Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?


Posting From Hunters Laptop
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 23, 2019
I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place. It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

I am a Trump supporter. But a traditional democrat. I love American history. And pretty much all Trump supporters Love America. We are against fanaticism, we are against anti-American hatred iow revisionist history by the left.

We are tired of crime surges in big cities, tired of flash mobs looting malls. We are tired of cancel culture and Wokeness…. These types of phenomenons are occurring in America, but not other parts of the world.

No honest American would celebrate a group like BLM, or radical lefties who approve of a man playing on a woman’s sports team. Radical left-wing people and politicians support anti-Americanism they are the ones who have destroyed statues in our country, who have presided over one of the worst economies in American history, who have presided over crime surge and who have denigrated our countries history. American patriots will stand against that.
I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place? It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

Your memory is selective as is your perception of reality.
I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place. It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place. It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

Yep, love the cities you clowns have turned into blue shit-holes. Now if you libs would just stay there it would be great. Free speech? That must be when idiot libs speak, everyone else seems to get shut down. Rule of Law? The dems seem to be abusing the "rule of law". Accountability of leaders, sure, when dems figure out they need to take accountability....which is never.
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Yes, I like America

You dont count. Your the fake Right winger.
I on the other hand Love America, however when your talking about Left Wingers and Right Wingers, the reality there is a spectrum of both. Its just a handy and quick description we use to designate a large number of people into a single group. So in reality, this entire thread stands on a pretty shakey premise.
I do it to, sometimes unjustly, but somtimes emotion and lack of better words, makes the descriptions an easy choice.
I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place. It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

Freedom of, and from religion?
where is freedom FROM religion guaranteed?

accountability of leaders?

odd comment from a Democrat.

Do I love my country?

I spent 20+ years in the military.

I refuse to vote for candidates like Trump, Biden, or Hillary.

That should be sufficient proof I like my country.

What's YOUR proof?
You dont count. Your the fake Right winger.
I on the other hand Love America, however when your talking about Left Wingers and Right Wingers, the reality there is a spectrum of both. Its just a handy and quick description we use to designate a large number of people into a single group. So in reality, this entire thread stands on a pretty shakey premise.
I do it to, sometimes unjustly, but somtimes emotion and lack of better words, makes the descriptions an easy choice.

Sorry Skippy..

But I am USMBs only rightwinger
I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place. It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

Not Democrat diversity
Not Marxies
Not your scummy cities
A cross in urine is NOT art
The 'green' industry is a parasite on our great economy
The 'green' so called environmentalists are letting our parks go
We don't like lefty freedom from religion and we don't like lefty 'climate change' religion.
Right wingers don't have free speech because Marxist lefties won't allow it
We like the rule of law but not the Democrat rule of lawfare.
We are trying to make Biden accountable but the Democrat party owns the media, the legal system and the voting system.
I have been on this site a few years now and have read tens of thousands of posts from right wingers. Maybe more. However, for the life of me I can’t recall a post from a right winger about actually liking America.

So here is my question. Do right wingers actually ‘like’ America?

Do they like its:
  • Diversity?
  • People?
  • Great cities?
  • Unparalleled art?
  • Roaring industry?
  • Unmatched Federal Park system?
  • Freedom of, and from religion?
  • Free speech, which includes the right to criticize other’s speech?
  • Rule of Law?
  • Accountability of leaders?
Do they feel patriotic paying their taxes to strengthen the country? Or do they hate it all? It’s diversity, people, cities, freedom, speech, laws, and duties like paying taxes? Based on posts here, I really can’t tell if they like this place. It is a constant caricature of failed civics and decaying blight that I dont see in this country where I travel extensively.

I do know they like their flag merch. But do they like the country? Jury is out.

Not too long ago Damon Linker profiled conservative intellectuals whose writings, he argued, helps explain where the MAGA right is coming from. If you read the works he cited you’d see the dire portrait they paint of the state of our nation. I don’t think they like it here.

The question is do you support the founding fathers. Do you support the men and women of American history who built the very country we live in today. Or do you think that they are racist evil people?

That is what your lefty politicians say, and that is what some of the left-wingers on this form believe. They think America is an evil racist imperialist country.

Do you support what America looks like today. The flash mobs. The crime surges in big cities. You can simply go on YouTube and look this up …. Tons of videos of BLM supporters denigrating, American history, tons of videos of huge mobs of people ran sacking shopping centers.

Be honest man. You can’t just live in a fantasy world. We live in a country where American politicians are allowing men to play on women’s sports, where criminals are given a slap on the wrist they get out of jail and they commit another crime.

According to the LA Times, we have record homelessness in the USA. The price of a home has doubled under Joe Biden. The price of interest rates on loans have tripled under Biden. It is things like this that people are against these are what patriots are against. We American patriots want to return to what America used to be when we had a better middle class.
where is freedom FROM religion guaranteed?

accountability of leaders?

odd comment from a Democrat.

Do I love my country?

I spent 20+ years in the military.

I refuse to vote for candidates like Trump, Biden, or Hillary.

That should be sufficient proof I like my country.

What's YOUR proof?
He pays his taxes and doesn't complain about it...That seems to be the litmus test.
They like it as much as any left winger does. There are some things they like and other things they would prefer change.

perhaps if donny just stfu, & faded away ... enjoying his life shoving big macs & KFC down his gullet, playing golf & paying women to sleep with him - then he wouldn't be such a repetitive thread maker.

but noooooOOOOOOoooooo.... he is still a fucking horse in the hospital.

Not Democrat diversity
Not Marxies
Not your scummy cities
A cross in urine is NOT art
The 'green' industry is a parasite on our great economy
The 'green' so called environmentalists are letting our parks go
We don't like lefty freedom from religion and we don't like lefty 'climate change' religion.
Right wingers don't have free speech because Marxist lefties won't allow it
We like the rule of law but not the Democrat rule of lawfare.
We are trying to make Biden accountable but the Democrat party owns the media, the legal system and the voting system.
That’s a great point there. How could any American Democrat support the suppression of free speech by mobs of left wingers at college campuses. That is a unique phenomenon among the left wing. They shout people down at college campuses, and they also engage in violent riots just like the BLM riots of 2020.

But often there is no honesty from left wingers. They engage in gaslighting and omitting what is occurring in the country.

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