Do republicans even know what they are voting for this election?

Conservatism by defintion is adhering to the same shit over and over without NEW ideas. Republicans are no different that's for damn sure. The candidates, once again, offer the same shit like MORE tax breaks for the rich which will do NOTHING to help the middle class and poor. The EFFECTIVE tax rate for corporations is 13%. That's low enough don't you think? Do you people have no concept of loopholes?

I mean seriously, do you people still buy into the lie that is trickle down economics? By now you must know it's a failure. Why do you punish yourselves and the rest of the country?

The large majority of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of the nation's earners in the last several decades. Corruption on Wall Street is rampant . Doesn't that bother you? Do you really think republicans in this race will do ANYTHING about it?

I'm seriously embarrassed for republican voters. Fox News and congressional repubs have you people by the balls and you are too dumb to realize it. You would rather bitch about Planned Parenthood, Benghazi and Hillary's fucking emails than focus on shit that actually matters. You're so busy demonizing democrats that you make no effort to defend republicans. It's ridiculous.

WTF are you talking about? You complain about the rich and yet the Democrat party has some of the wealthiest supporters. You complain about the middle-class and support the party that approves of amnesty and worker VISA's which keep American wages down. You complain about Wall Street yet the rich have never gotten richer than under DumBama with his buddies in the Federal Reserve pumping trillions into our stock market.

Oh, but I know........It's the Republicans fault.
I don't understand where you people get this concept that the leftwing opposes the idea of being rich. Obviously this economy needs rich people. The problem is when the large majority of Income gains for DECADES go to the top 1% of earners. Doesn't bother you that we don't have a middle class. Don't give me this shit that immigration has anything to do with wages. There is NO EVIDENCE that is true no matter how often you like to say.

Democrats, including Obama, have been advocating to raise the minimum wage. Obviously that matters. Do you really think the private market will do anything on its own to drastically raises wages regardless of who is president? Get real.

Minimum wage simply transfers money from one entity to another.

If I go to my hardware store to buy a pressure washer, and the pressure washer is now ten dollars more than it was last month before a minimum wage hike, how did that economically better society?

In case you haven't noticed, we are in a wage war with other countries. Thanks to unions and other factors, we priced ourselves out of the world market. We won't even buy our own stuff.

So you increase minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. What you have done is created a domino effect. In other words, the people that were making $11.00 per hour are not going to sit easy being back to minimum wage. They will want at least $4.00 more than minimum wage to stay at their job. So the employer will have no choice but to nearly double that workers previous wage. What do you think the effect of that would be on the services or products he sells?
The negative effect on the market from raising the minimum wage depends on how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years and is indexed, the effect is smaller if you raised it all at once. Meaning, yes prices would go up, but it wouldn't offset the extra $500 dollars or so a month a worker would be making. He could easily afford the increase in price of services and products. Meaning, he could easily afford the extra $10 he would pay for that washer. Not only that, but if people have bigger paychecks, they are spending more money. That helps the overall economy. Businesses in general will do better.
Conservatism by defintion is adhering to the same shit over and over without NEW ideas. Republicans are no different that's for damn sure. The candidates, once again, offer the same shit like MORE tax breaks for the rich which will do NOTHING to help the middle class and poor. The EFFECTIVE tax rate for corporations is 13%. That's low enough don't you think? Do you people have no concept of loopholes?

I mean seriously, do you people still buy into the lie that is trickle down economics? By now you must know it's a failure. Why do you punish yourselves and the rest of the country?

The large majority of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of the nation's earners in the last several decades. Corruption on Wall Street is rampant . Doesn't that bother you? Do you really think republicans in this race will do ANYTHING about it?

I'm seriously embarrassed for republican voters. Fox News and congressional repubs have you people by the balls and you are too dumb to realize it. You would rather bitch about Planned Parenthood, Benghazi and Hillary's fucking emails than focus on shit that actually matters. You're so busy demonizing democrats that you make no effort to defend republicans. It's ridiculous.

