Do you believe that we are now or will soon be overpopulated?

......The fact that we caused those species to almost go extinct proves we are overpopulated .......

No it doesn't, you illogical buffoon.
See here stupid. You see a story about how an animal almost went extinct because of us and you say, "see, we fixed the problem, we aren't overpopulated"

But the fact that they almost went extinct and many others have gone extinct because of us proves we are overpopulated. Remember the Matrix?

I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species, and I realized that you're not actually mammals. Every mammal on this planet instinctively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment; but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply, and multiply, until every natural resource is consumed and the only way you can survive is to spread to another area. There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is? A virus. Human beings are a disease, a cancer on this planet, you are a plague
we are overpopulated in the USA when just 30 - 50 years ago the USA was a nice , most powerful , best living conditions , most prosperous and best fed nation in the world . ......

We are still the greatest nation in the world, and it is absurd to suggest my vast and beautiful country is anywhere near "overpopulated." Some people just can't be satisfied if they aren't bitching about something. Some people smelling the other side become spiteful about it and think giving the world the finger on their way down is somehow empowering. How sad to miss the last point.

We are no longer the greatest. We are just one of the greatest. That's your nationalistic pride talking. Everyone thinks their country is the greatest country. Well lets look at the facts

"We're seventh in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, third in median household income, No. 4 in labor force, and No. 4 in exports. ... So when you ask what makes us the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the f*** you're talking about."

Who Has the World's No. 1 Economy? Not the U.S.

So while a stupid broke public school teacher in America is screaming we're number one, China is passing us.
sounds nice , --------- I am a - yooper - though i prefer to be known as a Swamper or plain old Redneck / hillbilly. And concerning Deeeeeetroit . i hear that it is being rebuilt . What do you think about 'detroit' if you have any info or thoughts Sealy ??

The US is, indeed, overpopulated.

Time to slow immigration down to a trickle.


We are no longer a Nation of Immigrants.

We are now a Nation of the Descendants of Immigrants.

Big difference.

In the heyday of immigration to the US ( 1840s - 1940s ), our population ranged in size from 17M (1840) to 132M (1940).

We had plenty of unclaimed land, and work and opportunities for anyone who wanted to make the effort.

Times and circumstances have changed.

Today we are nation of 330,000,000... that's one third of a billion people.

Today, the land is all divvied-up and we cannot feed and clothe and educate and employ all of our own, most years.

We have all the talent and human capital we're going to need for a very long time.

We no longer have any need to facilitate large-scale immigration.

All good things come to an end, and that is the case with large-scale immigration to the US.

Fun-time's over, kiddies.
we are overpopulated in the USA when just 30 - 50 years ago the USA was a nice , most powerful , best living conditions , most prosperous and best fed nation in the world . ......

We are still the greatest nation in the world, and it is absurd to suggest my vast and beautiful country is anywhere near "overpopulated." Some people just can't be satisfied if they aren't bitching about something. Some people smelling the other side become spiteful about it and think giving the world the finger on their way down is somehow empowering. How sad to miss the last point.

We are no longer the greatest. We are just one of the greatest. That's your nationalistic pride talking. Everyone thinks their country is the greatest country. Well lets look at the facts

"We're seventh in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, third in median household income, No. 4 in labor force, and No. 4 in exports. ... So when you ask what makes us the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the f*** you're talking about."

Who Has the World's No. 1 Economy? Not the U.S.

So while a stupid broke public school teacher in America is screaming we're number one, China is passing us.
------------------------------- MY point is proven with your comment that we are No Longer the GREATEST although i don't agree with that judgement and opinion . But i guess that the USA used to be the Greatest eh so things must have recently changed ?? And i don't know , i look around and i see fat people all over the place mostly living comfortably in heated home , apartment or falling down hovels . Still they are well fed , have some sort of shelter , wear clothes , travel to and fro independently or on public transport so they have some money at least and most importantly , we can still kick and destroy 'china' azz . As far as the stats that you put up or mention . Well this is NEW and recent stats in American History . Maybe true , who knows other than that hip hopping 'will smith' Historian [chuckle] on History channel . -------------------- My judgement is that IF the USA isn't the Greatest anymore that its the fault of USA Government and diverse USA Society and their purposeful work to degrade the USA through immigration and other means . And my Personal Curse on younger residents of the USA is that they are getting what they deserve Sealy .
......The fact that we caused those species to almost go extinct proves we are overpopulated .......

