Do you believe that we are now or will soon be overpopulated?

Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
I think resource distribution is the problem, not over-population.

There is plenty of food to go around for everyone. It just doesn't get to everywhere it is needed, for various reasons.

So, no. We do not have an over-population problem at this time.

The first real crush we will feel, as far as population goes, will be sources of fresh water. We are going to need to find a way to economically desalinate ocean water in the near future, I think.
There may be sufficient food, but humans are destroying the habitats of other animals. The population of this planet needs to be reduced to about 2 billion, and no higher.

Yet here you still are...

I'm not asking anyone to commit suicide, shit for brains.

We are so overpopulated we are even running out of sand

The World Is Running Out of Sand

That's sad.
As of this moment we have way too many idiots:


To a democrat of course, this is not yet enough. We need to import even more!
I'm no communist. Is that what you think? No wonder you're such an asshole.

Your masters at the other end of the leash are, or dream of being.
Is that why you, a union public school teacher is a Republican? They've convinced you that Democrats are communists? Boy are you fucking stupid.

Have you started a thread on this subject? I'd love for you to explain how my "masters" are communists.

I thought Democrats were in bed with the rich? I thought it was them who widened the gap between the rich and poor. THat's at least the stupid claim Republicans make. Now you are suggesting that we want to take the rich people's money and spread it around so that a doctor makes as much as a lowly public school teacher?

Who is saying that? No one. Maybe you need to re educate yourself. Maybe as a wrestler you were dropped on your head too many times.
The leaders of any supposed communist nation are all the rich.
Well trying to shrink the income inequality in this country or trying to shrink the gap between rich and poor isn't communism but that's what rich Republicans will tell you.

Gap between rich and poor continues to widen, latest Fed data show

What are Republicans doing about it? In 2016 they blamed Obama for it but now what are they doing to fix this problem? Or, now that Republicans are in charge, like the debt, this is no longer a problem. It was only a problem when Democrats were in charge. Blame Obama. But then don't give him credit for anything. Just blame.

The Democrats blame Republicans and the Republicans blame the Democrats and spending and deficits only matter to the party not in charge. I see no difference in the two parties.

Yes, both parties actually have nearly identical policies when it comes to important things like war, over spending, lying, the war on drugs, overly expensive health care, high tuition, lack of affordable housing, etc.
Since the industrial revolution, we have depended entirely on fossil fuels.
That is not just for transportation, manufacturing, heating, and cooling, but also for the creation of fertilizers and almost all farm production.
If and when fossil fuels run out, humans will be starving until the population significantly decreases.
That is unless we somehow discover some miracle energy source like fusion.
But that is very unlikely, and things like wind, solar, and geothermal are way too tiny in comparison.
I don't believe it's unlikely that we'll develop fusion. Progress has been getting more rapid every year.

I am very, very skeptical.
They have been claiming big breakthroughs and right around the corner for over 50 years now with fusion.
I think the reason it will never happen is that if fusion ever because easy, like the "Mr. Fusion" added to the DeLorean on the one of the "Back to the Future" movies, then everyone would have a potential city destroying weapon.

Anyway, the point is we are relying totally on fossil fuels that concentrate millions of years of sunlight energy in very small space, and is rapidly running out.
Your masters at the other end of the leash are, or dream of being.
Is that why you, a union public school teacher is a Republican? They've convinced you that Democrats are communists? Boy are you fucking stupid.

Have you started a thread on this subject? I'd love for you to explain how my "masters" are communists.

I thought Democrats were in bed with the rich? I thought it was them who widened the gap between the rich and poor. THat's at least the stupid claim Republicans make. Now you are suggesting that we want to take the rich people's money and spread it around so that a doctor makes as much as a lowly public school teacher?

Who is saying that? No one. Maybe you need to re educate yourself. Maybe as a wrestler you were dropped on your head too many times.
The leaders of any supposed communist nation are all the rich.
Well trying to shrink the income inequality in this country or trying to shrink the gap between rich and poor isn't communism but that's what rich Republicans will tell you.

