Do republicans even know what they are voting for this election?

Progressives by definition do not recognize traditional values or religion or patriotism or even the Constitution as the law of the land. Did sane democrats understand what they were getting when they elected Barry Hussein?

Of course not... because all of those things are OBJECTIVE...
the conservadope separates people into being a Democrat or a conservative

not to bright, a party versus an ideology

Another liberal starving for attention.
Another right winger starving for credibility

You're like a lost puppy following me around.
Huh? Check how many posts Dante actually responds to that you are in.

You're a sad sac of shit you silly wabbit

Is there some void in your life that you feel the need to run around insulting people? I mean did that make you feel less crappy about your life? How sad, I hope you get feeling better.
please, stop responding to Dante in such a personalized fashion. It seems to bring out the best..uhm, the worst in you
Ok so technology has resulted in the loss manufacturing jobs. I buy that, but what does that have to do with what we are talking about?

The higher you make wages in this country, the more inviting automation becomes in America. Companies are looking all the time at how to cut costs. And as I said earlier, you can't just increase wages for one set group of people. If you increase wages for those at the bottom, everybody eventually sees an increase in their wages.

That's not to mention how this will not help anybody. According to the BLS, only 4.3% of our working population work for minimum wage or less. Well over half of this group are people under the age of 25. That means those over the age of 25 making minimum wage are less than 2% of our population.

So do we disrupt our business world and create inflation for those 2% who we are concerned about making poverty wages?
4.3% make the federal wage. 18 million people make less than 10.00 per hour. That's the problem. Don't you think? Raising the min wage high enough would benefit those 18 million people.

There probably would be a problem with more automation, but again, with higher wages comes more consumer spending. That helps the economy. Don't take my word for it. 600 economists- 7 of which are Nobel Prize winners - signed a letter to congress to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.

How is there more consumer spending when things cost more to buy? If you raise their wages but everything costs more, you aren't buying any more than you did before. That's the point.

Do you think those people that make $10.00 an hour will do much with an extra ten cent per hour increase? That's $4.00 a week before taxes.
Again the rise in prices would not offset the extra money per month a person would be making. Something at McDonald's will go up 10 cents while the person with a higher wage could afford more items on the menu regardless. Everyone else especially would be making enough money to not care if that Big Mac went up a dime.

This is true because the increase in wages is spread out through hundreds if not thousands of items McDonald's sells every day. It has more impact on mom and pop shops like hardware stores, flower shops, ice cream shops, lawnmower shops, lawn care companies and startup businesses.

You are a business owner and want to open up another operation. You narrowed it down to two choices: one is a city that has a $15.00 minimum wage. The other uses the federal standard of $7.50 or whatever it is today. Which city do you think you would choose?

What is the first thing a city does to attract a business that are considering their city to start a new or existing company? They offer tax exemptions.
Lol if we raised the federal minimum wage we wouldn't have the problem of mom and pop shops setting up in certain areas. If you want me to find a link for this I will, but a survey found that 3 out of 5 small businesses support raising the minimum wage to 10.10 per hour. Why? Because it means more consumer spending. Consumer spending is the driving force of the economy. The number 1 reason small businesses go under is because of a lack of demand. Raising the minimum wage alleviates that problem. Now granted 15 per hour is pretty ambitious, but again it matters how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years it gives the market time to respond.
The higher you make wages in this country, the more inviting automation becomes in America. Companies are looking all the time at how to cut costs. And as I said earlier, you can't just increase wages for one set group of people. If you increase wages for those at the bottom, everybody eventually sees an increase in their wages.

That's not to mention how this will not help anybody. According to the BLS, only 4.3% of our working population work for minimum wage or less. Well over half of this group are people under the age of 25. That means those over the age of 25 making minimum wage are less than 2% of our population.

So do we disrupt our business world and create inflation for those 2% who we are concerned about making poverty wages?
4.3% make the federal wage. 18 million people make less than 10.00 per hour. That's the problem. Don't you think? Raising the min wage high enough would benefit those 18 million people.

