Do the media get to rule over the citizens?


Silver Member
Jul 31, 2016
Do the media get to rule over the citizens? Who would you say they are pulling for and are biased against? When are they to be called out as the terrorist organizations that they have been since the 1950's?
You've hit upon a real US tragedy. The limited number of corporate owners of mainstream media have an agenda. These so-called journalists have forgotten their basic lessons about what good journalism is all about. Good journalists report the news without their own take or the opinions of their boss. When opinions are not only "allowed" during news reporting, but encouraged by their network owners, it's not about conveying the news but the intention to tell the reader how to interpret the report. Most people can make up their own minds and determine between fact and opinion, but unfortunately not all. Opinions should be confined to the OP/ED section, not in the delivery of a broadcast. Unreal really, considering we're now at 2020 and should be more evolved than this imo. I hold out hope for wise citizens to continue to call out these "article writers". There are good journalists still out there writing, they just wouldn't be hired by networks that operate within a stringent, biased format.
Do the media get to rule over the citizens? Who would you say they are pulling for and are biased against? When are they to be called out as the terrorist organizations that they have been since the 1950's?
This is why we need more media outlets like Fox News and the Gateway Pundit. Hopefully Trump starts a news network when he leaves office 4 years from now. Americans deserve to hear the news from an honest source.
Do the media get to rule over the citizens? Who would you say they are pulling for and are biased against? When are they to be called out as the terrorist organizations that they have been since the 1950's?
What are you referring to? Most MSM is not merely being propaganda arm of the current administration; unlike some right wing news outlets.
You've hit upon a real US tragedy. The limited number of corporate owners of mainstream media have an agenda. These so-called journalists have forgotten their basic lessons about what good journalism is all about. Good journalists report the news without their own take or the opinions of their boss. When opinions are not only "allowed" during news reporting, but encouraged by their network owners, it's not about conveying the news but the intention to tell the reader how to interpret the report. Most people can make up their own minds and determine between fact and opinion, but unfortunately not all. Opinions should be confined to the OP/ED section, not in the delivery of a broadcast. Unreal really, considering we're now at 2020 and should be more evolved than this imo. I hold out hope for wise citizens to continue to call out these "article writers". There are good journalists still out there writing, they just wouldn't be hired by networks that operate within a stringent, biased format.
They used to be better journalists until the current administration started calling them fake news. Most of the least biased news organizations are left wing not right wing.
Do the media get to rule over the citizens? Who would you say they are pulling for and are biased against? When are they to be called out as the terrorist organizations that they have been since the 1950's?
This is why we need more media outlets like Fox News and the Gateway Pundit. Hopefully Trump starts a news network when he leaves office 4 years from now. Americans deserve to hear the news from an honest source.
In review, FNC publishes stories with emotionally loaded headlines such as “’They Wanted It to Blow Up’: Limbaugh Says Success of Trump-Kim Summit Caught Media Off Guard” and “Tucker: 2016 Russia Collusion ‘Witch Hunt’ Now Extends to Jill Stein.” When it comes to sourcing they typically utilize pro-Trump pundits such as Rush Limbaugh who has a very poor record with fact-checkers, as well as credible sources such as the Wall Street Journal. Fox News is also known to publish right-wing conspiracy theories, although after being sued they retracted the story. FNC has also been deemed the least accurate cable news source according to Politifact.
i they have been since the 1950's?
This is why we need more media outlets like Fox News and the Gateway Pundit. Hopefully Trump starts a news network when he leaves office 4 years from now. Americans deserve to hear the news from an honest source.
Independent news sources are far and few between, hard to find but they're out there. Just not anything aired by the major networks. I used to rely on Aljazeera, and at times compare articles to what was written in the Jerusalem Post with their interpretations. Usually an interesting comparison for sure;) I still read Aljazeera as they are a step-up from most US-based sources, the interviews are quite interesting as well. They show their anti-Trumpism, but as far as writing style they usually acknowledge when they are inserting an opinion and not fact.
You've hit upon a real US tragedy. The limited number of corporate owners of mainstream media have an agenda. These so-called journalists have forgotten their basic lessons about what good journalism is all about. Good journalists report the news without their own take or the opinions of their boss. When opinions are not only "allowed" during news reporting, but encouraged by their network owners, it's not about conveying the news but the intention to tell the reader how to interpret the report. Most people can make up their own minds and determine between fact and opinion, but unfortunately not all. Opinions should be confined to the OP/ED section, not in the delivery of a broadcast. Unreal really, considering we're now at 2020 and should be more evolved than this imo. I hold out hope for wise citizens to continue to call out these "article writers". There are good journalists still out there writing, they just wouldn't be hired by networks that operate within a stringent, biased format.
They used to be better journalists until the current administration started calling them fake news. Most of the least biased news organizations are left wing not right wing.
The Harvard study proved that the MSM is 93% negative against Trump and FXN is the most fair at about 50/50,
You've hit upon a real US tragedy. The limited number of corporate owners of mainstream media have an agenda. These so-called journalists have forgotten their basic lessons about what good journalism is all about. Good journalists report the news without their own take or the opinions of their boss. When opinions are not only "allowed" during news reporting, but encouraged by their network owners, it's not about conveying the news but the intention to tell the reader how to interpret the report. Most people can make up their own minds and determine between fact ell more evolved than this imo. I hold out hope for wise citizens to continue to call out these "article writers". There are good journalists still out there writing, they just wouldn't be hired by networks that operate within a stringent, biased format.
They used to be better journalists until the current administration started calling them fake news. Most of the least biased news organizations are left wing not right wing.
I'm having a hard time wrapping my mind around that concept that Trump calling them "fake news" made them change coats. Trump's unwillingness to give them the upper-hand is one thing I respect about Trump. He could have played it differently and followed say, the ever-calculating Hillary's style of thinking one thing and saying another. I admire people who say what they think as opposed to being deceptive and fully aware of it while doing so as with Hillary. I'm sure it's hard to tell, but I am a never Hillary type and my distaste for her happened years before she ever ran for office. I admit to being influenced by a few books I read regarding both Bill and Hillary, but sources always matter so I followed up to make sure certain events/conversations took place. The corporate owners of US media are overwhelmingly liberal. As you know, FOX stands pretty much alone and yes, they show biases that we likely agree;)
Hard now days to find factual reporting, usually disregard 80% of TV & print. research anything that looks interesting enough to care about.
Do the media get to rule over the citizens? Who would you say they are pulling for and are biased against? When are they to be called out as the terrorist organizations that they have been since the 1950's?
What are you referring to? Most MSM is not merely being propaganda arm of the current administration; unlike some right wing news outlets.

