Do you Believe Kavanaugh's Rape Accuser?

Do you believe Kavanaughs rape accuser?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 19.6%
  • No

    Votes: 111 80.4%

  • Total voters
The only reason to believe or disbelieve her at this point is merely partisanship and whether or not you want Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.

Not quite.

The data shows that women generally don’t make false accusations of sexual assault. Those who do generally do so for emotional reasons. Not financial gain nor political motives.

The truth about false assault accusations

Therefore, we actually do have some reason to believe her.
There is no reason not to believe her. People remember what happened 40-50 years ago, when there was no one around to complain to. The current ongoing campaign to smear anyone who comes forward, having lived in anonymity for decades, when they realize that someone who did something evil to them years ago is about to be given a position of power shows that the problem still continues to this day.

BTW: she stopped short of accusing him of rape.

Brett Kavanaugh has been in a position of power for quite a long time. He didn't just become a judge yesterday. If these allegations are true, shame on the accuser for not saying something years ago. However, she only stepped forward when politics became involved. Thus, she is full of shit.

Very false logic. She obviously did not want to get involved, but felt compelled to step forward since this guy was going to be on the Supreme Court. Even then, she wrote of her experience with him in a way to keep her identity secret, because she did not want the spotlight. Now she has had to identify herself, which she didn't want to do, and go through the crap. She might not even have known that he was rising in judicial ranks or considered him until his name came out all over the news.

When I was young, I met some of these nasty little slut boys like she is describing. Unfortunately, they have circulated in our society for as long as anyone can remember without being outed for the filth that they were. I just read some of the disgusting female-hating writings of his little gutter friend Mark Judge; talking about hitting female people and showing female people who is "the boss." He wrote this shit down in a book. While no one can attribute Judge's writings to Kavanaugh, Judge's writing give us some idea of what kind of creepy things were going on there.

We don't know what was going on over at Georgetown Prep, but I guess that we will be finding out. Interesting that 200 alumni of Holton Arms signed a letter in support of her.

No person who hates half of the American population should ever sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, which would give this person immense power over the American People.

It would be better if you would ask why anyone would behave this way toward another person and go after the people who do,
There is no reason not to believe her. People remember what happened 40-50 years ago, when there was no one around to complain to. The current ongoing campaign to smear anyone who comes forward, having lived in anonymity for decades, when they realize that someone who did something evil to them years ago is about to be given a position of power shows that the problem still continues to this day.

BTW: she stopped short of accusing him of rape.

Brett Kavanaugh has been in a position of power for quite a long time. He didn't just become a judge yesterday. If these allegations are true, shame on the accuser for not saying something years ago. However, she only stepped forward when politics became involved. Thus, she is full of shit.

Very false logic. She obviously did not want to get involved, but felt compelled to step forward since this guy was going to be on the Supreme Court. Even then, she wrote of her experience with him in a way to keep her identity secret, because she did not want the spotlight. Now she has had to identify herself, which she didn't want to do, and go through the crap. She might not even have known that he was rising in judicial ranks or considered him until his name came out all over the news.

When I was young, I met some of these nasty little slut boys like she is describing. Unfortunately, they have circulated in our society for as long as anyone can remember without being outed for the filth that they were. I just read some of the disgusting female-hating writings of his little gutter friend Mark Judge; talking about hitting female people and showing female people who is "the boss." He wrote this shit down in a book. While no one can attribute Judge's writings to Kavanaugh, Judge's writing give us some idea of what kind of creepy things were going on there.

We don't know what was going on over at Georgetown Prep, but I guess that we will be finding out. Interesting that 200 alumni of Holton Arms signed a letter in support of her.

No person who hates half of the American population should ever sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, which would give this person immense power over the American People.

It would be better if you would ask why anyone would behave this way toward another person and go after the people who do,
The two of them must have made quite a pair. Wasnt Kav and Mark Judge best friends? Judge all drunk and beating women and Kav trying to save his soul through prayer and sacrifice. Poor Kav.
I haven't listened to enough of her story to offer an opinion. Without others coming forward I don't see it as pertinent to make judgement of his adult character.
There is no reason not to believe her. People remember what happened 40-50 years ago, when there was no one around to complain to. The current ongoing campaign to smear anyone who comes forward, having lived in anonymity for decades, when they realize that someone who did something evil to them years ago is about to be given a position of power shows that the problem still continues to this day.