There probably would be a problem with more automation, but again, with higher wages comes more consumer spending. That helps the economy. Don't take my word for it. 600 economists- 7 of which are Nobel Prize winners - signed a letter to congress to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.

How is there more consumer spending when things cost more to buy? If you raise their wages but everything costs more, you aren't buying any more than you did before. That's the point.

Do you think those people that make $10.00 an hour will do much with an extra ten cent per hour increase? That's $4.00 a week before taxes.
Again the rise in prices would not offset the extra money per month a person would be making. Something at McDonald's will go up 10 cents while the person with a higher wage could afford more items on the menu regardless. Everyone else especially would be making enough money to not care if that Big Mac went up a dime.

This is true because the increase in wages is spread out through hundreds if not thousands of items McDonald's sells every day. It has more impact on mom and pop shops like hardware stores, flower shops, ice cream shops, lawnmower shops, lawn care companies and startup businesses.

You are a business owner and want to open up another operation. You narrowed it down to two choices: one is a city that has a $15.00 minimum wage. The other uses the federal standard of $7.50 or whatever it is today. Which city do you think you would choose?

What is the first thing a city does to attract a business that are considering their city to start a new or existing company? They offer tax exemptions.
Lol if we raised the federal minimum wage we wouldn't have the problem of mom and pop shops setting up in certain areas. If you want me to find a link for this I will, but a survey found that 3 out of 5 small businesses support raising the minimum wage to 10.10 per hour. Why? Because it means more consumer spending. Consumer spending is the driving force of the economy. The number 1 reason small businesses go under is because of a lack of demand. Raising the minimum wage alleviates that problem. Now granted 15 per hour is pretty ambitious, but again it matters how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years it gives the market time to respond.

"If we raised the min wage we wouldn't have a problem with mom and pop setting up shop"? What the hell left wing logic comes up with this conclusion? It's just the freaking opposite. Mom and pop would have to work themselves into a heart attack because they couldn't afford to hire anybody. Is there really a legitimate poll that says that small businesses that are barely operating in the black are willing to pay their help more because the money that is coming out of their pockets might stimulate the economy? Are all lefties as clueless as Barry Hussein who never had a real freaking job that wasn't paid by taxpayers or skimmed from an endownment fund?

Except they can't prove it.
The higher you make wages in this country, the more inviting automation becomes in America. Companies are looking all the time at how to cut costs. And as I said earlier, you can't just increase wages for one set group of people. If you increase wages for those at the bottom, everybody eventually sees an increase in their wages.

That's not to mention how this will not help anybody. According to the BLS, only 4.3% of our working population work for minimum wage or less. Well over half of this group are people under the age of 25. That means those over the age of 25 making minimum wage are less than 2% of our population.

So do we disrupt our business world and create inflation for those 2% who we are concerned about making poverty wages?
4.3% make the federal wage. 18 million people make less than 10.00 per hour. That's the problem. Don't you think? Raising the min wage high enough would benefit those 18 million people.

There probably would be a problem with more automation, but again, with higher wages comes more consumer spending. That helps the economy. Don't take my word for it. 600 economists- 7 of which are Nobel Prize winners - signed a letter to congress to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.

How is there more consumer spending when things cost more to buy? If you raise their wages but everything costs more, you aren't buying any more than you did before. That's the point.

Do you think those people that make $10.00 an hour will do much with an extra ten cent per hour increase? That's $4.00 a week before taxes.
Again the rise in prices would not offset the extra money per month a person would be making. Something at McDonald's will go up 10 cents while the person with a higher wage could afford more items on the menu regardless. Everyone else especially would be making enough money to not care if that Big Mac went up a dime.

This is true because the increase in wages is spread out through hundreds if not thousands of items McDonald's sells every day. It has more impact on mom and pop shops like hardware stores, flower shops, ice cream shops, lawnmower shops, lawn care companies and startup businesses.

You are a business owner and want to open up another operation. You narrowed it down to two choices: one is a city that has a $15.00 minimum wage. The other uses the federal standard of $7.50 or whatever it is today. Which city do you think you would choose?

