Do republicans even know what they are voting for this election?

Conservatism by defintion is adhering to the same shit over and over without NEW ideas. Republicans are no different that's for damn sure. The candidates, once again, offer the same shit like MORE tax breaks for the rich which will do NOTHING to help the middle class and poor. The EFFECTIVE tax rate for corporations is 13%. That's low enough don't you think? Do you people have no concept of loopholes?

I mean seriously, do you people still buy into the lie that is trickle down economics? By now you must know it's a failure. Why do you punish yourselves and the rest of the country?

The large majority of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of the nation's earners in the last several decades. Corruption on Wall Street is rampant . Doesn't that bother you? Do you really think republicans in this race will do ANYTHING about it?

I'm seriously embarrassed for republican voters. Fox News and congressional repubs have you people by the balls and you are too dumb to realize it. You would rather bitch about Planned Parenthood, Benghazi and Hillary's fucking emails than focus on shit that actually matters. You're so busy demonizing democrats that you make no effort to defend republicans. It's ridiculous.

WTF are you talking about? You complain about the rich and yet the Democrat party has some of the wealthiest supporters. You complain about the middle-class and support the party that approves of amnesty and worker VISA's which keep American wages down. You complain about Wall Street yet the rich have never gotten richer than under DumBama with his buddies in the Federal Reserve pumping trillions into our stock market.

Oh, but I know........It's the Republicans fault.
I don't understand where you people get this concept that the leftwing opposes the idea of being rich. Obviously this economy needs rich people. The problem is when the large majority of Income gains for DECADES go to the top 1% of earners. Doesn't bother you that we don't have a middle class. Don't give me this shit that immigration has anything to do with wages. There is NO EVIDENCE that is true no matter how often you like to say.

Democrats, including Obama, have been advocating to raise the minimum wage. Obviously that matters. Do you really think the private market will do anything on its own to drastically raises wages regardless of who is president? Get real.

Minimum wage simply transfers money from one entity to another.

If I go to my hardware store to buy a pressure washer, and the pressure washer is now ten dollars more than it was last month before a minimum wage hike, how did that economically better society?

In case you haven't noticed, we are in a wage war with other countries. Thanks to unions and other factors, we priced ourselves out of the world market. We won't even buy our own stuff.

So you increase minimum wage to $15.00 per hour. What you have done is created a domino effect. In other words, the people that were making $11.00 per hour are not going to sit easy being back to minimum wage. They will want at least $4.00 more than minimum wage to stay at their job. So the employer will have no choice but to nearly double that workers previous wage. What do you think the effect of that would be on the services or products he sells?
Another dimwitted regressivecrat that doesn't understand supply and demand, he demands artificial government intervention in a situation they created. Get a freaking clue already.
Lol you're just as transparent as Gramps. You have nothing substantial to say and you know it. You're all fluff.

The official numbers for illegals are 11 million, I would bet the real number is 4 times that. If you think that many uneducated, low skilled workers aren't affecting the US labor market, you're more stupid than normal. The government created the situation by not enforcing the law, and now your dear leader is giving them permits so they can compete for higher paying jobs and your answer is more government intervention. Haven't they done enough already?
That's so stupid. Why would it matter if illegals we here or not when we are talking about wage stagnation? Seriously think about this. Let's say we got rid of all of the illegals in this country. Where is the incentive for companies to pay more? Why would they? Why would they give a shit WHO they are paying so long as they save money by paying shitty wages? Instead of blaming the government for illegals taking jobs, why don't you blame the actual employers? Did that thought ever cross your mind?

You have no understanding of economics, when there's a glut of anything it's value goes down, we have a glut of low skilled workers, so there's no reason for an employer to pay more than the market, or should I say the government demands. We're already seeing employers looking at ways to automate and reduce their workforce in anticipation of the bone headed policies you want. We're already seeing it in lager better paying markets, like big box stores and grocery stores with their self checkouts.
Again why aren't you putting any blame on these employers? What difference does it make if low wage jobs are in competition between Americans and illegals? The job is what it is. Employers don't seem to give a shit if the worker is illegal or not. All that matters is if he can do the job. Obviously we can agree that illegals are taking low wage jobs but all that matters is who can do the higher paying jobs which is obviously the type of jobs that only citizens get. That aside, "skilled" jobs still pay shit. In terms of inflation (a concept you repubs can't seem to grasp) the minimum wage should be $15 per hour. Being skilled in a profession is becoming less and less relevant when we are talking about decent wages. What is the private market waiting for when it comes to boosting wages for the lower classes? It is decades behind. The ONLY way to fix this problem is to raise the minimum wage.

Illegals do not mean jack shit when it comes to stuff like self-check out lines. These corporations do it because they are greedy bastards who do anything to maximize profit. How are you not comprehending that?

You still posting ignorant?

