Do Republicans realize that they appear to be Batshit Crazy? Do they care?

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Do Republicans realize that they appear to be Batshit Crazy? Do they care?

I love the fact that this thread continues to be bumped and is now 24 pages long.
The sub line was, well ... PERFECT :)
You enjoy threads where Dimwingers are pummeled page after page after page?
Your leader is talking to himself His whole cabinet knows he's batshit crazy ,your senate cringes in fear of the moron , and we're pummeled??
None of those folks are posting in this thread, Moron.:cuckoo:
Might be at a KKK meeting Grab your sheet you still have time
You claimed to have me on ignore.:auiqs.jpg:

I put NO ONE on ignore never have ,,,might not read all their posts BUT NEVER ignore
I put NO ONE on ignore never have ,,,might not read all their posts BUT NEVER ignore

I have.

Pete, Fakey Jake. a couple of the most vile racists - shits his speedos and asslips.

But it's rare and reserved for the worst trolls.
You don't think Biden will be the next president? LoL

I hope not.

Well he is going to be your president whether you accept that reality or not.

Sucks for you huh?

Sucks for all of US if true. I already covered that. Instead of saying the same stupid shit over and over again, why don't you just read the same posts over and over again.
No, it doesn't suck for all of us. Just for you and your fellow cultists.

For the rest of us ... ???

Note the hordes of liberals fleeing the Left Coast. That is because operating under your ideas, has turned those states into dangerous shitholes.

So, what happens when you guys run the country and there is no where left to run?

It will suck for you too. You just are too stupid to see it coming.

But I will be here to laugh at your pain and suffering.

So you say. Reality speaks otherwise. Oregon's population is growing and Biden won it by 16 points whereas Hillary won it 4 years ago by only 11 points.

What percentage of that grow is from people fleeing an even shittier California?

Your denial of the failure of your side's strongholds, is not fooling anyone.

You fail. California's not a "dangerous shithole."

Hey Fawnboi............murder up 25%

Attack the police more, keep undermining their morale, turn the community against them even more and then cut their funding.

That will fix the problem.

And if not, and someone points out your failure, call them wacist.

And still win the election so who cares? Let them die.

That seems to be the dem plan.
Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

Fuck Joe Biden.

Fuck you.

And who gives a fuck what you think ?
You sound upset....or, what do they call it................triggered?

Triggered does not mean pissed off, you fucking moron.
And now you are being rude. Tsk Tsk.

I was being appropriate to a fucking asshole.

Dude. When you act like a ****, and people treat you as you deserve, that is not something wrong with them, that is something wrong with you.

Try to be less stupid.

When you point your finger at someone else, there are 4 pointing back at you.

I don't get in someone's face being an asshole and then whine like a faggot when the get pissed at me.

If someone points a finger at me, accusing me of such behavior, they are filthy liars.
Ironic post is Ironic.

Except, it wasn't ironic. You were a snarky **** and I called you on it, and you whined like a faggot about that.
Dear me....more rudeness.

Said the snarky ****.
An indicator of higher level thinking. No wonder trumpanzees get tied in knots and strike out.

Snarky is not higher level. It is just you being a ****.


Yep. YOu were being a ****, and when you pretended you were NOT, that was you being a lying asshole.

"The reason is simple: sarcasm expresses the poisonous sting of contempt, hurting others and harming relationships. As a form of communication, sarcasm takes on the debt of conflict. "

I'm happy that you hope it increases your creativity. Maybe you can do something with that, other than being a snarky ****.
Keep being you, sweetie. View attachment 423960

Your own link tells that you were expressing contempt and poison, and you act like my responding harshly is something wrong with me.

So much for higher intellect, fucktard.
Oh are still so easily upset. SO very easily upset.

You were an asshole, so I was rude to you back.

That you have to pretend that is somehow wrong of me, is just you being a fucking asshole.
Sure, hun. You be you.

Better than being a cowardly and snarky asshole like you.

Can't even honestly stand behind your insults and deal with the counter insults honestly.

That is cowardly of you. Incredibly cowardly.

That you need that explained to you, says a lot about how fucked in the head you are.
You don't think Biden will be the next president? LoL

I hope not.

Well he is going to be your president whether you accept that reality or not.

Sucks for you huh?