What is the first thing a city does to attract a business that are considering their city to start a new or existing company? They offer tax exemptions.
Lol if we raised the federal minimum wage we wouldn't have the problem of mom and pop shops setting up in certain areas. If you want me to find a link for this I will, but a survey found that 3 out of 5 small businesses support raising the minimum wage to 10.10 per hour. Why? Because it means more consumer spending. Consumer spending is the driving force of the economy. The number 1 reason small businesses go under is because of a lack of demand. Raising the minimum wage alleviates that problem. Now granted 15 per hour is pretty ambitious, but again it matters how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years it gives the market time to respond.

I am all for raising the minimum wage. As long as we cut government spending at the same time.

It's time to recognize we are screwing the middle class in more ways that one.

When you look at all the hidden taxes in the products we's time to get real about how much stupidity we throw money at.
4.3% make the federal wage. 18 million people make less than 10.00 per hour. That's the problem. Don't you think? Raising the min wage high enough would benefit those 18 million people.

There probably would be a problem with more automation, but again, with higher wages comes more consumer spending. That helps the economy. Don't take my word for it. 600 economists- 7 of which are Nobel Prize winners - signed a letter to congress to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.

How is there more consumer spending when things cost more to buy? If you raise their wages but everything costs more, you aren't buying any more than you did before. That's the point.

Do you think those people that make $10.00 an hour will do much with an extra ten cent per hour increase? That's $4.00 a week before taxes.
Again the rise in prices would not offset the extra money per month a person would be making. Something at McDonald's will go up 10 cents while the person with a higher wage could afford more items on the menu regardless. Everyone else especially would be making enough money to not care if that Big Mac went up a dime.

This is true because the increase in wages is spread out through hundreds if not thousands of items McDonald's sells every day. It has more impact on mom and pop shops like hardware stores, flower shops, ice cream shops, lawnmower shops, lawn care companies and startup businesses.

You are a business owner and want to open up another operation. You narrowed it down to two choices: one is a city that has a $15.00 minimum wage. The other uses the federal standard of $7.50 or whatever it is today. Which city do you think you would choose?

What is the first thing a city does to attract a business that are considering their city to start a new or existing company? They offer tax exemptions.
Lol if we raised the federal minimum wage we wouldn't have the problem of mom and pop shops setting up in certain areas. If you want me to find a link for this I will, but a survey found that 3 out of 5 small businesses support raising the minimum wage to 10.10 per hour. Why? Because it means more consumer spending. Consumer spending is the driving force of the economy. The number 1 reason small businesses go under is because of a lack of demand. Raising the minimum wage alleviates that problem. Now granted 15 per hour is pretty ambitious, but again it matters how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years it gives the market time to respond.

"If we raised the min wage we wouldn't have a problem with mom and pop setting up shop"? What the hell left wing logic comes up with this conclusion? It's just the freaking opposite. Mom and pop would have to work themselves into a heart attack because they couldn't afford to hire anybody. Is there really a legitimate poll that says that small businesses that are barely operating in the black are willing to pay their help more because the money that is coming out of their pockets might stimulate the economy? Are all lefties as clueless as Barry Hussein who never had a real freaking job that wasn't paid by taxpayers or skimmed from an endownment fund?

BillyBlowHard000 yacks about what Obama has done. The federal government has regulated the hell out of some industries to the point domestic production is non-existent.
The higher you make wages in this country, the more inviting automation becomes in America. Companies are looking all the time at how to cut costs. And as I said earlier, you can't just increase wages for one set group of people. If you increase wages for those at the bottom, everybody eventually sees an increase in their wages.

That's not to mention how this will not help anybody. According to the BLS, only 4.3% of our working population work for minimum wage or less. Well over half of this group are people under the age of 25. That means those over the age of 25 making minimum wage are less than 2% of our population.

So do we disrupt our business world and create inflation for those 2% who we are concerned about making poverty wages?
4.3% make the federal wage. 18 million people make less than 10.00 per hour. That's the problem. Don't you think? Raising the min wage high enough would benefit those 18 million people.

There probably would be a problem with more automation, but again, with higher wages comes more consumer spending. That helps the economy. Don't take my word for it. 600 economists- 7 of which are Nobel Prize winners - signed a letter to congress to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.

