Do you believe that the Internet should be a free speech Platform?

I'd say if the country is free speech then social media should be free speech. Otherwise, we are down to being Russia where the government controls all information and decides what is information and what is misinformation. They would be judge, jury, and executioner.

What about FACTS and reality. Lying to people is not and has never been legal, and it can get you into a lot of legal trouble is you do it.

"Free speech" is a complete misnomer because such a thing doesn't exist. You cannot threaten people without consequence, unless you are Donald Trump. You cannot legally use lies and fraud to deceive people and take their money under false circumstances, unless you are Donald Trump.

There is all kinds of speech that isn't "free"
Before 2020 people like David Duke and Andrew Tate, Robert Spencer, and others were allowed to provide their messages. Often they were mocked, laughed at or disagreed with. Everything was fine. The world was a safer place. The economy was better. Fast forward to 2020 and political platforms like YouTube, Instagram and Twitter banned these types of figures under the guise of “hate speech.”

The Democrats and neocons will say well that’s a businesses decision. Of course they are intentionally trolling or they simply don’t know any better that these social media platforms play pivotal roles when it comes to the election. Just look at Taylor Swift another powerful figures using social media, to tell people to support abortion and get out and vote which is her right. So you could either support freedom or under some evil deranged or misinformed guy say “well it’s just a business decision Taylor Swift should be banned.”

And that’s the difference between an American patriot and Biden BLM supporter. The American patriot says let’s allow BLM to go on YouTube and say white people are born privileged. To say that the white man is evil. But the Biden BLM supporter will turn around and say no the business can do what they want, and they can even affect the outcome of elections by banning certain figures from their platforms.

It’s all the more interesting because here in 2023 We have a terrible economy, super high inflation under Joe Biden. Out of control illegal immigration and crime throughout the country. To think that Biden supporters and supporters of restrictions of free-speech will go along with that stuff while they are poor, using drugs all the time, obese, or severely underweight, is all the more interesting and astonishing really.

But things are perhaps being taken to a new level. With the idea of further encroachments of free speech in countries like England, Canada and America, where the proposals are to silence, fine and even imprison people who for example, engage in “vaccine disinformation.” in other words simply disagreeing with What a politician say. A clear cut infringement of free speech.

Biden BLM supporters may have already made up their minds along with the neoconservatives. After all they’re the same people who approves of totalitarian shut down of free speech on social media of conservatives in 2020 ….so why wouldn’t they say that somebody who engages in vaccine disinformation should be thrown in jail or fined $1-10 million dollars.

What will be the future of the Internet be in America. Will freedom prevail.???? Will the founding fathers prevail. How about the legacy of The men and women who fought in World War II for freedom…. I think that freedom will prevail and the bad guys will lose.

The internet is not a free speech platform. Elements of the internet are owned by private companies. They have private property rights to determine what goes on their platform. Facebook and Twitter are owned by private companies. You are not a patriot. You are a socialist.

We do0 not have a terrible economy. We have a economy that has problems. What we are seeing is capitalism run amok. Companies are driving prices to increase their profits. They are screwing workers as we see the rich get richer and everyone else gets poorer.

Social media companies are owned by private companies. They pay for the equipment and without that investment, there would be no Facebook or twitter or anything else. You are the totalitarian who wants to seize private property. The bad guys are people like you.
Not when it comes to violating POPS law.

And exactly what part of any of those laws are you referring to?

I can argue that since people have to agree to terms of service (which they never read) then Facebook and whatever else are not public spaces that just anyone can use because it requires membership.
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What about FACTS and reality. Lying to people is not and has never been legal, and it can get you into a lot of legal trouble is you do it.

"Free speech" is a complete misnomer because such a thing doesn't exist. You cannot threaten people without consequence, unless you are Donald Trump. You cannot legally use lies and fraud to deceive people and take their money under false circumstances, unless you are Donald Trump.

There is all kinds of speech that isn't "free"
I don't know of any laws which say you can't speak unless you are speaking facts and reality (and who polices that?). Maybe you could point out those laws.
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Stupid commie slave shitbag. If there wasn't free speech, you couldn't spout your bullshit lies.

Silencing others and even ruining their lives is what your side wants to and tries to do though.

You piece of stupid shit. Your ideas can't withstand the light of day.

Free discourse exposes that. You know, Liberalism?

That applies to government not private companies. Get an education.
What about FACTS and reality. Lying to people is not and has never been legal, and it can get you into a lot of legal trouble is you do it.

"Free speech" is a complete misnomer because such a thing doesn't exist. You cannot threaten people without consequence, unless you are Donald Trump. You cannot legally use lies and fraud to deceive people and take their money under false circumstances, unless you are Donald Trump.

There is all kinds of speech that isn't "free"
Lying is not always illegal either.
The only freedoms in the US the government and democrats care about is the freedom to have an abortion and smoke dope.

All other freedoms are too dangerous for people to have.

Republicans are attacking our rights.
See, this unhinged poster spouts incredibly warped bullshit, but I'll be damned to deny its right to make an ass of itself.
Fuck YEAH the internet should be a FREE SPEECH platform for ALL!!!

Social media companies are not the internet. They can decide what goes on their platforms.
If they want to setup their own platform then they can do anything they want. Private entities can censor.
Oh! So you admit those private entities are leftist and like to censor opposing ideas, aye?

Here's the thing, mebucko: They let anybody speak, as long as they only say what the entity wants to hear.

If what they say falls outside of that box, they get canceled.

Just government enforcement of existing POPS (privately owned public space) laws.

The goobs are doing the OPPOSITE of what they should be doing.

There is no such thing as a privately owned public space. A public space is not privately owned.
It is. There are more than enough providers who will let most anyone say most anything. That POS who runs infowars is still on the net isn't it?

In September 2014, conspiracy theorist Alex Jones, who runs the website InfoWars, which had previously claimed that the murders were a "false flag" attack perpetrated by the government, made a new conspiracy claim that "no one died" at Sandy Hook Elementary School because the Uniform Crime Reports showed no murders in Newtown for 2012, and that the victims were "child actors."

In November 2016, Erica L. Lafferty, daughter of Dawn Lafferty Hochsprung, the school principal who was shot and killed at Sandy Hook School, wrote open letters to then-President-elect Donald Trump (published in Medium and USA Today), calling upon him to denounce Jones,[32] after Trump had appeared on InfoWars during his presidential campaign and lavished praise on its presenter, saying that the conspiracy theorist had an "amazing" reputation and pledging not to let him down.

Sadly there is a paying audience for this type of trash. Ain't that America?
Like here on usmb?
This is America... the land of the free.... when did liberals decide that free speech is dangerous and why?..... do you think people are too stupid to decipher free speech truth from falsehood?...
You don't hold a very high opinion of your fellow citizens....
The OP seems to be falling further and further into Quasar-like mental infirmity. I haven't heard a peep out of BLM in months, but he doesn't seem capable of typing Biden's name without adding them. And WWII was fought for the internet? Really? I don't think the Founding Fathers gave much thought to Instagram and Tik-Tok.

What a loon... :cuckoo:

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