BTW: she stopped short of accusing him of rape.

Brett Kavanaugh has been in a position of power for quite a long time. He didn't just become a judge yesterday. If these allegations are true, shame on the accuser for not saying something years ago. However, she only stepped forward when politics became involved. Thus, she is full of shit.

Very false logic. She obviously did not want to get involved, but felt compelled to step forward since this guy was going to be on the Supreme Court. Even then, she wrote of her experience with him in a way to keep her identity secret, because she did not want the spotlight. Now she has had to identify herself, which she didn't want to do, and go through the crap. She might not even have known that he was rising in judicial ranks or considered him until his name came out all over the news.

When I was young, I met some of these nasty little slut boys like she is describing. Unfortunately, they have circulated in our society for as long as anyone can remember without being outed for the filth that they were. I just read some of the disgusting female-hating writings of his little gutter friend Mark Judge; talking about hitting female people and showing female people who is "the boss." He wrote this shit down in a book. While no one can attribute Judge's writings to Kavanaugh, Judge's writing give us some idea of what kind of creepy things were going on there.

We don't know what was going on over at Georgetown Prep, but I guess that we will be finding out. Interesting that 200 alumni of Holton Arms signed a letter in support of her.

No person who hates half of the American population should ever sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, which would give this person immense power over the American People.

It would be better if you would ask why anyone would behave this way toward another person and go after the people who do,
The two of them must have made quite a pair. Wasnt Kav and Mark Judge best friends? Judge all drunk and beating women and Kav trying to save his soul through prayer and sacrifice. Poor Kav.

I've got a lot of thinking to do about this. When I was in college I met a law student on a bus from DC to NYC. He was six years older than me and a Vietnam vet. At first he thought that I was jail bait, given my braids and granny glasses, until he saw me reading the opinion section of the Sunday Washington Post. We had a romance that ended strangely after some beautiful times (long story made short). He treated me like a queen. I found out later that he had risen in the ranks of the federal government, (after insisting that he never wanted to work for the government), and was even a minor player in something that had to do with Bill Clinton's brother and had to be interviewed by members of Congress.

All these decades later, and I would say that he broke my heart, I would defend him to this day. He never did anything wrong when he was with me. If he had done so, I would stand up now to accuse him if he was being considered for any important post.

We have to stand up and face the reality of just who these people are.
There is no reason not to believe her. People remember what happened 40-50 years ago, when there was no one around to complain to. The current ongoing campaign to smear anyone who comes forward, having lived in anonymity for decades, when they realize that someone who did something evil to them years ago is about to be given a position of power shows that the problem still continues to this day.

BTW: she stopped short of accusing him of rape.

Brett Kavanaugh has been in a position of power for quite a long time. He didn't just become a judge yesterday. If these allegations are true, shame on the accuser for not saying something years ago. However, she only stepped forward when politics became involved. Thus, she is full of shit.

Very false logic. She obviously did not want to get involved, but felt compelled to step forward since this guy was going to be on the Supreme Court. Even then, she wrote of her experience with him in a way to keep her identity secret, because she did not want the spotlight. Now she has had to identify herself, which she didn't want to do, and go through the crap. She might not even have known that he was rising in judicial ranks or considered him until his name came out all over the news.

When I was young, I met some of these nasty little slut boys like she is describing. Unfortunately, they have circulated in our society for as long as anyone can remember without being outed for the filth that they were. I just read some of the disgusting female-hating writings of his little gutter friend Mark Judge; talking about hitting female people and showing female people who is "the boss." He wrote this shit down in a book. While no one can attribute Judge's writings to Kavanaugh, Judge's writing give us some idea of what kind of creepy things were going on there.

We don't know what was going on over at Georgetown Prep, but I guess that we will be finding out. Interesting that 200 alumni of Holton Arms signed a letter in support of her.

No person who hates half of the American population should ever sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, which would give this person immense power over the American People.

It would be better if you would ask why anyone would behave this way toward another person and go after the people who do,
Show me who you hang out with, and I'll show you who you are.
The woman was never raped. She wasn't willing to lie quite that much. She might have been asked about medical treatment.