How is there more consumer spending when things cost more to buy? If you raise their wages but everything costs more, you aren't buying any more than you did before. That's the point.

Do you think those people that make $10.00 an hour will do much with an extra ten cent per hour increase? That's $4.00 a week before taxes.
Again the rise in prices would not offset the extra money per month a person would be making. Something at McDonald's will go up 10 cents while the person with a higher wage could afford more items on the menu regardless. Everyone else especially would be making enough money to not care if that Big Mac went up a dime.

This is true because the increase in wages is spread out through hundreds if not thousands of items McDonald's sells every day. It has more impact on mom and pop shops like hardware stores, flower shops, ice cream shops, lawnmower shops, lawn care companies and startup businesses.

You are a business owner and want to open up another operation. You narrowed it down to two choices: one is a city that has a $15.00 minimum wage. The other uses the federal standard of $7.50 or whatever it is today. Which city do you think you would choose?

What is the first thing a city does to attract a business that are considering their city to start a new or existing company? They offer tax exemptions.
Lol if we raised the federal minimum wage we wouldn't have the problem of mom and pop shops setting up in certain areas. If you want me to find a link for this I will, but a survey found that 3 out of 5 small businesses support raising the minimum wage to 10.10 per hour. Why? Because it means more consumer spending. Consumer spending is the driving force of the economy. The number 1 reason small businesses go under is because of a lack of demand. Raising the minimum wage alleviates that problem. Now granted 15 per hour is pretty ambitious, but again it matters how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years it gives the market time to respond.

That isn't the number one reason mom and pops fail. Try again.
The higher you make wages in this country, the more inviting automation becomes in America. Companies are looking all the time at how to cut costs. And as I said earlier, you can't just increase wages for one set group of people. If you increase wages for those at the bottom, everybody eventually sees an increase in their wages.

That's not to mention how this will not help anybody. According to the BLS, only 4.3% of our working population work for minimum wage or less. Well over half of this group are people under the age of 25. That means those over the age of 25 making minimum wage are less than 2% of our population.

So do we disrupt our business world and create inflation for those 2% who we are concerned about making poverty wages?
4.3% make the federal wage. 18 million people make less than 10.00 per hour. That's the problem. Don't you think? Raising the min wage high enough would benefit those 18 million people.

There probably would be a problem with more automation, but again, with higher wages comes more consumer spending. That helps the economy. Don't take my word for it. 600 economists- 7 of which are Nobel Prize winners - signed a letter to congress to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.

How is there more consumer spending when things cost more to buy? If you raise their wages but everything costs more, you aren't buying any more than you did before. That's the point.

Do you think those people that make $10.00 an hour will do much with an extra ten cent per hour increase? That's $4.00 a week before taxes.
Again the rise in prices would not offset the extra money per month a person would be making. Something at McDonald's will go up 10 cents while the person with a higher wage could afford more items on the menu regardless. Everyone else especially would be making enough money to not care if that Big Mac went up a dime.

This is true because the increase in wages is spread out through hundreds if not thousands of items McDonald's sells every day. It has more impact on mom and pop shops like hardware stores, flower shops, ice cream shops, lawnmower shops, lawn care companies and startup businesses.

You are a business owner and want to open up another operation. You narrowed it down to two choices: one is a city that has a $15.00 minimum wage. The other uses the federal standard of $7.50 or whatever it is today. Which city do you think you would choose?

What is the first thing a city does to attract a business that are considering their city to start a new or existing company? They offer tax exemptions.
Lol if we raised the federal minimum wage we wouldn't have the problem of mom and pop shops setting up in certain areas. If you want me to find a link for this I will, but a survey found that 3 out of 5 small businesses support raising the minimum wage to 10.10 per hour. Why? Because it means more consumer spending. Consumer spending is the driving force of the economy. The number 1 reason small businesses go under is because of a lack of demand. Raising the minimum wage alleviates that problem. Now granted 15 per hour is pretty ambitious, but again it matters how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years it gives the market time to respond.

You'll never know.