Sucks for all of US if true. I already covered that. Instead of saying the same stupid shit over and over again, why don't you just read the same posts over and over again.
No, it doesn't suck for all of us. Just for you and your fellow cultists.

For the rest of us ... ???

Note the hordes of liberals fleeing the Left Coast. That is because operating under your ideas, has turned those states into dangerous shitholes.

So, what happens when you guys run the country and there is no where left to run?

It will suck for you too. You just are too stupid to see it coming.

But I will be here to laugh at your pain and suffering.

So you say. Reality speaks otherwise. Oregon's population is growing and Biden won it by 16 points whereas Hillary won it 4 years ago by only 11 points.

What percentage of that grow is from people fleeing an even shittier California?

Your denial of the failure of your side's strongholds, is not fooling anyone.

You fail. California's not a "dangerous shithole."

Definitely a shithole.
View attachment 424594

^^^ a retard who doesn't know the difference between a state and a city.


Is LA in KKKalifornia, Oh Geographically challenged one? :itsok:


It is and it's still a city, not a state.




Feel free to quote where I called it a state, Fawnboi.:itsok:

You had a rough day yesterday, and today is starting off worse for ya. :itsok:


It's adorable how you blame me for your inability to follow a dialog...

Correll: What percentage of that grow is from people fleeing an even shittier California?
Faun: You fail. California's not a "dangerous shithole."
Retard: <map of San Francisco>
Faun: ^^^ a retard who doesn't know the difference between a state and a city.
Retard: Is LA in KKKalifornia, Oh Geographically challenged one?


Not only do you demonstrate don't you know the difference between a city and a state, you also prove you don't know the difference between San Francisco and (presumably you meant L.A. when you typed LA) L.A.


So, you pretending to not understand that a part of a whole is part of the whole?

YOu libs will say ANYTHING, no matter how fucking retarded it makes you look, if it gives you a way to pretend to yourselves (and each other) that you are not getting your ass kicked.

You are sophists assholes hoping that creating the form of an argument will convince some people, people who are too stupid to see how empty your assertions are, that there some credibility to your position.
When you "win" by fraud, you don't deserve to be called "President-Elect." I take it your left-wing news sources haven't informed you that a video just surfaced from Georgia that shows election workers pulling out suitcases full of ballots and counting them *after* the election observers left the facility? Now, gee, why did they wait until the election observers were ordered to leave before pulling out suitcases full of ballots and counting them? The video was taken at one of the largest vote-counting facilities in GA, and the video has persuaded the governor to call for a signature audit of all mail-in ballots, something that, oddly enough, was *not* done in the recount.

'Smoking Gun' Video Produced During State Senate Election Fraud Hearing in Georgia Has People Talking (

Georgia Gov. Kemp claims GOP secretary of state has yet to order signature audit | Fox News
His words contradict each other.

He has been perfectly clear on the issue. He couldn't have said it any more directly. You're just not smart enough to understand it.

My point stands.

When you support the justification for violence but condemn the violence, you are not being clear on the issue.

Biden didn't justify violence.

You're just an idiot with reading comprehension issues. My point stands.

Why are you afraid to address what I actually said?

For someone who "won", you seem strangely evasive.

It is almost like on some level, you know that this will not, can not work out well for the country as a whole.

I addressed exactly what you said.

You: “When you support the justification for violence...”

My response is that he didn’t support the justification for violence.

What part of that did you not understand? I don’t think I can make that any easier for you to understand. You’re clearly not very bright. My point stands.

You say that, but it ignores the reality that he does support the justifications. He supports the idea that Trump's administration has been a "time of darkness" and American and it's police are systemically wacist, among many other similar bullshit lies.

The reality is that Biden has never made the claim that he supports justification for violence.

Like I said, you're not very smart and you have terrible reading comprehension if you think otherwise. Notice that you don't even attempt to back up your ridiculous claim. We both know why that is.

My point stands.

THe violence has stated justifications and claims.

Biden supports those justifications.

If American was half as wacist and ws and phobe as you dems claim it is, then violence would be justified.

Biden has also denounced the violence.

That is a contradiction.

His actions, come the first riot under his likely administration, will show US, which was the real him and which was him lying to the voters to get them to vote for him.

That is my position.

The only reasonable response from you, given your stated position, would be to confidently predict that his actions will show that he is anti-mob and does not support hte use of political violence against American citizens.

