Do the left and the media not realize they are destroying their own retirements?

Comrade Traitor;

60 days in for America, the Wuhan virus has killed 41 Americans. The median age for those who have died is 81.

60 days in for the H1N1 virus in 2009, there were 3,116 deaths, and the median age of victims was 23.

BUT we should totally panic now, spread mass hysteria the way the democrat press is doing.
Obama declared a national health emergency early on. Your fuckbuddy Trump called any concern a hoax for 6 weeks.

Obama declared a national emergency when Brad at the gay bathhouse came too fast in his mouth. Obama declared emergencies over everything. But his regime did utterly nothing . No travel restrictions, no quarentines, and he sure the hell didn't secure the southern border.

All told, 12,469 Americans died from Obama's Swine Flu.

Oh, and Trump NEVER called the Wuhan virus a hoax, you lying pile of shit. The PANIC and HYSTERIA being spread by your vile and traitorous party and their corrupt lying media is a hoax.

More latent homosexual fantasies about this Barry guy. It's getting just a little too predictable.

Another Marxists running from their own lies.

List the actions that Potentate Obamugabe took to contain the Swine Flu? Did he place travel restrictions? Secure the border? Quarantine affected areas? Nope, the little queer did not a goddamned thing.

Read the second link in my sig. H1N1 was already in North America, health experts don't believe a travel ban would have been helpful. It also only had a fatality rate of .02%. What Obama did do is immediately begin testing and had a vaccine in a decent amount of time. What you are doing is comparing a very different less lethal flu virus in it's entirety to a new pandemic that so far has a higher fatality rate and is just in the very beginning stages. We're likely to feel the consequences of COVID19 for at least several more months and may even end up being seasonal. Since it is so new there is no built up imunity in the global population.

I'm sorry you don't understand shit, but it's not my problem.

The Wuhan virus is already in North America, so why did you attack Orange Man Bad for not instituting a travel ban sooner?

Obama didn't do a fucking thing. The existing flu vaccines were adjusted to attack the H1N1 virus by the pharmaceutical companies, the same ones you Communists constantly attack. And the Wuhan virus might be seasonal. You'll blame that on Trump, for reasons.
I see the Little Trumpsters are like their hero, unable to deal with reality.
99.99% of the world are on the same page of reality, the remaining who in their own tiny world of denial are Trump and his goose-steppers. And no one is shocked! :2up:

It's kind of like watching them deny scientific theories on climate change but in fast forward.

Comrade Traitor;

60 days in for America, the Wuhan virus has killed 41 Americans. The median age for those who have died is 81.

60 days in for the H1N1 virus in 2009, there were 3,116 deaths, and the median age of victims was 23.

BUT we should totally panic now, spread mass hysteria the way the democrat press is doing.
Obama declared a national health emergency early on. Your fuckbuddy Trump called any concern a hoax for 6 weeks.
I see the Little Trumpsters are like their hero, unable to deal with reality.
99.99% of the world are on the same page of reality, the remaining who in their own tiny world of denial are Trump and his goose-steppers. And no one is shocked! :2up:

It's kind of like watching them deny scientific theories on climate change but in fast forward.

Comrade Traitor;

60 days in for America, the Wuhan virus has killed 41 Americans. The median age for those who have died is 81.

60 days in for the H1N1 virus in 2009, there were 3,116 deaths, and the median age of victims was 23.

BUT we should totally panic now, spread mass hysteria the way the democrat press is doing.
Obama declared a national health emergency early on. Your fuckbuddy Trump called any concern a hoax for 6 weeks.
Wrong dumbass. Trump didn't call the virus itself a hoax. He called the politicising of the virus by the Democrats a hoax. Please review the Carolina town hall. Fool.

The reading comprehension problems with you guys is legend.

Integrity is the problem with you and your fellow Communists. You're all a bunch of fucking liars.
This constant flame fanning and 24/7 coverage is KILLING the stock market. You know what's in the stock market?


They don't care. Hatred of the president and America overrides everything else.

Democrats hope and pray that 100 million Americans DIE. Seriously. These are evil people, pure evil.
You keep chanting if it were really YOUR thoughts.
This constant flame fanning and 24/7 coverage is KILLING the stock market. You know what's in the stock market?


They don't care. Hatred of the president and America overrides everything else.