Gap between rich and poor continues to widen, latest Fed data show

What are Republicans doing about it? In 2016 they blamed Obama for it but now what are they doing to fix this problem? Or, now that Republicans are in charge, like the debt, this is no longer a problem. It was only a problem when Democrats were in charge. Blame Obama. But then don't give him credit for anything. Just blame.

The Democrats blame Republicans and the Republicans blame the Democrats and spending and deficits only matter to the party not in charge. I see no difference in the two parties.
That's what's wrong with the middle class. You right leaning middle class people see no difference. I do.

So far, you have failed in showing the difference. The older I get the less difference I see, years ago there was a difference today both parties are the rich making laws for the rich, they throw a bonde to the middle class and poor every now and then, they feign disgust at the way things are and then continue to make the rules for the rich. Sorry you are blind.
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
I think resource distribution is the problem, not over-population.

There is plenty of food to go around for everyone. It just doesn't get to everywhere it is needed, for various reasons.

So, no. We do not have an over-population problem at this time.

The first real crush we will feel, as far as population goes, will be sources of fresh water. We are going to need to find a way to economically desalinate ocean water in the near future, I think.
There may be sufficient food, but humans are destroying the habitats of other animals. The population of this planet needs to be reduced to about 2 billion, and no higher.

Yet here you still are...

I'm not asking anyone to commit suicide, shit for brains.

We are so overpopulated we are even running out of sand

The World Is Running Out of Sand

That's sad.

The problem isn’t over population it is man’s inability to manage resources.
I think resource distribution is the problem, not over-population.

There is plenty of food to go around for everyone. It just doesn't get to everywhere it is needed, for various reasons.

So, no. We do not have an over-population problem at this time.

The first real crush we will feel, as far as population goes, will be sources of fresh water. We are going to need to find a way to economically desalinate ocean water in the near future, I think.
There may be sufficient food, but humans are destroying the habitats of other animals. The population of this planet needs to be reduced to about 2 billion, and no higher.

Yet here you still are...

I'm not asking anyone to commit suicide, shit for brains.

We are so overpopulated we are even running out of sand

The World Is Running Out of Sand

That's sad.

The problem isn’t over population it is man’s inability to manage resources.
So you believe all the protections taken off our air and water ,shouldn't have?
I think resource distribution is the problem, not over-population.

There is plenty of food to go around for everyone. It just doesn't get to everywhere it is needed, for various reasons.

So, no. We do not have an over-population problem at this time.

The first real crush we will feel, as far as population goes, will be sources of fresh water. We are going to need to find a way to economically desalinate ocean water in the near future, I think.
There may be sufficient food, but humans are destroying the habitats of other animals. The population of this planet needs to be reduced to about 2 billion, and no higher.

Yet here you still are...

I'm not asking anyone to commit suicide, shit for brains.

We are so overpopulated we are even running out of sand

The World Is Running Out of Sand

That's sad.

The problem isn’t over population it is man’s inability to manage resources.

That has ALWAYS been the real issue, but idiots like Bobobrainless can only process simple ideas, no matter how inaccurate.
I think resource distribution is the problem, not over-population.

There is plenty of food to go around for everyone. It just doesn't get to everywhere it is needed, for various reasons.

So, no. We do not have an over-population problem at this time.

The first real crush we will feel, as far as population goes, will be sources of fresh water. We are going to need to find a way to economically desalinate ocean water in the near future, I think.
There may be sufficient food, but humans are destroying the habitats of other animals. The population of this planet needs to be reduced to about 2 billion, and no higher.

Yet here you still are...

I'm not asking anyone to commit suicide, shit for brains.

We are so overpopulated we are even running out of sand

The World Is Running Out of Sand

That's sad.

The problem isn’t over population it is man’s inability to manage resources.

While we certainly can and should manage resource better, they are still finite and decreasing, while population increases.
There may be sufficient food, but humans are destroying the habitats of other animals. The population of this planet needs to be reduced to about 2 billion, and no higher.

