Do we have too many first generation ‘citizens’ in government?

Everybody here but the Native Americans came from elsewhere. So you do have to be scared, racist or hate immigrants to say ... "Yo Buddy, this ain't Luxemburg"

I am a native American and didn't come from anywhere else.
You are more scared of me, than I am of you or any immigrant coming from anywhere ... :thup:

You came from Asia.

But that's okay, I'm a Native American too (I was born here), but my ancestors came from the UK before the 1800s
Of course you are. I am too. But 2-3 drops of blood don't qualify and I ain't scurred.

I didn't say anything about drops of blood, and you are damn right I am native American.
I didn't come from anywhere else, and my ancestors were here before America was ever a Nation.

Of course you are. Apparently your ancestors were serfs who came over here when America was a colony. My ancestors were bought here before America was a country, and some of my relatives were actually members of the original 500 nations that were here long before whites. From the
Cherokee nation located in eastern Kentucky. But I am about 1/16th Cherokee as my father was black and creole. America is a nation of immigrants and white descendants of immigrants can just shut the fuck up, because you don't have more standing than anyone else just because your ass is pink.
Everybody here but the Native Americans came from elsewhere. So you do have to be scared, racist or hate immigrants to say ... "Yo Buddy, this ain't Luxemburg"

I am a native American and didn't come from anywhere else.
You are more scared of me, than I am of you or any immigrant coming from anywhere ... :thup:

You came from Asia.

But that's okay, I'm a Native American too (I was born here), but my ancestors came from the UK before the 1800s
You are not a member of the 500 original nations.
Of course you are. Apparently your ancestors were serfs who came over here when America was a colony. My ancestors were bought here before America was a country, and some of my relatives were actually members of the original 500 nations that were here long before whites. From the
Cherokee nation located in eastern Kentucky. But I am about 1/16th Cherokee as my father was black and creole. America is a nation of immigrants and white descendants of immigrants can just shut the fuck up, because you don't have more standing than anyone else just because your ass is pink.

I don't give a damn where your ancestors came from somewhere else, or how they got here.
There is a creole woman in our family tree on my mothers side, like that makes a difference ... Lol.

I have more respect for my first generation Chinese neighbors than I have for you.
They understand and appreciate the opportunities they have here, and their children are both smart and wonderful.
They own two restaurants in the nearest metropolitan area ... Although they are smart enough not to live in that shit hole.

So you can just get to shutting your own ass up you Un-American piece of shit, and I don't care what color your ass is ... :thup:

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Now we have first generation allocation citizen status my, you Repubs do love your classes of society.
well so do democrats....
Not really. But republicans like to pretend we do.
yea really....and your party likes to pretend you dont....
No, that's just not so. Republicans have made that claim because democrats call them out on their racist characterizations of people. Now understand the difference between that and speaking on documented history relative to the actions of whites.
Now we have first generation allocation citizen status my, you Repubs do love your classes of society.
well so do democrats....
Not really. But republicans like to pretend we do.
yea really....and your party likes to pretend you dont....
No, that's just not so. Republicans have made that claim because democrats call them out on their racist characterizations of people. Now understand the difference between that and speaking on documented history relative to the actions of whites.
i worked 33 years with lots of democrats....i know better.....heard enough over the years how they feel about illegals .....
But I am about 1/16th Cherokee as my father was black and creole. America is a nation of immigrants and white descendants of immigrants can just shut the fuck up
Then maybe your left arm can stay. The rest of your crybaby ass needs to go back to Africa.

And I'm guessing you're lying about the 1/16 too.

Now, go home!
Of course you are. Apparently your ancestors were serfs who came over here when America was a colony. My ancestors were bought here before America was a country, and some of my relatives were actually members of the original 500 nations that were here long before whites. From the
Cherokee nation located in eastern Kentucky. But I am about 1/16th Cherokee as my father was black and creole. America is a nation of immigrants and white descendants of immigrants can just shut the fuck up, because you don't have more standing than anyone else just because your ass is pink.

I don't give a damn where your ancestors came from somewhere else, or how they got here.
There is a creole woman in our family tree on my mothers side, like that makes a difference ... Lol.

I have more respect for my first generation Chinese neighbors than I have for you.
They understand and appreciate the opportunities they have here, and their children are both smart and wonderful.
They own two restaurants in the nearest metropolitan area ... Although they are smart enough not to live in that shit hole.