All the so-called studies on the minimum wage appear to be pretty much politically driven.
The higher you make wages in this country, the more inviting automation becomes in America. Companies are looking all the time at how to cut costs. And as I said earlier, you can't just increase wages for one set group of people. If you increase wages for those at the bottom, everybody eventually sees an increase in their wages.

That's not to mention how this will not help anybody. According to the BLS, only 4.3% of our working population work for minimum wage or less. Well over half of this group are people under the age of 25. That means those over the age of 25 making minimum wage are less than 2% of our population.

So do we disrupt our business world and create inflation for those 2% who we are concerned about making poverty wages?
4.3% make the federal wage. 18 million people make less than 10.00 per hour. That's the problem. Don't you think? Raising the min wage high enough would benefit those 18 million people.

There probably would be a problem with more automation, but again, with higher wages comes more consumer spending. That helps the economy. Don't take my word for it. 600 economists- 7 of which are Nobel Prize winners - signed a letter to congress to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.

How is there more consumer spending when things cost more to buy? If you raise their wages but everything costs more, you aren't buying any more than you did before. That's the point.

Do you think those people that make $10.00 an hour will do much with an extra ten cent per hour increase? That's $4.00 a week before taxes.
Again the rise in prices would not offset the extra money per month a person would be making. Something at McDonald's will go up 10 cents while the person with a higher wage could afford more items on the menu regardless. Everyone else especially would be making enough money to not care if that Big Mac went up a dime.

This is true because the increase in wages is spread out through hundreds if not thousands of items McDonald's sells every day. It has more impact on mom and pop shops like hardware stores, flower shops, ice cream shops, lawnmower shops, lawn care companies and startup businesses.

You are a business owner and want to open up another operation. You narrowed it down to two choices: one is a city that has a $15.00 minimum wage. The other uses the federal standard of $7.50 or whatever it is today. Which city do you think you would choose?

What is the first thing a city does to attract a business that are considering their city to start a new or existing company? They offer tax exemptions.
Lol if we raised the federal minimum wage we wouldn't have the problem of mom and pop shops setting up in certain areas. If you want me to find a link for this I will, but a survey found that 3 out of 5 small businesses support raising the minimum wage to 10.10 per hour. Why? Because it means more consumer spending. Consumer spending is the driving force of the economy. The number 1 reason small businesses go under is because of a lack of demand. Raising the minimum wage alleviates that problem. Now granted 15 per hour is pretty ambitious, but again it matters how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years it gives the market time to respond.

That begs the question: if most small businesses are for increasing minimum wage, why don't they increase wages themselves without government?

Plus I think you're looking at this too myopically. When you increase wages, you increase all other costs as well such as the employers matching SS contributions, their matching of Medicare contributions. From what my employer told me, the more you pay an employee, the more the employer has to pay for unemployment and workman's compensation insurance as well.

So I don't understand why mom and pop would be all for this. Of course we know why Democrats are for it. They can't wait for all that extra taxation that would happen when people earn more money.,
4.3% make the federal wage. 18 million people make less than 10.00 per hour. That's the problem. Don't you think? Raising the min wage high enough would benefit those 18 million people.

There probably would be a problem with more automation, but again, with higher wages comes more consumer spending. That helps the economy. Don't take my word for it. 600 economists- 7 of which are Nobel Prize winners - signed a letter to congress to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.

How is there more consumer spending when things cost more to buy? If you raise their wages but everything costs more, you aren't buying any more than you did before. That's the point.

Do you think those people that make $10.00 an hour will do much with an extra ten cent per hour increase? That's $4.00 a week before taxes.
Again the rise in prices would not offset the extra money per month a person would be making. Something at McDonald's will go up 10 cents while the person with a higher wage could afford more items on the menu regardless. Everyone else especially would be making enough money to not care if that Big Mac went up a dime.

This is true because the increase in wages is spread out through hundreds if not thousands of items McDonald's sells every day. It has more impact on mom and pop shops like hardware stores, flower shops, ice cream shops, lawnmower shops, lawn care companies and startup businesses.

You are a business owner and want to open up another operation. You narrowed it down to two choices: one is a city that has a $15.00 minimum wage. The other uses the federal standard of $7.50 or whatever it is today. Which city do you think you would choose?