Yet here you still are...

I'm not asking anyone to commit suicide, shit for brains.

We are so overpopulated we are even running out of sand

The World Is Running Out of Sand

That's sad.

The problem isn’t over population it is man’s inability to manage resources.

That has ALWAYS been the real issue, but idiots like Bobobrainless can only process simple ideas, no matter how inaccurate.

The boomer bulge is only temporary.
Once we die off, the population won't have an excess of elderly any more.
And while larger populations do stimulate the economy, increase wealth, and are capable of doing more, like space projects, etc., there is also a limit. There is a finite amount of fossil fuel, plants can only capture so much sunlight, we can only capture a small % of clean rain water, plankton and trees only produce a fixed amount of oxygen, only a fixed amount of carbon is scrubbed from the air by plants, etc.
We can argue about whether or not we have passed the optimal population, but clearly there has to be a limit.
Since the industrial revolution, we have depended entirely on fossil fuels.
That is not just for transportation, manufacturing, heating, and cooling, but also for the creation of fertilizers and almost all farm production.
If and when fossil fuels run out, humans will be starving until the population significantly decreases.
That is unless we somehow discover some miracle energy source like fusion.
But that is very unlikely, and things like wind, solar, and geothermal are way too tiny in comparison.
I don't believe it's unlikely that we'll develop fusion. Progress has been getting more rapid every year.

I am very, very skeptical.
They have been claiming big breakthroughs and right around the corner for over 50 years now with fusion.
I think the reason it will never happen is that if fusion ever because easy, like the "Mr. Fusion" added to the DeLorean on the one of the "Back to the Future" movies, then everyone would have a potential city destroying weapon.

Anyway, the point is we are relying totally on fossil fuels that concentrate millions of years of sunlight energy in very small space, and is rapidly running out.
Fusion cannot be made into a bomb. You obviously understand nothing about the process.
Since the industrial revolution, we have depended entirely on fossil fuels.
That is not just for transportation, manufacturing, heating, and cooling, but also for the creation of fertilizers and almost all farm production.
If and when fossil fuels run out, humans will be starving until the population significantly decreases.
That is unless we somehow discover some miracle energy source like fusion.
But that is very unlikely, and things like wind, solar, and geothermal are way too tiny in comparison.
I don't believe it's unlikely that we'll develop fusion. Progress has been getting more rapid every year.

I am very, very skeptical.
They have been claiming big breakthroughs and right around the corner for over 50 years now with fusion.
I think the reason it will never happen is that if fusion ever because easy, like the "Mr. Fusion" added to the DeLorean on the one of the "Back to the Future" movies, then everyone would have a potential city destroying weapon.

Anyway, the point is we are relying totally on fossil fuels that concentrate millions of years of sunlight energy in very small space, and is rapidly running out.
Fusion cannot be made into a bomb. You obviously understand nothing about the process.

Fusion can ALWAYS be made into a bomb!
What you forget is that the size of current fusion reactors is so that they can withstand continual operation, and produce significant continual results. The reality is that once the process is ever perfected, micro miniaturization for a weapon, would be trivial.
Just because it is easy to shut down fusion experiments by cutting off the deuterium and tritium fuel, that does not mean it is not just as easy to let it race. Unlike fission, there no critical mass required. If it is self sustaining, all you need is the tiniest start and enough deuterium and tritium. Magnetic containment is just to allow it to continue while fuel starved. Without fuel starvation, you don't need magnetic containment. So much excess heat would be generated so quickly that it does not need to be or even could be contained.

For example, what if they discovered a way of initiating fusion with just a couple of lasers? The technology could be so cheap and easy, Uganda even could become a thermonuclear power over night. Not a good idea.
Since the industrial revolution, we have depended entirely on fossil fuels.
That is not just for transportation, manufacturing, heating, and cooling, but also for the creation of fertilizers and almost all farm production.
If and when fossil fuels run out, humans will be starving until the population significantly decreases.
That is unless we somehow discover some miracle energy source like fusion.
But that is very unlikely, and things like wind, solar, and geothermal are way too tiny in comparison.
I don't believe it's unlikely that we'll develop fusion. Progress has been getting more rapid every year.

