Do you believe that the Internet should be a free speech Platform?

This is America... the land of the free.... when did liberals decide that free speech is dangerous and why?..... do you think people are too stupid to decipher free speech truth from falsehood?...
You don't hold a very high opinion of your fellow citizens....
Well look at who we think are the best people to run this country and tell me that Americans should be held in high regard over that.
do you think people are too stupid to decipher free speech truth from falsehood?
Some are, some aren't. Look at Alex Jones's Audience. Look at all the lies Benedict Donald and other politicians like him tell. Millions believe. It is a double edge sword.
Some are, some aren't. Look at Alex Jones's Audience. Look at all the lies Benedict Donald and other politicians like him tell. Millions believe. It is a double edge sword.
It matters not... the free exchange of ideas is what built America to where it is today... get rid of the 1st amendment and we are nothing but a 3rd world hell hole....
Well look at who we think are the best people to run this country and tell me that Americans should be held in high regard over that.
Matters not... freedom of speech is what built us as a nation...
3 libs are already making my point... they don't trust freedom of speech... its amazing to hear it coming from people who once said burning a US flag and dunking a crucifix into a jar of urine is freedom of speech....
Almost 10 years ago, I did a thread on the twoplustwo Poker forms. Received as of today over 1 million views.

The thread asked participants who did 911. The possible answers were the US government, Al-Qaeda acting alone. Iran, Israel, the gingerbread man. Al-Qaeda, with the assistance of Iran. Al-Qaeda, with the assistance of Saudi Arabia. And there were other possible answers.

I voted for Al-Qaeda acting alone. A substantial people voted for Saudi Arabia, Iran and Israel. And I suppose those who didn’t care voted for the gingerbread man.

I went back to that thread a few months ago to see if some if the videos(all from YouTube) were still up because I would accompany the possible answers with a video. Amazingly the video which suggested that Israel did 911 has since been taken down. But the video which suggested that Saudi Arabia did 911, the video which suggested that I ran was behind 911 is still up there on YouTube.

You have to ask yourself why would YouTube allow a video saying Israel did 911 and that Jews are the enemies of civilization to stand for many years. They’ve had many videos where people show footage of SS troops and how “heroic” they are. Those videos were up for over 10 years and the great vast majority of people in America did not subscribe to the views of Hitler.. And then all of a sudden they get taken down. If people cannot see a red flag nothing can help them.

If people want to make the excuse that YouTube is a private company. While totally ignoring the obvious fact that they are being motivated in the past few years by democrats to censor people that’s their choice and that’s fine. But they cannot claim to support free speech.
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Maybe you are the stupid one... did you ever think of that?....

I'm not responsible for putting any of our current shitty politicians in charge of this country. Tell me how smart is anyone who thinks a senile old man or an egotistical megalomaniac are the 2 very best people for president?
3 libs are already making my point... they don't trust freedom of speech... its amazing to hear it coming from people who once said burning a US flag and dunking a crucifix into a jar of urine is freedom of speech....
That’s really the whole point of it all. If people wanna March in the streets of America protest that United States is evil. I think that’s there right. Yet Often those same people who hold those anti-American views want to destroy the free speech of those they disagree with. That’s the entire point here.

People can make the choice if they think the Internet should be a place for free speech or not. However they want to come to the point is up to them.
I'm not responsible for putting any of our current shitty politicians in charge of this country. Tell me how smart is anyone who thinks a senile old man or an egotistical megalomaniac are the 2 very best people for president?
Did you vote for Trump in the 2020 election?...
Before 2020 people like David Duke and Andrew Tate, Robert Spencer, and others were allowed to provide their messages. Often they were mocked, laughed at or disagreed with. Everything was fine. The world was a safer place. The economy was better. Fast forward to 2020 and political platforms like YouTube, Instagram and Twitter banned these types of figures under the guise of “hate speech.”

The Democrats and neocons will say well that’s a businesses decision. Of course they are intentionally trolling or they simply don’t know any better that these social media platforms play pivotal roles when it comes to the election. Just look at Taylor Swift another powerful figures using social media, to tell people to support abortion and get out and vote which is her right. So you could either support freedom or under some evil deranged or misinformed guy say “well it’s just a business decision Taylor Swift should be banned.”

And that’s the difference between an American patriot and Biden BLM supporter. The American patriot says let’s allow BLM to go on YouTube and say white people are born privileged. To say that the white man is evil. But the Biden BLM supporter will turn around and say no the business can do what they want, and they can even affect the outcome of elections by banning certain figures from their platforms.

It’s all the more interesting because here in 2023 We have a terrible economy, super high inflation under Joe Biden. Out of control illegal immigration and crime throughout the country. To think that Biden supporters and supporters of restrictions of free-speech will go along with that stuff while they are poor, using drugs all the time, obese, or severely underweight, is all the more interesting and astonishing really.

But things are perhaps being taken to a new level. With the idea of further encroachments of free speech in countries like England, Canada and America, where the proposals are to silence, fine and even imprison people who for example, engage in “vaccine disinformation.” in other words simply disagreeing with What a politician say. A clear cut infringement of free speech.

Biden BLM supporters may have already made up their minds along with the neoconservatives. After all they’re the same people who approves of totalitarian shut down of free speech on social media of conservatives in 2020 ….so why wouldn’t they say that somebody who engages in vaccine disinformation should be thrown in jail or fined $1-10 million dollars.

What will be the future of the Internet be in America. Will freedom prevail.???? Will the founding fathers prevail. How about the legacy of The men and women who fought in World War II for freedom…. I think that freedom will prevail and the bad guys will lose.

The internet is a free speech platform. None of these individuals have been removed from the internet. They are all free to publish their own content as they see fit.

They have been removed from some websites by the owners of those websites who have the authority to determine who is allowed to use their property and for what purpose.

So the question actually is whether you think that private parties have the right to use their private property as they see fit.
What about FACTS and reality. Lying to people is not and has never been legal,
You can't be serious.

Can you? :eek:
and it can get you into a lot of legal trouble is you do it.
"Free speech" is a complete misnomer because such a thing doesn't exist.
Not in liberal la-la land, no.
You cannot threaten people without consequence,
unless you are Donald Trump.
You cannot legally use lies and fraud to deceive people and take their money under false circumstances,
unless you are Donald Trump.
There is all kinds of speech that isn't "free"
And you want even less freedom.

But soon, when you lose yours, you won't be cheerleading so hard.

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