What is the first thing a city does to attract a business that are considering their city to start a new or existing company? They offer tax exemptions.
Lol if we raised the federal minimum wage we wouldn't have the problem of mom and pop shops setting up in certain areas. If you want me to find a link for this I will, but a survey found that 3 out of 5 small businesses support raising the minimum wage to 10.10 per hour. Why? Because it means more consumer spending. Consumer spending is the driving force of the economy. The number 1 reason small businesses go under is because of a lack of demand. Raising the minimum wage alleviates that problem. Now granted 15 per hour is pretty ambitious, but again it matters how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years it gives the market time to respond.

That begs the question: if most small businesses are for increasing minimum wage, why don't they increase wages themselves without government?

Plus I think you're looking at this too myopically. When you increase wages, you increase all other costs as well such as the employers matching SS contributions, their matching of Medicare contributions. From what my employer told me, the more you pay an employee, the more the employer has to pay for unemployment and workman's compensation insurance as well.

So I don't understand why mom and pop would be all for this. Of course we know why Democrats are for it. They can't wait for all that extra taxation that would happen when people earn more money.,

I have often asked that question of Warren Buffet, he says he is for higher taxes on the rich then says his tax rate is lower than his secretary's. Why doesn't he take fewer deductions or just pay in more, why does he need government to force it?

Businesses tend to pay market value for help, if they can't find the help for that value, they offer more.
I consider this a pivotal point for republicans. They need to make up their minds whether the country should elect the reality TV show star, or the retired brain surgeon with dementia.
Conservatism by defintion is adhering to the same shit over and over without NEW ideas. Republicans are no different that's for damn sure. The candidates, once again, offer the same shit like MORE tax breaks for the rich which will do NOTHING to help the middle class and poor. The EFFECTIVE tax rate for corporations is 13%. That's low enough don't you think? Do you people have no concept of loopholes?

I mean seriously, do you people still buy into the lie that is trickle down economics? By now you must know it's a failure. Why do you punish yourselves and the rest of the country?

The large majority of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of the nation's earners in the last several decades. Corruption on Wall Street is rampant . Doesn't that bother you? Do you really think republicans in this race will do ANYTHING about it?

I'm seriously embarrassed for republican voters. Fox News and congressional repubs have you people by the balls and you are too dumb to realize it. You would rather bitch about Planned Parenthood, Benghazi and Hillary's fucking emails than focus on shit that actually matters. You're so busy demonizing democrats that you make no effort to defend republicans. It's ridiculous.

Republicans are voting for change. 10 years of economic policies rooted on class envy and redistribution have put too many Americans on food stamps.
It was GOP policies that redistributed the wealth to the top 1% but you knew that.
Look at what big policies like Dodd Frank do? They squeeze out the little man and put more power with the big banks

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
4.3% make the federal wage. 18 million people make less than 10.00 per hour. That's the problem. Don't you think? Raising the min wage high enough would benefit those 18 million people.

There probably would be a problem with more automation, but again, with higher wages comes more consumer spending. That helps the economy. Don't take my word for it. 600 economists- 7 of which are Nobel Prize winners - signed a letter to congress to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.

How is there more consumer spending when things cost more to buy? If you raise their wages but everything costs more, you aren't buying any more than you did before. That's the point.

Do you think those people that make $10.00 an hour will do much with an extra ten cent per hour increase? That's $4.00 a week before taxes.
Again the rise in prices would not offset the extra money per month a person would be making. Something at McDonald's will go up 10 cents while the person with a higher wage could afford more items on the menu regardless. Everyone else especially would be making enough money to not care if that Big Mac went up a dime.

This is true because the increase in wages is spread out through hundreds if not thousands of items McDonald's sells every day. It has more impact on mom and pop shops like hardware stores, flower shops, ice cream shops, lawnmower shops, lawn care companies and startup businesses.

You are a business owner and want to open up another operation. You narrowed it down to two choices: one is a city that has a $15.00 minimum wage. The other uses the federal standard of $7.50 or whatever it is today. Which city do you think you would choose?