I am very, very skeptical.
They have been claiming big breakthroughs and right around the corner for over 50 years now with fusion.
I think the reason it will never happen is that if fusion ever because easy, like the "Mr. Fusion" added to the DeLorean on the one of the "Back to the Future" movies, then everyone would have a potential city destroying weapon.

Anyway, the point is we are relying totally on fossil fuels that concentrate millions of years of sunlight energy in very small space, and is rapidly running out.
Fusion cannot be made into a bomb. You obviously understand nothing about the process.

Fusion can ALWAYS be made into a bomb!
What you forget is that the size of current fusion reactors is so that they can withstand continual operation, and produce significant continual results. The reality is that once the process is ever perfected, micro miniaturization for a weapon, would be trivial.
Just because it is easy to shut down fusion experiments by cutting off the deuterium and tritium fuel, that does not mean it is not just as easy to let it race. Unlike fission, there no critical mass required. If it is self sustaining, all you need is the tiniest start and enough deuterium and tritium. Magnetic containment is just to allow it to continue while fuel starved. Without fuel starvation, you don't need magnetic containment. So much excess heat would be generated so quickly that it does not need to be or even could be contained.

For example, what if they discovered a way of initiating fusion with just a couple of lasers? The technology could be so cheap and easy, Uganda even could become a thermonuclear power over night. Not a good idea.
You only proved that you don't know jack shit about fusion. Just about everything you posted is wrong. The size of the reactors is not so they can withstand continual operation. None of the experimental reactors have ever sustained a fusion reaction for more than a few seconds. "Let it race" means nothing in the case of fusion. As I previously noted, they can't get the reaction to sustain for more than a few seconds. Fusion is not self sustaining. It takes massive amounts of electricity to make it happen.

I could go on and on, but everyone reading this will know that you are an ignoramus.
Your masters at the other end of the leash are, or dream of being.
Is that why you, a union public school teacher is a Republican? They've convinced you that Democrats are communists? Boy are you fucking stupid.

Have you started a thread on this subject? I'd love for you to explain how my "masters" are communists.

I thought Democrats were in bed with the rich? I thought it was them who widened the gap between the rich and poor. THat's at least the stupid claim Republicans make. Now you are suggesting that we want to take the rich people's money and spread it around so that a doctor makes as much as a lowly public school teacher?

Who is saying that? No one. Maybe you need to re educate yourself. Maybe as a wrestler you were dropped on your head too many times.
The leaders of any supposed communist nation are all the rich.
Well trying to shrink the income inequality in this country or trying to shrink the gap between rich and poor isn't communism but that's what rich Republicans will tell you.

Gap between rich and poor continues to widen, latest Fed data show

What are Republicans doing about it? In 2016 they blamed Obama for it but now what are they doing to fix this problem? Or, now that Republicans are in charge, like the debt, this is no longer a problem. It was only a problem when Democrats were in charge. Blame Obama. But then don't give him credit for anything. Just blame.

The Democrats blame Republicans and the Republicans blame the Democrats and spending and deficits only matter to the party not in charge. I see no difference in the two parties.

Yes, both parties actually have nearly identical policies when it comes to important things like war, over spending, lying, the war on drugs, overly expensive health care, high tuition, lack of affordable housing, etc.
No, we didn't invade Iraq the Republicans did. They tried to get us to but we wouldn't bite. And Trump will drop a bomb on a country if it bombs it's citizens with chemical weapons. Boy if that wasn't a fake ass made up story designed to make Trump look better I don't know what is.

Overspending? What do Democrats overspend on? Infrastructure, social security, schools so that you can afford to go to them?

Obama and Hillary lied 1/10th the amount Trump has yet you guys think this is apples to apples.

War on drugs?
How Obama quietly reshaped America’s war on drugs
Obama’s drug war legacy is underappreciated. But it now hangs in the balance — thanks to Trump.

