Do You Actually Believe Republicans Are A Threat To Democracy?

Do you actually believe that the GOP is a threat to democracy?

  • Yes

  • No

  • I don't know

  • Cantaloupe

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Explain the cult without using even one ad hominem.
Then show me a MAGA candidate you would prefer in place of Trump.
Then show me a MAGA candidate you would prefer in place of Trump.

That's like asking to worship at the Catholic CHurch, without acknowledging the Pope is the head.

any candidate that runs 0on MAGA isn't getting my vote,

YOu want to drnk the koolaid, feel free


I'm allergic
People here believe I am a threat to Democracy. You're asking dumb people to opine. Good Luck.

Right White 6
if you believe in the election steal or fraud without any evidence that has been disproven by every court in the land, laughably, then you are. if you support trump you are because that man is a crazy anti American lying con man. It seems to me that somehow people who scream fire in a theater should be punished. Especially if they know they are lying. Poor America. And this propaganda crap and political obsessiveness is reagan's work. That swine- even if he didn't know it lol...
Do you believe that the GOP is really a threat to democracy?

Any Republican who is an election denier, propagates lies about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating,’ and who supports voter suppression and disenfranchisement is a threat to democracy.
Any Republican who is an election denier, propagates lies about ‘fraud’ and ‘cheating,’ and who supports voter suppression and disenfranchisement is a threat to democracy.
And you think Democrats are clean and pure as the wind driven snow? Do you really think a country under 100% far Left Democrat rule is better? You sir are a fucking Communist scumbag.
There will be documentaries in years to come on how exactly Trump wanted to steal our elections. And if he would have got away with it, future elections would have been at risk.

Put it this way. This should be easy for you to understand. Now that Trump said election are rigged, do you trust elections? Well if Trump rigged an election, why would we trust future elections?

I believe Bush stole 2000. So does the rest of the world. Only in America is this kept quiet.

If Pence and a few more Republicans would have went along. Luckily they didn't. So, today I don't think Republicans are a threat. Mike Pence and DiSantis aren't a threat to democracy. Majorie Taylor Greene and Trump are. Lindsey Faggot Graham tried to help Trump steal Florida. That faggots go to go.
Homophobic much?!!!!

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