WTF are you talking about? You complain about the rich and yet the Democrat party has some of the wealthiest supporters. You complain about the middle-class and support the party that approves of amnesty and worker VISA's which keep American wages down. You complain about Wall Street yet the rich have never gotten richer than under DumBama with his buddies in the Federal Reserve pumping trillions into our stock market.

Oh, but I know........It's the Republicans fault.
I don't understand where you people get this concept that the leftwing opposes the idea of being rich. Obviously this economy needs rich people. The problem is when the large majority of Income gains for DECADES go to the top 1% of earners. Doesn't bother you that we don't have a middle class. Don't give me this shit that immigration has anything to do with wages. There is NO EVIDENCE that is true no matter how often you like to say.

Democrats, including Obama, have been advocating to raise the minimum wage. Obviously that matters. Do you really think the private market will do anything on its own to drastically raises wages regardless of who is president? Get real.

Minimum wage simply transfers money from one entity to another.

If I go to my hardware store to buy a pressure washer, and the pressure washer is now ten dollars more than it was last month before a minimum wage hike, how did that economically better society?

In case you haven't noticed, we are in a wage war with other countries. Thanks to unions and other factors, we priced ourselves out of the world market. We won't even buy our own stuff.

So you increase minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. What you have done is created a domino effect. In other words, the people that were making $11.00 per hour are not going to sit easy being back to minimum wage. They will want at least $4.00 more than minimum wage to stay at their job. So the employer will have no choice but to nearly double that workers previous wage. What do you think the effect of that would be on the services or products he sells?
The negative effect on the market from raising the minimum wage depends on how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years and is indexed, the effect is smaller if you raised it all at once. Meaning, yes prices would go up, but it wouldn't offset the extra $500 dollars or so a month a worker would be making. He could easily afford the increase in price of services and products. Meaning, he could easily afford the extra $10 he would pay for that washer. Not only that, but if people have bigger paychecks, they are spending more money. That helps the overall economy. Businesses in general will do better.

Not really because it still creates inflation. Or let me put it another way:

Let's say we had an autocracy, and in this autocracy, I will be the leader.

To address our financial problems, I create a law that everything is worth half of it's current value.

If you have a $200,000 home, it is now worth $100,000. If you were paying $6.00 for your Big Mac combo, it now only costs you $3.00. If your wage is $22.00 per hour, your wages are now only $11.00 per hour.

Sure, if you had your eyes set on that $300,000 home, it will now only cost you $150,000. Or perhaps that car you wanted that used to cost $30,000. It now costs $15,000. But on the other hand, you are only making half of what you used to make and your bank account is also cut in half.

After you do all the calculations, you would say to me "Ray, yes, everything costs half of what it used to, but I also make only half of what I used to as well. In other words, I'm no better off today than I was yesterday."

To that I would reply correct, you are no better off today than yesterday. You're right at the same place. The only difference is that jobs will be coming back to America by the millions.

Where I live, if you make $20.00 per hour, you can do okay on that wage. You can rent a nice apartment, own a fairly comfortable house, and can go out from time to time. Not so if you make that wage in New York city, or many of the NE states. Even in places like California that wage is near poverty. Why? Because the cost of living is so much higher in other places.
Conservatism by defintion is adhering to the same shit over and over without NEW ideas. Republicans are no different that's for damn sure. The candidates, once again, offer the same shit like MORE tax breaks for the rich which will do NOTHING to help the middle class and poor. The EFFECTIVE tax rate for corporations is 13%. That's low enough don't you think? Do you people have no concept of loopholes?

I mean seriously, do you people still buy into the lie that is trickle down economics? By now you must know it's a failure. Why do you punish yourselves and the rest of the country?

The large majority of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of the nation's earners in the last several decades. Corruption on Wall Street is rampant . Doesn't that bother you? Do you really think republicans in this race will do ANYTHING about it?

I'm seriously embarrassed for republican voters. Fox News and congressional repubs have you people by the balls and you are too dumb to realize it. You would rather bitch about Planned Parenthood, Benghazi and Hillary's fucking emails than focus on shit that actually matters. You're so busy demonizing democrats that you make no effort to defend republicans. It's ridiculous.