So you can just get to shutting your own ass up you Un-American piece of shit, and I don't care what color your ass is ... :thup:

Yawn. I am more American than your ass will ever be. You see fascist, there is a first amendment and I have the right to use it. I have sucessfully helped build 3 organizations in my lifetime, one from an idea on a piece of paper. So I don't know or give a fuck what your idea of America is supposed to be, but what I do know is that when whites don't like something they speak up about it and faggots like you aren't telling them how they should appreciate the opportunities that this nation literally handed them. So fuck you. I have lived 60 years without your respect and have done better than you while doing so. I shall continue to prosper while opposing white racism.
Everybody here but the Native Americans came from elsewhere. So you do have to be scared, racist or hate immigrants to say ... "Yo Buddy, this ain't Luxemburg"

I am a native American and didn't come from anywhere else.
You are more scared of me, than I am of you or any immigrant coming from anywhere ... :thup:

You came from Asia.

But that's okay, I'm a Native American too (I was born here), but my ancestors came from the UK before the 1800s
You are not a member of the 500 original nations.
You mean the people who couldnt even invent the wheel? I guess they have that in common with your homies
Now we have first generation allocation citizen status my, you Repubs do love your classes of society.
well so do democrats....
Not really. But republicans like to pretend we do.
yea really....and your party likes to pretend you dont....
No, that's just not so. Republicans have made that claim because democrats call them out on their racist characterizations of people. Now understand the difference between that and speaking on documented history relative to the actions of whites.
i worked 33 years with lots of democrats....i know better.....heard enough over the years how they feel about illegals .....
I have worked with demoxrats since I was 18. That's 42 years. And between them and republicans democrats are less racist.
I am more American than your ass will ever be. You see fascist, there is a first amendment and I have the right to use it.
Be sure to thank a white man. An ENGLISH man to be specific. I'm English, so you can thank me
Everybody here but the Native Americans came from elsewhere. So you do have to be scared, racist or hate immigrants to say ... "Yo Buddy, this ain't Luxemburg"

I am a native American and didn't come from anywhere else.
You are more scared of me, than I am of you or any immigrant coming from anywhere ... :thup:

You came from Asia.

But that's okay, I'm a Native American too (I was born here), but my ancestors came from the UK before the 1800s
You are not a member of the 500 original nations.
You mean the people who couldnt even invent the wheel? I guess they have that in common with your homies
You really have no knowledge of history outside of the white supremacist lie.

All Rise!

This evenings lesson:

The White Supremacist Lie About Modern Civilization

Racism affects whites is several ways. First it creates a false reality based on alternative facts. Because of racism, whites have been led to believe falsehoods about other races of people. The backward naked savage is a prime example of a lie whites have been told about First Nations in America as well as all nations on the continent of Africa. In what is called North and South America there were great nations and kingdoms comparable to anything the Europeans had if not better. I remember as a child reading about the city of Tenochtitlán, which was located in what is now Mexico City. It was the capital of the Aztec Nation and it was impressive.

“Originally located on two small islands in Lake Texcoco, it gradually spread through the construction of artificial islands to cover more than 5 square miles (13 square km). It was connected to the mainland by several causeways. The population in 1519 was estimated to be about 400,000 people, the largest residential concentration in Mesoamerican history.”

Tenochtitlán, Ancient Aztec City, Encyclopedia Brittannica.

When you hear the song sung by Marines whereby they talk about the halls of Montezuma, they are talking about Tenochtitlán. The palace of Montezuma II was located there. It was a huge palace with over 300 rooms. I don’t know how the U.S. Marines ever saw the halls of Montezuma since the palace was destroyed in 1521, but we’ll move on. I did not learn about Tenochtitlán thanks to USD 383. I learned about it because my father collected books, magazines and newspapers. He purchased The Enclyclopedia Brittannica from A-Z and the childrens version as well. We had a library in our house of between 300-500 books, as well as boxes of magazines and newspapers. Thanks to me being such a hard headed child, I spent a lot of time in the library reading many of the books in it. So let’s look at some facts.

“The city of Tiwanaku, in what is now Bolivia, had 115,000 people living in it in 1000 A.D., a population that Paris would not reach for five centuries. There are less people living in the Amazon now than there were in 1491.”

“The British and French, not the indigenous people, were the savages. The Europeans arriving in North America smelled horrible; some of them had never taken a bath their whole lives. On the other hand, the indigenous people were generally very clean, strong and well nourished.”

“Hepatitis A which ravaged the native populations of the Americas shortly after the arrival of the Europeans. The death toll is as surprising as the size of the populations before Columbus. When Columbus landed, there were an estimated 25 million people living in Mexico. At the time, there were only 10 million people in Spain and Portugal. Central Mexico was more densely populated than China or India when Columbus arrived. An estimated 90-112 million lived in the Americas, which was a larger population than that of Europe. Mann also pointed out that the Incas ruled the biggest empire on earth ever. In their prime, the kingdom’s span equaled the distance between St. Petersburg and Cairo.”