It's a phony because the Democrats always drag out a decades old sex accusation when they have nothing else.
Do you think her entire story is a lie?

Not entire story is a lie.

They did go to the same high school.
You sure about that?

Then I guess entire story is a lie.
There is no reason not to believe her. People remember what happened 40-50 years ago, when there was no one around to complain to. The current ongoing campaign to smear anyone who comes forward, having lived in anonymity for decades, when they realize that someone who did something evil to them years ago is about to be given a position of power shows that the problem still continues to this day.

BTW: she stopped short of accusing him of rape.

Brett Kavanaugh has been in a position of power for quite a long time. He didn't just become a judge yesterday. If these allegations are true, shame on the accuser for not saying something years ago. However, she only stepped forward when politics became involved. Thus, she is full of shit.

Very false logic. She obviously did not want to get involved, but felt compelled to step forward since this guy was going to be on the Supreme Court. Even then, she wrote of her experience with him in a way to keep her identity secret, because she did not want the spotlight. Now she has had to identify herself, which she didn't want to do, and go through the crap. She might not even have known that he was rising in judicial ranks or considered him until his name came out all over the news.

When I was young, I met some of these nasty little slut boys like she is describing. Unfortunately, they have circulated in our society for as long as anyone can remember without being outed for the filth that they were. I just read some of the disgusting female-hating writings of his little gutter friend Mark Judge; talking about hitting female people and showing female people who is "the boss." He wrote this shit down in a book. While no one can attribute Judge's writings to Kavanaugh, Judge's writing give us some idea of what kind of creepy things were going on there.

We don't know what was going on over at Georgetown Prep, but I guess that we will be finding out. Interesting that 200 alumni of Holton Arms signed a letter in support of her.

No person who hates half of the American population should ever sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, which would give this person immense power over the American People.

It would be better if you would ask why anyone would behave this way toward another person and go after the people who do,
Show me who you hang out with, and I'll show you who you are.

People from the suburbs who went to college, then went to work, traveled a bit and saw people who were different from us, went to work each work day for decades on the buses and the trains, gave our time and energy to family and to the corporations we worked for.
The only reason to believe or disbelieve her at this point is merely partisanship and whether or not you want Kavanaugh on the Supreme Court.

Not quite.

The data shows that women generally don’t make false accusations of sexual assault. Those who do generally do so for emotional reasons. Not financial gain nor political motives.

The truth about false assault accusations

Therefore, we actually do have some reason to believe her.

And, she’s supplied the names of two witnesses, neither can confirm the incident even happened. And supplied a Therapist note, then disputes it’s accuracy.

What else you got LL?

There is no reason not to believe her. People remember what happened 40-50 years ago, when there was no one around to complain to. The current ongoing campaign to smear anyone who comes forward, having lived in anonymity for decades, when they realize that someone who did something evil to them years ago is about to be given a position of power shows that the problem still continues to this day.

BTW: she stopped short of accusing him of rape.

Brett Kavanaugh has been in a position of power for quite a long time. He didn't just become a judge yesterday. If these allegations are true, shame on the accuser for not saying something years ago. However, she only stepped forward when politics became involved. Thus, she is full of shit.

Very false logic. She obviously did not want to get involved, but felt compelled to step forward since this guy was going to be on the Supreme Court. Even then, she wrote of her experience with him in a way to keep her identity secret, because she did not want the spotlight. Now she has had to identify herself, which she didn't want to do, and go through the crap. She might not even have known that he was rising in judicial ranks or considered him until his name came out all over the news.

When I was young, I met some of these nasty little slut boys like she is describing. Unfortunately, they have circulated in our society for as long as anyone can remember without being outed for the filth that they were. I just read some of the disgusting female-hating writings of his little gutter friend Mark Judge; talking about hitting female people and showing female people who is "the boss." He wrote this shit down in a book. While no one can attribute Judge's writings to Kavanaugh, Judge's writing give us some idea of what kind of creepy things were going on there.

We don't know what was going on over at Georgetown Prep, but I guess that we will be finding out. Interesting that 200 alumni of Holton Arms signed a letter in support of her.

No person who hates half of the American population should ever sit on the U.S. Supreme Court, which would give this person immense power over the American People.

