Do you believe that we are now or will soon be overpopulated?

The primary issue appears to be an over-saturation of people who watch "Keeping up with the Kardashians".
yep & overturning roe v wade is gonna turn the next population explosion up to 11.
--------------------------------------------------------- naw , just have American kids and let the third worlder stew in their juices in the third world Playtime .

american women still need the choice. & some real cheap birth control can go a long way in those countries.... less that will want to come here, right? think about it.

that there is some good conservatism....
not my concern and like i said , let the third worlders stew in their own juices Playtime .
yep & overturning roe v wade is gonna turn the next population explosion up to 11.

who is going to overturn it? funny how you take the position that its ok to murder millions of minority children in the name of controlling population. Are you a racist?
yep & overturning roe v wade is gonna turn the next population explosion up to 11.

who is going to overturn it? funny how you take the position that its ok to murder millions of minority children in the name of controlling population. Are you a racist?

hopefully no one- even if it goes back to the states.... funny how you are trying to flip the conversation to anything but how any women, no matter their color gets to control her own uterus & decides whether she wants to contribute to the population or not.
The earth is already overpopulated. modern medicine is mostly responsible (or gets the credit).

there are limits on how many humans this planet can feed, Africa and parts of asia are already unable to feed all the people who live there,

the real question is how do we stop or control it.

We (humanity) need not worry......
Mother nature WILL thin the heard. It's happened throughout history. Modern medicine has delayed the process, but that just means that when she comes charging back, it's gonna be a wipe out. A new virus will evolve, anti-biotics will become useless or something. Guaranteed. Billions will go at once. it's part of nature.

China's working on mutated pathogens that only affect humans without certain Asian genes.
No proof at this time.....but they're innovative and scientifically evolving rapidly. Plus, they don't have government restrictions.
There are so many of us that we are threatening to make Zebra's go extinct......

Really? Because there are so many of us? Or maybe because of what some of us are doing?

Alligators, Whooping Cranes, Bald Eagles, Peregrine Falcons, Wolves, Grizzly Bears, And California Condors were all endangered a generation or two ago (when there were fewer people, stupid) and now in the US are not.

How could this be if it is merely a matter of how many human beings are alive, stupid? Do you think there are more or fewer people working on behalf of endangered species today as compared with a generation ago, stupid?
Its not nearly a matter of. No one said that. That’s your dumb ass assumption

Some animals will adapt to the human virus like coyote might survive us.
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yep & overturning roe v wade is gonna turn the next population explosion up to 11.
--------------------------------------------------------- naw , just have American kids and let the third worlder stew in their juices in the third world Playtime .
You poor republicans may not believe me but the rich you worship and serve agree with me. They know eventually we’re going to need a massive purge of the poor. The rich will survive the depression but many of us will not.

Anyways, they know when they’re done selling oil and when water gets scarce they’ll be safe in their gated communities
I think the illumiati is correct as is written in stone ( Georgia guide-stones) Knock it back to 200 million rich people with a couple very well paid employees each and call it a day
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?

It’s an interesting topic. I think it depends where on the earth you are and how you define overpopulated. The world has shrunk in a manner of speaking since we can and do provide goods and service from one part of the earth to another. Therefore some areas which would have been considered over populated 100 years ago can now support many more people. Briefly, can the earth be over populated? Perhaps, but technology makes the carrying capacity much larger than it is today.

I would think that natural disasters and epidemics would cull the population making over population a long way off.
yep & overturning roe v wade is gonna turn the next population explosion up to 11.
--------------------------------------------------------- naw , just have American kids and let the third worlder stew in their juices in the third world Playtime .
You poor republicans may not believe me but the rich you worship and serve agree with me. They know eventually we’re going to need a massive purge of the poor. The rich will survive the depression but many of us will not.

Anyways, they know when they’re done selling oil and when water gets scarce they’ll be safe in their gated communities
-------------------------------- RUSH was telling a story similar to your thoughts today . Seems that some hugely rich tech big wigs hired a VERY smart guy to tell them where to go to avoid the coming catastrophe that the unwashed rabble would enjoy . Anyway , pretty interesting as they discussed Alaska or New Zealand Sealy . If they go to New Zealand they better stay away from the Mongrel Mob Sealy .
When liberals are worried about overpopulation, watch out for Margaret Sanger and Obamacare death panels.
Overpopulated by what, sharks or Downs Syndrome kids? You can't force people to conform to religious views but you can enact laws that respect the sanctity of animal and human life. We do it every day.
Simple question before I head out to work. Do you believe in overpopulation, do you think it's a current problem or a very near future one, and what label would you use to identify yourself overall?
The earth is finite in size and therefore, finite in its resources. It has no way of replenishing what it has and with large demands on its resources, at some point there will be an end to it and then we're screwed. We keep cutting down forests to make room for mining, assorted businesses, homes and parking lots, buying up family farms to create our suburban areas, we overfish to meet the demands for more seafood and go blissfully about our lives in an "all will be well, it'll all be here, there's no end to what's available" attitude.
So, yes, we are overpopulated, but if elements of society claim that we should refrain from spitting out more kids, business complain that it'll ruin the economy. All that would happen if there were less humans would be businesses shrinking to meet the demands of smaller towns, of course, that would mean less money in the corporate heads pockets, which they would and do scream against.
...... You know who has engineered a solution to this? India and China........

No they haven't.

Yes they have. Do you want to see what the Chinese came up with? It's brilliant!

Meaning what, stupid?
That’s their solution rather than population control. Less people means less coal needed to burn.


What the hell are you talking about, fool?
There are so many of us that we are threatening to make Zebra's go extinct......

Really? Because there are so many of us? Or maybe because of what some of us are doing?

Alligators, Whooping Cranes, Bald Eagles, Peregrine Falcons, Wolves, Grizzly Bears, And California Condors were all endangered a generation or two ago (when there were fewer people, stupid) and now in the US are not.

How could this be if it is merely a matter of how many human beings are alive, stupid? Do you think there are more or fewer people working on behalf of endangered species today as compared with a generation ago, stupid?
... No one said that. ........

Other than you, stupid.

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