What is the first thing a city does to attract a business that are considering their city to start a new or existing company? They offer tax exemptions.
Lol if we raised the federal minimum wage we wouldn't have the problem of mom and pop shops setting up in certain areas. If you want me to find a link for this I will, but a survey found that 3 out of 5 small businesses support raising the minimum wage to 10.10 per hour. Why? Because it means more consumer spending. Consumer spending is the driving force of the economy. The number 1 reason small businesses go under is because of a lack of demand. Raising the minimum wage alleviates that problem. Now granted 15 per hour is pretty ambitious, but again it matters how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years it gives the market time to respond.

That isn't the number one reason mom and pops fail. Try again.
Lol of course it is.
4.3% make the federal wage. 18 million people make less than 10.00 per hour. That's the problem. Don't you think? Raising the min wage high enough would benefit those 18 million people.

There probably would be a problem with more automation, but again, with higher wages comes more consumer spending. That helps the economy. Don't take my word for it. 600 economists- 7 of which are Nobel Prize winners - signed a letter to congress to raise the minimum wage to $10.10 per hour.

How is there more consumer spending when things cost more to buy? If you raise their wages but everything costs more, you aren't buying any more than you did before. That's the point.

Do you think those people that make $10.00 an hour will do much with an extra ten cent per hour increase? That's $4.00 a week before taxes.
Again the rise in prices would not offset the extra money per month a person would be making. Something at McDonald's will go up 10 cents while the person with a higher wage could afford more items on the menu regardless. Everyone else especially would be making enough money to not care if that Big Mac went up a dime.

This is true because the increase in wages is spread out through hundreds if not thousands of items McDonald's sells every day. It has more impact on mom and pop shops like hardware stores, flower shops, ice cream shops, lawnmower shops, lawn care companies and startup businesses.

You are a business owner and want to open up another operation. You narrowed it down to two choices: one is a city that has a $15.00 minimum wage. The other uses the federal standard of $7.50 or whatever it is today. Which city do you think you would choose?

What is the first thing a city does to attract a business that are considering their city to start a new or existing company? They offer tax exemptions.
Lol if we raised the federal minimum wage we wouldn't have the problem of mom and pop shops setting up in certain areas. If you want me to find a link for this I will, but a survey found that 3 out of 5 small businesses support raising the minimum wage to 10.10 per hour. Why? Because it means more consumer spending. Consumer spending is the driving force of the economy. The number 1 reason small businesses go under is because of a lack of demand. Raising the minimum wage alleviates that problem. Now granted 15 per hour is pretty ambitious, but again it matters how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years it gives the market time to respond.

That begs the question: if most small businesses are for increasing minimum wage, why don't they increase wages themselves without government?

Plus I think you're looking at this too myopically. When you increase wages, you increase all other costs as well such as the employers matching SS contributions, their matching of Medicare contributions. From what my employer told me, the more you pay an employee, the more the employer has to pay for unemployment and workman's compensation insurance as well.

So I don't understand why mom and pop would be all for this. Of course we know why Democrats are for it. They can't wait for all that extra taxation that would happen when people earn more money.,
They don't raise wages themselves because the raise would have to be something widespread to have an actual economic benefit for everyone. Unless their employees only shopped at the business they worked at, it wouldn't make any sense.
How is there more consumer spending when things cost more to buy? If you raise their wages but everything costs more, you aren't buying any more than you did before. That's the point.

Do you think those people that make $10.00 an hour will do much with an extra ten cent per hour increase? That's $4.00 a week before taxes.
Again the rise in prices would not offset the extra money per month a person would be making. Something at McDonald's will go up 10 cents while the person with a higher wage could afford more items on the menu regardless. Everyone else especially would be making enough money to not care if that Big Mac went up a dime.

This is true because the increase in wages is spread out through hundreds if not thousands of items McDonald's sells every day. It has more impact on mom and pop shops like hardware stores, flower shops, ice cream shops, lawnmower shops, lawn care companies and startup businesses.

You are a business owner and want to open up another operation. You narrowed it down to two choices: one is a city that has a $15.00 minimum wage. The other uses the federal standard of $7.50 or whatever it is today. Which city do you think you would choose?

