Do you believe that we are now or will soon be overpopulated?

The earth is already overpopulated. .......

NO, it is not.
Yes it is. We have 188 years at the rate we are going......

This has been explained to you many times, but you are just too stupid to learn. "The rate we are going" and the way we are going and the means by which we go will change as we adapt and innovate as we always have. Stupid farm animals like you will just go along for the ride as long as we don't cull the herd of the weakest.
So, yes, we are overpopulated, but if elements of society claim that we should refrain from spitting out more kids........

NO, we are NOT overpopulated, and women give birth to babies, they do not "spit them out." What a fucking scumbag thing to say about human life.
yep & overturning roe v wade is gonna turn the next population explosion up to 11.
--------------------------------------------------------- naw , just have American kids and let the third worlder stew in their juices in the third world Playtime .
You poor republicans may not believe me but the rich you worship and serve agree with me. They know eventually we’re going to need a massive purge of the poor. The rich will survive the depression but many of us will not.

Anyways, they know when they’re done selling oil and when water gets scarce they’ll be safe in their gated communities
-------------------------------- RUSH was telling a story similar to your thoughts today . Seems that some hugely rich tech big wigs hired a VERY smart guy to tell them where to go to avoid the coming catastrophe that the unwashed rabble would enjoy . Anyway , pretty interesting as they discussed Alaska or New Zealand Sealy . If they go to New Zealand they better stay away from the Mongrel Mob Sealy .
We have 65 acres out in bfe up north Michigan. Lots of wild game and a little river separates us and our neighbors behind us. My brothers property. I’ll be on the right side of the gated communities will you?
So, yes, we are overpopulated, but if elements of society claim that we should refrain from spitting out more kids........

NO, we are NOT overpopulated, and women give birth to babies, they do not "spit them out." What a fucking scumbag thing to say about human life.
Fuck all the sperm that doesn’t penetrate the egg. Fuck the trillions of them.
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?

It’s an interesting topic. I think it depends where on the earth you are and how you define overpopulated. The world has shrunk in a manner of speaking since we can and do provide goods and service from one part of the earth to another. Therefore some areas which would have been considered over populated 100 years ago can now support many more people. Briefly, can the earth be over populated? Perhaps, but technology makes the carrying capacity much larger than it is today.

I would think that natural disasters and epidemics would cull the population making over population a long way off.
There are diseases that have been buried in the permanent frost for millions of years. Global warming is releasing new viruses all the time. Or just wait. Worse to come
It's simple really, most folks live in huge cities, they believe the Earth is over populated.

Folks that live outside the mega cities know better.
There are so many of us that we are threatening to make Zebra's go extinct......

Really? Because there are so many of us? Or maybe because of what some of us are doing?

Alligators, Whooping Cranes, Bald Eagles, Peregrine Falcons, Wolves, Grizzly Bears, And California Condors were all endangered a generation or two ago (when there were fewer people, stupid) and now in the US are not.

How could this be if it is merely a matter of how many human beings are alive, stupid? Do you think there are more or fewer people working on behalf of endangered species today as compared with a generation ago, stupid?
... No one said that. ........

Other than you, stupid.
No I did not say that.

The fact that we have saved some species from extinction is not proof we are not overpopulated. The fact that we caused those species to almost go extinct proves we are overpopulated but you’re too stupid to understand this.
yep & overturning roe v wade is gonna turn the next population explosion up to 11.
--------------------------------------------------------- naw , just have American kids and let the third worlder stew in their juices in the third world Playtime .
You poor republicans may not believe me but the rich you worship and serve agree with me. They know eventually we’re going to need a massive purge of the poor. The rich will survive the depression but many of us will not.

