Zone1 Do you believe in Free Speech

I do believe in free speech


There is no free speech left in the Banana Republic of the US when Trump can not speak his mind and say the election was stolen.....there is shit left.
Nobody is stopping trump from saying the election was stolen. That fat orange fool says that several times every day.
This is a question mainly for so-called liberals.

Do you support free speech, meaning the government has no right to infringe on it, to censor you, or punish you for exercising your free speech rights? Or do you support censorship? Also, do you believe corporations should have no right to censor free speech, or should they be doing that? (This is separate from First Amendment, it is just the idea of free speech.)

For example: If someone says an election is stolen, would you defend the right of that person to say it? Or do you believe that person should be silenced, either by the government or a corporation?

Is It okay for it to be labeled “misinformation“ or to be banned entirely? Should the person even be allowed to say it?

Of Course then we get into who is actually labeling something “misinformation”, or making the decision to delete/ban/block such remarks. That is of course censorship. You cannot claim to support “free speech”, and support these things. So who gets to make the decision of what is misinformation or not? Must be someone wise. Perhaps we can call that person an “Oracle of Truth” or something.




For example, in 2016 Hillary Clinton said the election was stolen. That President Trump was “illegitimate“. That he only won because of “Russia collusion”.

Did she have the right to say these things? Should she have been banned off Twitter? Was her saying these things ”misinformation?” Was it a “threat to democracy?” Should she had been arrested for saying such things?

I don’t recall anyone on the right saying she should be banned off Twitter. No one demanded social media and news agencies call the claims “misinformation” or to delete them.. Instead, Republicans just laughed it off. It didn’t piss us off in the least, it was just pathetic. They ridiculed her for it.

Now look at how Dems react to President Trump saying an election was rigged. Suddenly this is called “misinformation”, and of course “a threat to democracy”. They fully support censorship of Donald Trump and even just random people on the internet. Now they have arrested him for practicing free speech.

How can one claim they support Free Speech if they support censorship?

Here’s the difference that you MAGA seem not to understand about free speech.

You’re perfectly free to say “I want my wife dead.”

You are not perfectly free to say “I want my wife dead” as you slip $10,000 in an envelope across the table to a hit man.

Both are speech. The second is a conspiracy to commit murder. The first is not.

Almost all crimes involve speech.

Your Orange Jesus is not being charged for “free speech.”
The very one’s who say they support free speech are ones criminalize free speech when it comes to teachers, state employees and even private businesses.
So is that why Trump is being indicted for saying the election was stolen?

He's been indicted for criminal ACTIONS he took, not free speech....

Your Trump media circuit, does you a disservice, by spreading lies that his charges are against his speaking....that's pure propaganda brainwashing!!! :eek:
I absolutely support the right of anyone to say the election was stolen. I also support the right of people people to label it misinformation. It is all free speech.
Trump keeps hammering on the free speech thing, so the rubes follow along as usual.

I don't know if they actually don't understand the difference between speech and action, or if they're just lying.

As always, they have their own reality, so all the rest of us can do is observe.
The Democrat party conspires with social media to limit what people can say.

When people support that, they do not do so because they are liberal.

They do so because they aren't.
Trump keeps hammering on the free speech thing, so the rubes follow along as usual.

I don't know if they actually don't understand the difference between speech and action, or if they're just lying.

As always, they have their own reality, so all the rest of us can do is observe.
Despite reality, they think Biden is controlling the prosecution because trump said he thought the election was stolen. It's what fox is telling them.
This is a question mainly for so-called liberals.

Do you support free speech, meaning the government has no right to infringe on it, to censor you, or punish you for exercising your free speech rights? Or do you support censorship? Also, do you believe corporations should have no right to censor free speech, or should they be doing that? (This is separate from First Amendment, it is just the idea of free speech.)

For example: If someone says an election is stolen, would you defend the right of that person to say it? Or do you believe that person should be silenced, either by the government or a corporation?

Is It okay for it to be labeled “misinformation“ or to be banned entirely? Should the person even be allowed to say it?

Of Course then we get into who is actually labeling something “misinformation”, or making the decision to delete/ban/block such remarks. That is of course censorship. You cannot claim to support “free speech”, and support these things. So who gets to make the decision of what is misinformation or not? Must be someone wise. Perhaps we can call that person an “Oracle of Truth” or something.




For example, in 2016 Hillary Clinton said the election was stolen. That President Trump was “illegitimate“. That he only won because of “Russia collusion”.

Did she have the right to say these things? Should she have been banned off Twitter? Was her saying these things ”misinformation?” Was it a “threat to democracy?” Should she had been arrested for saying such things?

I don’t recall anyone on the right saying she should be banned off Twitter. No one demanded social media and news agencies call the claims “misinformation” or to delete them.. Instead, Republicans just laughed it off. It didn’t piss us off in the least, it was just pathetic. They ridiculed her for it.

Now look at how Dems react to President Trump saying an election was rigged. Suddenly this is called “misinformation”, and of course “a threat to democracy”. They fully support censorship of Donald Trump and even just random people on the internet. Now they have arrested him for practicing free speech.

How can one claim they support Free Speech if they support censorship?

Well, the Hawk must be wrong, how about a Dodo Bird instead.

Well, the Hawk must be wrong, how about a Dodo Bird instead.
The Hawk is quite correct in supporting the liberal principle of free speech.

Since you obviously oppose it, perhaps you need to reassess who is the actual dodo bird and who isn't.
Nobody is stopping trump from saying the election was stolen. That fat orange fool says that several times every day.
^^ notice how lefties claim censorship isn’t happening.
Here’s the difference that you MAGA seem not to understand about free speech.

You’re perfectly free to say “I want my wife dead.”

You are not perfectly free to say “I want my wife dead” as you slip $10,000 in an envelope across the table to a hit man.

Both are speech. The second is a conspiracy to commit murder. The first is not.

Almost all crimes involve speech.

Your Orange Jesus is not being charged for “free speech.”
yes he is. Look at the charges. He is being charged for Tweeting a link to an OAN Network link to a video. That’s the “crime”. Another is asking for a phone number to an election official. These are what all the charges are. They are nothing more than charging someone for questioning an election and asking to look for fraud.
Despite reality, they think Biden is controlling the prosecution because trump said he thought the election was stolen. It's what fox is telling them.
And all Trump has been doing is asking questions, that's all! Just asking a question here and there!

And the cops showed up and dragged him away for that! This is Nazi Germany, I tell you!
I do not believe in unbridled free speech. I believe in the right to speak TRUTH, but only TRUTH. I am very much in favor of expanding the definitions and punishments for slander and libel.

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