Do You Believe In God?

Do You Believe In God?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 46.3%
  • Yes, but not like Christian's do

    Votes: 3 7.3%
  • No.

    Votes: 11 26.8%
  • No. But I believe a higher being put us here

    Votes: 1 2.4%
  • I don't think we'll ever know until we die

    Votes: 2 4.9%
  • Something Else (Specify)

    Votes: 5 12.2%

  • Total voters
I am a Christian.
I believe Jesus is God in human form.
I believe God is 3 person (Father, Son, Holy Spirit)

What do YOU believe?

Something similar, I think God is the Holy Spirit, and He manifested Himself as Human in Jesus in order to feel the full effects of human life, natural urges, emotions, and pain.

No one can go to God after death and claim "You don't what what it's like". I don't think he demands perfection, but I do believe everyone knows instinctually what is right or wrong.

That's why libtards detest God, because they know they're wrong.

Dear Pete7469
Please distinguish
* the secular gentiles who by their nature made by God are NONTHEIST and do not think in terms of a "personified" God8
as the Deists and Theists do who are a separate fold of the one flock. God in his wisdom made some to be believers under scriptural laws and authority, while others to be secular gentiles under laws of nature and science. The two folds are supposed to check and balance each other in harmony, not discriminate against each other, as the same Lord Jesus or Laws of Justice fulfill BOTH the spiritual laws of the church and the secular laws of the state as one in universal truth.


* people who detest THEISTS and THEISM because they feel rejected by THEISTS and THEISM

The religion is separate from the actual content of the laws that is universal truth from God or Nature.

The religion can cause manmade divisions to separate us by fear and ill will.
This is a separate problem and must be addressed first before people can
understand and discuss what God really means, not just the religious facades people reject.

There is a major difference between
* atheists
* anti-theists
* nontheists

Please do not confuse and blame all these as if they are all "anti-theists"

It is important to treat our neighbors as ourselves.
If we want others to distinguish between the TRUE meaning and message
vs. the confusion caused by divisive religions,
we also should distinguish what people truly mean or believe
vs. the appearance or perception of coming across as false and wrong.

Understand this is the same reason many people reject
Theists for coming across as false and wrong.
That's not the same as rejecting God.
Penelope is language impaired----but not as a manifestation of a neurologic injury (as in stroke or trauma or even developemental anomaly------just ordinary stupidity. I will translate >>>>

I, Penelope---was at one time a mindless RC----but then past the age of 40, (as opposed to the normal child who reaches the cognitive level of complex operations by about 12) I realized that Jesus was jewish. The revelation knocked my catholic socks off-----as the earliest lessons of my life included the "FACT" that jews are evil and have more money than does the "christian" god. It was a spiritual crisis. The only remnant of my early "spiritual" education that remains in my heart is ---**)) HATRED FOR DA JOOOOS ((** complicated by my unwarranted belief that I understand the contents of a book I never read and would not understand it if I tried. So I resorted to propaganda jibberish that ""seemed"" logical to my scrambled perverted mind. My new SPIRITUAL quest is----SPREADING THE GOSPEL-----which is ----Jesus was not a jew. It is an interesting idea first promulgated by a person so perverse in his actions and believe that Christian scholars DENY that he ever actually converted to Christianity------(to wit---Constantine)

What a bizarre and disjointed post. Even after reformatting to readability I have no clue what its point is.

I too was indoctrinated into RC and started rejecting it as soon as it started to make its case (specifically on "original sin", age 5). That was enough to let me know this was not gonna be a one-stop shopping experience and further investigation would be required (and that the penguins weren't gonna be any help in it). But the fact of Jesus being a Jew never impressed me beyond any other meaningless trivia such as Nero playing a lyre and not a fiddle. It simply has no value.

I don't think I even knew any Jews growing up, or if I did wasn't aware of them. Not sure if I can imagine a piece of trivia any more meaningless.

