Do republicans actually believe this is a "Christian nation"?

Lol, TK, it doesn't matter at all what I do.

Yes it does. If you're going to lecture us about our supposed lack of charity and generosity. It matters a great deal what you do.
See, now you just come across as pathetic when you deliberately edit my posts out of context.

Now you're getting desperate. I didn't edit a word of your post.

You want to admit defeat now?
lol you're such a douche. We both you know you omitted the rest of my post to make a desperate false rhetort.
Lol, TK, it doesn't matter at all what I do.

Yes it does. If you're going to lecture us about our supposed lack of charity and generosity. It matters a great deal what you do.
You're all just full of shit about being true Christians when you whine like little bitches about programs like food stamps.

Let me ask you this:

Is your judgmental attitude about Republicans a Christian one? Of course not. You're a presumptuous child who thinks he knows about the charitable proclivities of others. You assume that we enjoy making poor people suffer. Hardly. Dispense with the emotional arguments. Stop with the crass character attacks.
This question is pretty simple: why do republicans claiming to be Christian cut funding to food stamps if they know most of the funding goes to children?

"B-but, the children!"
The US is the most generous country on the face of The Earth.

So the OP's post is pointless and a waste of space on the internet.

If he is so concerned about life and Christian values and children, why does he belong to a party that is responsible for the deaths of 50 Million babies?
Lol, TK, it doesn't matter at all what I do.

Yes it does. If you're going to lecture us about our supposed lack of charity and generosity. It matters a great deal what you do.
You're all just full of shit about being true Christians when you whine like little bitches about programs like food stamps.

Let me ask you this:

Is your judgmental attitude about Republicans a Christian one? Of course not. You're a presumptuous child who thinks he knows about the charitable proclivities of others. You assume that we enjoy making poor people suffer. Hardly. Dispense with the emotional arguments. Stop with the crass character attacks.
This question is pretty simple: why do republicans claiming to be Christian cut funding to food stamps if they know most of the funding goes to children?

"B-but, the children!"
Oh, so that's you're response anytime someone brings up impoverished children? Yeah you really are a faux Christian.
lol you're such a douche. We both you know you omitted the rest of my post to make a desperate false rhetort.

There's no "h" in retort, by the way. I'm sorry, I tried taking you seriously. But I just can't anymore. Whether it be the wealth debate or gun control, children and guilt are your only weapons, because you have no effective solutions of your own that don't violate the rights and property of other people.

Spare me.
Yes it does. If you're going to lecture us about our supposed lack of charity and generosity. It matters a great deal what you do.
You're all just full of shit about being true Christians when you whine like little bitches about programs like food stamps.

Let me ask you this:

Is your judgmental attitude about Republicans a Christian one? Of course not. You're a presumptuous child who thinks he knows about the charitable proclivities of others. You assume that we enjoy making poor people suffer. Hardly. Dispense with the emotional arguments. Stop with the crass character attacks.
This question is pretty simple: why do republicans claiming to be Christian cut funding to food stamps if they know most of the funding goes to children?

"B-but, the children!"
Oh, so that's you're response anytime someone brings up impoverished children? Yeah you really are a faux Christian.

Because it's such a dishonest argument, Billy!

Egads! You ignore the fact this country is trillions of dollars in debt, that future generations of children will have to shoulder this debt later on as result! What about them?
lol you're such a douche. We both you know you omitted the rest of my post to make a desperate false rhetort.

There's no "h" in retort, by the way. I'm sorry, I tried taking you seriously. But I just can't anymore. Whether it be the wealth debate or gun control, children and guilt are your only weapons, because you have no effective solutions of your own that don't violate the rights and property of other people.

Spare me.
So now you're just deflecting to irrelevant bullshit? Okay, you've officially embarrassed yourself.
You're all just full of shit about being true Christians when you whine like little bitches about programs like food stamps.

Let me ask you this:

Is your judgmental attitude about Republicans a Christian one? Of course not. You're a presumptuous child who thinks he knows about the charitable proclivities of others. You assume that we enjoy making poor people suffer. Hardly. Dispense with the emotional arguments. Stop with the crass character attacks.
This question is pretty simple: why do republicans claiming to be Christian cut funding to food stamps if they know most of the funding goes to children?