Instead, you pretend to misunderstand what I said and address a strawman, a very stupid strawman where you pretend that I claimed that Biden clearly and formally stated support for the justification for the violence.

The reasons you don't do that, ie confidently predict validation by his actions,

is that you know you are lying. That Biden and you dems ARE allied with the violent mobs of lefties terrorizing our streets.

And you know that his actions will validate MY POSITION ABOUT HIM AND YOU PEOPLE.
now at least we'll have stability ,,consistency , and thoughtfulness,,,,,a much more stable political and governance environment

What if we don't? What if Biden fails miserably, even with the support of Big Media and Big Tech and the MSM?
Have Trump Republican leaders no sense of decency?

McConnell, McCarthy and other Republican leaders have to wrestle with the cold, political reality that Trump continues to have a fervent base. But will reasons for complicit silence ever end? And as the president continues attempting to take a sledgehammer to the American election process, what of the oath these GOP leaders took to protect and defend the Constitution — not Donald Trump?
gawd, you delusional.

Trump was and is an excellent president that brought change to america that is helpful ..............unlike the obamas/clintons/biden who regularly sold us out to our foreign adversaries.

Unlike the dem losers, Trump has an actual long list of accomplishments that were good for america. And I am pretty sure that you realize this.
Yes He had the art of pussy grabbing down to a science Didn't know shit about tariffs or economy though

NOting wrong with consensual sex. That you have to imply that there is, in order to support your position, shows how weak i it, and you, are.
Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

They are scared to death of the trump cult. Maybe after the Georgia Senate race...a few more Cowards will speak out. I expect some will not even attend the Ignauguation. They are trembling with fear....all over a mad man's childish tantrum.

Trump is destroying the Republican Party. They may as well spray paint themselves orange.
The funny part comes in January when they deny ever questioning Biden’s victory

Seems unlikely. Oh, wait, you are just talking shit, because you don't care that when it doesn't happen that you look retarded.

got it.
Do Republicans realize that they appear to be Batshit Crazy? Do they care?

I love the fact that this thread continues to be bumped and is now 24 pages long.
The sub line was, well ... PERFECT :)
You enjoy threads where Dimwingers are pummeled page after page after page?
Your leader is talking to himself His whole cabinet knows he's batshit crazy ,your senate cringes in fear of the moron , and we're pummeled??
None of those folks are posting in this thread, Moron.:cuckoo:
Might be at a KKK meeting Grab your sheet you still have time

Oh. look the leftard called someone wacist.

That is all you have. All you ever had. You lose loser.
You don't think Biden will be the next president? LoL

I hope not.

Well he is going to be your president whether you accept that reality or not.

Sucks for you huh?

Sucks for all of US if true. I already covered that. Instead of saying the same stupid shit over and over again, why don't you just read the same posts over and over again.
No, it doesn't suck for all of us. Just for you and your fellow cultists.

For the rest of us ... ???

Note the hordes of liberals fleeing the Left Coast. That is because operating under your ideas, has turned those states into dangerous shitholes.

So, what happens when you guys run the country and there is no where left to run?

It will suck for you too. You just are too stupid to see it coming.

But I will be here to laugh at your pain and suffering.

So you say. Reality speaks otherwise. Oregon's population is growing and Biden won it by 16 points whereas Hillary won it 4 years ago by only 11 points.

What percentage of that grow is from people fleeing an even shittier California?

Your denial of the failure of your side's strongholds, is not fooling anyone.

You fail. California's not a "dangerous shithole."

Definitely a shithole.
View attachment 424594

^^^ a retard who doesn't know the difference between a state and a city.


Is LA in KKKalifornia, Oh Geographically challenged one? :itsok:


It is and it's still a city, not a state.




Feel free to quote where I called it a state, Fawnboi.:itsok:

You had a rough day yesterday, and today is starting off worse for ya. :itsok:


It's adorable how you blame me for your inability to follow a dialog...

Correll: What percentage of that grow is from people fleeing an even shittier California?
Faun: You fail. California's not a "dangerous shithole."
Retard: <map of San Francisco>
Faun: ^^^ a retard who doesn't know the difference between a state and a city.
Retard: Is LA in KKKalifornia, Oh Geographically challenged one?