You're an idiot
Do the media get to rule over the citizens? Who would you say they are pulling for and are biased against? When are they to be called out as the terrorist organizations that they have been since the 1950's?
This is why we need more media outlets like Fox News and the Gateway Pundit. Hopefully Trump starts a news network when he leaves office 4 years from now. Americans deserve to hear the news from an honest source.
In review, FNC publishes stories with emotionally loaded headlines such as “’They Wanted It to Blow Up’: Limbaugh Says Success of Trump-Kim Summit Caught Media Off Guard” and “Tucker: 2016 Russia Collusion ‘Witch Hunt’ Now Extends to Jill Stein.” When it comes to sourcing they typically utilize pro-Trump pundits such as Rush Limbaugh who has a very poor record with fact-checkers, as well as credible sources such as the Wall Street Journal. Fox News is also known to publish right-wing conspiracy theories, although after being sued they retracted the story. FNC has also been deemed the least accurate cable news source according to Politifact.

I laugh
The Harvard study proved that the MSM is 93% negative against Trump and FXN is the most fair at about 50/50,
I noticed the media's anti-Trump bias when they always sided with Fauci and never with Trump.

It's not a matter of siding with one or the other. Fauci is a trained medical professional with decades of experience and increasing responsibility. trump has no medical background and based his statements on nothing. If earth is threatened by an asteroid, I'm going to consult an astronomer about any comments made by a tennis pro, and I wouldn't go see my dentist about my legal problems.
The media has become just as dirty as politicians. They both need to be cleaned up somehow. You shouldn't be able to unload massive amounts of cash to try to shape public opinion. The Breanna Taylor mess is a perfect example. It is still being used as anti cop propaganda after the facts came out.
Do the media get to rule over the citizens? Who would you say they are pulling for and are biased against? When are they to be called out as the terrorist organizations that they have been since the 1950's?
What are you referring to? Most MSM is not merely being propaganda arm of the current administration; unlike some right wing news outlets.
At least outlets like Fox present things honestly. It's what the American people deserve.

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