What is the first thing a city does to attract a business that are considering their city to start a new or existing company? They offer tax exemptions.
Lol if we raised the federal minimum wage we wouldn't have the problem of mom and pop shops setting up in certain areas. If you want me to find a link for this I will, but a survey found that 3 out of 5 small businesses support raising the minimum wage to 10.10 per hour. Why? Because it means more consumer spending. Consumer spending is the driving force of the economy. The number 1 reason small businesses go under is because of a lack of demand. Raising the minimum wage alleviates that problem. Now granted 15 per hour is pretty ambitious, but again it matters how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years it gives the market time to respond.

That begs the question: if most small businesses are for increasing minimum wage, why don't they increase wages themselves without government?

Plus I think you're looking at this too myopically. When you increase wages, you increase all other costs as well such as the employers matching SS contributions, their matching of Medicare contributions. From what my employer told me, the more you pay an employee, the more the employer has to pay for unemployment and workman's compensation insurance as well.

So I don't understand why mom and pop would be all for this. Of course we know why Democrats are for it. They can't wait for all that extra taxation that would happen when people earn more money.,

I have often asked that question of Warren Buffet, he says he is for higher taxes on the rich then says his tax rate is lower than his secretary's. Why doesn't he take fewer deductions or just pay in more, why does he need government to force it?

Businesses tend to pay market value for help, if they can't find the help for that value, they offer more.

Buffett makes his money mostly from capital gains. Buffett is at the top of the hill and wants to keep others from getting there. A tax increase on those making their way to the top is where he is coming from.

Warren Buffett’s taxing hypocrisy

Read more at Warren Buffett’s taxing hypocrisy - NetRight Daily
How is there more consumer spending when things cost more to buy? If you raise their wages but everything costs more, you aren't buying any more than you did before. That's the point.

Do you think those people that make $10.00 an hour will do much with an extra ten cent per hour increase? That's $4.00 a week before taxes.
Again the rise in prices would not offset the extra money per month a person would be making. Something at McDonald's will go up 10 cents while the person with a higher wage could afford more items on the menu regardless. Everyone else especially would be making enough money to not care if that Big Mac went up a dime.

This is true because the increase in wages is spread out through hundreds if not thousands of items McDonald's sells every day. It has more impact on mom and pop shops like hardware stores, flower shops, ice cream shops, lawnmower shops, lawn care companies and startup businesses.

You are a business owner and want to open up another operation. You narrowed it down to two choices: one is a city that has a $15.00 minimum wage. The other uses the federal standard of $7.50 or whatever it is today. Which city do you think you would choose?

What is the first thing a city does to attract a business that are considering their city to start a new or existing company? They offer tax exemptions.
Lol if we raised the federal minimum wage we wouldn't have the problem of mom and pop shops setting up in certain areas. If you want me to find a link for this I will, but a survey found that 3 out of 5 small businesses support raising the minimum wage to 10.10 per hour. Why? Because it means more consumer spending. Consumer spending is the driving force of the economy. The number 1 reason small businesses go under is because of a lack of demand. Raising the minimum wage alleviates that problem. Now granted 15 per hour is pretty ambitious, but again it matters how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years it gives the market time to respond.

That begs the question: if most small businesses are for increasing minimum wage, why don't they increase wages themselves without government?

Plus I think you're looking at this too myopically. When you increase wages, you increase all other costs as well such as the employers matching SS contributions, their matching of Medicare contributions. From what my employer told me, the more you pay an employee, the more the employer has to pay for unemployment and workman's compensation insurance as well.

So I don't understand why mom and pop would be all for this. Of course we know why Democrats are for it. They can't wait for all that extra taxation that would happen when people earn more money.,
They don't raise wages themselves because the raise would have to be something widespread to have an actual economic benefit for everyone. Unless their employees only shopped at the business they worked at, it wouldn't make any sense.

Increasing minimum wage doesn't make sense either:

REPORT: Seattle Wage Hike Off To ‘Pretty Bad Start,’ Kills 700 Jobs
3:20 PM 10/24/2015

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