Democrats hope and pray that 100 million Americans DIE. Seriously. These are evil people, pure evil.
You keep chanting if it were really YOUR thoughts.

Oh? What am I thinking right now, ESP Bodey Odie- Os?
That doesn’t even make sense.

The President urges calm.

The democrats and the demagogue media urge PANIC



The leftis demagogue media is waging war against America
Hope nobody got hurt in the rush to buy TP and bottled water due this media-instigated nationwide panic.

It's like "War of the worlds" ova heanh.

There should be consequences for this type of propaganda.
Obama declared a national health emergency early on. Your fuckbuddy Trump called any concern a hoax for 6 weeks.

Obama declared a national emergency when Brad at the gay bathhouse came too fast in his mouth. Obama declared emergencies over everything. But his regime did utterly nothing . No travel restrictions, no quarentines, and he sure the hell didn't secure the southern border.

All told, 12,469 Americans died from Obama's Swine Flu.

Oh, and Trump NEVER called the Wuhan virus a hoax, you lying pile of shit. The PANIC and HYSTERIA being spread by your vile and traitorous party and their corrupt lying media is a hoax.

More latent homosexual fantasies about this Barry guy. It's getting just a little too predictable.

Another Marxists running from their own lies.

List the actions that Potentate Obamugabe took to contain the Swine Flu? Did he place travel restrictions? Secure the border? Quarantine affected areas? Nope, the little queer did not a goddamned thing.

Read the second link in my sig. H1N1 was already in North America, health experts don't believe a travel ban would have been helpful. It also only had a fatality rate of .02%. What Obama did do is immediately begin testing and had a vaccine in a decent amount of time. What you are doing is comparing a very different less lethal flu virus in it's entirety to a new pandemic that so far has a higher fatality rate and is just in the very beginning stages. We're likely to feel the consequences of COVID19 for at least several more months and may even end up being seasonal. Since it is so new there is no built up imunity in the global population.

I'm sorry you don't understand shit, but it's not my problem.

The Wuhan virus is already in North America, so why did you attack Orange Man Bad for not instituting a travel ban sooner?

When did I do that?

Obama didn't do a fucking thing. The existing flu vaccines were adjusted to attack the H1N1 virus by the pharmaceutical companies, the same ones you Communists constantly attack. And the Wuhan virus might be seasonal. You'll blame that on Trump, for reasons.

The testing, the prioritized it. Can you not read?
Trumpleton's recoil from the truth reflexively.

Around 40 percent of Americans who get infected will be at higher risk for serious illness, study finds
About 41 percent of Americans have a higher risk of developing serious illness if infected with the new coronavirus, according to a survey released Friday by the Kaiser Family Foundation.

The nearly 106 million Americans who would face medical difficulties include those over age 60 and people with underlying health conditions. The study echoes the at-risk populations as identified by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, but it also provides context about the portion of the population that would be greatly affected should they become infected with covid-19.

For instance, at least 72 percent of adults over 60 could develop serious illness if infected. Infection could also spell financial disaster for those who are uninsured.

Researchers found that 5.7 million adults in the country who are at a higher risk of serious ailment from the virus are also uninsured. That’s nearly 4 million adults under age 60 and almost 2 million people between 60 and 64, according to the survey.

Researchers noted that the size of those likely to be impacted by the virus is likely to change as more people test positive for it and as more information becomes available about the progression of illness and treatment of those who become seriously ill from it. The current estimates, however, enforce the need to take “unprecedented efforts” to minimize the spread of the new coronavirus, the survey stated.
It's kind of like watching them deny scientific theories on climate change but in fast forward.

Comrade Traitor;

60 days in for America, the Wuhan virus has killed 41 Americans. The median age for those who have died is 81.

60 days in for the H1N1 virus in 2009, there were 3,116 deaths, and the median age of victims was 23.

BUT we should totally panic now, spread mass hysteria the way the democrat press is doing.
Obama declared a national health emergency early on. Your fuckbuddy Trump called any concern a hoax for 6 weeks.
It's kind of like watching them deny scientific theories on climate change but in fast forward.

Comrade Traitor;

60 days in for America, the Wuhan virus has killed 41 Americans. The median age for those who have died is 81.

60 days in for the H1N1 virus in 2009, there were 3,116 deaths, and the median age of victims was 23.