"B-but, the children!"
Oh, so that's you're response anytime someone brings up impoverished children? Yeah you really are a faux Christian.

Because it's such a dishonest argument, Billy!

Egads! You ignore the fact this country is trillions of dollars in debt, that future generations of children will have to shoulder this debt later on as result! What about them?
Well, gee that point would be compelling except that food stamps makes up a tiny fraction of the overall US budget.
Let me ask you this:

Is your judgmental attitude about Republicans a Christian one? Of course not. You're a presumptuous child who thinks he knows about the charitable proclivities of others. You assume that we enjoy making poor people suffer. Hardly. Dispense with the emotional arguments. Stop with the crass character attacks.
This question is pretty simple: why do republicans claiming to be Christian cut funding to food stamps if they know most of the funding goes to children?

"B-but, the children!"
Oh, so that's you're response anytime someone brings up impoverished children? Yeah you really are a faux Christian.

Because it's such a dishonest argument, Billy!

Egads! You ignore the fact this country is trillions of dollars in debt, that future generations of children will have to shoulder this debt later on as result! What about them?
Well, gee that point would be compelling except that food stamps makes up a tiny fraction of the overall US budget. also mentioned welfare. So, yeah, still a compelling argument.

Pie chart of 'federal spending' circulating on the Internet is misleading
Last edited:
Okay, you've officially embarrassed yourself.

Have I? Explain how. How could I embarrass myself when you're the who falsely accused me of editing your posts? When you resorted to name calling, which, by the way, is the death knell of any argument?

Come now.
Welp... see you later, then.

I'm curious. In terms of policy, republicans in office do NOTHING for the poor. Their voters are no better in their opinion of this. Many of them claim to live and die by the Bible, but they do NOTHING for the poor. In fact, they take pleasure in self-righteously shaming the poor to "get a job!" Did they forget that anyone on welfare does have a source of income?

The truth of the matter is that republicans don't actually pay attention to the FACTS on welfare. Most recipients of food stamps, for example, are households with children. And because lower wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs in this country, lifting these families out of poverty isn't about the parents being lazy. The reality of the actual American economy is that millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs. The "attitude of success" among poor people is pretty insignificant when it comes to bettering their lives. Oh, and the overall budget for food stamps is a small fraction of the entire welfare budget.

Now, many of you will want to blame Obama for this, but let me remind you of the obvious fact that the epidemic of shitty paying jobs has been a problem well before Obama. That's what happens when all state minimum wages are WAY behind on inflation.

Oh and let's not also forget the complete lack of compassion for middle eastern refugees. Republicans choose to ignore the actual facts on the vetting process in place to screen these refugees. The truth is that republicans are complete pusssies so they don't care about non-American, innocent families finding safety and security.

I'm curious, do Democrats actually believe their policies are "Christian"? Taking money from others to pay for welfare programs. Taxpayer funded abortion-on-demand as well?
In fact, they take pleasure in self-righteously shaming the poor to "get a job!" Did they forget that anyone on welfare does have a source of income?

They should, unless they are legitimately unable to. There are exigent circumstances. But the Bible also put forth in 2 Thessalonians 3:10

"For even when we were with you, we gave you this rule: “The one who is unwilling to work shall not eat.”

Just how many of those people are actually able bodied adults who are capable of performing work? Where do you get the notion that all of them ask for assistance because they are simply poor and need help?

You want to legislate the poor into wealth by using other people's money to do it.

91% of government assistance goes to the elderly, the disabled, and working people.
The politically correct term is "underprivileged". I have 3 living with me on varied shifts.
Is that cool here at Great Satan Massage Parlor, Inc ???
Lol, TK, it doesn't matter at all what I do.

Yes it does. If you're going to lecture us about our supposed lack of charity and generosity. It matters a great deal what you do.
You're all just full of shit about being true Christians when you whine like little bitches about programs like food stamps.

