Do we have too many first generation ‘citizens’ in government?

Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
America has always been changing as new immigrant groups arrive. That is what America is all about. If you want to stop time you're out of luck. Get over it.

IMHO, immigrants make much better Americans than native-born Americans. The vast majority of immigrants, legal and illegal, are looking for the American dream. They are not afraid to come to a foreign country to pursue their freedom and economic opportunity. That is exactly the kind of America we want and need. We don't need people who feel America owes them something because they were born here.

You didn’t read the title and OP did you?
This thread isn’t about immigrants and or immigrant groups.
Here, let me hold your hand through this kid.
The premise of the thread:
Do barely American politicians have America’s best interests at heart, do they value the American value system, american principles, traditions and the American Way, will they keep America on the path it’s been on for centuries or will they deviate from what has made America the greatest nation on earth?
Start a thread about how Americans shouldn’t have the right to control immigration to America, how illegal/forced demographic change is better than organic invited change, about how a browner America is better based on data, about how illegals are good for our job markets, our education system, our healthcare systemand I’ll participate in it....I PROMISE.
Where do you think these 'barely American' politicians get their values. Hint: their parents who came here for the very American values you extoll. If America is the greatest nation on earth you can thank these 'barely American' immigrants.

That sounds cool and all but if it were true how and why would the “fundamentally change America” bullshit pushed by the Kenyan take flight?
Obama didn't want to change what makes America great, he just wanted to include ALL Americans for a change.
The problem is the people voting them in. The Marxist infiltration of the school system that started in the universities has now gotten to the grade school level and the kids are of voting age now, plus the culture has been successfully subverted. Blame the voters, not the politicians.
I guess most American voters are Marxists. Who knew?
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The problem is the people voting them in. The Marxist infiltration of the school system that started in the universities has now gotten to the grade school level and the kids are of voting age now, plus the culture has been successfully subverted. Blame the voters, not the politicians.
I guess most American voters are Marxists. Who knew?
Most are stupid.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
America has always been changing as new immigrant groups arrive. That is what America is all about. If you want to stop time you're out of luck. Get over it.

IMHO, immigrants make much better Americans than native-born Americans. The vast majority of immigrants, legal and illegal, are looking for the American dream. They are not afraid to come to a foreign country to pursue their freedom and economic opportunity. That is exactly the kind of America we want and need. We don't need people who feel America owes them something because they were born here.

You didn’t read the title and OP did you?
This thread isn’t about immigrants and or immigrant groups.
Here, let me hold your hand through this kid.
The premise of the thread:
Do barely American politicians have America’s best interests at heart, do they value the American value system, american principles, traditions and the American Way, will they keep America on the path it’s been on for centuries or will they deviate from what has made America the greatest nation on earth?
Start a thread about how Americans shouldn’t have the right to control immigration to America, how illegal/forced demographic change is better than organic invited change, about how a browner America is better based on data, about how illegals are good for our job markets, our education system, our healthcare systemand I’ll participate in it....I PROMISE.
Where do you think these 'barely American' politicians get their values. Hint: their parents who came here for the very American values you extoll. If America is the greatest nation on earth you can thank these 'barely American' immigrants.

That sounds cool and all but if it were true how and why would the “fundamentally change America” bullshit pushed by the Kenyan take flight?
Obama didn't want to change what makes America great, he just wanted to include ALL Americans for a change.

Thanks for supporting what I said.
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Well, see? That wasn't too hard..................speaking the quiet part outloud like that. :heehee:
Of course

Our immigration policy is backwards

it should be based on merit that rewards the best and brightest the world has to offer

But instead we admit millions of old, sickly, uneducated people based only on family ties

thats very stupid
Since when is entry to America dependent on qualifying as the best and the brightest before coming?! The land of opportunity a safe haven for the poor and oppressed, a place that you can come with pennies in your pocket and make a life has been the standard that I’ve always valued. Many other country’s don’t provide opportunity for people to become the “best and brightest” so you’re basically eliminating the poor and oppressed for the rich and privileged. I guess we were just brought up differently. Merit based immigration has not been an accepted standard by the majority of this country as far as I’ve seen.