WTF are you talking about? You complain about the rich and yet the Democrat party has some of the wealthiest supporters. You complain about the middle-class and support the party that approves of amnesty and worker VISA's which keep American wages down. You complain about Wall Street yet the rich have never gotten richer than under DumBama with his buddies in the Federal Reserve pumping trillions into our stock market.

Oh, but I know........It's the Republicans fault.
I don't understand where you people get this concept that the leftwing opposes the idea of being rich. Obviously this economy needs rich people. The problem is when the large majority of Income gains for DECADES go to the top 1% of earners. Doesn't bother you that we don't have a middle class. Don't give me this shit that immigration has anything to do with wages. There is NO EVIDENCE that is true no matter how often you like to say.

Democrats, including Obama, have been advocating to raise the minimum wage. Obviously that matters. Do you really think the private market will do anything on its own to drastically raises wages regardless of who is president? Get real.

Minimum wage simply transfers money from one entity to another.

If I go to my hardware store to buy a pressure washer, and the pressure washer is now ten dollars more than it was last month before a minimum wage hike, how did that economically better society?

In case you haven't noticed, we are in a wage war with other countries. Thanks to unions and other factors, we priced ourselves out of the world market. We won't even buy our own stuff.

So you increase minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. What you have done is created a domino effect. In other words, the people that were making $11.00 per hour are not going to sit easy being back to minimum wage. They will want at least $4.00 more than minimum wage to stay at their job. So the employer will have no choice but to nearly double that workers previous wage. What do you think the effect of that would be on the services or products he sells?
The negative effect on the market from raising the minimum wage depends on how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years and is indexed, the effect is smaller if you raised it all at once. Meaning, yes prices would go up, but it wouldn't offset the extra $500 dollars or so a month a worker would be making. He could easily afford the increase in price of services and products. Meaning, he could easily afford the extra $10 he would pay for that washer. Not only that, but if people have bigger paychecks, they are spending more money. That helps the overall economy. Businesses in general will do better.

Not really because it still creates inflation. Or let me put it another way:

Let's say we had an autocracy, and in this autocracy, I will be the leader.

To address our financial problems, I create a law that everything is worth half of it's current value.

If you have a $200,000 home, it is now worth $100,000. If you were paying $6.00 for your Big Mac combo, it now only costs you $3.00. If your wage is $22.00 per hour, your wages are now only $11.00 per hour.

Sure, if you had your eyes set on that $300,000 home, it will now only cost you $150,000. Or perhaps that car you wanted that used to cost $30,000. It now costs $15,000. But on the other hand, you are only making half of what you used to make and your bank account is also cut in half.

After you do all the calculations, you would say to me "Ray, yes, everything costs half of what it used to, but I also make only half of what I used to as well. In other words, I'm no better off today than I was yesterday."

To that I would reply correct, you are no better off today than yesterday. You're right at the same place. The only difference is that jobs will be coming back to America by the millions.

Where I live, if you make $20.00 per hour, you can do okay on that wage. You can rent a nice apartment, own a fairly comfortable house, and can go out from time to time. Not so if you make that wage in New York city, or many of the NE states. Even in places like California that wage is near poverty. Why? Because the cost of living is so much higher in other places.
It really doesn't matter if the government imposes a raise in the min wage or if the market does it on its own. Right now productivity in the lower classes is sky high compared to what it used to be. Corporate profits are at an all time high. The market could easily handle it. This idea that the market will raise wages on its own is ridiculous considering wages have remained flat for decades. It's not going to happen.
WTF are you talking about? You complain about the rich and yet the Democrat party has some of the wealthiest supporters. You complain about the middle-class and support the party that approves of amnesty and worker VISA's which keep American wages down. You complain about Wall Street yet the rich have never gotten richer than under DumBama with his buddies in the Federal Reserve pumping trillions into our stock market.