“The bloodshed unleashed by the Europeans had a lot do with killing off of these populations. Yet sickness played perhaps an even larger role. Smallpox hit the Andes before Spain’s Pizarro did, killing off most people and plunging the area into civil war. The sickness is thought to have arrived to the region from the Caribbean. Hepatitis A killed off an estimated 90% of the population in coastal New England in 3 years. Within first years of European contact, 95% of native populations died. “

In what we call America today the claim of an unsettled land as written by earlier white writers is incorrect. It is now recorded that huge First Nations cities were located throught the land. Europeans travelling here could smell the smoke coming from these cities far out into the ocean, that is how populated it was. Time after time the First Nations of this country fought and defeated Vikings who tried to conquer them. Contact with Europeans caused a a pandemic that wiped wiped out a huge swath of the population. Before the Europeans major cities existed such as Cahokia, which was located in what is now St. Louis.

Americans of every race have had something to say about illegal immigration from the southern border. I hold particular disdain for right wing blacks preaching the white dacist narrative about “real Americans. These blacks are the type of people who sit in the middle of a bunch of trees and can’t see they are in a forest. Those coming up here from the southern border have a legitimate claim and history shows it. This is due to president number eleven, James Polk.

I can continue going on, but many of the things written would just repeat what has been written already. This is another part of a foundation of falsehoods whites have been taught. The falsehoods have allowed whites to create a paternal attitude towards other races and is the original source of cancel culture in this country. Achievement of all other cultures but Euriopen have been concelled from the annals of American history. This fake reality has been taught to such an extent that anyone trying to present the accomplishments of others are often dismissed by the usual suspects as fake news.

So to the whites who have lived their lives errantly believing this country belongs to you here is a quote from the great Chief Seattle:Man belongs to the Earth, Earth does not belong to man” This country was never yours. The people who are travelling up here from what is now South and Central America are taking the same trek their ancestors did before Europeans showed up. The repo man has come for the property that was stolen. To quote the great Muddy Waters, “You can’t spend what you ain’t got, and you can’t lose something that you ain’t never had.”

“The United States is a fake country”

Russell Means

Tenochtitlán, Ancient city, Mexico, Encyclopedia Brittannica, Tenochtitlan | History, Population, Significance, & Facts | Britannica

Benjamin Dangl, 1491: The Truth About the Americas Before Columbus, June 11, 2006, 1491: The Truth About the Americas Before Columbus - Upside Down World

Charles Mann, 1491: New Revelations of the Americas Before Columbus, Second Edition, Vintage Books, New York, 2011

Edward G. Lengel, Polk’s Mexican War, Polk’s Mexican War, Originally published in the July 2013 issue of Military History.
Yawn. I am more American than your ass will ever be. You see fascist, there is a first amendment and I have the right to use it. I have sucessfully helped build 3 organizations in my lifetime, one from an idea on a piece of paper. So I don't know or give a fuck what your idea of America is supposed to be, but what I do know is that when whites don't like something they speak up about it and faggots like you aren't telling them how they should appreciate the opportunities that this nation literally handed them. So fuck you. I have lived 60 years without your respect and have done better than you while doing so. I shall continue to prosper while opposing white racism.

I damn sure don't have to ask you what America is supposed to be ... You think it has something to do with someone's ethnicity.
I didn't tell my neighbors what to appreciate, they did what they did on their own ... And it didn't take them 60 years to figure it out ... :thup:
You also don't have a clue what I have done, and I don't need to tell you.

So stick your head in the sand and act like you have anything worth listening to.

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Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
White supremacy should have nothing to do with american principles, the american value system or the american way.

This thread isn’t about white supremacy. Start one though and I’ll participate...I promise.
That's exactly what it's about.

You didn’t read the title and OP did you?
Here, let me hold your hand through this kid.
The premise of the thread:
Do barely American politicians have America’s best interests at heart, do they value the American value system, american principles, traditions and the American Way, will they keep America on the path it’s been on for centuries or will they deviate from what has made America the greatest nation on earth?
You will never have an honest discussion with this clown

Trust me I know...He/she is extremely bitter, angry and hateful towards whitey...,just not enough to head home to Africa to be with warm, inviting, like kind. No welfare in Africa you know.
And you jumped right in with both jackboots.
So did you

its pretty clear that your side hates white people and wants to tear down the nation that white people created

thats racism on your part
"hate white people".....You seem to have this inferiority complex to go along with your skin color........why is that? guess is; causations are becoming increasingly hostile as they’re attacked daily by their own government...they’re fed the fuck up...they’ve stepped aside for decades waiting for dark folks to pull their heads from their filthy asses..they’ve watched Asians thrive in the nation they created and yet dark folks just can’t figure shit out. Why is that?
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
White supremacy should have nothing to do with american principles, the american value system or the american way.