You still don't get that more competition for a job equals less money? How much does an NBA star make? How much does a teacher make fruit loop?

(I am using this as a out of this world example)

Any one can be a fucking teacher, But not just anyone has the skills and height to play in the NBA.

Again for the. 990,000,789 ,670,000,000,009,000,000 time, raising the national MW across the board don't do a tucking thing, they are still poor and will still need government assistance.
Conservatism by defintion is adhering to the same shit over and over without NEW ideas. Republicans are no different that's for damn sure. The candidates, once again, offer the same shit like MORE tax breaks for the rich which will do NOTHING to help the middle class and poor. The EFFECTIVE tax rate for corporations is 13%. That's low enough don't you think? Do you people have no concept of loopholes?

I mean seriously, do you people still buy into the lie that is trickle down economics? By now you must know it's a failure. Why do you punish yourselves and the rest of the country?

The large majority of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of the nation's earners in the last several decades. Corruption on Wall Street is rampant . Doesn't that bother you? Do you really think republicans in this race will do ANYTHING about it?

I'm seriously embarrassed for republican voters. Fox News and congressional repubs have you people by the balls and you are too dumb to realize it. You would rather bitch about Planned Parenthood, Benghazi and Hillary's fucking emails than focus on shit that actually matters. You're so busy demonizing democrats that you make no effort to defend republicans. It's ridiculous.

In other words, people need other people's money to live. Did I get that right????
Every thing you have ever gotten you got from someone else....

Nope. In our society there are givers and takers. Working people are the givers. I gave my entire adult life.
If you get a paycheck your employer gave it to you...if you own a business and make a profit its from money the customers gave you...we are not free floating independent particles...we are a Nation..

Now describe what you see


In other words, people need other people's money to live. Did I get that right????
Every thing you have ever gotten you got from someone else....

Nope. In our society there are givers and takers. Working people are the givers. I gave my entire adult life.
If you get a paycheck your employer gave it to you...if you own a business and make a profit its from money the customers gave you...we are not free floating independent particles...we are a Nation..

Now describe what you see


Obviously you don't understand the difference between somebody "giving" you something as opposed to "earning" something. Big difference.

In other words, people need other people's money to live. Did I get that right????
Every thing you have ever gotten you got from someone else....

Nope. In our society there are givers and takers. Working people are the givers. I gave my entire adult life.
If you get a paycheck your employer gave it to you...if you own a business and make a profit its from money the customers gave you...we are not free floating independent particles...we are a Nation..

Now describe what you see


Obviously you don't understand the difference between somebody "giving" you something as opposed to "earning" something. Big difference.
I have worked since I was 11 years old no one can lecture me on "earning my way"... I bet you have no concern for Corporations that pay zero taxes but use our infrastructure the infrastructure paid by "we the People" as a venue for their business but they do not contribute

and I am confident you have no concern about the fairness of this
In other words, people need other people's money to live. Did I get that right????
Every thing you have ever gotten you got from someone else....

Nope. In our society there are givers and takers. Working people are the givers. I gave my entire adult life.
If you get a paycheck your employer gave it to you...if you own a business and make a profit its from money the customers gave you...we are not free floating independent particles...we are a Nation..

Now describe what you see


Obviously you don't understand the difference between somebody "giving" you something as opposed to "earning" something. Big difference.
I have worked since I was 11 years old no one can lecture me on "earning my way"... I bet you have no concern for Corporations that pay zero taxes but use our infrastructure the infrastructure paid by "we the People" as a venue for their business but they do not contribute

and I am confident you have no concern about the fairness of this
View attachment 53236

Productivity has increased while wages did not. This is due to automation that's been haunting the US and the world for at least the past two decades. It's so to the point some McDonald's are experimenting with labor-less restaurants.

In the future, a machine will take your order, cook your food and serve it to you when you order your Big Mac combo. The higher the wages for labor, the more attractive automation becomes to businesses.

The only corporations that pay 0% tax are those that did not show a profit and perhaps even a loss. The corporations that pay 39% make up that difference.
Another dimwitted regressivecrat that doesn't understand supply and demand, he demands artificial government intervention in a situation they created. Get a freaking clue already.
Lol you're just as transparent as Gramps. You have nothing substantial to say and you know it. You're all fluff.

The official numbers for illegals are 11 million, I would bet the real number is 4 times that. If you think that many uneducated, low skilled workers aren't affecting the US labor market, you're more stupid than normal. The government created the situation by not enforcing the law, and now your dear leader is giving them permits so they can compete for higher paying jobs and your answer is more government intervention. Haven't they done enough already?
That's so stupid. Why would it matter if illegals we here or not when we are talking about wage stagnation? Seriously think about this. Let's say we got rid of all of the illegals in this country. Where is the incentive for companies to pay more? Why would they? Why would they give a shit WHO they are paying so long as they save money by paying shitty wages? Instead of blaming the government for illegals taking jobs, why don't you blame the actual employers? Did that thought ever cross your mind?