BUT we should totally panic now, spread mass hysteria the way the democrat press is doing.
Obama declared a national health emergency early on. Your fuckbuddy Trump called any concern a hoax for 6 weeks.
Wrong dumbass. Trump didn't call the virus itself a hoax. He called the politicising of the virus by the Democrats a hoax. Please review the Carolina town hall. Fool.

The reading comprehension problems with you guys is legend.

Integrity is the problem with you and your fellow Communists. You're all a bunch of fucking liars.

I'm sure you're upset when Trump lied about a number of things then.

Trump’s False Claims About His Response to the Coronavirus

Mr. Trump wrongly blamed the Obama administration for coronavirus testing shortages and falsely said it “didn’t do testing” during the swine flu epidemic of 2009.

“I don’t take responsibility at all because we were given a set of circumstances and we were given rules, regulations, and specifications from a different time.”

False. The Food and Drug Administration issued a “draft guidance” in 2014 in which it sought to extend its authority to regulate laboratory-developed tests. But it’s wrong to blame that effort for the scattered and insufficient delivery of coronavirus tests as the guidance was not particularly relevant to emergency situations and was never finalized or generally enforced.

A law enacted in 2004 created the process and requirements for the use of unapproved products in public health emergencies. Under the law and guidance set by the Trump administration itself, the Food and Drug Administration requires developers of laboratory-developed tests to submit information and to comply with certain procedures.

The agency said in early March that it would permit unapproved tests for the coronavirus for 15 days while developers are preparing their emergency authorization request. Neither the 2004 law nor subsequent amendments restricted the Trump administration from doing so, nor did it hamper previous administrations in fast-tracking testing for other health crises.


“If you go back to the swine flu, it was nothing like this. They didn’t do testing like this, and actually they lost approximately 14,000 people, and they didn’t do the testing. They started thinking about testing when it was far too late.”

False. This is blatantly wrong. Diagnostic tests for the swine flu were approved and shipped out less than two weeks after the H1N1 virus was identified and a day before the first death in the United States.

I'll post more from the article if you want me to but I'm confident you'll have a difficult time with the first one.
Comrade Traitor;

60 days in for America, the Wuhan virus has killed 41 Americans. The median age for those who have died is 81.

60 days in for the H1N1 virus in 2009, there were 3,116 deaths, and the median age of victims was 23.

BUT we should totally panic now, spread mass hysteria the way the democrat press is doing.
Obama declared a national health emergency early on. Your fuckbuddy Trump called any concern a hoax for 6 weeks.
Comrade Traitor;

60 days in for America, the Wuhan virus has killed 41 Americans. The median age for those who have died is 81.

60 days in for the H1N1 virus in 2009, there were 3,116 deaths, and the median age of victims was 23.

BUT we should totally panic now, spread mass hysteria the way the democrat press is doing.
Obama declared a national health emergency early on. Your fuckbuddy Trump called any concern a hoax for 6 weeks.
Wrong dumbass. Trump didn't call the virus itself a hoax. He called the politicising of the virus by the Democrats a hoax. Please review the Carolina town hall. Fool.

The reading comprehension problems with you guys is legend.

Integrity is the problem with you and your fellow Communists. You're all a bunch of fucking liars.

I'm sure you're upset when Trump lied about a number of things then.

Trump’s False Claims About His Response to the Coronavirus

Mr. Trump wrongly blamed the Obama administration for coronavirus testing shortages and falsely said it “didn’t do testing” during the swine flu epidemic of 2009.

“I don’t take responsibility at all because we were given a set of circumstances and we were given rules, regulations, and specifications from a different time.”

False. The Food and Drug Administration issued a “draft guidance” in 2014 in which it sought to extend its authority to regulate laboratory-developed tests. But it’s wrong to blame that effort for the scattered and insufficient delivery of coronavirus tests as the guidance was not particularly relevant to emergency situations and was never finalized or generally enforced.

A law enacted in 2004 created the process and requirements for the use of unapproved products in public health emergencies. Under the law and guidance set by the Trump administration itself, the Food and Drug Administration requires developers of laboratory-developed tests to submit information and to comply with certain procedures.