Especially considering that all we know about Jesus, if he existed at all, has been third-hand mythology written down decades after (and edited centuries after, per your ref to Constantine) he was gone.

I do not believe that the NT was altered in any significant way AFTER ----if not Constantine---then JUSTIN which was NOT centuries later-----in fact, not even a century. It is not entirely illogical that the fact that Jesus was jew would be meaningless to you-----catholics in my
childhood (we probably came out of the same era) had no idea
what a "jew" is-----it might just as well be a hindu or a martian---back
then -----in the OZZIE AND HARRIET era.------but always something---
in the catholic school Kids' minds----something dark and sinister. Depends on where in the USA you lived ----catholic kids in my childhood began to realize that there are jews in the world only
after Pope John XXIII made an issue of the fact. There was a large
catholic grammar school in my town-----virtuall all of "them" attended till they either got thrown out ---or the 8th grade-----only the very best
went to the somewhat distant catholic high school and lots of them
stayed dim My college---was near a catholic priest prep. The crème of the catholic high schools went there----they were a bit clueless too.

Speak for yourself. I never heard the concept of "Jew" as any kind of negative -- or really as anything other than a cultural icon -- until I grew up and started traipsing through the world and the rest of the bizarre concepts in some corners that I had no idea existed. It certainly wasn't any part of my childhood, including Catholic school. There was simply no such thing.

even more interesting-----Of course I have no idea to what CORNERS you traipsed but either it was not the USA or you were a bit unconscious. It was not Ireland----not England, It might have been some country in south east asia where the missionary nuns ran
a grammar school. Such are the only kinds of people I have ever known who grew up free of the JOOOO BUGABOO-----it certainly was not Texas

Pennsylvania. With regular recurring trips to the deep South where the rest of my relatives were. And in neither of those settings was "Joooo" a concept I even heard of any more than, say, "Hindooooo".

As I said speak for yourself. Perhaps it had more to do with Texas, or more correctly your specific part of Texas. It certainly wasn't part of the Baltimore Catechism or any scholastic accouterments thereof, nor did it exist among the peers, friends or family I grew up with.

Ok ----it was not Philadelphia either------some remote part of Pennsylvannia------I could believe that---- a coal mining town?
What a bizarre and disjointed post. Even after reformatting to readability I have no clue what its point is.

I too was indoctrinated into RC and started rejecting it as soon as it started to make its case (specifically on "original sin", age 5). That was enough to let me know this was not gonna be a one-stop shopping experience and further investigation would be required (and that the penguins weren't gonna be any help in it). But the fact of Jesus being a Jew never impressed me beyond any other meaningless trivia such as Nero playing a lyre and not a fiddle. It simply has no value.

I don't think I even knew any Jews growing up, or if I did wasn't aware of them. Not sure if I can imagine a piece of trivia any more meaningless.

Especially considering that all we know about Jesus, if he existed at all, has been third-hand mythology written down decades after (and edited centuries after, per your ref to Constantine) he was gone.

I do not believe that the NT was altered in any significant way AFTER ----if not Constantine---then JUSTIN which was NOT centuries later-----in fact, not even a century. It is not entirely illogical that the fact that Jesus was jew would be meaningless to you-----catholics in my
childhood (we probably came out of the same era) had no idea
what a "jew" is-----it might just as well be a hindu or a martian---back
then -----in the OZZIE AND HARRIET era.------but always something---
in the catholic school Kids' minds----something dark and sinister. Depends on where in the USA you lived ----catholic kids in my childhood began to realize that there are jews in the world only
after Pope John XXIII made an issue of the fact. There was a large
catholic grammar school in my town-----virtuall all of "them" attended till they either got thrown out ---or the 8th grade-----only the very best
went to the somewhat distant catholic high school and lots of them
stayed dim My college---was near a catholic priest prep. The crème of the catholic high schools went there----they were a bit clueless too.