How Obama quietly reshaped America’s war on drugs

We want single payer. If you could have gotten 5 Republicans to go along we'd have it.

We are the party that wants to lower college tuition. Are you kidding with this one???

Lack of affordable housing? I didn't know this was even a problem other than for poor people. Are you poor? Then you certainly shouldn't be voting Republican.

If you don't see the difference that's probably why they will never solve these problems. Why should they when they can just keep you in a constant state of confusion?
I think resource distribution is the problem, not over-population.

There is plenty of food to go around for everyone. It just doesn't get to everywhere it is needed, for various reasons.

So, no. We do not have an over-population problem at this time.

The first real crush we will feel, as far as population goes, will be sources of fresh water. We are going to need to find a way to economically desalinate ocean water in the near future, I think.
There may be sufficient food, but humans are destroying the habitats of other animals. The population of this planet needs to be reduced to about 2 billion, and no higher.

Yet here you still are...

I'm not asking anyone to commit suicide, shit for brains.

We are so overpopulated we are even running out of sand

The World Is Running Out of Sand

That's sad.

The problem isn’t over population it is man’s inability to manage resources.
See here's another person saying that we aren't overpopulated, we just haven't engineered a solution to the fact that we are overpopulated.

If we had 1 million people on this planet we wouldn't need to worry about man's ability or inability to manage resources.

Sure we could go to 100% renewable energy and make room for another 100 million people. But then eventually we will run out of things like water and sand. Ok so then you will learn to turn salt water into drinking water and then we can pack on another 100 million pounds worth of people.

Or we could stop having so many kids and this planet can stay beautiful longer.
There may be sufficient food, but humans are destroying the habitats of other animals. The population of this planet needs to be reduced to about 2 billion, and no higher.

Yet here you still are...

I'm not asking anyone to commit suicide, shit for brains.

We are so overpopulated we are even running out of sand

The World Is Running Out of Sand

That's sad.

The problem isn’t over population it is man’s inability to manage resources.
See here's another person saying that we aren't overpopulated, we just haven't engineered a solution to the fact that we are overpopulated.

If we had 1 million people on this planet we wouldn't need to worry about man's ability or inability to manage resources.

Sure we could go to 100% renewable energy and make room for another 100 million people. But then eventually we will run out of things like water and sand. Ok so then you will learn to turn salt water into drinking water and then we can pack on another 100 million pounds worth of people.

Or we could stop having so many kids and this planet can stay beautiful longer.

Here is a another person claiming I said something I didn’t. I didn’t say we were or weren’t over populated, I criticized man’s greed of not managing resources. And if you had only a million people you would still worry about resources and mismanagement. If all that are complaining about over population committed suicide, we wouldn’t have this problem. Maybe you need to reconsider gun control, the more violence the less population.
Since the industrial revolution, we have depended entirely on fossil fuels.
That is not just for transportation, manufacturing, heating, and cooling, but also for the creation of fertilizers and almost all farm production.
If and when fossil fuels run out, humans will be starving until the population significantly decreases.
That is unless we somehow discover some miracle energy source like fusion.
But that is very unlikely, and things like wind, solar, and geothermal are way too tiny in comparison.
I don't believe it's unlikely that we'll develop fusion. Progress has been getting more rapid every year.

I am very, very skeptical.
They have been claiming big breakthroughs and right around the corner for over 50 years now with fusion.
I think the reason it will never happen is that if fusion ever because easy, like the "Mr. Fusion" added to the DeLorean on the one of the "Back to the Future" movies, then everyone would have a potential city destroying weapon.

Anyway, the point is we are relying totally on fossil fuels that concentrate millions of years of sunlight energy in very small space, and is rapidly running out.
Fusion cannot be made into a bomb. You obviously understand nothing about the process.

