Do we have too many first generation ‘citizens’ in government?

Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
White supremacy should have nothing to do with american principles, the american value system or the american way.

This thread isn’t about white supremacy. Start one though and I’ll participate...I promise.
That's exactly what it's about.

You didn’t read the title and OP did you?
Here, let me hold your hand through this kid.
The premise of the thread:
Do barely American politicians have America’s best interests at heart, do they value the American value system, american principles, traditions and the American Way, will they keep America on the path it’s been on for centuries or will they deviate from what has made America the greatest nation on earth?
You will never have an honest discussion with this clown

Trust me I know...He/she is extremely bitter, angry and hateful towards whitey...,just not enough to head home to Africa to be with warm, inviting, like kind. No welfare in Africa you know.

The State of Social Assistance in Africa report | UNDP in ...
Sep 25, 2019 · More African governments than ever before are delivering social assistance to the poor and to vulnerable populations. Coverage is still quite limited, but the number of programes has been rising rapidly in the last decade with the trend across Africa towards broadening and deepening social assistance. The State of Social Assistance in Africa report maps and analyzes the recent growth …

That’s cute...nice try.
Our Africans on the tit here drive Cadillacs, own free cell phones, smoke lots of weed, drink lots of foties...get to rape white women...etc etc
Nomsayin homie?

Why do you live in such a terrible neighborhood?
What makes you think I do?

You just described your neighborhood.

Don’t default to predictable, typical Leftist bullshit.
Don’t project and put words in my mouth. I’m pretty sure we both know I avoid filthy human beings like I avoid the plague.
Have you got the time to explain to us what you mean by American Values?
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
White supremacy should have nothing to do with american principles, the american value system or the american way.

This thread isn’t about white supremacy. Start one though and I’ll participate...I promise.
That's exactly what it's about.

You didn’t read the title and OP did you?
Here, let me hold your hand through this kid.
The premise of the thread:
Do barely American politicians have America’s best interests at heart, do they value the American value system, american principles, traditions and the American Way, will they keep America on the path it’s been on for centuries or will they deviate from what has made America the greatest nation on earth?
You will never have an honest discussion with this clown

Trust me I know...He/she is extremely bitter, angry and hateful towards whitey...,just not enough to head home to Africa to be with warm, inviting, like kind. No welfare in Africa you know.

The State of Social Assistance in Africa report | UNDP in ...
Sep 25, 2019 · More African governments than ever before are delivering social assistance to the poor and to vulnerable populations. Coverage is still quite limited, but the number of programes has been rising rapidly in the last decade with the trend across Africa towards broadening and deepening social assistance. The State of Social Assistance in Africa report maps and analyzes the recent growth …

That’s cute...nice try.
Our Africans on the tit here drive Cadillacs, own free cell phones, smoke lots of weed, drink lots of foties...get to rape white women...etc etc
Nomsayin homie?

Why do you live in such a terrible neighborhood?
What makes you think I do?

You just described your neighborhood.

Don’t default to predictable, typical Leftist bullshit.
Don’t project and put words in my mouth. I’m pretty sure we both know I avoid filthy human beings like I avoid the plague.
Have you got the time to explain to us what you mean by American Values?
He's still running from that?

Haha...nobody legit needs to ask such a stupid question.
Let’s just say the American value system DEFINITELY doesn’t align with those in Africa, Mexico, Central and South America...PERIOD!
So tell me...

What values do you have that say, Pope Francis doesn't have?
Well, I mean other than the racism, misogyny, and general hatred for anyone not exactly like you.

Please share.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
First Generation Citizens...

Perhaps a review of history might help classify your racism?
John Adams
James Monroe
James Madison
Are you getting the drift here?

Seems every American politician for the first 80 orr so year of this country were "First Generation Citizens."

So what's the difference?
You got it. Those guys from history were White.

There ya go sonny. Your personal racism explained.
Learn from it.

But, but, hate the old days....right?
You know, back when everyone came here to assimilate and make it what it became...a disciplined, moral, decent, Judeo-Christian nation, the greatest nation on earth.
Aren’t you all all about free shit, no sovereignty, lawlessness, faggots, chicks with boundaries, anything goes?
You are indeed a proud racist.

I, on the other hand, hold to the truly libertarian belief that those who do not harm me, mine or others should be free to live their lives as they see fit.

You don't need to describe your philosophy, it's as clear as the sheet on your head.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
First Generation Citizens...

Perhaps a review of history might help classify your racism?
John Adams
James Monroe
James Madison
Are you getting the drift here?