Speak for yourself. I never heard the concept of "Jew" as any kind of negative -- or really as anything other than a cultural icon -- until I grew up and started traipsing through the world and the rest of the bizarre concepts in some corners that I had no idea existed. It certainly wasn't any part of my childhood, including Catholic school. There was simply no such thing.

even more interesting-----Of course I have no idea to what CORNERS you traipsed but either it was not the USA or you were a bit unconscious. It was not Ireland----not England, It might have been some country in south east asia where the missionary nuns ran
a grammar school. Such are the only kinds of people I have ever known who grew up free of the JOOOO BUGABOO-----it certainly was not Texas

Pennsylvania. With regular recurring trips to the deep South where the rest of my relatives were. And in neither of those settings was "Joooo" a concept I even heard of any more than, say, "Hindooooo".

As I said speak for yourself. Perhaps it had more to do with Texas, or more correctly your specific part of Texas. It certainly wasn't part of the Baltimore Catechism or any scholastic accouterments thereof, nor did it exist among the peers, friends or family I grew up with.

Ok ----it was not Philadelphia either------some remote part of Pennsylvannia------I could believe that---- a coal mining town?

Pittsburgh.... :rofl:

We Philadelphians consider that another state. They don't even know how to talk out there.

I've been to Pittsburgh -- it's bizarre walking around wondering "how come these foreigners' license plates look just like ours?"
Bonzi I just want to note...

This is a great thread. :thup:

Far better mental aerobics than the usual fare. I like a good workout. :)
That's why he created us. For relationship, a FREE WILL relationship.

Circular reasoning. You didn't address the question. The question, again, is "why would a creator need that"? Doesn't pass the smell test.

Regarding relationships, I don't know if it's a want or a need, I can't answer for God, but he's GOD!
What more do you really need to know?

Everything, because it doesn't add up. This is more circular reasoning.
It looks like this:


-- and that's a failed reasoning. Notice the circle is closed.

You know how you don't want to do something, so you look for every reason NOT to do it?
Or, if you just don't want to like someone you look for every single flaw?
This is how it is with people that don't WANT to believe there is a God, they nit pick and over-analyze, they TRY to look for reasons to not believe - why?

On the contrary, I seek positives, not negatives. And I haven't been supplied any. Therefore the case isn't made, and we revert to the state before the concept was presented, where that concept does not exist.

It's pretty basic -- nothing exists where there's no evidence of it. This computer does not exist, except I can feel my fingers on the keyboard and see the words pop up; therefore this computer DOES exist.

Because it's human nature to NOT want to obey or be submissive to anyone!

Aye, or to put it the opposite way, it's human nature to seek freedom from being under the thumb of some external power.

------ So why invent one? :confused:

Well I'll tell you why. Because if you invent one and declare yourself the high priest/shaman/mucketymuck, you get to control people.

Everyone wants to do "what is right in their own minds" (this is referenced in the Bible many times, over and over again... especially in the Old Testament)

And people view obedience and submission as "negatives" - but God loves you PERFECTLY and wants what is BEST for you!

I'll leave this elephant in the room to my fellow Irish Catholic:

The sarcasm makes far more sense to me than the concept it lampoons.

Pogo do you have children?

I do not. Why?

You asked a question about why a relationship. If you have children I would assume that would make it easier to understand that the ultimate creator God desires to have a relationship with that which is designed to be like the first born created in God's image. I enjoy having a close relationship with my children.
That's why he created us. For relationship, a FREE WILL relationship.

Circular reasoning. You didn't address the question. The question, again, is "why would a creator need that"? Doesn't pass the smell test.

Regarding relationships, I don't know if it's a want or a need, I can't answer for God, but he's GOD!
What more do you really need to know?

Everything, because it doesn't add up. This is more circular reasoning.
It looks like this:


-- and that's a failed reasoning. Notice the circle is closed.