The agency said in early March that it would permit unapproved tests for the coronavirus for 15 days while developers are preparing their emergency authorization request. Neither the 2004 law nor subsequent amendments restricted the Trump administration from doing so, nor did it hamper previous administrations in fast-tracking testing for other health crises.


“If you go back to the swine flu, it was nothing like this. They didn’t do testing like this, and actually they lost approximately 14,000 people, and they didn’t do the testing. They started thinking about testing when it was far too late.”

False. This is blatantly wrong. Diagnostic tests for the swine flu were approved and shipped out less than two weeks after the H1N1 virus was identified and a day before the first death in the United States.

I'll post more from the article if you want me to but I'm confident you'll have a difficult time with the first one.
You better buy a mask, traitor.
This constant flame fanning and 24/7 coverage is KILLING the stock market. You know what's in the stock market?


They don't care as long as it gets Trump....... they will get their Trump Derangement Orgasm and think they have won....
Obama declared a national health emergency early on. Your fuckbuddy Trump called any concern a hoax for 6 weeks.
Obama declared a national health emergency early on. Your fuckbuddy Trump called any concern a hoax for 6 weeks.
Wrong dumbass. Trump didn't call the virus itself a hoax. He called the politicising of the virus by the Democrats a hoax. Please review the Carolina town hall. Fool.

The reading comprehension problems with you guys is legend.

Integrity is the problem with you and your fellow Communists. You're all a bunch of fucking liars.

I'm sure you're upset when Trump lied about a number of things then.

Trump’s False Claims About His Response to the Coronavirus

Mr. Trump wrongly blamed the Obama administration for coronavirus testing shortages and falsely said it “didn’t do testing” during the swine flu epidemic of 2009.

“I don’t take responsibility at all because we were given a set of circumstances and we were given rules, regulations, and specifications from a different time.”

False. The Food and Drug Administration issued a “draft guidance” in 2014 in which it sought to extend its authority to regulate laboratory-developed tests. But it’s wrong to blame that effort for the scattered and insufficient delivery of coronavirus tests as the guidance was not particularly relevant to emergency situations and was never finalized or generally enforced.

A law enacted in 2004 created the process and requirements for the use of unapproved products in public health emergencies. Under the law and guidance set by the Trump administration itself, the Food and Drug Administration requires developers of laboratory-developed tests to submit information and to comply with certain procedures.

The agency said in early March that it would permit unapproved tests for the coronavirus for 15 days while developers are preparing their emergency authorization request. Neither the 2004 law nor subsequent amendments restricted the Trump administration from doing so, nor did it hamper previous administrations in fast-tracking testing for other health crises.


“If you go back to the swine flu, it was nothing like this. They didn’t do testing like this, and actually they lost approximately 14,000 people, and they didn’t do the testing. They started thinking about testing when it was far too late.”

False. This is blatantly wrong. Diagnostic tests for the swine flu were approved and shipped out less than two weeks after the H1N1 virus was identified and a day before the first death in the United States.

I'll post more from the article if you want me to but I'm confident you'll have a difficult time with the first one.
You better buy a mask, traitor.

No need to. You should buy a proper response to a post because you never seem to address the subject of what you are replying to.
Wrong dumbass. Trump didn't call the virus itself a hoax. He called the politicising of the virus by the Democrats a hoax. Please review the Carolina town hall. Fool.

The reading comprehension problems with you guys is legend.

Integrity is the problem with you and your fellow Communists. You're all a bunch of fucking liars.

I'm sure you're upset when Trump lied about a number of things then.

Trump’s False Claims About His Response to the Coronavirus

Mr. Trump wrongly blamed the Obama administration for coronavirus testing shortages and falsely said it “didn’t do testing” during the swine flu epidemic of 2009.

“I don’t take responsibility at all because we were given a set of circumstances and we were given rules, regulations, and specifications from a different time.”

False. The Food and Drug Administration issued a “draft guidance” in 2014 in which it sought to extend its authority to regulate laboratory-developed tests. But it’s wrong to blame that effort for the scattered and insufficient delivery of coronavirus tests as the guidance was not particularly relevant to emergency situations and was never finalized or generally enforced.

A law enacted in 2004 created the process and requirements for the use of unapproved products in public health emergencies. Under the law and guidance set by the Trump administration itself, the Food and Drug Administration requires developers of laboratory-developed tests to submit information and to comply with certain procedures.

