Do Republicans Even Realize they look bad and Gullible for Not Being Able to See Trump's Obvious and Repeated Lies??

Yet he has a 50 year low in unemployment and the best labor market in US history, he has lowered the deficit substantially from what he inherited from Trump, and Trump incited a riot at the Capitol over complete lies.

You don't even realize how gullible you are.
You have no street smarts at all, and if you tried to play in my world you would be scammed, robbed, and murdered.
You are an easy mark.

I am far left, but those are terrible arguments.
Low unemployment just means people can no longer apply because their benefits ran out.
If you look a the graph of employment, it shows the % of unemployed is greatly increasing.


Population is increasing faster than employment.
The labor market is terrible.
Prices are soaring, while income is shrinking.
Trump had little choice over the deficit by Congress to deal with recession and covid.
In contrast, Biden started illegal economic sanction on Russia that ruined the world economy, and greatly increased the US deficit more than Trump did.
Whether Trump started a riot based on lies or not, I still like seeing Congress squirm for once.
Spin it all you like, Dud but the fact remains that if the voters had known how corrupt the Biden's were a large percentage of them say they wouldn't have voted for Joe Biden! We're stuck with this incompetent idiot because we were lied to. Hunter's laptop wasn't Russian Disinformation! It was proof of how sleazy that whole family is but we were told that it was all a lie and we were told that by the FBI, those 51 former Intelligence officials and the Main Stream Media and they ALL lied!!!

I am far left, but those are terrible arguments.
Low unemployment just means people can no longer apply because their benefits ran out.
If you look a the graph of employment, it shows the % of unemployed is greatly increasing.


Population is increasing faster than employment.
The labor market is terrible.
Prices are soaring, while income is shrinking.
Trump had little choice over the deficit by Congress to deal with recession and covid.
In contrast, Biden started illegal economic sanction on Russia that ruined the world economy, and greatly increased the US deficit more than Trump did.
Whether Trump started a riot based on lies or not, I still like seeing Congress squirm for once.
In contrast, Biden started illegal economic sanction on Russia that ruined the world economy, and greatly increased the US deficit more than Trump did

This is complete garbage.
I know, you are gullible AF, and dumb as dog shit, that is the point of the thread.

You have no street smarts at all, and if you tried to play in my world you would be scammed, robbed, and murdered.
You are an easy mark.
Talk about gullible you support the biggest conman of all time. That's including Jim jones
Do his supporters believe there is an alternative?
That question conveys to The Following the idea they are comparing candidates in a rigorous, issues based, traditional way. They don't. For them, Trump is an instrument through which they can express their grievances, their frustrations, their anger, their fears, by supporting him. Making his inveterate lying, his sexual abuses, his boorishness, his incompetence, his adultery, that he is amoral, inconsequential.
That question conveys to The Following the idea they are comparing candidates in a rigorous, issues based, traditional way. They don't. For them, Trump is an instrument through which they can express their grievances, their frustrations, their anger, their fears, by supporting him. Making his inveterate lying, his sexual abuses, his boorishness, his incompetence, his adultery, that he is amoral, inconsequential.
If all of this is inconsequential, it illustrates how disconnected the Establishment is from its citizens. This creates an environment ripe for spies to be recruited by foreign actors.
If all of this is inconsequential, it illustrates how disconnected the Establishment is from its citizens. This creates an environment ripe for spies to be recruited by foreign actors.
Maybe it's just a relatively small percentage of Americans who are dumber than lichen.
then you would have taken care of it while Trump was president.
All of the nice ways of living and you stole the wealth from people trying to survive. The great inflation will not e forgotten even if you win.

He'll be tossed under the bus soon. Just like Reagan, Bush, Bush II, Romney, McCain, etc..
I am informing you that you lack street smarts,
And here we are on USMB Street, and me bringing a papaya to a gun battle. :(
and look stupid AF for repeatedly getting played by Trump's Lies.
And you think speaking to me in this way will convince me to get wise & vote Joe?
You can do whatever you want,
Oh thank goodness - your approval means everything to me. :)
if you want to keep on looking stupid go ahead.
I don't care about appearing stupid to you, but does this post make me look fat? :eek:
Don’t you think it would be more effective to beat their arguments with intellect?
You seem to presume that intellectual expression must include certain bells and whistles.

You are mistaken in this presumption.
You don’t actually think the grade school stuff works do you?
When it's accurate, it works as well as it can.

But when dealing with cultists, nothing, including what you might mistakenly regard as a more superficially intellectual approach, will work.

Cult extraction is first and foremost an inside job.
That’s just trolling
Not at all, though this observation of yours is fallacious, and your entire post non-responsive to the topic.

That's ironic, don't you agree? :)
Trump has told a lot of lies over the past 6 years, BUT right now he is living in his own world.

We all know the long list of lies Big and small ranging from election fraud to the recent lies over all his crimes and indictments.

In life you have to be able to realize when somebody is playing you for a fool.
You have to realize when they are getting over on you.
You never want to be a sucker.
You never want to get played by somebodies lies.

Do MAGA Republicans even realize they have been totally played by Trump ??
Do MAGA Republicans care they have been totally duped by Trump ??

MAGA Republicans need to learn some "street smarts". Street smarts lets you identify when somebody is lying and trying to play you.

/----/ We'd only look bad if we went along with your 7 year attack on an innocent man who only wanted to protect America.

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