Seems every American politician for the first 80 orr so year of this country were "First Generation Citizens."

So what's the difference?
You got it. Those guys from history were White.

There ya go sonny. Your personal racism explained.
Learn from it.

But, but, hate the old days....right?
You know, back when everyone came here to assimilate and make it what it became...a disciplined, moral, decent, Judeo-Christian nation, the greatest nation on earth.
Aren’t you all all about free shit, no sovereignty, lawlessness, faggots, chicks with boundaries, anything goes?
You are indeed a proud racist.

I, on the other hand, hold to the truly libertarian belief that those who do not harm me, mine or others should be free to live their lives as they see fit.

You don't need to describe your philosophy, it's as clear as the sheet on your head.
Thanks for noticing...I take great pride in my REALISM.
That live and let live Libertarian bullshit went out the window circa 1935 when the government forced me to pay your way, to pay for the lives of illegals and boogers that I own a piece of pieces of shit I have demands and expectations.
Why is citizens in the title have quotes? (Apostrophes actually which is even more confusing)

Probably because he is questioning the truthfulness of their citizenship.
And why would that be? Being born here is worthy of being questioned? In what cases? All cases? Or...............................?

No, probably because of the deep anti-Americaness in so many of their words and actions.

Being a citizens requires taking an oath of loyatly.

If they lied when they took the oath, because they hate they are anti-American liberal scum, then they are not really citizens, despite what the paperwork says.

Attacking the Capitol to overturn a free and fair election is what America is about?

I was asked a question and I answered. If you want to reply to my point, address my point. Deflection is what you do, when you are afraid to do that.
What is your motive, that you are afraid to be honest about?

They are motivated by FEELZ.
There’s no other logical explanation.

i don't think so, not in this case.

I think they are anti-Americans, and they know that minority immigrants tend to get assimilated into "American" groups that are supportive of their anti-American policies and agenda.

If the immigrants were a flood of little old ladies fleeing man eating trees, but who tended to vote republican, they would turn on this issue on a dime.
Definitely a revivial of the Know Nothing Party.

I made a point. You replied but did nothing to address my point.

Because you know my point is valid, but don't want to admit it. Because it accurately describes who and what you people are.
Why is citizens in the title have quotes? (Apostrophes actually which is even more confusing)

Probably because he is questioning the truthfulness of their citizenship.
And why would that be? Being born here is worthy of being questioned? In what cases? All cases? Or...............................?

No, probably because of the deep anti-Americaness in so many of their words and actions.

Being a citizens requires taking an oath of loyatly.

If they lied when they took the oath, because they hate they are anti-American liberal scum, then they are not really citizens, despite what the paperwork says.

Attacking the Capitol to overturn a free and fair election is what America is about?

I was asked a question and I answered. If you want to reply to my point, address my point. Deflection is what you do, when you are afraid to do that.

You did answer and I questioned your definition of loyalty.
Like the Canadian born Ted Cruz?
I think the question was do we have too many rather than any

the reason there are so many 1st generation persons elected to government is because we have so many immigrants who vote for them

And I dont that that is good for America

So it was nothing more than a cowardly way to wish for only white's to vote.

When you admit that you cannot support your position, without calling someone a wacist, you admit that you cannot defend your position AT ALL.

I asked a question. The reply to the question is we should not be allowing people who do not look like Mac to vote. You can pretend that isn't what it is all you want. Be honest.

You just lied about what he said.

Now you are admitting that you cannot defend your position without lying.

What is your real reason for supporting "first gen immigrants" in government?

I support any and ALL American's being able to run.

George Washington was a first generation American.

Do you really? If we were being swamped by South African white refugees, or white Russians, and they were voting Republican in large numbers, would you be so open to the idea?

I have NEVER taken a position based upon how it applies to politics. Our Constitution allows American's to vote and vote they should. It allows them to run for office and run they should if they feel the desire wherever their ancestors may be from.

Just admit it. You support this because it is an advantage to your side, not because you believe it is good, or good for America.

My side is the Constitution, so yeah, it supports my side.

Except you already LIED in this thread, so your claim to being as pure as the driven snow, is not credible.

Your side is either the dems or lefty agenda.

Sadly many do feel the Constitution outside of the second amendment is some sort of "lefty agenda".

First gen immigrants naturally have divided loyalties. You move to a new place, you don't suddenly not care about your previous homeland.

Which is part of the process of immigration. But is is why you don't want too high of a percentage.

Business is going to get as many workers as they deem necessary.