Not only do you demonstrate don't you know the difference between a city and a state, you also prove you don't know the difference between San Francisco and (presumably you meant L.A. when you typed LA) L.A.


So, you pretending to not understand that a part of a whole is part of the whole?

YOu libs will say ANYTHING, no matter how fucking retarded it makes you look, if it gives you a way to pretend to yourselves (and each other) that you are not getting your ass kicked.

You are sophists assholes hoping that creating the form of an argument will convince some people, people who are too stupid to see how empty your assertions are, that there some credibility to your position.

Dumbfuck, a city does not represent a state. Exactly how fucked in the head are you?? :cuckoo:
When you "win" by fraud, you don't deserve to be called "President-Elect." I take it your left-wing news sources haven't informed you that a video just surfaced from Georgia that shows election workers pulling out suitcases full of ballots and counting them *after* the election observers left the facility? Now, gee, why did they wait until the election observers were ordered to leave before pulling out suitcases full of ballots and counting them? The video was taken at one of the largest vote-counting facilities in GA, and the video has persuaded the governor to call for a signature audit of all mail-in ballots, something that, oddly enough, was *not* done in the recount.

'Smoking Gun' Video Produced During State Senate Election Fraud Hearing in Georgia Has People Talking (

Georgia Gov. Kemp claims GOP secretary of state has yet to order signature audit | Fox News
There was no fraud. The state of Georgia did an entire recount by hand and confirmed their initial machine tabulation.
Top Republicans around the country look the other way, mumble and offer vague platitudes when asked about the 2020 election.
They allow themselves to be complicit in wild conspiracy theories about secret ballots and Democrats switching votes.

They refuse to give Biden the courtesy of being called President Elect.

Are they that afraid of upsetting a deranged madman who will lose his office in six weeks?

They are scared to death of the trump cult. Maybe after the Georgia Senate race...a few more Cowards will speak out. I expect some will not even attend the Ignauguation. They are trembling with fear....all over a mad man's childish tantrum.

Trump is destroying the Republican Party. They may as well spray paint themselves orange.
The funny part comes in January when they deny ever questioning Biden’s victory

Seems unlikely. Oh, wait, you are just talking shit, because you don't care that when it doesn't happen that you look retarded.

got it.

What victory ?

Jan 20th will be the biggest mockery of an institution in the history of the world.
When you "win" by fraud, you don't deserve to be called "President-Elect." I take it your left-wing news sources haven't informed you that a video just surfaced from Georgia that shows election workers pulling out suitcases full of ballots and counting them *after* the election observers left the facility? Now, gee, why did they wait until the election observers were ordered to leave before pulling out suitcases full of ballots and counting them? The video was taken at one of the largest vote-counting facilities in GA, and the video has persuaded the governor to call for a signature audit of all mail-in ballots, something that, oddly enough, was *not* done in the recount.

'Smoking Gun' Video Produced During State Senate Election Fraud Hearing in Georgia Has People Talking (

Georgia Gov. Kemp claims GOP secretary of state has yet to order signature audit | Fox News
There was no fraud. The state of Georgia did an entire recount by hand and confirmed their initial machine tabulation.

But wait !!!

There's more.

There is fraud. Even though the lying sack of shit Faun said otherwise.
You don't think Biden will be the next president? LoL

I hope not.

Well he is going to be your president whether you accept that reality or not.

Sucks for you huh?

Sucks for all of US if true. I already covered that. Instead of saying the same stupid shit over and over again, why don't you just read the same posts over and over again.
No, it doesn't suck for all of us. Just for you and your fellow cultists.

For the rest of us ... ???

Note the hordes of liberals fleeing the Left Coast. That is because operating under your ideas, has turned those states into dangerous shitholes.

So, what happens when you guys run the country and there is no where left to run?

It will suck for you too. You just are too stupid to see it coming.

But I will be here to laugh at your pain and suffering.

So you say. Reality speaks otherwise. Oregon's population is growing and Biden won it by 16 points whereas Hillary won it 4 years ago by only 11 points.

What percentage of that grow is from people fleeing an even shittier California?

Your denial of the failure of your side's strongholds, is not fooling anyone.

You fail. California's not a "dangerous shithole."

Definitely a shithole.
View attachment 424594

^^^ a retard who doesn't know the difference between a state and a city.