Oh, but I know........It's the Republicans fault.
I don't understand where you people get this concept that the leftwing opposes the idea of being rich. Obviously this economy needs rich people. The problem is when the large majority of Income gains for DECADES go to the top 1% of earners. Doesn't bother you that we don't have a middle class. Don't give me this shit that immigration has anything to do with wages. There is NO EVIDENCE that is true no matter how often you like to say.

Democrats, including Obama, have been advocating to raise the minimum wage. Obviously that matters. Do you really think the private market will do anything on its own to drastically raises wages regardless of who is president? Get real.

Minimum wage simply transfers money from one entity to another.

If I go to my hardware store to buy a pressure washer, and the pressure washer is now ten dollars more than it was last month before a minimum wage hike, how did that economically better society?

In case you haven't noticed, we are in a wage war with other countries. Thanks to unions and other factors, we priced ourselves out of the world market. We won't even buy our own stuff.

So you increase minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. What you have done is created a domino effect. In other words, the people that were making $11.00 per hour are not going to sit easy being back to minimum wage. They will want at least $4.00 more than minimum wage to stay at their job. So the employer will have no choice but to nearly double that workers previous wage. What do you think the effect of that would be on the services or products he sells?
The negative effect on the market from raising the minimum wage depends on how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years and is indexed, the effect is smaller if you raised it all at once. Meaning, yes prices would go up, but it wouldn't offset the extra $500 dollars or so a month a worker would be making. He could easily afford the increase in price of services and products. Meaning, he could easily afford the extra $10 he would pay for that washer. Not only that, but if people have bigger paychecks, they are spending more money. That helps the overall economy. Businesses in general will do better.

Not really because it still creates inflation. Or let me put it another way:

Let's say we had an autocracy, and in this autocracy, I will be the leader.

To address our financial problems, I create a law that everything is worth half of it's current value.

If you have a $200,000 home, it is now worth $100,000. If you were paying $6.00 for your Big Mac combo, it now only costs you $3.00. If your wage is $22.00 per hour, your wages are now only $11.00 per hour.

Sure, if you had your eyes set on that $300,000 home, it will now only cost you $150,000. Or perhaps that car you wanted that used to cost $30,000. It now costs $15,000. But on the other hand, you are only making half of what you used to make and your bank account is also cut in half.

After you do all the calculations, you would say to me "Ray, yes, everything costs half of what it used to, but I also make only half of what I used to as well. In other words, I'm no better off today than I was yesterday."

To that I would reply correct, you are no better off today than yesterday. You're right at the same place. The only difference is that jobs will be coming back to America by the millions.

Where I live, if you make $20.00 per hour, you can do okay on that wage. You can rent a nice apartment, own a fairly comfortable house, and can go out from time to time. Not so if you make that wage in New York city, or many of the NE states. Even in places like California that wage is near poverty. Why? Because the cost of living is so much higher in other places.
It really doesn't matter if the government imposes a raise in the min wage or if the market does it on its own. Right now productivity in the lower classes is sky high compared to what it used to be. Corporate profits are at an all time high. The market could easily handle it. This idea that the market will raise wages on its own is ridiculous considering wages have remained flat for decades. It's not going to happen.

Here is an article I kept from economist Walter E Williams. It's a bit dated, but still makes the point today. It's a short read, but if you don't have time to read it, I just want to point to some of the highlights:

There's great angst over the loss of manufacturing jobs. The number of U.S. manufacturing jobs has fallen, and it's mainly a result of technological innovation, and it's a worldwide phenomenon. Daniel W. Drezner, professor of political science at the University of Chicago, in "The Outsourcing Bogeyman" (Foreign Affairs, May/June 2004), notes that U.S. manufacturing employment between 1995 and 2002 fell by 11 percent. Globally, manufacturing job loss averaged 11 percent. China lost 15 percent of its manufacturing jobs, 4.5 million manufacturing jobs compared with the loss of 3.1 million in the U.S. Job loss is the trend among the top 10 manufacturing countries who produce 75 percent of the world's manufacturing output (the U.S., Japan, Germany, China, Britain, France, Italy, Korea, Canada and Mexico).