No it doesn't, you illogical buffoon.
See here stupid. You see a story about how an animal almost went extinct because of us and you say, "see, we fixed the problem, we aren't overpopulated"

But the fact that they almost went extinct and many others have gone extinct because of us proves we are overpopulated. .....


Once again logic easily and smoothly evades you. Holy shit, how can you be this stupid and exist?
we are overpopulated in the USA when just 30 - 50 years ago the USA was a nice , most powerful , best living conditions , most prosperous and best fed nation in the world . ......

We are still the greatest nation in the world, and it is absurd to suggest my vast and beautiful country is anywhere near "overpopulated." Some people just can't be satisfied if they aren't bitching about something. Some people smelling the other side become spiteful about it and think giving the world the finger on their way down is somehow empowering. How sad to miss the last point.

We are no longer the greatest. We are just one of the greatest. That's your nationalistic pride talking. Everyone thinks their country is the greatest country. Well lets look at the facts

"We're seventh in literacy, 27th in math, 22nd in science, 49th in life expectancy, 178th in infant mortality, third in median household income, No. 4 in labor force, and No. 4 in exports. ... So when you ask what makes us the greatest country in the world, I don't know what the f*** you're talking about."

Who Has the World's No. 1 Economy? Not the U.S.

So while a stupid broke public school teacher in America is screaming we're number one, China is passing us.

The United States of America is still the greatest nation on the face of the earth. In fact, it is the greatest nation this planet has ever seen. Comparing other countries apples to our oranges is misleading to everyone except those as brain-dead as yourself. Eagerly cherry picking information to try and support your claim against the United States reveals more than enough about you. China has not surpassed us, as you can ask just about any Chinese person about. To give you some idea, take a look at how many people in China Are striving and eagerly competing to send their children or themselves to live and be educated in the United States of America. Of course, you are always free to go live somewhere else. My great nation would only be all the greater for your absence.
sounds nice , --------- I am a - yooper - though i prefer to be known as a Swamper or plain old Redneck / hillbilly. And concerning Deeeeeetroit . i hear that it is being rebuilt . What do you think about 'detroit' if you have any info or thoughts Sealy ??
sounds nice , --------- I am a - yooper - though i prefer to be known as a Swamper or plain old Redneck / hillbilly. And concerning Deeeeeetroit . i hear that it is being rebuilt . What do you think about 'detroit' if you have any info or thoughts Sealy ??

Detroit has been fixed up so much you wouldn't believe it. We took my dad through it and he couldn't believe it. White people are starting to move back. People are starting to invest. They are starting to raise rent to run out the rats. Dan Gilbert and 3 other rich guys own everything.

That's not to say Detroit doesn't still have high crime and poverty. Detroit is a HUGE place. Downtown has been fixed up but the 70% that isn't downtown is still bad. But no one white would ever go to those areas unless you got off on the wrong exit or something.
yeah , thanks Sealy . I've been hearing that Detroit is being rebuilt , also heard that land left vacant or with falling down houses is being bought up and urban farms are being developed on that land Sealy .
Since the industrial revolution, we have depended entirely on fossil fuels.
That is not just for transportation, manufacturing, heating, and cooling, but also for the creation of fertilizers and almost all farm production.
If and when fossil fuels run out, humans will be starving until the population significantly decreases.
That is unless we somehow discover some miracle energy source like fusion.
But that is very unlikely, and things like wind, solar, and geothermal are way too tiny in comparison.

But this same kind of democrat dumbass is just sure that Communism will work despite the fact that it never has. The fundamentally fucked up failure of what passes for leftist 'thinking.'
I'm no communist. Is that what you think? No wonder you're such an asshole.