You know how you don't want to do something, so you look for every reason NOT to do it?
Or, if you just don't want to like someone you look for every single flaw?
This is how it is with people that don't WANT to believe there is a God, they nit pick and over-analyze, they TRY to look for reasons to not believe - why?

On the contrary, I seek positives, not negatives. And I haven't been supplied any. Therefore the case isn't made, and we revert to the state before the concept was presented, where that concept does not exist.

It's pretty basic -- nothing exists where there's no evidence of it. This computer does not exist, except I can feel my fingers on the keyboard and see the words pop up; therefore this computer DOES exist.

Because it's human nature to NOT want to obey or be submissive to anyone!

Aye, or to put it the opposite way, it's human nature to seek freedom from being under the thumb of some external power.

------ So why invent one? :confused:

Well I'll tell you why. Because if you invent one and declare yourself the high priest/shaman/mucketymuck, you get to control people.

Everyone wants to do "what is right in their own minds" (this is referenced in the Bible many times, over and over again... especially in the Old Testament)

And people view obedience and submission as "negatives" - but God loves you PERFECTLY and wants what is BEST for you!

I'll leave this elephant in the room to my fellow Irish Catholic:

The sarcasm makes far more sense to me than the concept it lampoons.

Pogo do you have children?

I do not. Why?

You asked a question about why a relationship. If you have children I would assume that would make it easier to understand that the ultimate creator God desires to have a relationship with that which is designed to be like the first born created in God's image. I enjoy having a close relationship with my children.

Have kids and then go play hide and seek and make them come find you or not.....

Thata goofy.
I do not believe that the NT was altered in any significant way AFTER ----if not Constantine---then JUSTIN which was NOT centuries later-----in fact, not even a century. It is not entirely illogical that the fact that Jesus was jew would be meaningless to you-----catholics in my
childhood (we probably came out of the same era) had no idea
what a "jew" is-----it might just as well be a hindu or a martian---back
then -----in the OZZIE AND HARRIET era.------but always something---
in the catholic school Kids' minds----something dark and sinister. Depends on where in the USA you lived ----catholic kids in my childhood began to realize that there are jews in the world only
after Pope John XXIII made an issue of the fact. There was a large
catholic grammar school in my town-----virtuall all of "them" attended till they either got thrown out ---or the 8th grade-----only the very best
went to the somewhat distant catholic high school and lots of them
stayed dim My college---was near a catholic priest prep. The crème of the catholic high schools went there----they were a bit clueless too.

Speak for yourself. I never heard the concept of "Jew" as any kind of negative -- or really as anything other than a cultural icon -- until I grew up and started traipsing through the world and the rest of the bizarre concepts in some corners that I had no idea existed. It certainly wasn't any part of my childhood, including Catholic school. There was simply no such thing.

even more interesting-----Of course I have no idea to what CORNERS you traipsed but either it was not the USA or you were a bit unconscious. It was not Ireland----not England, It might have been some country in south east asia where the missionary nuns ran
a grammar school. Such are the only kinds of people I have ever known who grew up free of the JOOOO BUGABOO-----it certainly was not Texas

Pennsylvania. With regular recurring trips to the deep South where the rest of my relatives were. And in neither of those settings was "Joooo" a concept I even heard of any more than, say, "Hindooooo".

As I said speak for yourself. Perhaps it had more to do with Texas, or more correctly your specific part of Texas. It certainly wasn't part of the Baltimore Catechism or any scholastic accouterments thereof, nor did it exist among the peers, friends or family I grew up with.

Ok ----it was not Philadelphia either------some remote part of Pennsylvannia------I could believe that---- a coal mining town?

Pittsburgh.... :rofl:

We Philadelphians consider that another state. They don't even know how to talk out there.