But guess what — globally, manufacturing output rose by 30 percent during the same period. According to research by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, U.S. manufacturing output increased by 100 percent between 1987 and today. Technological progress and innovation is the primary cause for the decrease in manufacturing jobs. Should we save manufacturing jobs by outlawing labor-saving equipment and technology?

Walter Williams
WTF are you talking about? You complain about the rich and yet the Democrat party has some of the wealthiest supporters. You complain about the middle-class and support the party that approves of amnesty and worker VISA's which keep American wages down. You complain about Wall Street yet the rich have never gotten richer than under DumBama with his buddies in the Federal Reserve pumping trillions into our stock market.

Oh, but I know........It's the Republicans fault.
I don't understand where you people get this concept that the leftwing opposes the idea of being rich. Obviously this economy needs rich people. The problem is when the large majority of Income gains for DECADES go to the top 1% of earners. Doesn't bother you that we don't have a middle class. Don't give me this shit that immigration has anything to do with wages. There is NO EVIDENCE that is true no matter how often you like to say.

Democrats, including Obama, have been advocating to raise the minimum wage. Obviously that matters. Do you really think the private market will do anything on its own to drastically raises wages regardless of who is president? Get real.

Minimum wage simply transfers money from one entity to another.

If I go to my hardware store to buy a pressure washer, and the pressure washer is now ten dollars more than it was last month before a minimum wage hike, how did that economically better society?

In case you haven't noticed, we are in a wage war with other countries. Thanks to unions and other factors, we priced ourselves out of the world market. We won't even buy our own stuff.

So you increase minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. What you have done is created a domino effect. In other words, the people that were making $11.00 per hour are not going to sit easy being back to minimum wage. They will want at least $4.00 more than minimum wage to stay at their job. So the employer will have no choice but to nearly double that workers previous wage. What do you think the effect of that would be on the services or products he sells?
The negative effect on the market from raising the minimum wage depends on how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years and is indexed, the effect is smaller if you raised it all at once. Meaning, yes prices would go up, but it wouldn't offset the extra $500 dollars or so a month a worker would be making. He could easily afford the increase in price of services and products. Meaning, he could easily afford the extra $10 he would pay for that washer. Not only that, but if people have bigger paychecks, they are spending more money. That helps the overall economy. Businesses in general will do better.

Not really because it still creates inflation. Or let me put it another way:

Let's say we had an autocracy, and in this autocracy, I will be the leader.

To address our financial problems, I create a law that everything is worth half of it's current value.

If you have a $200,000 home, it is now worth $100,000. If you were paying $6.00 for your Big Mac combo, it now only costs you $3.00. If your wage is $22.00 per hour, your wages are now only $11.00 per hour.

Sure, if you had your eyes set on that $300,000 home, it will now only cost you $150,000. Or perhaps that car you wanted that used to cost $30,000. It now costs $15,000. But on the other hand, you are only making half of what you used to make and your bank account is also cut in half.

After you do all the calculations, you would say to me "Ray, yes, everything costs half of what it used to, but I also make only half of what I used to as well. In other words, I'm no better off today than I was yesterday."

To that I would reply correct, you are no better off today than yesterday. You're right at the same place. The only difference is that jobs will be coming back to America by the millions.

Where I live, if you make $20.00 per hour, you can do okay on that wage. You can rent a nice apartment, own a fairly comfortable house, and can go out from time to time. Not so if you make that wage in New York city, or many of the NE states. Even in places like California that wage is near poverty. Why? Because the cost of living is so much higher in other places.
It really doesn't matter if the government imposes a raise in the min wage or if the market does it on its own. Right now productivity in the lower classes is sky high compared to what it used to be. Corporate profits are at an all time high. The market could easily handle it. This idea that the market will raise wages on its own is ridiculous considering wages have remained flat for decades. It's not going to happen.

