Do Republicans Even Realize they look bad and Gullible for Not Being Able to See Trump's Obvious and Repeated Lies??

Actually, I think conservatives have had very open conversations about their issues with Trump.

Not so the Democult re: Biden.
Democrats have a hard time with the truth. Trump supporters know he has character flaws, but he's a leader and puts America First. That’s why he's a real President instead of a life-long political hack like Biden.
That's what you're doing - trolling/diverting.

Did you have a comment on the topic, or are you just going to continue trolling me?

Your behavior makes you look bad & gullible & all that stuff mentioned in the OP, so I guess said OP is pretty much just Democrat projection.
Per your argument aren’t you trolling right now? What have you said about the topic?
Trump has told a lot of lies over the past 6 years, BUT right now he is living in his own world.

We all know the long list of lies Big and small ranging from election fraud to the recent lies over all his crimes and indictments.

In life you have to be able to realize when somebody is playing you for a fool.
You have to realize when they are getting over on you.
You never want to be a sucker.
You never want to get played by somebodies lies.

Do MAGA Republicans even realize they have been totally played by Trump ??
Do MAGA Republicans care they have been totally duped by Trump ??

MAGA Republicans need to learn some "street smarts". Street smarts lets you identify when somebody is lying and trying to play you.

Trump obviously believes the election was stolen. Why are you trying to say that he lied? He has been pretty fucking clear about his thoughts on the election.
Not when you have a two tier justice system
It was two tier during the Trump administration?

But i think your correct, because anybody else who did what Trump has done would already be in jail.

this another data point to support this two-tier claim, but in the investigations rather than justice.

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