The agency said in early March that it would permit unapproved tests for the coronavirus for 15 days while developers are preparing their emergency authorization request. Neither the 2004 law nor subsequent amendments restricted the Trump administration from doing so, nor did it hamper previous administrations in fast-tracking testing for other health crises.


“If you go back to the swine flu, it was nothing like this. They didn’t do testing like this, and actually they lost approximately 14,000 people, and they didn’t do the testing. They started thinking about testing when it was far too late.”

False. This is blatantly wrong. Diagnostic tests for the swine flu were approved and shipped out less than two weeks after the H1N1 virus was identified and a day before the first death in the United States.

I'll post more from the article if you want me to but I'm confident you'll have a difficult time with the first one.
You better buy a mask, traitor.

No need to. You should buy a proper response to a post because you never seem to address the subject of what you are replying to.
I'm afraid any post by a worthless leftist traitor doesn't require a measured response - just laughter.
Comrade Traitor;

60 days in for America, the Wuhan virus has killed 41 Americans. The median age for those who have died is 81.

60 days in for the H1N1 virus in 2009, there were 3,116 deaths, and the median age of victims was 23.

BUT we should totally panic now, spread mass hysteria the way the democrat press is doing.
Obama declared a national health emergency early on. Your fuckbuddy Trump called any concern a hoax for 6 weeks.
Comrade Traitor;

60 days in for America, the Wuhan virus has killed 41 Americans. The median age for those who have died is 81.

60 days in for the H1N1 virus in 2009, there were 3,116 deaths, and the median age of victims was 23.

BUT we should totally panic now, spread mass hysteria the way the democrat press is doing.
Obama declared a national health emergency early on. Your fuckbuddy Trump called any concern a hoax for 6 weeks.
Wrong dumbass. Trump didn't call the virus itself a hoax. He called the politicising of the virus by the Democrats a hoax. Please review the Carolina town hall. Fool.

The reading comprehension problems with you guys is legend.

Integrity is the problem with you and your fellow Communists. You're all a bunch of fucking liars.

I'm sure you're upset when Trump lied about a number of things then.

Trump’s False Claims About His Response to the Coronavirus

Mr. Trump wrongly blamed the Obama administration for coronavirus testing shortages and falsely said it “didn’t do testing” during the swine flu epidemic of 2009.

“I don’t take responsibility at all because we were given a set of circumstances and we were given rules, regulations, and specifications from a different time.”

False. The Food and Drug Administration issued a “draft guidance” in 2014 in which it sought to extend its authority to regulate laboratory-developed tests. But it’s wrong to blame that effort for the scattered and insufficient delivery of coronavirus tests as the guidance was not particularly relevant to emergency situations and was never finalized or generally enforced.

A law enacted in 2004 created the process and requirements for the use of unapproved products in public health emergencies. Under the law and guidance set by the Trump administration itself, the Food and Drug Administration requires developers of laboratory-developed tests to submit information and to comply with certain procedures.

The agency said in early March that it would permit unapproved tests for the coronavirus for 15 days while developers are preparing their emergency authorization request. Neither the 2004 law nor subsequent amendments restricted the Trump administration from doing so, nor did it hamper previous administrations in fast-tracking testing for other health crises.


“If you go back to the swine flu, it was nothing like this. They didn’t do testing like this, and actually they lost approximately 14,000 people, and they didn’t do the testing. They started thinking about testing when it was far too late.”

False. This is blatantly wrong. Diagnostic tests for the swine flu were approved and shipped out less than two weeks after the H1N1 virus was identified and a day before the first death in the United States.

I'll post more from the article if you want me to but I'm confident you'll have a difficult time with the first one.

Uh Sploogy, the Swine Flu outbreak was in 2009. I appreciate that the NY Times are a bunch of lying fucks, but a "draft guidance" in 2014 really didn't do a lot for the 12,469 people who had already died years before.
The reading comprehension problems with you guys is legend.

Integrity is the problem with you and your fellow Communists. You're all a bunch of fucking liars.

I'm sure you're upset when Trump lied about a number of things then.

Trump’s False Claims About His Response to the Coronavirus

Mr. Trump wrongly blamed the Obama administration for coronavirus testing shortages and falsely said it “didn’t do testing” during the swine flu epidemic of 2009.