You still can not comprehend. A chain I am told Costco has a $15 dollar MW that helps their what? 50,000 employess out a lot.

You do a across the board National MW of $15 dollar MW gradually, you are not doing anything their buying power will still be the same as $7.25 on the long run and instead of 4 million people making MW you will now have 50 million people making MW...

Not doing anything postive.
I don't understand where you people get this concept that the leftwing opposes the idea of being rich. Obviously this economy needs rich people. The problem is when the large majority of Income gains for DECADES go to the top 1% of earners. Doesn't bother you that we don't have a middle class. Don't give me this shit that immigration has anything to do with wages. There is NO EVIDENCE that is true no matter how often you like to say.

Democrats, including Obama, have been advocating to raise the minimum wage. Obviously that matters. Do you really think the private market will do anything on its own to drastically raises wages regardless of who is president? Get real.

Minimum wage simply transfers money from one entity to another.

If I go to my hardware store to buy a pressure washer, and the pressure washer is now ten dollars more than it was last month before a minimum wage hike, how did that economically better society?

In case you haven't noticed, we are in a wage war with other countries. Thanks to unions and other factors, we priced ourselves out of the world market. We won't even buy our own stuff.

So you increase minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. What you have done is created a domino effect. In other words, the people that were making $11.00 per hour are not going to sit easy being back to minimum wage. They will want at least $4.00 more than minimum wage to stay at their job. So the employer will have no choice but to nearly double that workers previous wage. What do you think the effect of that would be on the services or products he sells?
The negative effect on the market from raising the minimum wage depends on how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years and is indexed, the effect is smaller if you raised it all at once. Meaning, yes prices would go up, but it wouldn't offset the extra $500 dollars or so a month a worker would be making. He could easily afford the increase in price of services and products. Meaning, he could easily afford the extra $10 he would pay for that washer. Not only that, but if people have bigger paychecks, they are spending more money. That helps the overall economy. Businesses in general will do better.

Not really because it still creates inflation. Or let me put it another way:

Let's say we had an autocracy, and in this autocracy, I will be the leader.

To address our financial problems, I create a law that everything is worth half of it's current value.

If you have a $200,000 home, it is now worth $100,000. If you were paying $6.00 for your Big Mac combo, it now only costs you $3.00. If your wage is $22.00 per hour, your wages are now only $11.00 per hour.

Sure, if you had your eyes set on that $300,000 home, it will now only cost you $150,000. Or perhaps that car you wanted that used to cost $30,000. It now costs $15,000. But on the other hand, you are only making half of what you used to make and your bank account is also cut in half.

After you do all the calculations, you would say to me "Ray, yes, everything costs half of what it used to, but I also make only half of what I used to as well. In other words, I'm no better off today than I was yesterday."

To that I would reply correct, you are no better off today than yesterday. You're right at the same place. The only difference is that jobs will be coming back to America by the millions.

Where I live, if you make $20.00 per hour, you can do okay on that wage. You can rent a nice apartment, own a fairly comfortable house, and can go out from time to time. Not so if you make that wage in New York city, or many of the NE states. Even in places like California that wage is near poverty. Why? Because the cost of living is so much higher in other places.
It really doesn't matter if the government imposes a raise in the min wage or if the market does it on its own. Right now productivity in the lower classes is sky high compared to what it used to be. Corporate profits are at an all time high. The market could easily handle it. This idea that the market will raise wages on its own is ridiculous considering wages have remained flat for decades. It's not going to happen.

Here is an article I kept from economist Walter E Williams. It's a bit dated, but still makes the point today. It's a short read, but if you don't have time to read it, I just want to point to some of the highlights:

There's great angst over the loss of manufacturing jobs. The number of U.S. manufacturing jobs has fallen, and it's mainly a result of technological innovation, and it's a worldwide phenomenon. Daniel W. Drezner, professor of political science at the University of Chicago, in "The Outsourcing Bogeyman" (Foreign Affairs, May/June 2004), notes that U.S. manufacturing employment between 1995 and 2002 fell by 11 percent. Globally, manufacturing job loss averaged 11 percent. China lost 15 percent of its manufacturing jobs, 4.5 million manufacturing jobs compared with the loss of 3.1 million in the U.S. Job loss is the trend among the top 10 manufacturing countries who produce 75 percent of the world's manufacturing output (the U.S., Japan, Germany, China, Britain, France, Italy, Korea, Canada and Mexico).