It would be better if you would ask why anyone would behave this way toward another person and go after the people who do,
The two of them must have made quite a pair. Wasnt Kav and Mark Judge best friends? Judge all drunk and beating women and Kav trying to save his soul through prayer and sacrifice. Poor Kav.

I have contacted my senators and warned them not to confirm Mark Judge.

Better buttercup?
Nope. She decided that it was her duty to come forward.

She could be lying. That would be a huge scandal. But....I doubt it.

Her story is falling apart with every passing minute. This simply further demonstrates the desperation to which Democrats and Progressives will go to in their hate-filled daze.

Oops! CNN’s Jim Acosta Brings on Christine Ford’s Classmate Who Says Girls Were Being Abused… But Not By Kavanaugh
by Jim Hoft September 19, 2018

GUERRY: It’s not the first time I’ve heard anything like that in terms of the community of women I know, and not regarding him but —

ACOSTA: Those sorts of things went on?

GUERRY: A lot… You know, one of the things that’s surprising to me as I’ve gotten involved in this in the last couple days is how many women of my class have come forward to me in this last few days and said, “I had similar experiences in high school,” and this hits me very deeply and it’s very —

ACOSTA: Not with Brett Kavanaugh, but with other boys?

GUERRY: Not with Brett Kavanaugh! But with other boys in our community, and we all feel that if we were in her shoes, we’d want (chuckles) to be taken seriously as well.

Oops! CNN's Jim Acosta Brings on Christine Ford's Classmate Who Says Girls Were Being Abused... But Not By Kavanaugh (VIDEO)
The woman was never raped. She wasn't willing to lie quite that much. She might have been asked about medical treatment.

It's a phony because the Democrats always drag out a decades old sex accusation when they have nothing else.
Do you think her entire story is a lie?

Not entire story is a lie.

They did go to the same high school.

Evidence? Last I heard, he went to an all boys school.

Missed the following post?
The woman was never raped. She wasn't willing to lie quite that much. She might have been asked about medical treatment.

It's a phony because the Democrats always drag out a decades old sex accusation when they have nothing else.
Do you think her entire story is a lie?

Not entire story is a lie.

They did go to the same high school.
You sure about that?

Then I guess entire story is a lie.
Don’t see how you can say that with such certainty but to each their own

Point to the part of the story that is true.
The woman was never raped. She wasn't willing to lie quite that much. She might have been asked about medical treatment.

It's a phony because the Democrats always drag out a decades old sex accusation when they have nothing else.
Do you think her entire story is a lie?

Not entire story is a lie.

They did go to the same high school.
He went to an all boys school assshat

You mean the entire story is a lie?
I think the fact that they (FBI) investigated for 3 days in the Anita Hill case provides plenty of precedence.

Of course, you would. There's a slight difference. This allegedly happened 35 years ago, she doesn't know where, when, how she got to the party, or how she got home.

The Anita Hill controversy allegedly took place when they were both adults. Issues in her credibility were the fact that Clarence Thomas had left the job where the alleged sexual assault took place and she followed him to work with him at the new job. She also failed a lie detector.

To compare these two incidents simply demonstrates the unbridled hatred and desperation of the Democrats and Progressives.
The woman was never raped. She wasn't willing to lie quite that much. She might have been asked about medical treatment.

It's a phony because the Democrats always drag out a decades old sex accusation when they have nothing else.
Do you think her entire story is a lie?

Not entire story is a lie.

They did go to the same high school.
He went to an all boys school assshat

You mean the entire story is a lie?

Only the part that involves Kavanaugh.
Do you think her entire story is a lie?

Not entire story is a lie.

They did go to the same high school.
You sure about that?

Then I guess entire story is a lie.
Don’t see how you can say that with such certainty but to each their own

Point to the part of the story that is true.
The truth is yet to be termined... need more info. But from the story that she’s told and the actions she has done it does have enough bite to do some chewing.
Not entire story is a lie.

They did go to the same high school.
You sure about that?

Then I guess entire story is a lie.
Don’t see how you can say that with such certainty but to each their own

Point to the part of the story that is true.
The truth is yet to be termined... need more info. But from the story that she’s told and the actions she has done it does have enough bite to do some chewing.

OK, what part of the story she can remember?

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