Do we agree that a fundamental difference between the right and the left is...

Better to vote GOP and get candidates who believe in half your views than vote Democrat and get candidates who hate you and everything you believe.

Or if you all got together you could vote in a candidate that matched 75% of your views instead of settling for half.

But you all have been programmed not to do so by the very group you keep voting for.
You can keep your condescending horseshit. I'm not interested.

sure. that is what you say now.
No, I'm pretty sure I'll always say you can keep your condescending horseshit.

He's a gamma, you will have to say that many times.

Every time someone wins or does anything productive whatsoever, these guys are there to shit on it, because they don't themselves ever get anything done. The gamma... lowest rank on social hierarchy.
...what the role of government should be in society? Is it accurate to say that left-wing ideology supports more government programs, more government management/oversight and higher taxes wherein right-wing ideology supports having LESS of those things?

The right claims to want less of those things, but they don't practice it.

Some claim to be on the right just like some are Republicans but legislate like leftist Democrats. Still, there are many on the right that oppose government takeover of the health industry and the existence of the Department of Education and government involvement in the student-loan business, etc. Unfortunately, there aren't enough of us.

Simple minds think Medicare For All isa government takeover of the “health industry”.
The right claims to want less of those things, but they don't practice it.

Some claim to be on the right just like some are Republicans but legislate like leftist Democrats. Still, there are many on the right that oppose government takeover of the health industry and the existence of the Department of Education and government involvement in the student-loan business, etc. Unfortunately, there aren't enough of us.

Simple minds think Medicare For All isa government takeover of the “health industry”.

A beggars confused twisted mind spins it as something else.
Right represents tradition, left represents change. Has nothing to do with a black or white mindset towards taxes and government programs.
...what the role of government should be in society? Is it accurate to say that left-wing ideology supports more government programs, more government management/oversight and higher taxes wherein right-wing ideology supports having LESS of those things?

you do not believe less is more. Or you loons wouldn’t be spending your time involving yourself in people’s personal business
The right claims to want less of those things, but they don't practice it.

Some claim to be on the right just like some are Republicans but legislate like leftist Democrats. Still, there are many on the right that oppose government takeover of the health industry and the existence of the Department of Education and government involvement in the student-loan business, etc. Unfortunately, there aren't enough of us.

Simple minds think Medicare For All isa government takeover of the “health industry”.

A beggars confused twisted mind spins it as something else.
Like your demented pathetic grey matter that passss for a “mind”
...what the role of government should be in society? Is it accurate to say that left-wing ideology supports more government programs, more government management/oversight and higher taxes wherein right-wing ideology supports having LESS of those things?

It’s even simpler than that....
It’s work for your shit vs. Beg for your shit
Connect the dots from there.
However, my focus with this thread is the amount of government programs, spending and taxation that the left and right want.

I have a close relative that has done welfare, has a wife on disability (she shouldn't be, she is very capable), is collecting SS (a whole different issue) and hates democrats but loves God. He survives on social programs.
Without my taxes, he'd be dead.
Explain that?
‘The left’ (whatever that’s supposed to be) is pragmatic with regard to government: there are things government does well and things government does poorly; what works best is when the public and private sectors work together.

Really? Is the federal government good at the home-mortgage business? Wasn't it the government that crashed the 2008 economy?

How about the federal government being in the student-loan business? Isn't it true that their involvement has enabled tuition costs to skyrocket? And what is the default rate, 20%?

You call all of that successful governance in action?
and the result has been 23 trillion dollars in debt and climbing.

perhaps it is time for a change from that stupid way of voting...remember...when you vote for the lesser of two evils, they are still evil.

And if a fiscal conservative ran, you'd bash them and vote for someone else.
Liberal want a Mother Government that watches and controls every little aspect of you life.

I don't know about that. I grew up in a very conservative town that banned the sale of alcohol on Sundays. Many conservative oppose same-sex marriage, legalized weed and legalized prostitution.

Many on the right and the left are mirror images of one another, they just want to ban different things.
...what the role of government should be in society? Is it accurate to say that left-wing ideology supports more government programs, more government management/oversight and higher taxes wherein right-wing ideology supports having LESS of those things?
The right makes lotsa noise about that stuff but doesn't really want it.

What the right wants is control of everyone and everything under the thumb a few wealthy individuals and companies.

The left wants freedom. Freedom to be who they want, freedom to love who they want, freedom from the perils of wealth inequality including but not limited to healthcare, housing, and enough to eat...

You get the picture.
I'd like the freedom to get a plastic straw and not step in human shit on the sidewalk in California.

How's that working out?
See "wealth inequality*.

I can't with the plastic straw.
Yes, I am aware of our deficit. However, there is no political will in Washington or among the people to rein in spending. Cutting spending means cutting programs, and that's a non-starter.

Which kills your idea there is a difference between the right and the left.

Defense spending isn't a social program. Favoring a strong national defense is not akin to favoring massive government programs and spending.

You are correct, they are not the same. But they are both government and they both cost more money than we have. As I said, the difference between the right and the left is what they want to spend the money on, not how much to spend.

Please show me all of the prominent members of "the right" that support nationalizing our nation's healthcare system. I'll wait.

Other than Trump there are none right now. But that will change if Trump wins a 2nd term and submits his version of universal healthcare. Then all you people will say it is the greatest idea since the 10 commandments.
tRump will likely never submit his imaginary healthcare plan, even if he does get a second term.

I think he will, and it will be a form of medicare for all/universal healthcare. He has always supported such a thing and that has not changed now.

And if he does, 75% of these people will still worship the ground he walks on
I still doubt is, but you're correct the most of these dingbats will think it's a good idea if he does.
Liberal want a Mother Government that watches and controls every little aspect of you life.

I don't know about that. I grew up in a very conservative town that banned the sale of alcohol on Sundays. Many conservative oppose same-sex marriage, legalized weed and legalized prostitution.

Many on the right and the left are mirror images of one another, they just want to ban different things.

You're not wrong.

The mother/father feminine/masculine dynamic is a perfect way to explain the left right paradigm, IMO.

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