“I don’t take responsibility at all because we were given a set of circumstances and we were given rules, regulations, and specifications from a different time.”

False. The Food and Drug Administration issued a “draft guidance” in 2014 in which it sought to extend its authority to regulate laboratory-developed tests. But it’s wrong to blame that effort for the scattered and insufficient delivery of coronavirus tests as the guidance was not particularly relevant to emergency situations and was never finalized or generally enforced.

A law enacted in 2004 created the process and requirements for the use of unapproved products in public health emergencies. Under the law and guidance set by the Trump administration itself, the Food and Drug Administration requires developers of laboratory-developed tests to submit information and to comply with certain procedures.

The agency said in early March that it would permit unapproved tests for the coronavirus for 15 days while developers are preparing their emergency authorization request. Neither the 2004 law nor subsequent amendments restricted the Trump administration from doing so, nor did it hamper previous administrations in fast-tracking testing for other health crises.


“If you go back to the swine flu, it was nothing like this. They didn’t do testing like this, and actually they lost approximately 14,000 people, and they didn’t do the testing. They started thinking about testing when it was far too late.”

False. This is blatantly wrong. Diagnostic tests for the swine flu were approved and shipped out less than two weeks after the H1N1 virus was identified and a day before the first death in the United States.

I'll post more from the article if you want me to but I'm confident you'll have a difficult time with the first one.
You better buy a mask, traitor.

No need to. You should buy a proper response to a post because you never seem to address the subject of what you are replying to.
I'm afraid any post by a worthless leftist traitor doesn't require a measured response - just laughter.

Right, you sure know how to make someone feel like they are kicking your ass.
Obama declared a national health emergency early on. Your fuckbuddy Trump called any concern a hoax for 6 weeks.
Obama declared a national health emergency early on. Your fuckbuddy Trump called any concern a hoax for 6 weeks.
Wrong dumbass. Trump didn't call the virus itself a hoax. He called the politicising of the virus by the Democrats a hoax. Please review the Carolina town hall. Fool.

The reading comprehension problems with you guys is legend.

Integrity is the problem with you and your fellow Communists. You're all a bunch of fucking liars.

I'm sure you're upset when Trump lied about a number of things then.

Trump’s False Claims About His Response to the Coronavirus

Mr. Trump wrongly blamed the Obama administration for coronavirus testing shortages and falsely said it “didn’t do testing” during the swine flu epidemic of 2009.

“I don’t take responsibility at all because we were given a set of circumstances and we were given rules, regulations, and specifications from a different time.”

False. The Food and Drug Administration issued a “draft guidance” in 2014 in which it sought to extend its authority to regulate laboratory-developed tests. But it’s wrong to blame that effort for the scattered and insufficient delivery of coronavirus tests as the guidance was not particularly relevant to emergency situations and was never finalized or generally enforced.

A law enacted in 2004 created the process and requirements for the use of unapproved products in public health emergencies. Under the law and guidance set by the Trump administration itself, the Food and Drug Administration requires developers of laboratory-developed tests to submit information and to comply with certain procedures.

The agency said in early March that it would permit unapproved tests for the coronavirus for 15 days while developers are preparing their emergency authorization request. Neither the 2004 law nor subsequent amendments restricted the Trump administration from doing so, nor did it hamper previous administrations in fast-tracking testing for other health crises.


“If you go back to the swine flu, it was nothing like this. They didn’t do testing like this, and actually they lost approximately 14,000 people, and they didn’t do the testing. They started thinking about testing when it was far too late.”

False. This is blatantly wrong. Diagnostic tests for the swine flu were approved and shipped out less than two weeks after the H1N1 virus was identified and a day before the first death in the United States.

I'll post more from the article if you want me to but I'm confident you'll have a difficult time with the first one.

Uh Sploogy, the Swine Flu outbreak was in 2009. I appreciate that the NY Times are a bunch of lying fucks, but a "draft guidance" in 2014 really didn't do a lot for the 12,469 people who had already died years before.

What is up with the reading comprehension problems the last week or so? Did you not read Trump's claim and how it was debunked?

You called me and others 'a bunch of fucking liars' so I replied with a link to a list of lies and characterizations from Trump yesterday. And you obviously didn't absorb the context of my post or you it.

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