I appreciate the sentiment, it feels warm and fuzzy to say such things...then reality hits and us intelligent beings run calculations through our heads when making decisions.
Let me explain:
First, let me be crystal’s actually not about skin color, as I've said many times before, I hate all pieces of shit regardless of skin color. I’m an equal opportunity hater. In fact, I definitely hate woke white guilt liberals more than any other ‘group’ that I hate. goes....The odds / statistics PROVE that Darkies have a much greater propensity for being a total piece of shit.
We’re suppose to be intelligent beings, we have the ability to reason, estimate and forecast. We’re suppose to consider odds, plausibility and probabilities. We are not supposed to set our intelligence aside for PC because ethnicity is part of the equation. That's what retarded fools do.
Let me go daughters attend USC; they could drive through Compton to get home and probably save a few minutes, but I, being the intelligent being that I am tell them not to drive through Compton as it is a dangerous super shithole packed full of dark degenerate pieces of shit....nobody sane and in touch would dare tell their 5'2" blonde hair, blue eyed daughters to drive through Compton to save a few minutes...However, woke white guilt whacko fathers would probably suggest they stop and get fuel at the shithole ghetto station on Crenshaw just to prove their wokeness.
Don’t be a retarded fool....don’t be’s what ALL wise people do.
Forgive me for not taking your advice. I find it absurd when applied to human relationships... use probabilities and stats to determine where you want to vacation or which store to buy your panties from or where you want to buy a house or what schools you want your kids in. Fine. But not with people
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The issue is a huge % of us are foreign born because Americans don't have babies

Yes this is why you fucking retard. As I explain to you constantly

Everything you care about centers around birthrate. All those issues would be fixed with more babies, including electing foreign born people to represent us.
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............Let me explain:
First, let me be crystal’s actually not about skin color,................The odds / statistics PROVE that Darkies have a much greater propensity for being a total piece of shit.

And you expect people to believe you.
No, the OP made it about race from the start.
Mexico isnt a race

its a country

and a foreign country full of non American citizens
This thread is not just about Mexico and this thread is about race. Because there are white non American citizens here in huge number on visa overstays, yet you talk about Mexico.

Why would you want to keep your head deep in your ass?
Because I realize that you descend from illegal immigrants and have no right to bitch.

Hahaha...My ancestors founded America...Have you ever heard of the Declaration Of Independence?
Your ancestors illegally immigrated here and formed a government without the permission of the 500 nations already here.
Is "illegal immigration" wrong in your eyes then?


Your family did not descend from those originally here.
Saying certain people have an ETERNAL RIGHT to live in a place is pure RACISM.

I was BORN HERE just the same as every living INJUN.

Therefore, as a Native American, I have the SAME right to be here.
It shows the level of hate for Americans that too many libs have

You seem to be the one spewing hate.
The belief in white entitlement is strong in him.
No, the OP made it about race from the start.
Mexico isnt a race

its a country

and a foreign country full of non American citizens
This thread is not just about Mexico and this thread is about race. Because there are white non American citizens here in huge number on visa overstays, yet you talk about Mexico.

Why would you want to keep your head deep in your ass?
Because I realize that you descend from illegal immigrants and have no right to bitch.

Hahaha...My ancestors founded America...Have you ever heard of the Declaration Of Independence?
. You are related to the Jamestown settlers?
is we should not be allowing people who do not look like Mac to vote. You can pretend that isn't what it is all you want. Be honest
You are a racist liar and you know it.

The people you criticize would likely vote for Candice Owens for president whereas you wouldnt. So your racist argument falls flat on its face
No they would not. If Owens was to actually become the republican nominee, she would get less than 5 percent of the black vote. Most of us hate her and only right wing racists support her.
She'd never become the GQP's only dressing.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
White supremacy should have nothing to do with american principles, the american value system or the american way.

This thread isn’t about white supremacy. Start one though and I’ll participate...I promise.
That's exactly what it's about.

You didn’t read the title and OP did you?
Here, let me hold your hand through this kid.
The premise of the thread:
Do barely American politicians have America’s best interests at heart, do they value the American value system, american principles, traditions and the American Way, will they keep America on the path it’s been on for centuries or will they deviate from what has made America the greatest nation on earth?
You will never have an honest discussion with this clown
Serious Irony there.
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