I've been to Pittsburgh -- it's bizarre walking around wondering "how come these foreigners' license plates look just like ours?"

oh, OK-----you are from the "Pittsburgh is the PITTS" crowd-----I know you Philadelphians well----------me (innocent short person) "can you tell me where Locust street is"?? Philly creep>>> "who are you"?? Me. "I am not from this city----but I just started working here. I do not live here" philly creep>> "Why don't you know"
Me "I am not entirely familiar with this city" ----Philly creep---"why not"? " why did you come here". Me <shrug> ---"thanks anyway".

Me "you have lots of space ahead of you ----(to philly guy in parked
car) can you move up a few feet"? Philly creep "NO"

I have a philly sister-in-law-------DON'T ASK!!!!!!!!
That's why he created us. For relationship, a FREE WILL relationship.

Circular reasoning. You didn't address the question. The question, again, is "why would a creator need that"? Doesn't pass the smell test.

Regarding relationships, I don't know if it's a want or a need, I can't answer for God, but he's GOD!
What more do you really need to know?

Everything, because it doesn't add up. This is more circular reasoning.
It looks like this:


-- and that's a failed reasoning. Notice the circle is closed.

You know how you don't want to do something, so you look for every reason NOT to do it?
Or, if you just don't want to like someone you look for every single flaw?
This is how it is with people that don't WANT to believe there is a God, they nit pick and over-analyze, they TRY to look for reasons to not believe - why?

On the contrary, I seek positives, not negatives. And I haven't been supplied any. Therefore the case isn't made, and we revert to the state before the concept was presented, where that concept does not exist.

It's pretty basic -- nothing exists where there's no evidence of it. This computer does not exist, except I can feel my fingers on the keyboard and see the words pop up; therefore this computer DOES exist.

Because it's human nature to NOT want to obey or be submissive to anyone!

Aye, or to put it the opposite way, it's human nature to seek freedom from being under the thumb of some external power.

------ So why invent one? :confused:

Well I'll tell you why. Because if you invent one and declare yourself the high priest/shaman/mucketymuck, you get to control people.

Everyone wants to do "what is right in their own minds" (this is referenced in the Bible many times, over and over again... especially in the Old Testament)

And people view obedience and submission as "negatives" - but God loves you PERFECTLY and wants what is BEST for you!

I'll leave this elephant in the room to my fellow Irish Catholic:

The sarcasm makes far more sense to me than the concept it lampoons.

Pogo do you have children?

I do not. Why?

You asked a question about why a relationship. If you have children I would assume that would make it easier to understand that the ultimate creator God desires to have a relationship with that which is designed to be like the first born created in God's image. I enjoy having a close relationship with my children.

Have kids and then go play hide and seek and make them come find you or not.....

Thata goofy.
Were you as a child in the womb aware of the body you were forming in?
Weird Pogo I tried 2-3 times to reply to your message but can't post it. Blank posts are coming up instead.

I will try this, sorry for shooting "blanks" at you?

1. If you are taking a broader impersonal approach to the whole picture,
limiting God to a personal Creator may not work for you but run into conflicts and walls.
You might be less frustrated framing God as self-existent eternal Nature or Universe with no beginning and no end.
And all these other paradigms are subsets of describing the creation process WITHIN the bigger process
that is beyond our human perception. Like breaking it down into smaller stories within the bigger story.

2. As for why create man, free will etc.
Well why bear children? If children will only grow up to know suffering and pain before dying like everything else dies.
The answer is the value of living and loving as an expression worth sharing in and of itself.
Of living and growing and enjoying life anyway, despite our human flaws and limitations.
What is wrong with life for the sake of sharing and expressing love?
Of enjoying the sharing, growing and "discovery" within our Relationships with each other
and also the greater world we are all connected with, like a microcosm within a bigger
ecosystem, all interconnected with synergistic dynamics we have yet to discover.

Of course it isn't perfect in the literal sense.
What is perfect is being spiritually mature and taking the good with the bad.
Making the most of life anyway.

3. And just because someone can't make the same children come out
as the ones that came out before, does that mean creation is faulty?