Is LA in KKKalifornia, Oh Geographically challenged one? :itsok:


It is and it's still a city, not a state.




Feel free to quote where I called it a state, Fawnboi.:itsok:

You had a rough day yesterday, and today is starting off worse for ya. :itsok:


It's adorable how you blame me for your inability to follow a dialog...

Correll: What percentage of that grow is from people fleeing an even shittier California?
Faun: You fail. California's not a "dangerous shithole."
Retard: <map of San Francisco>
Faun: ^^^ a retard who doesn't know the difference between a state and a city.
Retard: Is LA in KKKalifornia, Oh Geographically challenged one?


Not only do you demonstrate don't you know the difference between a city and a state, you also prove you don't know the difference between San Francisco and (presumably you meant L.A. when you typed LA) L.A.


So, you pretending to not understand that a part of a whole is part of the whole?

YOu libs will say ANYTHING, no matter how fucking retarded it makes you look, if it gives you a way to pretend to yourselves (and each other) that you are not getting your ass kicked.

You are sophists assholes hoping that creating the form of an argument will convince some people, people who are too stupid to see how empty your assertions are, that there some credibility to your position.

Dumbfuck, a city does not represent a state. Exactly how fucked in the head are you?? :cuckoo:

As a city is part of a state, it "represents" part of a state. IF their impact is bad enough, it can DEFINE the state.

He proved that that city is certainly a shithole.

You could argue that it is just that one city, that the rest of the state is nice.

But to just pretend, that the information he provided is not relevant, is dishonest and wrong, and you are just being an asshole troll.
You don't think Biden will be the next president? LoL

I hope not.

Well he is going to be your president whether you accept that reality or not.

Sucks for you huh?

Sucks for all of US if true. I already covered that. Instead of saying the same stupid shit over and over again, why don't you just read the same posts over and over again.
No, it doesn't suck for all of us. Just for you and your fellow cultists.

For the rest of us ... ???

Note the hordes of liberals fleeing the Left Coast. That is because operating under your ideas, has turned those states into dangerous shitholes.

So, what happens when you guys run the country and there is no where left to run?

It will suck for you too. You just are too stupid to see it coming.

But I will be here to laugh at your pain and suffering.

So you say. Reality speaks otherwise. Oregon's population is growing and Biden won it by 16 points whereas Hillary won it 4 years ago by only 11 points.

What percentage of that grow is from people fleeing an even shittier California?

Your denial of the failure of your side's strongholds, is not fooling anyone.

You fail. California's not a "dangerous shithole."

Definitely a shithole.
View attachment 424594

^^^ a retard who doesn't know the difference between a state and a city.


Is LA in KKKalifornia, Oh Geographically challenged one? :itsok:


It is and it's still a city, not a state.




Feel free to quote where I called it a state, Fawnboi.:itsok:

You had a rough day yesterday, and today is starting off worse for ya. :itsok:


It's adorable how you blame me for your inability to follow a dialog...

Correll: What percentage of that grow is from people fleeing an even shittier California?
Faun: You fail. California's not a "dangerous shithole."
Retard: <map of San Francisco>
Faun: ^^^ a retard who doesn't know the difference between a state and a city.
Retard: Is LA in KKKalifornia, Oh Geographically challenged one?


Not only do you demonstrate don't you know the difference between a city and a state, you also prove you don't know the difference between San Francisco and (presumably you meant L.A. when you typed LA) L.A.


So, you pretending to not understand that a part of a whole is part of the whole?

YOu libs will say ANYTHING, no matter how fucking retarded it makes you look, if it gives you a way to pretend to yourselves (and each other) that you are not getting your ass kicked.

You are sophists assholes hoping that creating the form of an argument will convince some people, people who are too stupid to see how empty your assertions are, that there some credibility to your position.

Dumbfuck, a city does not represent a state. Exactly how fucked in the head are you?? :cuckoo:

As a city is part of a state, it "represents" part of a state. IF their impact is bad enough, it can DEFINE the state.

He proved that that city is certainly a shithole.

You could argue that it is just that one city, that the rest of the state is nice.

But to just pretend, that the information he provided is not relevant, is dishonest and wrong, and you are just being an asshole troll.

Ok, so you are completely fucked in the head. Thanks for confirming what I already knew.
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