Do we have too many first generation ‘citizens’ in government?

Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
America has always been changing as new immigrant groups arrive. That is what America is all about. If you want to stop time you're out of luck. Get over it.

IMHO, immigrants make much better Americans than native-born Americans. The vast majority of immigrants, legal and illegal, are looking for the American dream. They are not afraid to come to a foreign country to pursue their freedom and economic opportunity. That is exactly the kind of America we want and need. We don't need people who feel America owes them something because they were born here.

You didn’t read the title and OP did you?
This thread isn’t about immigrants and or immigrant groups.
Here, let me hold your hand through this kid.
The premise of the thread:
Do barely American politicians have America’s best interests at heart, do they value the American value system, american principles, traditions and the American Way, will they keep America on the path it’s been on for centuries or will they deviate from what has made America the greatest nation on earth?
Start a thread about how Americans shouldn’t have the right to control immigration to America, how illegal/forced demographic change is better than organic invited change, about how a browner America is better based on data, about how illegals are good for our job markets, our education system, our healthcare systemand I’ll participate in it....I PROMISE.
Where do you think these 'barely American' politicians get their values. Hint: their parents who came here for the very American values you extoll. If America is the greatest nation on earth you can thank these 'barely American' immigrants.

That sounds cool and all but if it were true how and why would the “fundamentally change America” bullshit pushed by the Kenyan take flight?
What Kenyan?
This one.
That's fake.

Because you know Hussein and his history better than his brother does. We believe you.
That is fake.

View attachment 467657
Auma Obama Tears Into Malik Over His Jealousy, Bitterness Towards Barack - (
Fact check: Old fabricated Obama “Kenyan birth certificate” resurfaces | Reuters
Obama’s Brother Malik Tweets FAKE Birth Certificate Showing Obama Was Born in Kenya, Calls Him ‘Stingy’ (
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
America has always been changing as new immigrant groups arrive. That is what America is all about. If you want to stop time you're out of luck. Get over it.

IMHO, immigrants make much better Americans than native-born Americans. The vast majority of immigrants, legal and illegal, are looking for the American dream. They are not afraid to come to a foreign country to pursue their freedom and economic opportunity. That is exactly the kind of America we want and need. We don't need people who feel America owes them something because they were born here.

You didn’t read the title and OP did you?
This thread isn’t about immigrants and or immigrant groups.
Here, let me hold your hand through this kid.
The premise of the thread:
Do barely American politicians have America’s best interests at heart, do they value the American value system, american principles, traditions and the American Way, will they keep America on the path it’s been on for centuries or will they deviate from what has made America the greatest nation on earth?
Start a thread about how Americans shouldn’t have the right to control immigration to America, how illegal/forced demographic change is better than organic invited change, about how a browner America is better based on data, about how illegals are good for our job markets, our education system, our healthcare systemand I’ll participate in it....I PROMISE.
Where do you think these 'barely American' politicians get their values. Hint: their parents who came here for the very American values you extoll. If America is the greatest nation on earth you can thank these 'barely American' immigrants.

That sounds cool and all but if it were true how and why would the “fundamentally change America” bullshit pushed by the Kenyan take flight?
What Kenyan?
This one.
That's fake.

Because you know Hussein and his history better than his brother does. We believe you.
That is fake.

View attachment 467657
Auma Obama Tears Into Malik Over His Jealousy, Bitterness Towards Barack - (
Fact check: Old fabricated Obama “Kenyan birth certificate” resurfaces | Reuters
Obama’s Brother Malik Tweets FAKE Birth Certificate Showing Obama Was Born in Kenya, Calls Him ‘Stingy’ (

Half brother Malik is a loser who wanted to ride Obama's coattails.

Should we believe BaRock Hussein’s literary agent at Harvard?

LOL.. Obama didn't write that.. Some junior editor at the publishing house made a mistake.
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No, the OP made it about race from the start.
Mexico isnt a race

its a country

and a foreign country full of non American citizens
This thread is not just about Mexico and this thread is about race. Because there are white non American citizens here in huge number on visa overstays, yet you talk about Mexico.

Why would you want to keep your head deep in your ass?
Because I realize that you descend from illegal immigrants and have no right to bitch.

Hahaha...My ancestors founded America...Have you ever heard of the Declaration Of Independence?
Your ancestors illegally immigrated here and formed a government without the permission of the 500 nations already here.
Is "illegal immigration" wrong in your eyes then?