What if laws of gravity exist and then these cannot be changed.
Once the laws are made, then things based on those laws have to follow a certain way to be consistent.

So what if there are some things no longer possible once the system is set up a certain way?
If the earth already travels around the sun in one direction, so what if it cannot be changed to revolve the other way?

Does this mean the powers of the universe are any less, just because once
things are set in motion they stay in motion?

let's see if this posts. sorry about the other blank msgs. weird. some divine quirk in the system i guess!
Have kids and then go play hide and seek and make them come find you or not.....

Thata goofy.

Actually... we were the ones that tried to hide from Him.
Why would He? He laid down the rules, you play accordingly. You fuck it up, you try it over and over again until you "get it." That's that simple. You are rich and do not take care of the poor, you just fucked it up. You lie, you just fucked it up. You are hungry for power over others, you just fucked it up…. and on and on….
…I am not "God"… I don't mind to "wanting relationship.." ;)

You know ... you're cute... :tongue: .....

... but ... it's not about following rules.
It's the OPPOSITE of that! It's about giving yourself over to God.
….as I look back I should have said I was...:(
Circular reasoning. You didn't address the question. The question, again, is "why would a creator need that"? Doesn't pass the smell test.

Everything, because it doesn't add up. This is more circular reasoning.
It looks like this:


-- and that's a failed reasoning. Notice the circle is closed.

On the contrary, I seek positives, not negatives. And I haven't been supplied any. Therefore the case isn't made, and we revert to the state before the concept was presented, where that concept does not exist.

It's pretty basic -- nothing exists where there's no evidence of it. This computer does not exist, except I can feel my fingers on the keyboard and see the words pop up; therefore this computer DOES exist.

Aye, or to put it the opposite way, it's human nature to seek freedom from being under the thumb of some external power.

------ So why invent one? :confused:

Well I'll tell you why. Because if you invent one and declare yourself the high priest/shaman/mucketymuck, you get to control people.

I'll leave this elephant in the room to my fellow Irish Catholic:

The sarcasm makes far more sense to me than the concept it lampoons.

Pogo do you have children?

I do not. Why?

You asked a question about why a relationship. If you have children I would assume that would make it easier to understand that the ultimate creator God desires to have a relationship with that which is designed to be like the first born created in God's image. I enjoy having a close relationship with my children.

Have kids and then go play hide and seek and make them come find you or not.....

Thata goofy.
Were you as a child in the womb aware of the body you were forming in?

You asked that backwards.

Did my mother hide from me or did she make.herself clearly known no bullshit games....
Have kids and then go play hide and seek and make them come find you or not.....

Thata goofy.

Actually... we were the ones that tried to hide from Him.

Actually... that makes about as much sense as the exchange:

(A) "Satan will control you if you don't find God!"

(B) "Bullshit. 'Satan' doesn't exist."

(A) "umm... umm, yeah that's his most nefarious trick -- getting you to not believe in him!"


Rhetorical manipulation to shut off any possible avenue of alternative.

"I'm not the Messiah!"
"Only the true Messiah denies his divinity!"
"What sort of chance does that give me?!?"

Last edited:
Speak for yourself. I never heard the concept of "Jew" as any kind of negative -- or really as anything other than a cultural icon -- until I grew up and started traipsing through the world and the rest of the bizarre concepts in some corners that I had no idea existed. It certainly wasn't any part of my childhood, including Catholic school. There was simply no such thing.

even more interesting-----Of course I have no idea to what CORNERS you traipsed but either it was not the USA or you were a bit unconscious. It was not Ireland----not England, It might have been some country in south east asia where the missionary nuns ran
a grammar school. Such are the only kinds of people I have ever known who grew up free of the JOOOO BUGABOO-----it certainly was not Texas

Pennsylvania. With regular recurring trips to the deep South where the rest of my relatives were. And in neither of those settings was "Joooo" a concept I even heard of any more than, say, "Hindooooo".