Your masters at the other end of the leash are, or dream of being.
Is that why you, a union public school teacher is a Republican? They've convinced you that Democrats are communists? Boy are you fucking stupid.

Have you started a thread on this subject? I'd love for you to explain how my "masters" are communists.

I thought Democrats were in bed with the rich? I thought it was them who widened the gap between the rich and poor. THat's at least the stupid claim Republicans make. Now you are suggesting that we want to take the rich people's money and spread it around so that a doctor makes as much as a lowly public school teacher?

Who is saying that? No one. Maybe you need to re educate yourself. Maybe as a wrestler you were dropped on your head too many times.
The leaders of any supposed communist nation are all the rich.
Well trying to shrink the income inequality in this country or trying to shrink the gap between rich and poor isn't communism but that's what rich Republicans will tell you.

Gap between rich and poor continues to widen, latest Fed data show

What are Republicans doing about it? In 2016 they blamed Obama for it but now what are they doing to fix this problem? Or, now that Republicans are in charge, like the debt, this is no longer a problem. It was only a problem when Democrats were in charge. Blame Obama. But then don't give him credit for anything. Just blame.

The Democrats blame Republicans and the Republicans blame the Democrats and spending and deficits only matter to the party not in charge. I see no difference in the two parties.
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
I think resource distribution is the problem, not over-population.

There is plenty of food to go around for everyone. It just doesn't get to everywhere it is needed, for various reasons.

So, no. We do not have an over-population problem at this time.

The first real crush we will feel, as far as population goes, will be sources of fresh water. We are going to need to find a way to economically desalinate ocean water in the near future, I think.
There may be sufficient food, but humans are destroying the habitats of other animals. The population of this planet needs to be reduced to about 2 billion, and no higher.
Since the industrial revolution, we have depended entirely on fossil fuels.
That is not just for transportation, manufacturing, heating, and cooling, but also for the creation of fertilizers and almost all farm production.
If and when fossil fuels run out, humans will be starving until the population significantly decreases.
That is unless we somehow discover some miracle energy source like fusion.
But that is very unlikely, and things like wind, solar, and geothermal are way too tiny in comparison.
I don't believe it's unlikely that we'll develop fusion. Progress has been getting more rapid every year.
I'm no communist. Is that what you think? No wonder you're such an asshole.

Your masters at the other end of the leash are, or dream of being.
Is that why you, a union public school teacher is a Republican? They've convinced you that Democrats are communists? Boy are you fucking stupid.

Have you started a thread on this subject? I'd love for you to explain how my "masters" are communists.

I thought Democrats were in bed with the rich? I thought it was them who widened the gap between the rich and poor. THat's at least the stupid claim Republicans make. Now you are suggesting that we want to take the rich people's money and spread it around so that a doctor makes as much as a lowly public school teacher?

Who is saying that? No one. Maybe you need to re educate yourself. Maybe as a wrestler you were dropped on your head too many times.
The leaders of any supposed communist nation are all the rich.
Well trying to shrink the income inequality in this country or trying to shrink the gap between rich and poor isn't communism but that's what rich Republicans will tell you.

Gap between rich and poor continues to widen, latest Fed data show

What are Republicans doing about it? In 2016 they blamed Obama for it but now what are they doing to fix this problem? Or, now that Republicans are in charge, like the debt, this is no longer a problem. It was only a problem when Democrats were in charge. Blame Obama. But then don't give him credit for anything. Just blame.

The Democrats blame Republicans and the Republicans blame the Democrats and spending and deficits only matter to the party not in charge. I see no difference in the two parties.
That's what's wrong with the middle class. You right leaning middle class people see no difference. I do.
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
I think resource distribution is the problem, not over-population.

There is plenty of food to go around for everyone. It just doesn't get to everywhere it is needed, for various reasons.

So, no. We do not have an over-population problem at this time.

