply would increase by 45 percent.
Opinion | Bleeding Heart Tightwads

Now of course the truth is maybe conservatives have more clean living then Democrats, you know HIV, they can donate more.
Actually, those figures are based on conservatives' faith. Liberals are less likely to be religious. Conservatives are generous as far as the actions of their churches go. It also says that liberals of the Christian faith are more generous than conservatives of the Christian faith.
It most certainly is.

Trump couldn't possibly care about us less than Demicrats do.
Okay based on what evidence? Be specific.
What are you referring to?
Why do you think democrats care less about the American people? Based on what specific facts?

Well for one there is this study:
Conservatives also appear to be more generous than liberals in nonfinancial ways.
People in red states are considerably more likely to volunteer for good causes,
and conservatives give blood more often.
If liberals and moderates gave blood as often as conservatives, Mr. Brooks said, the American blood supply would increase by 45 percent.
Opinion | Bleeding Heart Tightwads

Now of course the truth is maybe conservatives have more clean living then Democrats, you know HIV, they can donate more.
Actually, those figures are based on conservatives' faith. Liberals are less likely to be religious. Conservatives are generous as far as the actions of their churches go. It also says that liberals of the Christian faith are more generous than conservatives of the Christian faith.

Well, based on your logic, if there are fewer religious Liberals, then there would be fewer liberals of the Christian faith, thus Liberals could not possibly be more generous than Conservatives. Unless you're talking about spending other peoples money, then I could see liberals being much more generous.

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