You have no understanding of economics, when there's a glut of anything it's value goes down, we have a glut of low skilled workers, so there's no reason for an employer to pay more than the market, or should I say the government demands. We're already seeing employers looking at ways to automate and reduce their workforce in anticipation of the bone headed policies you want. We're already seeing it in lager better paying markets, like big box stores and grocery stores with their self checkouts.
Again why aren't you putting any blame on these employers? What difference does it make if low wage jobs are in competition between Americans and illegals? The job is what it is. Employers don't seem to give a shit if the worker is illegal or not. All that matters is if he can do the job. Obviously we can agree that illegals are taking low wage jobs but all that matters is who can do the higher paying jobs which is obviously the type of jobs that only citizens get. That aside, "skilled" jobs still pay shit. In terms of inflation (a concept you repubs can't seem to grasp) the minimum wage should be $15 per hour. Being skilled in a profession is becoming less and less relevant when we are talking about decent wages. What is the private market waiting for when it comes to boosting wages for the lower classes? It is decades behind. The ONLY way to fix this problem is to raise the minimum wage.

Illegals do not mean jack shit when it comes to stuff like self-check out lines. These corporations do it because they are greedy bastards who do anything to maximize profit. How are you not comprehending that?

It's painfully obvious you've never ran anything, a CEO has a legal responsibility to maximize profits while keeping the company competitive in their particular market. You need to get your head wrapped around that to understand anything about business.
Conservatism by defintion is adhering to the same shit over and over without NEW ideas. Republicans are no different that's for damn sure. The candidates, once again, offer the same shit like MORE tax breaks for the rich which will do NOTHING to help the middle class and poor. The EFFECTIVE tax rate for corporations is 13%. That's low enough don't you think? Do you people have no concept of loopholes?

I mean seriously, do you people still buy into the lie that is trickle down economics? By now you must know it's a failure. Why do you punish yourselves and the rest of the country?

The large majority of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of the nation's earners in the last several decades. Corruption on Wall Street is rampant . Doesn't that bother you? Do you really think republicans in this race will do ANYTHING about it?

I'm seriously embarrassed for republican voters. Fox News and congressional repubs have you people by the balls and you are too dumb to realize it. You would rather bitch about Planned Parenthood, Benghazi and Hillary's fucking emails than focus on shit that actually matters. You're so busy demonizing democrats that you make no effort to defend republicans. It's ridiculous.

they're voting for what they always vote for; guns and G-d and bomb bomb bomb iran; and against what they always vote for: minorities and gays...
Conservatism by defintion is adhering to the same shit over and over without NEW ideas. Republicans are no different that's for damn sure. The candidates, once again, offer the same shit like MORE tax breaks for the rich which will do NOTHING to help the middle class and poor. The EFFECTIVE tax rate for corporations is 13%. That's low enough don't you think? Do you people have no concept of loopholes?

I mean seriously, do you people still buy into the lie that is trickle down economics? By now you must know it's a failure. Why do you punish yourselves and the rest of the country?

The large majority of the income gains have gone to the top 1% of the nation's earners in the last several decades. Corruption on Wall Street is rampant . Doesn't that bother you? Do you really think republicans in this race will do ANYTHING about it?

I'm seriously embarrassed for republican voters. Fox News and congressional repubs have you people by the balls and you are too dumb to realize it. You would rather bitch about Planned Parenthood, Benghazi and Hillary's fucking emails than focus on shit that actually matters. You're so busy demonizing democrats that you make no effort to defend republicans. It's ridiculous.

Republicans are voting for change. 10 years of economic policies rooted on class envy and redistribution have put too many Americans on food stamps.
Oh right so let's just forget that it was Bush that started the recession Obama inherited.

Right, the Democrats had nothing to do with the housing crisis where they insisted poor and minorities purchase their own homes even if they couldn't afford it.

DumBama was not drafted into the White House. He ran for it and inherited nothing he didn't want. If he couldn't handle it, he should have never run in the first place and leave it up to people that could handle it.

"The one great thing about being a liberal is that nothing is ever your fault."
Ray from Cleveland
How fucking stupid do you sound when you put all the blame on democrats for the recession that cost the economy 8 million private jobs. I don't even blame Bush for it really. I'm just smart enough to know when the recession actually began BEFORE Obama.

Oh and Obama could handle it you goon. We have created 12 million plus private jobs since he came to office. 3 million of those jobs are directly attributed to his stimulus package that reversed the jobs free fall.

I don't know if you're trying to make me laugh this morning or you're serious.

Where is this evidence that the Pork Bill created 3 million jobs? I would like to see that.
A little research wouldn't kill you.

Obama’s Stimulus Generated Up to 3.3 Million Jobs, CBO Says

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