The first real crush we will feel, as far as population goes, will be sources of fresh water. We are going to need to find a way to economically desalinate ocean water in the near future, I think.
There may be sufficient food, but humans are destroying the habitats of other animals. The population of this planet needs to be reduced to about 2 billion, and no higher.

Yet here you still are...
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
I think resource distribution is the problem, not over-population.

There is plenty of food to go around for everyone. It just doesn't get to everywhere it is needed, for various reasons.

So, no. We do not have an over-population problem at this time.

The first real crush we will feel, as far as population goes, will be sources of fresh water. We are going to need to find a way to economically desalinate ocean water in the near future, I think.
There may be sufficient food, but humans are destroying the habitats of other animals. The population of this planet needs to be reduced to about 2 billion, and no higher.

Yet here you still are...
No one is suggesting that we kill anyone but if you can't afford to pay for a child on your own, don't have one. What are you suggesting? What should all the future women in poverty do? Should they continue having babies and collecting foodstamps and welfare or should a poor person who can't afford a child refrain from having one?

We have 15 million too many kids in America right now. Need proof?

About 15 million children in the United States – 21% of all children – live in families with incomes below the federal poverty threshold, a measurement that has been shown to underestimate the needs of families. Research shows that, on average, families need an income of about twice that level to cover basic expenses.
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
I think resource distribution is the problem, not over-population.

There is plenty of food to go around for everyone. It just doesn't get to everywhere it is needed, for various reasons.

So, no. We do not have an over-population problem at this time.

The first real crush we will feel, as far as population goes, will be sources of fresh water. We are going to need to find a way to economically desalinate ocean water in the near future, I think.
There may be sufficient food, but humans are destroying the habitats of other animals. The population of this planet needs to be reduced to about 2 billion, and no higher.

Yet here you still are...

I'm not asking anyone to commit suicide, shit for brains.
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
I think resource distribution is the problem, not over-population.

There is plenty of food to go around for everyone. It just doesn't get to everywhere it is needed, for various reasons.

So, no. We do not have an over-population problem at this time.

The first real crush we will feel, as far as population goes, will be sources of fresh water. We are going to need to find a way to economically desalinate ocean water in the near future, I think.
There may be sufficient food, but humans are destroying the habitats of other animals. The population of this planet needs to be reduced to about 2 billion, and no higher.

Yet here you still are...

I'm not asking anyone to commit suicide, shit for brains.

Not willing to put your money where your mouth is.
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
I think resource distribution is the problem, not over-population.

There is plenty of food to go around for everyone. It just doesn't get to everywhere it is needed, for various reasons.

So, no. We do not have an over-population problem at this time.

The first real crush we will feel, as far as population goes, will be sources of fresh water. We are going to need to find a way to economically desalinate ocean water in the near future, I think.
There may be sufficient food, but humans are destroying the habitats of other animals. The population of this planet needs to be reduced to about 2 billion, and no higher.

Yet here you still are...

I'm not asking anyone to commit suicide, shit for brains.

Not willing to put your money where your mouth is.
For a supposed educator you sure add very little to every conversation I ever see you in.

Human overpopulation occurs when the ecological footprint of a human population in a specific geographical location exceeds the carrying capacity of the place occupied by that group. Overpopulation can further be viewed, in a long term perspective, as existing if a population cannot be maintained given the rapid depletion of non-renewable resources or given the degradation of the capacity of the environment to give support to the population.

The term human overpopulation refers to the relationship between the entire human population and its environment: the Earth,[4] or to smaller geographical areas such as countries. Overpopulation can result from an increase in births, a decline in mortality rates, an increase in immigration, or an unsustainable biome and depletion of resources. It is possible for very sparsely populated areas to be overpopulated if the area has a meagre or non-existent capability to sustain life (e.g. a desert). Advocates of population moderation cite issues like quality of life, carrying capacity, and risk of starvation as a basis to argue for population decline. Scientists suggest that the human impact on the environment as a result of overpopulation, profligate consumption and proliferation of technology has pushed the planet into a new geological epoch known as the Anthropocene.
Sound familiar?

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