Your family did not descend from those originally here.
Saying certain people have an ETERNAL RIGHT to live in a place is pure RACISM.

I was BORN HERE just the same as every living INJUN.

Therefore, as a Native American, I have the SAME right to be here.
It shows the level of hate for Americans that too many libs have

You seem to be the one spewing hate.
Change is scary, as an old white person I get it, That doesn't make it right.

Hell, I'm old as well. I can live with change - I've seen this country change from where we were once the envy of the world, to an out and out joke.

This however, is NOT change. This is a complete destruction of what we once were, to another France. Just that simple.
The generation that needs to take the citizenship test often ends up knowing more than the "real" Americans. As the child of a couple in that situation, they said that I, a 2nd grader, was often more help than most of their adult friends.

I constantly ask folks at work about issues in government and such, and when I point out that it's knowledge that someone taking a citizenship test has to know, they say they don't need to know it, because they were born here.
They don't know their state representatives, and barely know who their representatives in congress are.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
America has always been changing as new immigrant groups arrive. That is what America is all about. If you want to stop time you're out of luck. Get over it.

IMHO, immigrants make much better Americans than native-born Americans. The vast majority of immigrants, legal and illegal, are looking for the American dream. They are not afraid to come to a foreign country to pursue their freedom and economic opportunity. That is exactly the kind of America we want and need. We don't need people who feel America owes them something because they were born here.

You didn’t read the title and OP did you?
This thread isn’t about immigrants and or immigrant groups.
Here, let me hold your hand through this kid.
The premise of the thread:
Do barely American politicians have America’s best interests at heart, do they value the American value system, american principles, traditions and the American Way, will they keep America on the path it’s been on for centuries or will they deviate from what has made America the greatest nation on earth?
Start a thread about how Americans shouldn’t have the right to control immigration to America, how illegal/forced demographic change is better than organic invited change, about how a browner America is better based on data, about how illegals are good for our job markets, our education system, our healthcare systemand I’ll participate in it....I PROMISE.
Where do you think these 'barely American' politicians get their values. Hint: their parents who came here for the very American values you extoll. If America is the greatest nation on earth you can thank these 'barely American' immigrants.

That sounds cool and all but if it were true how and why would the “fundamentally change America” bullshit pushed by the Kenyan take flight?
What Kenyan?
This one.
That's fake.

Because you know Hussein and his history better than his brother does. We believe you.
That is fake.

View attachment 467657
Auma Obama Tears Into Malik Over His Jealousy, Bitterness Towards Barack - (
Fact check: Old fabricated Obama “Kenyan birth certificate” resurfaces | Reuters
Obama’s Brother Malik Tweets FAKE Birth Certificate Showing Obama Was Born in Kenya, Calls Him ‘Stingy’ (
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
America has always been changing as new immigrant groups arrive. That is what America is all about. If you want to stop time you're out of luck. Get over it.

IMHO, immigrants make much better Americans than native-born Americans. The vast majority of immigrants, legal and illegal, are looking for the American dream. They are not afraid to come to a foreign country to pursue their freedom and economic opportunity. That is exactly the kind of America we want and need. We don't need people who feel America owes them something because they were born here.

You didn’t read the title and OP did you?
This thread isn’t about immigrants and or immigrant groups.
Here, let me hold your hand through this kid.
The premise of the thread:
Do barely American politicians have America’s best interests at heart, do they value the American value system, american principles, traditions and the American Way, will they keep America on the path it’s been on for centuries or will they deviate from what has made America the greatest nation on earth?
Start a thread about how Americans shouldn’t have the right to control immigration to America, how illegal/forced demographic change is better than organic invited change, about how a browner America is better based on data, about how illegals are good for our job markets, our education system, our healthcare systemand I’ll participate in it....I PROMISE.
Where do you think these 'barely American' politicians get their values. Hint: their parents who came here for the very American values you extoll. If America is the greatest nation on earth you can thank these 'barely American' immigrants.

That sounds cool and all but if it were true how and why would the “fundamentally change America” bullshit pushed by the Kenyan take flight?
What Kenyan?
This one.
That's fake.

Because you know Hussein and his history better than his brother does. We believe you.
That is fake.

View attachment 467657
Auma Obama Tears Into Malik Over His Jealousy, Bitterness Towards Barack - (
Fact check: Old fabricated Obama “Kenyan birth certificate” resurfaces | Reuters
Obama’s Brother Malik Tweets FAKE Birth Certificate Showing Obama Was Born in Kenya, Calls Him ‘Stingy’ (

Half brother Malik is a loser who wanted to ride Obama's coattails.