But guess what — globally, manufacturing output rose by 30 percent during the same period. According to research by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, U.S. manufacturing output increased by 100 percent between 1987 and today. Technological progress and innovation is the primary cause for the decrease in manufacturing jobs. Should we save manufacturing jobs by outlawing labor-saving equipment and technology?

Walter Williams
Ok so technology has resulted in the loss manufacturing jobs. I buy that, but what does that have to do with what we are talking about?
I'm voting to put the breaks on social liberalism, reduction in federal spending, elimination of use of American troops for nation building (in particular Islamic nation building), citizen responsibility and reasonable labor/consumer rights. Since I'm not 100% behind either party I go with the one that I feel most meets my views. After the liberalism we've had in last 7 years I see now is the time to apply the brakes and am hopeful conservatives will get their act together so that we don't continue down that liberal road for the next 5.
Minimum wage simply transfers money from one entity to another.

If I go to my hardware store to buy a pressure washer, and the pressure washer is now ten dollars more than it was last month before a minimum wage hike, how did that economically better society?

In case you haven't noticed, we are in a wage war with other countries. Thanks to unions and other factors, we priced ourselves out of the world market. We won't even buy our own stuff.

So you increase minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. What you have done is created a domino effect. In other words, the people that were making $11.00 per hour are not going to sit easy being back to minimum wage. They will want at least $4.00 more than minimum wage to stay at their job. So the employer will have no choice but to nearly double that workers previous wage. What do you think the effect of that would be on the services or products he sells?
The negative effect on the market from raising the minimum wage depends on how it is done. If it is raised gradually over a few years and is indexed, the effect is smaller if you raised it all at once. Meaning, yes prices would go up, but it wouldn't offset the extra $500 dollars or so a month a worker would be making. He could easily afford the increase in price of services and products. Meaning, he could easily afford the extra $10 he would pay for that washer. Not only that, but if people have bigger paychecks, they are spending more money. That helps the overall economy. Businesses in general will do better.

Not really because it still creates inflation. Or let me put it another way:

Let's say we had an autocracy, and in this autocracy, I will be the leader.

To address our financial problems, I create a law that everything is worth half of it's current value.

If you have a $200,000 home, it is now worth $100,000. If you were paying $6.00 for your Big Mac combo, it now only costs you $3.00. If your wage is $22.00 per hour, your wages are now only $11.00 per hour.

Sure, if you had your eyes set on that $300,000 home, it will now only cost you $150,000. Or perhaps that car you wanted that used to cost $30,000. It now costs $15,000. But on the other hand, you are only making half of what you used to make and your bank account is also cut in half.

After you do all the calculations, you would say to me "Ray, yes, everything costs half of what it used to, but I also make only half of what I used to as well. In other words, I'm no better off today than I was yesterday."

To that I would reply correct, you are no better off today than yesterday. You're right at the same place. The only difference is that jobs will be coming back to America by the millions.

Where I live, if you make $20.00 per hour, you can do okay on that wage. You can rent a nice apartment, own a fairly comfortable house, and can go out from time to time. Not so if you make that wage in New York city, or many of the NE states. Even in places like California that wage is near poverty. Why? Because the cost of living is so much higher in other places.
It really doesn't matter if the government imposes a raise in the min wage or if the market does it on its own. Right now productivity in the lower classes is sky high compared to what it used to be. Corporate profits are at an all time high. The market could easily handle it. This idea that the market will raise wages on its own is ridiculous considering wages have remained flat for decades. It's not going to happen.