Fusion can ALWAYS be made into a bomb!
What you forget is that the size of current fusion reactors is so that they can withstand continual operation, and produce significant continual results. The reality is that once the process is ever perfected, micro miniaturization for a weapon, would be trivial.
Just because it is easy to shut down fusion experiments by cutting off the deuterium and tritium fuel, that does not mean it is not just as easy to let it race. Unlike fission, there no critical mass required. If it is self sustaining, all you need is the tiniest start and enough deuterium and tritium. Magnetic containment is just to allow it to continue while fuel starved. Without fuel starvation, you don't need magnetic containment. So much excess heat would be generated so quickly that it does not need to be or even could be contained.

For example, what if they discovered a way of initiating fusion with just a couple of lasers? The technology could be so cheap and easy, Uganda even could become a thermonuclear power over night. Not a good idea.
You only proved that you don't know jack shit about fusion. Just about everything you posted is wrong. The size of the reactors is not so they can withstand continual operation. None of the experimental reactors have ever sustained a fusion reaction for more than a few seconds. "Let it race" means nothing in the case of fusion. As I previously noted, they can't get the reaction to sustain for more than a few seconds. Fusion is not self sustaining. It takes massive amounts of electricity to make it happen.

I could go on and on, but everyone reading this will know that you are an ignoramus.

Well he seems nice, polite, intelligent and informed. You however have the MO of being a know it all on every subject and yet on every subject you seem to be wrong. Right wing Wrong.
Yet here you still are...

I'm not asking anyone to commit suicide, shit for brains.

We are so overpopulated we are even running out of sand

The World Is Running Out of Sand

That's sad.

The problem isn’t over population it is man’s inability to manage resources.
See here's another person saying that we aren't overpopulated, we just haven't engineered a solution to the fact that we are overpopulated.

If we had 1 million people on this planet we wouldn't need to worry about man's ability or inability to manage resources.

Sure we could go to 100% renewable energy and make room for another 100 million people. But then eventually we will run out of things like water and sand. Ok so then you will learn to turn salt water into drinking water and then we can pack on another 100 million pounds worth of people.

Or we could stop having so many kids and this planet can stay beautiful longer.

Here is a another person claiming I said something I didn’t. I didn’t say we were or weren’t over populated, I criticized man’s greed of not managing resources. And if you had only a million people you would still worry about resources and mismanagement. If all that are complaining about over population committed suicide, we wouldn’t have this problem. Maybe you need to reconsider gun control, the more violence the less population.

Yea but I don't want innocent people who are already living hurt. I just want all the poor people who can't afford to have kids without foodstamps or welfare to stop having kids. That's it. Is that wrong? We all want that don't we? I don't know why I'm the bad guy for saying we should have 13.2 million less people running around America right now.

There were 13,253,000 children living in poverty in 2016
I'm not asking anyone to commit suicide, shit for brains.

We are so overpopulated we are even running out of sand

The World Is Running Out of Sand

That's sad.

The problem isn’t over population it is man’s inability to manage resources.
See here's another person saying that we aren't overpopulated, we just haven't engineered a solution to the fact that we are overpopulated.

If we had 1 million people on this planet we wouldn't need to worry about man's ability or inability to manage resources.

Sure we could go to 100% renewable energy and make room for another 100 million people. But then eventually we will run out of things like water and sand. Ok so then you will learn to turn salt water into drinking water and then we can pack on another 100 million pounds worth of people.

Or we could stop having so many kids and this planet can stay beautiful longer.

Here is a another person claiming I said something I didn’t. I didn’t say we were or weren’t over populated, I criticized man’s greed of not managing resources. And if you had only a million people you would still worry about resources and mismanagement. If all that are complaining about over population committed suicide, we wouldn’t have this problem. Maybe you need to reconsider gun control, the more violence the less population.

Yea but I don't want innocent people who are already living hurt. I just want all the poor people who can't afford to have kids without foodstamps or welfare to stop having kids. That's it. Is that wrong? We all want that don't we? I don't know why I'm the bad guy for saying we should have 13.2 million less people running around America right now.

There were 13,253,000 children living in poverty in 2016

I never said you are a bad guy. Just get sterlized.

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