Anyways, they know when they’re done selling oil and when water gets scarce they’ll be safe in their gated communities
-------------------------------- RUSH was telling a story similar to your thoughts today . Seems that some hugely rich tech big wigs hired a VERY smart guy to tell them where to go to avoid the coming catastrophe that the unwashed rabble would enjoy . Anyway , pretty interesting as they discussed Alaska or New Zealand Sealy . If they go to New Zealand they better stay away from the Mongrel Mob Sealy .
We have 65 acres out in bfe up north Michigan. Lots of wild game and a little river separates us and our neighbors behind us. My brothers property. I’ll be on the right side of the gated communities will you?
------------------------------------- U.P. or what ??
one of my observations of the large diverse population in the USA is that they vote and USA Government caters to them . And the imported population aren't Western or American and never will be . Heck , they won't even speak English . Plus , large population means more rules and regulations and then more 'government men' are needed to enforce the rules and regulations . Its a bad situation , call someone a 'beaner' and you might be arrested for a hate crime the way things are going [chuckle] . Its funny . course , as i always say , i am an old guy so the problems of a huge diverse population will fall on the younger generations , imo .
..... And the imported population aren't Western or American and never will be . Heck , they won't even speak English . ...... .

Those are lies, of course. Stop indulging in your nihilistic whistling past the graveyard, old fool.
There are so many of us that we are threatening to make Zebra's go extinct......

Really? Because there are so many of us? Or maybe because of what some of us are doing?

Alligators, Whooping Cranes, Bald Eagles, Peregrine Falcons, Wolves, Grizzly Bears, And California Condors were all endangered a generation or two ago (when there were fewer people, stupid) and now in the US are not.

How could this be if it is merely a matter of how many human beings are alive, stupid? Do you think there are more or fewer people working on behalf of endangered species today as compared with a generation ago, stupid?
... No one said that. ........

Other than you, stupid.
No I did not say that.......

It's exactly what you said, stupid.
It is obvious that unless we come up with some new energy source like fusion, we are dead meat.
The only thing that stopped the mass starvation Malthus predicted, was fossil fuel.
When that runs out, we die because we won't have artificial fertilizers or means of transporting food long distances.
We are also running out of clean water.
The earth is presently overpopulated vis-a-vis human use of resources. If things were done intelligently, the current population could be supported in a pleasant enough condition. The problem is a significant number who want too much.
At any rate, a smaller population would be better. How to get there appears to be the insurmountable question. Keeping it there is another. People just don't appear to think enough about making offspring.
we are overpopulated in the USA when just 30 - 50 years ago the USA was a nice , most powerful , best living conditions , most prosperous and best fed nation in the world . Around 70 years ago the USA rebuilt Germany and all of Europe and Japan and many other foreign areas of the world and all by itself . And thats all pretty much gone in the USA as that USA has been replaced by DIVERSITY . [i only care about the USA and maybe Canada but Canada is also currently messing itself up ] ----------- just a comment !!
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we are overpopulated in the USA when just 30 - 50 years ago the USA was a nice , most powerful , best living conditions , most prosperous and best fed nation in the world . ......

We are still the greatest nation in the world, and it is absurd to suggest my vast and beautiful country is anywhere near "overpopulated." Some people just can't be satisfied if they aren't bitching about something. Some people smelling the other side become spiteful about it and think giving the world the finger on their way down is somehow empowering. How sad to miss the last point.
yep & overturning roe v wade is gonna turn the next population explosion up to 11.
--------------------------------------------------------- naw , just have American kids and let the third worlder stew in their juices in the third world Playtime .
You poor republicans may not believe me but the rich you worship and serve agree with me. They know eventually we’re going to need a massive purge of the poor. The rich will survive the depression but many of us will not.

Anyways, they know when they’re done selling oil and when water gets scarce they’ll be safe in their gated communities
-------------------------------- RUSH was telling a story similar to your thoughts today . Seems that some hugely rich tech big wigs hired a VERY smart guy to tell them where to go to avoid the coming catastrophe that the unwashed rabble would enjoy . Anyway , pretty interesting as they discussed Alaska or New Zealand Sealy . If they go to New Zealand they better stay away from the Mongrel Mob Sealy .
We have 65 acres out in bfe up north Michigan. Lots of wild game and a little river separates us and our neighbors behind us. My brothers property. I’ll be on the right side of the gated communities will you?
------------------------------------- U.P. or what ??

No. Near Boyne Mountain/Gaylord/East Jordan. When we say up north MI we never mean the UP. That we call the UP. Unless you live up north then you call the UP up north. LOL.

It's about 4 hours away from Metro Detroit. About an hour away once you get off on the Gaylord exit. Very remote. I love it!

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