1. Your claim of "the constitution" is not credible. If the immigrants were voting republican you would oppose them. Admit it.

2. That is their motive. A short sighted motive. What is yours?
Why AREN'T first generation Americans (the topic of this thread) voting Republican?

Constant lying from people like you.

My point stands. If the immigrants were voting republican, you would change your position in a heartbeat.
So it was nothing more than a cowardly way to wish for only white's to vote.
You dont like white people?

and besides 30% of the non immigrant Americans who are being overrun are non white

I don't evade points when I support something. Just be honest. Why do you feel you can't simply be honest?

I should believe we should leave the running of the country to people who refuse to be honest about their positions?

People with divided loyalties should not be too large of a percentage of the population or the government.

That is a valid point, and you saying "wace" is just you throwing shit like a monkey.

I could just as well argue that those who attacked the Capital have divided loyalties.

Now you are moving to deflection.

Everything you are doing, shows that you know that your position is wrong, yet you hold to it.


What is your motive, that you are afraid to be honest about?

My motive is to stop you from disenfranchising millions of Americans.

Shouldn’t your motive be to assist in advancing and improving America for Americans?

I am. First generations American's are every bit as much Americans as anyone regardless of how much that bothers you.

Because you say so...because you want to desperately believe it’s so because FEELZ and all...OR because you have data to prove it? to prove it? LOL

How else can you substantiate your position?
How do arrive at such an OPINION? Reconcile it for us. Enlighten us.
“Because I said so.” doesn’t really work.

Especially since he was already caught lying once in this very thread.
What is this lie you speak of?

Like the Canadian born Ted Cruz?
I think the question was do we have too many rather than any

the reason there are so many 1st generation persons elected to government is because we have so many immigrants who vote for them

And I dont that that is good for America

So it was nothing more than a cowardly way to wish for only white's to vote.

When you admit that you cannot support your position, without calling someone a wacist, you admit that you cannot defend your position AT ALL.
Look who's here......confirms what this thread is REALLY about.....;)

You. To show that this is about liberals, putting their agenda ahead of the good of the nation or it's citizens.
Me? I'm a first generation citizen? Hardly, sweetie. :heehee: But thanks for trying to make it about me. This is a thing with you, isn't it?

And the lib pretends to be too stupid to understand the point as a way of dodging it.

Not even the first time we have seen that in this thread.

My point stands. You libs are employing dishonest tactics in defense of a policy that you know is bad for America, because it serves your political/ideological agenda.
Why is citizens in the title have quotes? (Apostrophes actually which is even more confusing)

Probably because he is questioning the truthfulness of their citizenship.
And why would that be? Being born here is worthy of being questioned? In what cases? All cases? Or...............................?

No, probably because of the deep anti-Americaness in so many of their words and actions.

Being a citizens requires taking an oath of loyatly.

If they lied when they took the oath, because they hate they are anti-American liberal scum, then they are not really citizens, despite what the paperwork says.
Are you accusing them of lying when they took the oath? Then bring the evidence to back up your accusations. BTW...the topic of the thread is First Generation Citizens....those born here. DO keep up.

Yes, I am. I would love to. Give me warrant powers to look at their e-mails, and I bet that I could find evidence that they have consistently hated America though out the time when they swore an oath of loyalty.
Why is citizens in the title have quotes? (Apostrophes actually which is even more confusing)

Probably because he is questioning the truthfulness of their citizenship.
And why would that be? Being born here is worthy of being questioned? In what cases? All cases? Or...............................?

No, probably because of the deep anti-Americaness in so many of their words and actions.

Being a citizens requires taking an oath of loyatly.

If they lied when they took the oath, because they hate they are anti-American liberal scum, then they are not really citizens, despite what the paperwork says.

Attacking the Capitol to overturn a free and fair election is what America is about?

I was asked a question and I answered. If you want to reply to my point, address my point. Deflection is what you do, when you are afraid to do that.

You did answer and I questioned your definition of loyalty.

Saying that you are loyal to America when you hate it, is not loyal.

That is true, not matter what other issues you bring up.

YOur pretense otherwise, is you desperately trying to avoid the truth.
Why is citizens in the title have quotes? (Apostrophes actually which is even more confusing)

Probably because he is questioning the truthfulness of their citizenship.
And why would that be? Being born here is worthy of being questioned? In what cases? All cases? Or...............................?

No, probably because of the deep anti-Americaness in so many of their words and actions.

Being a citizens requires taking an oath of loyatly.