Let me ask you this:

Is your judgmental attitude about Republicans a Christian one? Of course not. You're a presumptuous child who thinks he knows about the charitable proclivities of others. You assume that we enjoy making poor people suffer. Hardly. Dispense with the emotional arguments. Stop with the crass character attacks.
This question is pretty simple: why do republicans claiming to be Christian cut funding to food stamps if they know most of the funding goes to children?

Because it is your job to raise your child and provide for them and if you can not afford to feed them then you should not be breeding.

Is that harsh!?!

Sure but also responsible seeing you made the choice to create life and with that choice it is your responsibility to feed, cloth, and educate your child and not mine!

As another poster pointed out many Christian groups offer charity and you ignored that individual response because it did not fit your opinion about Christians being so non-Christians.

As for them telling you to get a job, well if you are able to work then you should work and not demand to be given things for free.

I am fine with putting back through some type of training program to get you on your feet and even feeding you for a short period of time, but if you believe I should feed you Steak while you demand I eat chop liver while doing it on my dime, well no dice!

I could give you a fish to eat once or teach you to fish correctly so you can feed yourself...

Also being poor mean you have to make choices to live without that big screen tv or go hungry but you believe you should have that tv, the steak, fancy panties and so much more on the taxpayer dime.

So go get a job and stop mooching!
I'm curious. In terms of policy, republicans in office do NOTHING for the poor. Their voters are no better in their opinion of this. Many of them claim to live and die by the Bible, but they do NOTHING for the poor. In fact, they take pleasure in self-righteously shaming the poor to "get a job!" Did they forget that anyone on welfare does have a source of income?

The truth of the matter is that republicans don't actually pay attention to the FACTS on welfare. Most recipients of food stamps, for example, are households with children. And because lower wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs in this country, lifting these families out of poverty isn't about the parents being lazy. The reality of the actual American economy is that millions of people have NO CHOICE but to accept shitty paying jobs. The "attitude of success" among poor people is pretty insignificant when it comes to bettering their lives. Oh, and the overall budget for food stamps is a small fraction of the entire welfare budget.

Now, many of you will want to blame Obama for this, but let me remind you of the obvious fact that the epidemic of shitty paying jobs has been a problem well before Obama. That's what happens when all state minimum wages are WAY behind on inflation.

Oh and let's not also forget the complete lack of compassion for middle eastern refugees. Republicans choose to ignore the actual facts on the vetting process in place to screen these refugees. The truth is that republicans are complete pusssies so they don't care about non-American, innocent families finding safety and security.

"Do republicans actually believe this is a "Christian nation"?"

Regardless of what some Republicans (or Democrats) may think .... NO temporal nation is accurately called a "Christian" nation. NO temporal nation is or can be dedicated to heeding and serving the NT revealed Jesus Christ. "Christian" is a label that has been misused for centuries ... sometimes due to ignorance and sometimes due to malice.

ps: the NT Christ praised a man who used his OWN MONEY and his OWN TIME to help a needy person.
Jesus never pressured government to create a "help the needy" (your constituents) bureaucracy.
The US is the most generous country on the face of The Earth.

So the OP's post is pointless and a waste of space on the internet.

If he is so concerned about life and Christian values and children, why does he belong to a party that is responsible for the deaths of 50 Million babies?
This nation is supposed to be a Christian nation, at least I thought it was. If it isn't anymore, there is no way that our new leader can be blamed for it not being one anymore when he has only been in office for just two months.

God bless you and him always!!!

Does the OP actually believe the stuff they post? If the answer is yes that is sad if it's no then they are just doing it for attention which is also sad.
This question is pretty simple: why do republicans claiming to be Christian cut funding to food stamps if they know most of the funding goes to children?

"B-but, the children!"
Oh, so that's you're response anytime someone brings up impoverished children? Yeah you really are a faux Christian.

Because it's such a dishonest argument, Billy!

Egads! You ignore the fact this country is trillions of dollars in debt, that future generations of children will have to shoulder this debt later on as result! What about them?
Well, gee that point would be compelling except that food stamps makes up a tiny fraction of the overall US budget. also mentioned welfare. So, yeah, still a compelling argument.

Pie chart of 'federal spending' circulating on the Internet is misleading
Um no we were talking about welfare for children. Don't pretend we weren't.

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