Do republican voters actually believe Trump cares about them?

And he has accomplished some of them. Others have been blocked by activist judges whose rulings will be overturned by the SCOTUS. If trump does nothing else for the remainder of his term, just getting Gorsuch on the Supreme Court is HUGE. For the next 30 years or so every time a ruling comes down that protects individual Rights we will be able to thank trump.
As the AP has noted, he's accomplished 10 out of the 38 promises he made about his first 100 days.

Trump's first 100 days were unlike any we've ever seen — here are all the promises he's kept and broken

No only that, some of the "accomplishments" aren't even worth shouting about.

"Direct his commerce secretary and trade representative to identify all foreign trading abuses that unfairly hurt American workers.

Trump has initiated plenty of studies over the past 100 days."

"Inform his generals they have 30 days to submit a new plan for defeating the Islamic State terrorist group.

Trump did indeed order up a plan. It's unclear what it is since it has yet to be made public."

So, when you have things which are "make a plan" and the plan has been made but no one has seen it, and these are two of the 10 things he's actually done. Lame.

Deal with FACTS not your guesses OK?
According to the White House, Trump has signed 30 Executive Orders in his first 100 days, 11 more than signed by former President Obama during the same time frame and 19 more than former President George W. Bush. The closest president in terms of Executive Orders in the first 100 days is Lyndon Johnson, who put his signature to 26 actions.
Among the orders signed by Trump are:
  • Review of national monument designations by previous administrations
  • Launching a probe to determine if foreign steel is hurting U.S. national security
  • A review of the H-1B visa program and the use of foreign workers
  • Establishment of a commission to combat drug addiction and the opioid crisis
  • A review of the Clean Power Plan, which restricted greenhouse gas emissions at coal-fired power plants
  • An audit of the Executive Branch
  • A review of 2010's Dodd-Frank financial regulatory law
  • Restructuring of the National Security Council and Homeland Security Council
  • Directing the Department of Defense to draw up a 30-day plan to defeat ISIS
  • Lengthen the ban on administration officials working as lobbyists to five years.
  • Orders restricting immigration from six Muslim-majority nations, after a more restrictive previous order. Trump's immigration orders have been the subject of ongoing court battles.
Trump has also signed 13 Congressional Review Act resolutions, more than any other president. The resolutions are designed to identify unnecessary regulations and block them from being issued.
Trump's first 100 days: How many Executive Orders has President Trump signed?
Geez I don't understand how people spout their opinions without and substantiation!
Any moron can sign executive orders he had no part in composing. Hell, when Obama did it, you called him a fascist. Now Trump does it and you delude yourself into thinking it's "getting shit done". Trump has proven himself to a failure at working with congress.

There is no rational discussion with people like you that can't see very granular what the distinctions between Obama's efforts to control every aspect of your life
and Trump letting you be more responsible.
But that's the gross distinction between us. I'm a responsible adult able to know the difference between right and wrong. I have common sense.
YOU? You have no idea what the idiot Obama did in Utah!
Former President Barack Obama infuriated Utah Republicans when he created the Bears Ears National Monument in late December on more than 1 million acres of land that's sacred to Native Americans and home to tens of thousands of archaeological sites, including ancient cliff dwellings.
Under Obama EO, Obama totally disregarded the citizens of Utah. All for the sake of political correctness, Obama hating Americans signed this seizure of 1 million acres!
At least under Trump's EO there will be more discussion as to the OVER ALL aspects of this and not some shot in the dark late at night signing by Obama!

And then there is this:
People are ripping the Trump administration for withdrawing Obama-era guidance on transgender protections
People are ripping the Trump administration for withdrawing Obama-era guidance on transgender protections

How many idiots does it take to determine how you are going to PEE?
Simple. Your equipment you were born with determines that!
But idiots like you probably say "I've gotta be me Let me be, Let me pee in a little girls room with me standing there showing how I pee to these little girls"!
NOT caring that some really sick old men will go into the women's bathroom because "They gotta be me"... You need to let me Pee let me be free"!
Lol all of this is total deflection from the point which is that Trump is an objective failure on his signature promises in his first 100 days and shows a complete lack of competency working with his OWN party in congress. My god, the healthcare and travel bans specifically have been embarrassing flops. And pathetically, after the ban flop, Trump cried about the court system itself.
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If so, based on...what?

Don't deflect to Obama or Hillary when answering this question, USMB Trumpsters. Be adults about this. Does Trump care about your quality of life to any extent? Based on what?

No he does not.

They voted for him because his last name was not Clinton and not because they thought he cared avout them.
No, that's just the excuse many are using now because he's failed so horribly on all of his campaign promises.

:laugh::laugh::laugh: You clowns are a hoot! He hasn't been POTUS for even half a year yet! And he HAS delivered on one promise and that was SCOTUS nomination. So, you're factually wrong as well as being a stupid twat.

He's also enforcing immigration law, has done away with about 63 billion in regulations, authorized the Keystone XL and Dakota pipelines, opened more areas to energy development and told the world America is open for business. I could name more but you get my drift. Regressives are so buried in their anger and hatred they're blind to anything else.

BTW every one was a campaign promise.


You are correct Trump has delivered on some of the promises he made.

The Democratic voter on this board believe Trump has failed because he failed on repealing and replacing the ACA, but anyone with a brain knew that one is impossible.

I am no fan of Trump but will be fair and admit he has delivered on some of his promises.

I wouldn't count him out on the ACA or taxes, he can't stop the house form dragging their feet, but I think they'll get it done, their jobs depend on it.


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