Here is an article I kept from economist Walter E Williams. It's a bit dated, but still makes the point today. It's a short read, but if you don't have time to read it, I just want to point to some of the highlights:

There's great angst over the loss of manufacturing jobs. The number of U.S. manufacturing jobs has fallen, and it's mainly a result of technological innovation, and it's a worldwide phenomenon. Daniel W. Drezner, professor of political science at the University of Chicago, in "The Outsourcing Bogeyman" (Foreign Affairs, May/June 2004), notes that U.S. manufacturing employment between 1995 and 2002 fell by 11 percent. Globally, manufacturing job loss averaged 11 percent. China lost 15 percent of its manufacturing jobs, 4.5 million manufacturing jobs compared with the loss of 3.1 million in the U.S. Job loss is the trend among the top 10 manufacturing countries who produce 75 percent of the world's manufacturing output (the U.S., Japan, Germany, China, Britain, France, Italy, Korea, Canada and Mexico).

But guess what — globally, manufacturing output rose by 30 percent during the same period. According to research by the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, U.S. manufacturing output increased by 100 percent between 1987 and today. Technological progress and innovation is the primary cause for the decrease in manufacturing jobs. Should we save manufacturing jobs by outlawing labor-saving equipment and technology?

Walter Williams
Ok so technology has resulted in the loss manufacturing jobs. I buy that, but what does that have to do with what we are talking about?

The higher you make wages in this country, the more inviting automation becomes in America. Companies are looking all the time at how to cut costs. And as I said earlier, you can't just increase wages for one set group of people. If you increase wages for those at the bottom, everybody eventually sees an increase in their wages.

That's not to mention how this will not help anybody. According to the BLS, only 4.3% of our working population work for minimum wage or less. Well over half of this group are people under the age of 25. That means those over the age of 25 making minimum wage are less than 2% of our population.

So do we disrupt our business world and create inflation for those 2% who we are concerned about making poverty wages?
Blindly devoted Dem's are busy trying to defend Maobama, the lying community organizer who was chosen by Soros & whoever else; & Hillary, the soulless lying perpetual victim who must believe she is entitled just because she became a ruthless socialist doormat & stood by a lying philanderer for political gain.

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Hillary is an incompetent liar who asked what difference it made when asked about what was the cause of the Benghazi attack. She lied about billing records & being shot at while deplaning, & the Vince Foster mystery was never solved. She is a phone snake.

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I know what I'm not voting for, policies that will double the debt again to $36 trillion, policies that chase more good paying jobs out of this country, policies that allow millions of poor uneducated illegals to flood across our borders driving down wages and opportunities for our own citizens. Hence I'm not voting for 8 more years of either Democrat or Republican establishments.
You must be an Obama defender. Lol...that embarrassment went across the world apologizing for America. He brings us down, undermining America while appearing to be a savior. Distracted morons lap up his propaganda. He funded Solyndra & others while piling up record debt. He is a sentence. We cannot stand another 4 years of socialist pipe dream idiocy.

Sent from my LG-V410 using Tapatalk
I know what I'm not voting for, policies that will double the debt again to $36 trillion, policies that chase more good paying jobs out of this country, policies that allow millions of poor uneducated illegals to flood across our borders driving down wages and opportunities for our own citizens. Hence I'm not voting for 8 more years of either Democrat or Republican establishments.
the conservadope separates people into being a Democrat or a conservative

not to bright, a party versus an ideology
Conservatism by defintion is adhering to the same shit over and over without NEW ideas..

100% stupid and liberal! Conservatives want a radical transformation of our society into one that features freedom from govt much like the one our Founders gave us.

Do you understand?
. The EFFECTIVE tax rate for corporations is 13%. That's low enough don't you think? Do you people have no concept of loopholes?

the effective rate is 13% but the actual rate is 42% which is the highest in the world and so enough to drive 20 million jobs offshore.
Do you understand?
The large majority of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of the nation's earners in the last several decades.

thats largely thanks to the liberal war on the family and schools plus the liberal policies that have driven 40 million jobs off shore, plus the liberal illegals who have taken 20 million jobs and driven wages down still further!

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