If they lied when they took the oath, because they hate they are anti-American liberal scum, then they are not really citizens, despite what the paperwork says.

Attacking the Capitol to overturn a free and fair election is what America is about?

I was asked a question and I answered. If you want to reply to my point, address my point. Deflection is what you do, when you are afraid to do that.

You did answer and I questioned your definition of loyalty.

Saying that you are loyal to America when you hate it, is not loyal.

That is true, not matter what other issues you bring up.

YOur pretense otherwise, is you desperately trying to avoid the truth.

I bet you got good grades in drama class.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
First Generation Citizens...

Perhaps a review of history might help classify your racism?
John Adams
James Monroe
James Madison
Are you getting the drift here?

Seems every American politician for the first 80 orr so year of this country were "First Generation Citizens."

So what's the difference?
You got it. Those guys from history were White.

There ya go sonny. Your personal racism explained.
Learn from it.

But, but, hate the old days....right?
You know, back when everyone came here to assimilate and make it what it became...a disciplined, moral, decent, Judeo-Christian nation, the greatest nation on earth.
Aren’t you all all about free shit, no sovereignty, lawlessness, faggots, chicks with boundaries, anything goes?
You are indeed a proud racist.

I, on the other hand, hold to the truly libertarian belief that those who do not harm me, mine or others should be free to live their lives as they see fit.

You don't need to describe your philosophy, it's as clear as the sheet on your head.
Thanks for noticing...I take great pride in my REALISM.
That live and let live Libertarian bullshit went out the window circa 1935 when the government forced me to pay your way, to pay for the lives of illegals and boogers that I own a piece of pieces of shit I have demands and expectations.
Taking pride in hate isn't "realism" it's the worst form of narcissism.

So put on your tripod hat, powdered wig, and pantaloons. Grab your musket and start walking to New York. Pretend you're in 1789 and just maybe it'll happen.
Now we have first generation allocation citizen status my, you Repubs do love your classes of society.
well so do democrats....
Not really. But republicans like to pretend we do.
yea really....and your party likes to pretend you dont....
No, that's just not so. Republicans have made that claim because democrats call them out on their racist characterizations of people. Now understand the difference between that and speaking on documented history relative to the actions of whites.
i worked 33 years with lots of democrats....i know better.....heard enough over the years how they feel about illegals .....
I have worked with demoxrats since I was 18. That's 42 years. And between them and republicans democrats are less racist.
not in my experience...they just dont throw it in your face like righties do....but behind your back you can bet they are saying the same shit about you that the right is......
Now we have first generation allocation citizen status my, you Repubs do love your classes of society.
well so do democrats....
Not really. But republicans like to pretend we do.
yea really....and your party likes to pretend you dont....
No, that's just not so. Republicans have made that claim because democrats call them out on their racist characterizations of people. Now understand the difference between that and speaking on documented history relative to the actions of whites.
i worked 33 years with lots of democrats....i know better.....heard enough over the years how they feel about illegals .....
I have worked with demoxrats since I was 18. That's 42 years. And between them and republicans democrats are less racist.
not in my experience...they just dont throw it in your face like righties do....but behind your back you can bet they are saying the same shit about you that the right is......
No I can't bet that. Because there are democrats who are racists, they just don't control the party and for the most part don't et elected into national office.
I’m fine with first generation in government.

If you have a problem with that, then I guess that’s your problem.
I’m fine with first generation in government.

If you have a problem with that, then I guess that’s your problem.

I get that...your type tends to be “fine” with anything and can’t really have standards when you can’t meet standards.
Look, running this nation is kind of an important thing...are you “fine with it” because FEELZ or because you believe there’s proof that confirms first gen’ers are doing a good job for America as a whole?

Remember, you can always address the OP if you think you’re capable.

“Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?”
I’m fine with first generation in government.

If you have a problem with that, then I guess that’s your problem.

I get that...your type tends to be “fine” with anything and can’t really have standards when you can’t meet standards.
Look, running this nation is kind of an important thing...are you “fine with it” because FEELZ or because you believe there’s proof that confirms first gen’ers are doing a good job for America as a whole?

Remember, you can always address the OP if you think you’re capable.

“Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?”

Sounds to me like you’re just upset that we have black and brown people in this country. You can’t do anything about what you perceive as a problem other than bitching and whining on a message board. Because it won’t be changed.

Sucks for you, huh?

Like I said, I’m fine with it. I think it represents some of my values as an American. I’m also fine with people like you feeling like your country is slipping away from you.

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