Should we believe BaRock Hussein’s literary agent at Harvard?

LOL.. Obama didn't write that.. Some junior editor at the publishing house made a mistake.
Haha...that makes perfect sense.
All the confusion related to his origin seems awfully peculiar.
He seems to be surrounded by people who make the same “mistake”. Weird.
Change is scary, as an old white person I get it, That doesn't make it right.
It's not about "change." It's about the most perfect system ever devised, being replaced by foreign Turd Worlders who are determined to colonize someone else's country and turn it into the very place they fled. Kinda like Californians spreading their virus to the rest of the country.

Your attempt to bash white people, when gave the world EVERYTHING they have, didnt go unnoticed
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
America is not ‘slipping away’ – what conservatives are ‘feeling’ is their own unwarranted fear and hate.

And the notion that naturalized citizens are somehow not ‘actual’ citizens or otherwise not loyal is nothing but rightwing racism and bigotry.
Could that be why many of us feel America slipping away?
Are american principles, the american value system and the american way embedded in the DNA of first generation citizens / politicians?
Is the “Squad” and those like them committed to preserving and protecting all that made America what it is?
Are the barely Americans running California looking out for Americans or Mexico’s people?
How many other nations are partly run by first generation citizens and how’s it working for them?
America is not ‘slipping away’ – what conservatives are ‘feeling’ is their own unwarranted fear and hate.

And the notion that naturalized citizens are somehow not ‘actual’ citizens or otherwise not loyal is nothing but rightwing racism and bigotry.

Good lord...............
Change is scary, as an old white person I get it, That doesn't make it right.
It's not about "change." It's about the most perfect system ever devised, being replaced by foreign Turd Worlders who are determined to colonize someone else's country and turn it into the very place they fled. Kinda like Californians spreading their virus to the rest of the country.

Your attempt to bash white people, when gave the world EVERYTHING they have, didnt go unnoticed

This is what I don't understand. What the hell is wrong with white folks these days!?!? I mean, what's next? they skip happily to the ovens? Holy shit.
Change is scary, as an old white person I get it, That doesn't make it right.
It's not about "change." It's about the most perfect system ever devised, being replaced by foreign Turd Worlders who are determined to colonize someone else's country and turn it into the very place they fled. Kinda like Californians spreading their virus to the rest of the country.

Your attempt to bash white people, when gave the world EVERYTHING they have, didnt go unnoticed

That's what they said about the Irish, Greeks, Italians and Jews. Are you American Indian? Where did your family of origin come from?
  • Thanks
Reactions: IM2
No, the OP made it about race from the start.
Mexico isnt a race

its a country

and a foreign country full of non American citizens
This thread is not just about Mexico and this thread is about race. Because there are white non American citizens here in huge number on visa overstays, yet you talk about Mexico.

Why would you want to keep your head deep in your ass?
Because I realize that you descend from illegal immigrants and have no right to bitch.

Hahaha...My ancestors founded America...Have you ever heard of the Declaration Of Independence?
Your ancestors illegally immigrated here and formed a government without the permission of the 500 nations already here.

Did those nations have a deed to this land?
All land was conquered or claimed at one point in time. Conquered and or claimed land had to be defended or bigger stronger armies took it....those were the times.
Hahaha...You honestly didn’t know that?
“Once upon a time this caveman stole this other caveman’s cave.”
They had as much deed as your ancestors had in Europe. Your whitebread excuse just isn't going to be accepted. Nobody conquered Europe and the capability existed. So just stop making "whiteys excuse."
Here we are 231 posts in at not one Lefty has been to tell us how or why America as a whole may be better off with first generation citizens running American government.
They haven’t even offered a theory.
None have been able to provide an example of where first gen politicians have improved or advanced their districts, cities or states for Americans as a whole.
None have shown us any other nations thriving under first generation citizens / politicians.
Why is that?
Where is this great experiment working?
And the notion that naturalized citizens are somehow not ‘actual’ citizens or otherwise not loyal is nothing but rightwing racism and bigotry.
I admit its a close race between naturalized refugees and brainwashed liberal Americans to see which group hates this country the most

however even the most demented America hating liberals belong here by right of birth

But we dont HAVE to admit alien attitudes that hurt America.

those people have NO right to come here

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