As I said speak for yourself. Perhaps it had more to do with Texas, or more correctly your specific part of Texas. It certainly wasn't part of the Baltimore Catechism or any scholastic accouterments thereof, nor did it exist among the peers, friends or family I grew up with.

Ok ----it was not Philadelphia either------some remote part of Pennsylvannia------I could believe that---- a coal mining town?

Pittsburgh.... :rofl:

We Philadelphians consider that another state. They don't even know how to talk out there.

I've been to Pittsburgh -- it's bizarre walking around wondering "how come these foreigners' license plates look just like ours?"

oh, OK-----you are from the "Pittsburgh is the PITTS" crowd-----I know you Philadelphians well----------me (innocent short person) "can you tell me where Locust street is"?? Philly creep>>> "who are you"?? Me. "I am not from this city----but I just started working here. I do not live here" philly creep>> "Why don't you know"
Me "I am not entirely familiar with this city" ----Philly creep---"why not"? " why did you come here". Me <shrug> ---"thanks anyway".

Me "you have lots of space ahead of you ----(to philly guy in parked
car) can you move up a few feet"? Philly creep "NO"

I have a philly sister-in-law-------DON'T ASK!!!!!!!!

I can indeed tell you where Locust street is ("Chestnut, Walnut, Locust, Spruce, Pine, Lombard, South") but I wouldn't give you an answer like that.

About the time I was moving away for other places it occurred to me that the standard greeting to a stranger in Philly is "what are you lookin' at??" It's part of why I left.

Since I left though, when I come back it seems to have improved a LOT. Or perhaps more likely, my atty-tood is less poisoned by being in that environment. That's why I knew I had to leave.

The parking thing -- I had that happen to me in New Orleans. By a lady from Arkin-SAWW.
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Oh wow hun, this is wrong on so many levels... :(

There are those who do use God to their advantage, for power and gain.
RELIGIONS have been "invented" to do what you said above.

But you are not seeing GOD. Like Darkwind said earlier, God is not Church. God is not even RELIGION...
Religions of the ancients were not invented at all and their essence was not about gaining power over the ignorant...
You are absolutely not blonde today...
Pogo do you have children?

I do not. Why?
You asked a question about why a relationship. If you have children I would assume that would make it easier to understand that the ultimate creator God desires to have a relationship with that which is designed to be like the first born created in God's image. I enjoy having a close relationship with my children.
Have kids and then go play hide and seek and make them come find you or not.....

Thata goofy.
Were you as a child in the womb aware of the body you were forming in?
You asked that backwards.

Did my mother hide from me or did she make.herself clearly known no bullshit games....

OK G.T. maybe not your mother
But even with me, I was posting and trying to say one thing.
You saw it as something negative and I scared you away.
You and I are still trying to connect and make sure we are on the same page
and not that other perception or image that was coming across wrong.

Similar with what God means that comes across as false and wrong and the opposite of what is intended.

It is hidden from us because of some confusion or fear getting in the way.
But that doesn't mean the TRUE meaning that we were both driving to get at
wasn't there the whole time, waiting to be understood. it was masked by "clouds of confusion" blocking us
in the meantime where we couldn't SEE what was going wrong and WHY we couldn't connect.

We were BOTH trying to say something, and there was a huge disconnect
where you thought I was pushing something totally mean, bigoted and evil.

How is that when I am FOR resolving any problems that otherwise cause these injuries?

So that happens to the best of people.
Someone can intend to help and support with love, to be on the same side,
but come across as trying to control or be mean and trying to work against what we want or need.

That is similar to how some knowledge or truth can be "there the whole time"
but it is hidden from us because our perceptions are limited or
we are talking past each other in conflict. But when the confusion is resolved,
then underneath, we can see the real meaning that was already there we "couldn't see."
I believe in God and I don't question my belief.

I base my belief on one simple passage in the bible.

Ecclesiastes 12:13 King James Version (KJV)
13 Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God, and keep his commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.

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