Do we have too many first generation ‘citizens’ in government?

No, the OP made it about race from the start.
Mexico isnt a race

its a country

and a foreign country full of non American citizens
This thread is not just about Mexico and this thread is about race. Because there are white non American citizens here in huge number on visa overstays, yet you talk about Mexico.

Why would you want to keep your head deep in your ass?
Because I realize that you descend from illegal immigrants and have no right to bitch.

Hahaha...My ancestors founded America...Have you ever heard of the Declaration Of Independence?
Your ancestors illegally immigrated here and formed a government without the permission of the 500 nations already here.
Is "illegal immigration" wrong in your eyes then?


Your family did not descend from those originally here.
Saying certain people have an ETERNAL RIGHT to live in a place is pure RACISM.

I was BORN HERE just the same as every living INJUN.

Therefore, as a Native American, I have the SAME right to be here.
No that's not racism. Your family does not descend from America, you have no right to bitch about people who descend from immigrants who get elected into congress. My family was here before yours and your punk ass is the first to talk about how I should go back to Africa if I don't like the white racism here. So just shut your racist ass trying to make up racism because you can't face the truth.
Change is scary, as an old white person I get it, That doesn't make it right.
It's not about "change." It's about the most perfect system ever devised, being replaced by foreign Turd Worlders who are determined to colonize someone else's country and turn it into the very place they fled. Kinda like Californians spreading their virus to the rest of the country.

Your attempt to bash white people, when gave the world EVERYTHING they have, didnt go unnoticed

That's what they said about the Irish, Greeks, Italians and Jews. Are you American Indian? Where did your family of origin come from?
I thought you hated the old days and how we used to operate?

Anyhoo, all of whom you mention came vetted, invited, needed, wanted and within the guidelines of our founding framework as America was in its developmental era.
Again...very few Americans have any problem with organic, desired and carefully controlled immigration.
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Here we are 231 posts in at not one Lefty has been to tell us how or why America as a whole may be better off with first generation citizens running American government.
They haven’t even offered a theory.
None have been able to provide an example of where first gen politicians have improved or advanced their districts, cities or states for Americans as a whole.
None have shown us any other nations thriving under first generation citizens / politicians.
Why is that?
Where is this great experiment working?
There are 231 posts telling you that you are full of racist bullshit and that your question will not be answered because it's an idiotic question. In the beginning, first generation politicians created a racist ass country that needs to be restructured. First generation politicians who have faced the fascism peices of shit like you call "Ameican values, etc, are wanting to take us out of that fascism and into moving towards those words written on parchment centuries ago.
Should we believe BaRock Hussein’s literary agent at Harvard?

LOL.. Obama didn't write that.. Some junior editor at the publishing house made a mistake.
Haha...that makes perfect sense.
All the confusion related to his origin seems awfully peculiar.
He seems to be surrounded by people who make the same “mistake”. Weird.
Think about it. Obamas literary agent got the book Obama was writing, WRONG. Your clinging to obvious mistakes and fakes is truly telling.
Here we are 231 posts in at not one Lefty has been to tell us how or why America as a whole may be better off with first generation citizens running American government.
That is just You begging the question. First generation Americans are the minority not majority in Congress. Why can't the right wing simply and merely and easily compete under our form of Capitalism, with better ideas at lower cost?
No that's not racism. Your family does not descend from America
My family has been here as far back as I can go. But you miss the entire point, no doubt because you're an illiterate African BTW, out of your own black mouth, you condemn yourself..

If you believe your nonsense you have no other choice but to return to AFRICA.

Until you do, STFU
Like the Canadian born Ted Cruz?
I think the question was do we have too many rather than any

the reason there are so many 1st generation persons elected to government is because we have so many immigrants who vote for them

And I dont think that that is good for America

My grandfather was a US Citizen, took the test and was sworn in. But he never voted.

He recognized that in America, he was not a native born citizen and knew he could never be President, regardless of how much more a tremendous job he could do than that doofus Roosevelt.

But he still respected the Constitution and absented himself from voting because he saw the limitations and the fact he was banned.
He wasn't banned from voting. That part is just dumb.

He was banned from high office. They didn't want him in the WH- so why would he try and force himself where he wasn't wanted?
So he really didn't know about how our government runs if he thought his only option was running for President. Hmmmmm....not very bright, I'm afraid.