This thread isn’t about white supremacy. Start one though and I’ll participate...I promise.
That's exactly what it's about.

You didn’t read the title and OP did you?
Here, let me hold your hand through this kid.
The premise of the thread:
Do barely American politicians have America’s best interests at heart, do they value the American value system, american principles, traditions and the American Way, will they keep America on the path it’s been on for centuries or will they deviate from what has made America the greatest nation on earth?
You will never have an honest discussion with this clown

Trust me I know...He/she is extremely bitter, angry and hateful towards whitey...,just not enough to head home to Africa to be with warm, inviting, like kind. No welfare in Africa you know.

The State of Social Assistance in Africa report | UNDP in ...
Sep 25, 2019 · More African governments than ever before are delivering social assistance to the poor and to vulnerable populations. Coverage is still quite limited, but the number of programes has been rising rapidly in the last decade with the trend across Africa towards broadening and deepening social assistance. The State of Social Assistance in Africa report maps and analyzes the recent growth …

That’s cute...nice try.
Our Africans on the tit here drive Cadillacs, own free cell phones, smoke lots of weed, drink lots of foties...get to rape white women...etc etc
Nomsayin homie?

Why do you live in such a terrible neighborhood?
What makes you think I do?

You just described your neighborhood.

Don’t default to predictable, typical Leftist bullshit.
Don’t project and put words in my mouth. I’m pretty sure we both know I avoid filthy human beings like I avoid the plague.
Have you got the time to explain to us what you mean by American Values?
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
White supremacy should have nothing to do with american principles, the american value system or the american way.

This thread isn’t about white supremacy. Start one though and I’ll participate...I promise.
That's exactly what it's about.

You didn’t read the title and OP did you?
Here, let me hold your hand through this kid.
The premise of the thread:
Do barely American politicians have America’s best interests at heart, do they value the American value system, american principles, traditions and the American Way, will they keep America on the path it’s been on for centuries or will they deviate from what has made America the greatest nation on earth?
You will never have an honest discussion with this clown

Trust me I know...He/she is extremely bitter, angry and hateful towards whitey...,just not enough to head home to Africa to be with warm, inviting, like kind. No welfare in Africa you know.

The State of Social Assistance in Africa report | UNDP in ...
Sep 25, 2019 · More African governments than ever before are delivering social assistance to the poor and to vulnerable populations. Coverage is still quite limited, but the number of programes has been rising rapidly in the last decade with the trend across Africa towards broadening and deepening social assistance. The State of Social Assistance in Africa report maps and analyzes the recent growth …

That’s cute...nice try.
Our Africans on the tit here drive Cadillacs, own free cell phones, smoke lots of weed, drink lots of foties...get to rape white women...etc etc
Nomsayin homie?

Why do you live in such a terrible neighborhood?
What makes you think I do?

You just described your neighborhood.

Don’t default to predictable, typical Leftist bullshit.
Don’t project and put words in my mouth. I’m pretty sure we both know I avoid filthy human beings like I avoid the plague.
Have you got the time to explain to us what you mean by American Values?
He's still running from that?

Haha...nobody legit needs to ask such a stupid question.
Let’s just say the American value system DEFINITELY doesn’t align with those in Africa, Mexico, Central and South America...PERIOD!
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
First Generation Citizens...

Perhaps a review of history might help classify your racism?
John Adams
James Monroe
James Madison
Are you getting the drift here?

Seems every American politician for the first 80 orr so year of this country were "First Generation Citizens."

So what's the difference?
You got it. Those guys from history were White.

There ya go sonny. Your personal racism explained.
Learn from it.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
First Generation Citizens...

Perhaps a review of history might help classify your racism?
John Adams
James Monroe
James Madison
Are you getting the drift here?

Seems every American politician for the first 80 orr so year of this country were "First Generation Citizens."

So what's the difference?
You got it. Those guys from history were White.

There ya go sonny. Your personal racism explained.
Learn from it.

But, but, hate the old days....right?
You know, back when everyone came here to assimilate and make it what it became...a disciplined, moral, decent, capitalistic, Judeo-Christian nation, the greatest nation on earth.
Aren’t you all about free shit, no sovereignty, lawlessness, faggots, chicks with boundaries, anything goes?

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