Do Republican women feel men should COME DOWN to their "level"?



The Republican plan to change the 'war on women' narrative needs work

“It’s how we are able to articulate ourselves – make sure we get the point across that we care,” said Rep. Renee Ellmers of North Carolina.

“Men do tend to talk about things on a much higher level,” Ellmers said. “Many of my male colleagues, when they go to the House floor, you know, they’ve got some pie chart or graph behind them and they’re talking about trillions of dollars and how, you know, the debt is awful and, you know, we all agree with that.

Ellmers then said that women mainly want more time in their lives (don’t men as well?) and the first example she gave was that women wanted “more time in the morning to get ready

“We need our male colleagues to understand that if you can bring it down to a woman’s level and what everything that she is balancing in her life — that’s the way to go,” Ellmers said.


This is a Republican woman.

Does she represent most Republican women?
To get down to level of a Repub woman, you'd have to lay on the ground while men walk across you like a bridge, then apologize for not shining their shoes with your false eyelashes because you ran out of time to iron the hubby's shirt, feed the dog, dress the kids, make everyone but you breakfast, and then finish your makeup on the drive to your happy-to-be-paid-less-than-a-man job.
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I guess we have another rdean attempt to debate Bill Clinton's ... um ... administrations.
Renee Ellmers is kinda confused is all....she thinks "well...I'm a woman and I'm a dumb bimbo too! That must be how all women are!"

No, Renee....they aren't.
To get down to level of a Repub woman, you'd have to lay on the ground while men walk across you like a bridge, then apologize for not shining their shoes with your false eyelashes because you ran out of time to iron the hubby's shirt, feed the dog, dress the kids, make everyone but you breakfast, and then finish your makeup on the drive to your happy-to-be-paid-less-than-a-man job.

Stop, I can't take it anymore.

Liberals can't have intelligent women in their ranks. Only the Moochelle-types. The negroid bitches and white welfare witches who will consistently vote for a free pack of smokes and government slurpees for their kids whom they've bore from a dozen different fathers.

Obama is the ultimate pimp-daddy. He has arrived from foreign shores and he occupies the highest office of the most prominent Nation on earth.

The wrecker of our Nation has arrived. He is Muslim Hear Him now.
Repub women ARE supposed to be submissive right? :dunno: Thats what Bachmann (R) said and she was the T Party Queen.
The Democratic effort to differentiate between two types of women is more misogynistic than anything else. Do Democrats feel the need to set a divide between women based on their beliefs?

"My ovaries make my views more sacrosanct than yours!"
Liberals can't have intelligent women in their ranks. Only the Moochelle-types. The negroid bitches and white welfare witches who will consistently vote for a free pack of smokes and government slurpees for their kids whom they've bore from a dozen different fathers.

Obama is the ultimate pimp-daddy. He has arrived from foreign shores and he occupies the highest office of the most prominent Nation on earth.

The wrecker of our Nation has arrived. He is Muslim Hear Him now. can keep Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin thanks. Also keep Marsha Blackburn too.
Liberals can't have intelligent women in their ranks. Only the Moochelle-types. The negroid bitches and white welfare witches who will consistently vote for a free pack of smokes and government slurpees for their kids whom they've bore from a dozen different fathers.

Obama is the ultimate pimp-daddy. He has arrived from foreign shores and he occupies the highest office of the most prominent Nation on earth.

The wrecker of our Nation has arrived. He is Muslim Hear Him now. can keep Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin thanks. Also keep Marsha Blackburn too.

Too feminine for Liberals?

Why do Liberals hate women?
Liberals can't have intelligent women in their ranks. Only the Moochelle-types. The negroid bitches and white welfare witches who will consistently vote for a free pack of smokes and government slurpees for their kids whom they've bore from a dozen different fathers.

Obama is the ultimate pimp-daddy. He has arrived from foreign shores and he occupies the highest office of the most prominent Nation on earth.

The wrecker of our Nation has arrived. He is Muslim Hear Him now. can keep Michelle Bachmann and Sarah Palin thanks. Also keep Marsha Blackburn too.

Too feminine for Liberals?

Why do Liberals hate women?

They don't like women who don't fit their description of what a woman should be.
Context counts even MSNBC agrees! LOL

Renee Ellmers, context, and ‘a woman’s level’

“Especially moms, you know we balance so many different things, you know. Or school. Think about what many of you are doing, you know, you’re trying to maintain that job, you know, you’ve got to be moving up in your career. All these different things are coming in at the same time.

“Men do tend to talk about things on a much higher level. You know, one of the things that has always been one of my frustrations and I speak about this all the time – many of my male colleagues, when they go to the House floor, you know, they’ve got some pie chart or graph behind them and they’re talking about trillions of dollars and, you know, how the debt is awful and, you know, we all agree with that.

“But by starting off that discussion that way, we’ve already turned people away. Because it’s like ‘that doesn’t affect my life, I don’t understand how that affects my life.’”

From there, Ellmers said Republicans need to be “engaging individuals on their level,” adding that GOP men should “bring it down to a woman’s level.”

Does this context make the quote less offensive? Well, it depends.

Ellmers’ point seemed to be about accessibility. Men, she argued, speak on a “higher” level, meaning they’re using rhetoric and charts that don’t resonate with women. Republicans, the argument goes, should “bring it down to a woman’s level,” which for Ellmers, apparently means a level in which policy ideas are presented in practical, less abstract terms.

Ideally, she seemed to be arguing, Republicans should talk to women about issues in a way that helps make clear how they affect their daily lives.

Renee Ellmers, context, and 'a woman's level' | MSNBC
You get more belittling, disgusting, offensive every day

You want to come stand in front of me, I'll bring YOU down to my level

we damn sure don't need someone like worrying about us

MY GAWD make it stop
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Democrats want their women to be like fluk, on their backs and willing to do anyone. Just ask Bill Clinton, it's true.
Democrats want their women to be like fluk, on their backs and willing to do anyone. Just ask Bill Clinton, it's true.

you could be right on that
also they want them to never voice any opinion that doesn't mirror the party line..
I mean look what they did to Palin, Bachmann, etc
Democrats want their women to be like fluk, on their backs and willing to do anyone. Just ask Bill Clinton, it's true.

you could be right on that
also they want them to never voice any opinion that doesn't mirror the party line..
I mean look what they did to Palin, Bachmann, etc

Look how they dropped Hillary, when the little magic negro showed up. Dropped her like the bad habit she is.
Democrats want their women to be like fluk, on their backs and willing to do anyone. Just ask Bill Clinton, it's true.

you could be right on that
also they want them to never voice any opinion that doesn't mirror the party line..
I mean look what they did to Palin, Bachmann, etc

Look how they dropped Hillary, when the little magic negro showed up. Dropped her like the bad habit she is.

oh yeah, another good example
and look how they took to Cindy Sheehan and the Flukie...if they can be used for their politics, they are good little women
judging from the Republican women on this board, Republican men need to ratchet up their cussing to the next level if they really want to be understood.

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