He knew how our government worked, as saw the glass ceiling. Even if you don't.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
America is not ‘slipping away’ – what conservatives are ‘feeling’ is their own unwarranted fear and hate.

And the notion that naturalized citizens are somehow not ‘actual’ citizens or otherwise not loyal is nothing but rightwing racism and bigotry.

Forget talking about countries...What kind of companies would Amazon and Microsoft be if they were being run by newcomers with no firm understanding or tie to company principles, values, foundation, culture and overall dynamics?
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
No dude, it’s just you tuning into too much right wing propaganda. It’s all fear and paranoia based and you echo the absurdity. Try tuning out for a couple of months and just living your life and all will feel better.

That’s great news...thanks...Since you’ve arrived at such an opinion I’m guessing you can show us how or where these 1st Gen politicians have improved America as a whole?
I’m guessing you have some data to share?
That’s all in the eye of the beholder. I don’t label and generalize like you do. There are liberal first gen politicians that I’m sure you disagree with and there are conservatives that I’m sure you’d agree with. I tend to take people for who they are as individuals and not stereotype like you enjoy doing.
Well, see? That wasn't too hard..................speaking the quiet part outloud like that. :heehee:
Of course

Our immigration policy is backwards

it should be based on merit that rewards the best and brightest the world has to offer

But instead we admit millions of old, sickly, uneducated people based only on family ties

thats very stupid
Since when is entry to America dependent on qualifying as the best and the brightest before coming?! The land of opportunity a safe haven for the poor and oppressed, a place that you can come with pennies in your pocket and make a life has been the standard that I’ve always valued. Many other country’s don’t provide opportunity for people to become the “best and brightest” so you’re basically eliminating the poor and oppressed for the rich and privileged. I guess we were just brought up differently. Merit based immigration has not been an accepted standard by the majority of this country as far as I’ve seen.
So it was nothing more than a cowardly way to wish for only white's to vote.
I think there is an advantage to a country where most of the citizens have a shared experience

You dont have that with millions of immigrants from vastly different cultures

I think there's HUGE disadvantage to a monochomatic culture. Since moving out to an area with nothing but white people, I find the lack of diversity BORING, and it reduces the energy, creativity and ideas flowing from the group. Not to mention I miss ethnic cuisines.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away? Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens/politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is? Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people? How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
The generation that needs to take the citizenship test often ends up knowing more than the "real" Americans. As the child of a couple in that situation, they said that I, a 2nd grader, was often more help than most of their adult friends.

Most core Americans are related to legitimate war heroes, we have spent our whole lives surrounded by Veterans of war, we’ve been told hundreds of war stories about world wars, Vietnam etc etc by those who were actually there. Since birth we’ve been taught the paramount importance of keeping America in tact. Do you think Ilhan Omar can say the same?

I spent my life growing up with three brothers who all served in WWII, and a father who served in WWI. My oldest brother was wounded on Juno Beach on D-Day and carried shrapnel in his body to the day he died. None of them ever spoke of their experiences, nor did their glorify their service. Stories of war do nothing to explain why your nation needs to remain "intact", whatever that means.

What possible reason could there be for the USA to have been in North Vietnam? Why were you in the Middle East. What are the lessons you should have learned from the endless wars which have been part of American life since WWII. Korea, Viet Nam, the Middle East, Afghanistan. The Republican way of life is and endless cycle of war.

The rest of the world moved past war, and the USA is now demanding we increase our spending on "defense", because YOU want to see more weapons.

What if you spent half of what you currently spend on "defense", on education, infrastructure, and social programs to lift your people out of poverty? You'd still be spending more than twice as much as any other country, but you're spending would be more in line with the rest of the world.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
No dude, it’s just you tuning into too much right wing propaganda. It’s all fear and paranoia based and you echo the absurdity. Try tuning out for a couple of months and just living your life and all will feel better.

That’s great news...thanks...Since you’ve arrived at such an opinion I’m guessing you can show us how or where these 1st Gen politicians have improved America as a whole?
I’m guessing you have some data to share?
That’s all in the eye of the beholder. I don’t label and generalize like you do. There are liberal first gen politicians that I’m sure you disagree with and there are conservatives that I’m sure you’d agree with. I tend to take people for who they are as individuals and not stereotype like you enjoy doing.

Negative...the data is everywhere and there is no gray area.
We intelligent beings are supposed to “generalize” you are engineered to do so...We were gifted the ability to reason for a reason...Don’t dumb yourself down for lack of courage and for PC programming....leave that to the ignorant fools.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
No dude, it’s just you tuning into too much right wing propaganda. It’s all fear and paranoia based and you echo the absurdity. Try tuning out for a couple of months and just living your life and all will feel better.

That’s great news...thanks...Since you’ve arrived at such an opinion I’m guessing you can show us how or where these 1st Gen politicians have improved America as a whole?
I’m guessing you have some data to share?
That’s all in the eye of the beholder. I don’t label and generalize like you do. There are liberal first gen politicians that I’m sure you disagree with and there are conservatives that I’m sure you’d agree with. I tend to take people for who they are as individuals and not stereotype like you enjoy doing.

Negative...the data is everywhere and there is no gray area.
We intelligent beings are supposed to “generalize” you are engineered to do so...We were gifted the ability to reason for a reason...Don’t dumb yourself down for lack of courage and for PC programming....leave that to the ignorant fools.
I don’t find it ignorant to judge people by their individual actions rather than generalizing base on factors that are not in their control. I find the latter the more ignorant approach
Well, see? That wasn't too hard..................speaking the quiet part outloud like that. :heehee:
Of course

Our immigration policy is backwards

it should be based on merit that rewards the best and brightest the world has to offer

But instead we admit millions of old, sickly, uneducated people based only on family ties

thats very stupid
Since when is entry to America dependent on qualifying as the best and the brightest before coming?! The land of opportunity a safe haven for the poor and oppressed, a place that you can come with pennies in your pocket and make a life has been the standard that I’ve always valued. Many other country’s don’t provide opportunity for people to become the “best and brightest” so you’re basically eliminating the poor and oppressed for the rich and privileged. I guess we were just brought up differently. Merit based immigration has not been an accepted standard by the majority of this country as far as I’ve seen.

I appreciate the sentiment, it feels warm and fuzzy to say such things...then reality hits and us intelligent beings run calculations through our heads when making decisions.
Let me explain:
First, let me be crystal’s actually not about skin color, as I've said many times before, I hate all pieces of shit regardless of skin color. I’m an equal opportunity hater. In fact, I definitely hate woke white guilt liberals more than any other ‘group’ that I hate. goes....The odds / statistics PROVE that Darkies have a much greater propensity for being a total piece of shit.
We’re suppose to be intelligent beings, we have the ability to reason, estimate and forecast. We’re suppose to consider odds, plausibility and probabilities. We are not supposed to set our intelligence aside for PC because ethnicity is part of the equation. That's what retarded fools do.
Let me go daughters attend USC; they could drive through Compton to get home and probably save a few minutes, but I, being the intelligent being that I am tell them not to drive through Compton as it is a dangerous super shithole packed full of dark degenerate pieces of shit....nobody sane and in touch would dare tell their 5'2" blonde hair, blue eyed daughters to drive through Compton to save a few minutes...However, woke white guilt whacko fathers would probably suggest they stop and get fuel at the shithole ghetto station on Crenshaw just to prove their wokeness.
Don’t be a retarded fool....don’t be’s what ALL wise people do.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
America has always been changing as new immigrant groups arrive. That is what America is all about. If you want to stop time you're out of luck. Get over it.

IMHO, immigrants make much better Americans than native-born Americans. The vast majority of immigrants, legal and illegal, are looking for the American dream. They are not afraid to come to a foreign country to pursue their freedom and economic opportunity. That is exactly the kind of America we want and need. We don't need people who feel America owes them something because they were born here.

You didn’t read the title and OP did you?
This thread isn’t about immigrants and or immigrant groups.
Here, let me hold your hand through this kid.
The premise of the thread:
Do barely American politicians have America’s best interests at heart, do they value the American value system, american principles, traditions and the American Way, will they keep America on the path it’s been on for centuries or will they deviate from what has made America the greatest nation on earth?
Start a thread about how Americans shouldn’t have the right to control immigration to America, how illegal/forced demographic change is better than organic invited change, about how a browner America is better based on data, about how illegals are good for our job markets, our education system, our healthcare systemand I’ll participate in it....I PROMISE.
Where do you think these 'barely American' politicians get their values. Hint: their parents who came here for the very American values you extoll. If America is the greatest nation on earth you can thank these 'barely American' immigrants.

That sounds cool and all but if it were true how and why would the “fundamentally change America” bullshit pushed by the Kenyan take flight?
Obama didn't want to change what makes America great, he just wanted to include ALL Americans for a change.

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